SIMPLE = T / file does conform to FITS standard BITPIX = 8 / number of bits per data pixel NAXIS = 2 / number of data axes NAXIS1 = 64 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 200 / length of data axis 2 EXTEND = T / FITS dataset may contain extensions XPROC0 = 'badpixfind eventset=rawevents04.dat lothresh=0 hithresh=0.00025 sea&'CONTINUE 'rchbadpix=yes columnsearchlabel=median locolthresh=0 hicolthresh=7e&'CONTINUE '-05 withsearchbadcolumn=yes rawxlist='''' rawylist='''' typelist=&' CONTINUE ''''' yextentlist='''' userflagbadpix=no thresholdlabel=rate flicker&'CONTINUE 'timesteps=1 flickerksthresh=0.55 flickerchisqthresh=15 cellsize=2 b&'CONTINUE 'ackgroundrate=-1 narrowerthanpsf=0 badpixset=badpixfind.fits badpix&'CONTINUE 'map=P0105470101PNS001BPXHMK0004.FIT withbadpixmap=yes withfovmask=y&'CONTINUE 'es threshabovebackground=yes mappixcellsize=1 loenergythresh=7 hien&'CONTINUE 'ergythresh=15 ccd=-1 # (badpixfind-1.37) [xmmsas_20110223_1801-11.0&'CONTINUE '.0] ' XDAL0 = 'P0105470101PNS001BPXHMK0004.FIT 2011-11-29T15:02:20.000 Create badp&'CONTINUE 'ixfind (badpixfind-1.37) [xmmsas_20110223_1801-11.0.0] High SAS_MEM&'CONTINUE 'ORY_MODEL= SAS_ROWS= SAS_ZERO_ROWS= SAS_COLUMN_WISE= ' CREATOR = 'badpixfind (badpixfind-1.37) [xmmsas_20110223_1801-11.0.0]' / name ofDATE = '2011-11-29T15:02:20.000' / creation date EXTVER = 1 / Extension version TELESCOP= 'XMM ' / XMM mission INSTRUME= 'EPN ' / EPIC p-n Instrument DATATYPE= 'IMAGE.EL' / Type of data OBS_ID = '0105470101' / Observation identifier EXP_ID = '0105470101001' / Exposure identifier QUADRANT= 1 / Quadrant ID CCDID = 0 / CCD ID QUADMODE= 0 / Quadrant Mode CCDMODE = 3 / CCD Mode FRMTIME = 6 / [ms] Frame Time, nearest integer WINDOWX0= 1 / X coordinate of bottom left corner of window WINDOWY0= 137 / Y coordinate of bottom left corner of window WINDOWDX= 64 / Size, along x-axis, of window WINDOWDY= 64 / Size, along y-axis, of window DATE-OBS= '2000-09-07T18:47:18' / Exposure Start Time DATE-END= '2000-09-08T01:04:30' / Exposure End Time DATAMODE= 'IMAGING ' / Instrument mode (IMAGING, TIMING, FAST, etc.) SUBMODE = 'PrimeSmallWindow' / Readout submode DATE_OBS= '2000-09-07T18:31:03.000' / Date observations were made DATE_END= '2000-09-08T01:04:30.000' / Date observations ended DURATION= 2.36070000000000E+04 / [s] Duration of observation EXPSTART= '2000-09-07T18:47:18' / Start Time (UTC) of exposure EXPSTOP = '2000-09-08T01:04:30' / End Time (UTC) of exposure OBSSTART= '2000-09-07T18:31:03.000' / Date observation was started OBSSTOP = '2000-09-08T01:04:30.000' / Date observation was stopped REVOLUT = 137 / XMM revolution number BPT_CODE= '0_000_UNK' / BPT_CODE F1529_F1530_F1528 SRCPOS = 191 / [pixel] Assumed RAWY source position for fast mODFLATEX= '0137\_0105470101\_PNS001' / ODF identifier XMMEA_3 = '(FLAG & 0x8) != 0' / ON_OFFSET_COLUMN XMMEA_4 = '(FLAG & 0x10) != 0' / NEXT_TO_OFFSET_COLUMN XMMEA_11= '(FLAG & 0x800) != 0' / IN_SPOILED_FRAME XMMEA_17= '(FLAG & 0x20000) != 0' / IN_BAD_FRAME XMMEA_25= '(FLAG & 0x2000000) != 0' / OUT_OF_CCD_WINDOW XMMEA_20= '(FLAG & 0x100000) != 0' / MIP_ASSOCIATED XMMEA_EP= '(FLAG & 0xcfa0000) == 0' / Select good PN events TIMESYS = 'TT ' / XMM time will be TT (Terrestial Time) MJDREF = 5.08140000000000E+04 / [d] 1998-01-01T00:00:00 (TT) expressed in MJD (TIMEZERO= 0 / Clock correction (if not zero) TIMEUNIT= 's ' / All times in s unless specified otherwise CLOCKAPP= T / Clock correction applied TIMEREF = 'LOCAL ' / Reference location of photon arrival times TASSIGN = 'SATELLITE' / Location of time assignment TRESET = 7.87608609223238E+07 / [s] Reset time offset added to PN times TSTART = 8.47397014327944E+07 / Start time of first frame TSTOP = 8.47623027229751E+07 / End time of last frame TELAPSE = 2.26012901806840E+04 / [s] Time elapsed between TSTART and TSTOP MIP_THRS= 3000 / maximum PHA for non-MIPs MIP_METH= 'ONBOARD ' / method to handle MIPs QUAL_MAX= 0 / maximum allowed quality CCDSMODE= 22 / CCD sub-mode TASK_RUN= '20111129100137.519' / time when epframes was run HK_TMP_B= '------------------' / - Begin of selected list of HK parameters -----F1030 = 5978840 / [s] Coarse time reset F1052 = 32400 / [s] Time wrap reset F1294 = 0 / Quadrant wait states AX_FC0 = 7.10099995136261E-01 / mode dependent constant livetime AX_FC3 = 1.00000000000000E+00 / chopper dependent constant livetime AN_MAXFR= 20 / An_MAXFRC F1538 F1638 F1738 F1838 AN_CHOP = 0 / An_CHOP F1534 F1634 F1734 F1834 AN_CMCOR= 512 / An_CMCORR F1525 F1625 F1725 F1825 AN_CMLOT= 532 / An_CMLOTH F1515 F1516 F1517 F1615 F1616 F1617..AN_MAXMI= 63 / An_MAXMIP F1527 F1627 F1727 F1827 AN_MIP = 3512 / An_MIP F1526 F1626 F1726 F1826 AN_EAMIP= 1 / An_EAMIPSEL F1536 F1636 F1736 F1836 AN_SENDM= 'NO MIP CORR.' / An_SENDMODE F1535 F1635 F1735 F1835 AN_DSLIN= 0.00000000000000E+00 / An_DSLINC F1330 F1375 F1420 F1465 AX_QCCDS= 144 / An_CCDSWISTAT + QUADSEL F1077 F1076 F1075 F1074GAINCAME= 'HIGH ' / ECACHn_GAINCAME F1227 F1226 F1225 F1234 F1233..F1122MIN= 2.34906005859375E+02 / [deg] H_CE_FWSPOS_MIN F1122 F1122MAX= 2.35744003295898E+02 / [deg] H_CE_FWSPOS_MAX F1122 F1122AVE= 2.35366897583008E+02 / [deg] H_CE_FWSPOS_AVE F1122 F1128MIN= -9.01671829223633E+01 / [deg C] H_CE_TTMPFPF_MIN F1128 F1128MAX= -8.97307815551758E+01 / [deg C] H_CE_TTMPFPF_MAX F1128 F1128AVE= -8.99494857788086E+01 / [deg C] H_CE_TTMPFPF_AVE F1128 F1128OMI= -8.97307815551758E+01 / [deg C] H_OT_TTMPFPF_MIN F1128 F1128OMA= -8.96216735839844E+01 / [deg C] H_OT_TTMPFPF_MAX F1128 F1128OAV= -8.96380386352539E+01 / [deg C] H_OT_TTMPFPF_AVE F1128 TQB1_MIN= 1.27120666503906E+01 / [deg C] E_Cx_TEMPQB1_MIN F1576 F1676 F1776 F187TQB1_MAX= 1.43737487792969E+01 / [deg C] E_Cx_TEMPQB1_MAX F1576 F1676 F1776 F187TQB1_AVE= 1.40857858657837E+01 / [deg C] E_Cx_TEMPQB1_AVE F1576 F1676 F1776 F187IGRA_MIN= 2.31724548339844E+00 / [micro A] E_Cx_IGRAy_MIN F1571 F1572 F1573 F167IGRA_MAX= 3.47474670410156E+00 / [micro A] E_Cx_IGRAy_MAX F1571 F1572 F1573 F167IGRA_AVE= 3.35965418815613E+00 / [micro A] E_Cx_IGRAy_AVE F1571 F1572 F1573 F167UHV_MIN = -1.63497863769531E+02 / [V] V_VC_UHV_MIN F1198 F1199 F1200 F1201 UHV_MAX = -1.60123779296875E+02 / [V] V_VC_UHV_MAX F1198 F1199 F1200 F1201 UHV_AVE = -1.62419281005859E+02 / [V] V_VC_UHV_AVE F1198 F1199 F1200 F1201 BPX_OCV = 'nom3 ' / BadPixelMap + Offset Correction Vector Setup SETUPSAS= 'TTT ' / ODF HK CCF input status words OT_START= '2000-09-07T18:43:03' / Start Time (UTC) of offset table calculation OT_STOP = '2000-09-07T18:45:35' / End Time (UTC) of offset table calculation OT_CHOP = 16 / An_CHOP F1534 F1634 F1734 F1834 OT_CMCOR= 256 / An_CMCORR F1525 F1625 F1725 F1825 OT_CMLOT= 0 / An_CMLOTH F1515 F1516 F1517 F1615 F1616 F1617..OT_MAXMI= 5 / An_MAXMIP F1527 F1627 F1727 F1827 OT_MIP = 3000 / An_MIP F1526 F1626 F1726 F1826 OT_EAMIP= 0 / An_EAMIPSEL F1536 F1636 F1736 F1836 OT_SENDM= 'NO MIP CORR.' / An_SENDMODE F1535 F1635 F1735 F1835 FROFFMAP= 100 / Number of frames for offset map calculation MCOFFMAP= 'OFF ' / Status of median correction for offset map calcFRAMETIM= 5.67180000000000E+00 / [ms] nominal frame time HK_TMP_E= '------------------' / -- End of selected list of HK parameters ------MIPCOLN = 89990 / Number of MIP events WRGAMPLI= 0 / Number of events with negative PHA WRGCOORD= 0 / Number of events with wrong coordinates WRGORDER= 1 / Number of frames in wrong readout order WRGTIME = 0 / Number of frames in wrong time order WRGCOARS= 9 / Number of frames with FFFF coarse time FRAMEBAD= 1 / Number of bad frames FRAMETOT= 1752745 / Total number of input frames EMPTYFRM= 'enabled ' / Handling of empty frames MASKX0 = 0 / X coordinate of bottom left corner of mask MASKY0 = 0 / Y coordinate of bottom left corner of mask MASKDX = 0 / Size, along x-axis, of mask MASKDY = 0 / Size, along y-axis, of mask MASKCCD = 4 / CCD where mask is located in TIMEDEL = 3.98120000000000E-03 / [s] Length of exposure entry interval ONTIME = 1.01774342021644E+04 / [s] Total good times LIVETIME= 7.22699597745657E+03 / [s] Good times * FC0 EXPOSURE= 7.22699597745657E+03 / [s] temporary = LIVETIME COUNTMOD= 1.23988658227200E+04 / [s] Intervals in Counting Mode of this quadrantFIFOLOSS= 1.36080000000000E-01 / [s] Exposure loss due to FIFO AUX2 overflows FIFOOVER= 12 / Number of FIFO AUX2 overflows FIFODEFI= 4853 / Number of FIFO AUX2 deficiencies FIFORATE= 6.67515836170808E+00 / [cts/frame] CCD original event rate (after on-bEPDHRATE= 4.73903289628114E+00 / [cts/frame] Quadrant original event rate (afterABOVRATE= 4.74362250315773E+00 / [cts/frame] Quadrant original event rate (afterDEFARATE= 4.73903289628114E+00 / [cts/frame] Quadrant original event rate (afterNDSCLINQ= 0 / MIP rejected columns total quadrant (AUX) NDSCLINA= 0 / MIP rejected columns per AN_MAXFRC frames (AUX)NDSCLINC= 84235 / MIP rejected columns single CCD (SAS) OBT_WARN= F / Did InvalidObtValue warning occur for this CCD GOODPIX = 3821 / Number of good map pixels HISTORY Created by badpixfind (badpixfind-1.37) [xmmsas_20110223_1801-11.0.0] atHISTORY 2011-11-29T15:02:20 END