smart_error 2 dchi=4.605 log=param_log/fullrun_mos1_xmm0103863201_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src1_pl_Nh.log param_name=Nh {xtitle=N\dH\u (x 10\u22\d cm\u-2\d)} qdp=param_qdp/fullrun_mos1_xmm0103863201_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src1_pl init_step=1 Initial range guess = 0.001000 Current chisq = 199.704000 Current parameter value = 0.018143 Parameter lower bound guess = 0.017143 Parameter upper bound guess = 0.019143 smart_step 2 0.018143 0.017143 10 Stepping range = 0.017143 - 0.018143 Hard limits = 0, 1e+06 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 2 0.018143 0.017143 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 2 Chi-Squared 199.7040 0.0000 0.01814 199.7040 199.7050 0.0010 0.01804 199.7040 199.7050 0.0010 0.01794 199.7040 199.7050 0.0010 0.01784 199.7040 199.7060 0.0020 0.01774 199.7040 199.7070 0.0030 0.01764 199.7040 199.7080 0.0040 0.01754 199.7040 199.7090 0.0050 0.01744 199.7040 199.7100 0.0060 0.01734 199.7040 199.7120 0.0080 0.01724 199.7040 199.7130 0.0090 0.01714 199.7040 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step smart_step 2 0.018143 0.019143 10 Stepping range = 0.018143 - 0.019143 Hard limits = 0, 1e+06 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 2 0.018143 0.019143 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 2 Chi-Squared 199.7040 0.0000 0.01814 199.7040 199.7050 0.0010 0.01824 199.7040 199.7050 0.0010 0.01834 199.7040 199.7050 0.0010 0.01844 199.7040 199.7060 0.0020 0.01854 199.7040 199.7070 0.0030 0.01864 199.7040 199.7080 0.0040 0.01874 199.7040 199.7090 0.0050 0.01884 199.7040 199.7100 0.0060 0.01894 199.7040 199.7110 0.0070 0.01904 199.7040 199.7130 0.0090 0.01914 199.7040 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step Current chisq = 199.704000 New lower guess = -0.0285706 Resetting lower guess to hard limit = 0.000000 New upper guess = 0.0412834 smart_error iteration no. 1 Current chisq = 199.704000 Current parameter value = 0.018143 Parameter lower bound guess = 0 Parameter upper bound guess = 0.0412834 smart_step 2 0.018143 0 10 Stepping range = 0 - 0.018143 Hard limits = 0, 1e+06 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 2 0.018143 0 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 2 Chi-Squared 199.7040 0.0000 0.01814 199.7040 199.7340 0.0300 0.01633 199.7040 199.8230 0.1190 0.01451 199.7040 199.9730 0.2690 0.0127 199.7040 200.1850 0.4810 0.01089 199.7040 200.4620 0.7580 0.009071 199.7040 200.8040 1.1000 0.007257 199.7040 201.2140 1.5100 0.005443 199.7040 201.6930 1.9890 0.003629 199.7040 202.2430 2.5390 0.001814 199.7040 202.8650 3.1610 0 199.7040 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step smart_step 2 0.018143 0.0412834 10 Stepping range = 0.018143 - 0.0412834 Hard limits = 0, 1e+06 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 2 0.018143 0.0412834 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 2 Chi-Squared 199.7040 0.0000 0.01814 199.7040 199.7510 0.0470 0.02046 199.7040 199.8890 0.1850 0.02277 199.7040 200.1150 0.4110 0.02509 199.7040 200.4270 0.7230 0.0274 199.7040 200.8220 1.1180 0.02971 199.7040 201.2980 1.5940 0.03203 199.7040 201.8520 2.1480 0.03434 199.7040 202.4820 2.7780 0.03666 199.7040 203.1850 3.4810 0.03897 199.7040 203.9590 4.2550 0.04128 199.7040 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step Current chisq = 199.704000 New lower guess = -0.00783943 Hit hard lower limit with delta chisq = 2.539000 New upper guess = 0.047301 smart_error iteration no. 2 Current chisq = 199.704000 Current parameter value = 0.018143 Parameter lower bound = 0 Parameter upper bound guess = 0.047301 smart_step 2 0.018143 0.047301 10 Stepping range = 0.018143 - 0.047301 Hard limits = 0, 1e+06 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 2 0.018143 0.047301 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 2 Chi-Squared 199.7040 0.0000 0.01814 199.7040 199.7780 0.0740 0.02106 199.7040 199.9950 0.2910 0.02397 199.7040 200.3510 0.6470 0.02689 199.7040 200.8400 1.1360 0.02981 199.7040 201.4570 1.7530 0.03272 199.7040 202.1960 2.4920 0.03564 199.7040 203.0540 3.3500 0.03855 199.7040 204.0250 4.3210 0.04147 199.7040 205.1050 5.4010 0.04439 199.7040 206.2900 6.5860 0.0473 199.7040 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step Current chisq = 199.704000 Found upper bound smart_error iteration no. 3 Final error range: (0 - 0.0422685) Saving qdp file in param_qdp/fullrun_mos1_xmm0103863201_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src1_pl_Nh.qdp