smart_error 2 dchi=4.605 log=param_log/fullrun_pn_xmm0100241201_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src33_pl_Nh.log param_name=Nh {xtitle=N\dH\u (x 10\u22\d cm\u-2\d)} qdp=param_qdp/fullrun_pn_xmm0100241201_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src33_pl init_step=1 Initial range guess = 0.001000 Current chisq = 37.150600 Current parameter value = 0.0227591 Parameter lower bound guess = 0.0217591 Parameter upper bound guess = 0.0237591 smart_step 2 0.0227591 0.0217591 10 Stepping range = 0.0217591 - 0.0227591 Hard limits = 0, 1e+06 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 2 0.0227591 0.0217591 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 2 Chi-Squared 37.1506 0.0000 0.02276 37.1506 37.1506 0.0000 0.02266 37.1506 37.1506 0.0000 0.02256 37.1506 37.1506 0.0000 0.02246 37.1506 37.1506 0.0000 0.02236 37.1506 37.1507 0.0001 0.02226 37.1506 37.1507 0.0001 0.02216 37.1506 37.1508 0.0002 0.02206 37.1506 37.1508 0.0002 0.02196 37.1506 37.1509 0.0003 0.02186 37.1506 37.1510 0.0004 0.02176 37.1506 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step smart_step 2 0.0227591 0.0237591 10 Stepping range = 0.0227591 - 0.0237591 Hard limits = 0, 1e+06 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 2 0.0227591 0.0237591 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 2 Chi-Squared 37.1506 0.0000 0.02276 37.1506 37.1506 0.0000 0.02286 37.1506 37.1506 0.0000 0.02296 37.1506 37.1506 0.0000 0.02306 37.1506 37.1506 0.0000 0.02316 37.1506 37.1507 0.0001 0.02326 37.1506 37.1507 0.0001 0.02336 37.1506 37.1508 0.0002 0.02346 37.1506 37.1508 0.0002 0.02356 37.1506 37.1509 0.0003 0.02366 37.1506 37.1510 0.0004 0.02376 37.1506 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step Current chisq = 37.150600 New lower guess = -0.073599 Resetting lower guess to hard limit = 0.000000 New upper guess = 0.119117 smart_error iteration no. 1 Current chisq = 37.150600 Current parameter value = 0.0227591 Parameter lower bound guess = 0 Parameter upper bound guess = 0.119117 smart_step 2 0.0227591 0 10 Stepping range = 0 - 0.0227591 Hard limits = 0, 1e+06 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 2 0.0227591 0 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 2 Chi-Squared 37.1506 0.0000 0.02276 37.1506 37.1528 0.0022 0.02048 37.1506 37.1595 0.0089 0.01821 37.1506 37.1708 0.0202 0.01593 37.1506 37.1867 0.0361 0.01366 37.1506 37.2073 0.0567 0.01138 37.1506 37.2328 0.0822 0.009104 37.1506 37.2632 0.1126 0.006828 37.1506 37.2985 0.1479 0.004552 37.1506 37.3390 0.1884 0.002276 37.1506 37.3847 0.2341 0 37.1506 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step smart_step 2 0.0227591 0.119117 10 Stepping range = 0.0227591 - 0.119117 Hard limits = 0, 1e+06 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 2 0.0227591 0.119117 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 2 Chi-Squared 37.1506 0.0000 0.02276 37.1506 37.1885 0.0379 0.03239 37.1506 37.2986 0.1480 0.04203 37.1506 37.4748 0.3242 0.05167 37.1506 37.7115 0.5609 0.0613 37.1506 38.0034 0.8528 0.07094 37.1506 38.3453 1.1947 0.08057 37.1506 38.7326 1.5820 0.09021 37.1506 39.1608 2.0102 0.09985 37.1506 39.6257 2.4751 0.1095 37.1506 40.1233 2.9727 0.1191 37.1506 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step Current chisq = 37.150600 New lower guess = -0.0955961 Hit hard lower limit with delta chisq = 0.188400 New upper guess = 0.173453 smart_error iteration no. 2 Current chisq = 37.150600 Current parameter value = 0.0227591 Parameter lower bound = 0 Parameter upper bound guess = 0.173453 smart_step 2 0.0227591 0.173453 10 Stepping range = 0.0227591 - 0.173453 Hard limits = 0, 1e+06 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 2 0.0227591 0.173453 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 2 Chi-Squared 37.1506 0.0000 0.02276 37.1506 37.2421 0.0915 0.03783 37.1506 37.5018 0.3512 0.0529 37.1506 37.9078 0.7572 0.06797 37.1506 38.4402 1.2896 0.08304 37.1506 39.0807 1.9301 0.09811 37.1506 39.8128 2.6622 0.1132 37.1506 40.6215 3.4709 0.1282 37.1506 41.4931 4.3425 0.1433 37.1506 42.4151 5.2645 0.1584 37.1506 43.3765 6.2259 0.1735 37.1506 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step Current chisq = 37.150600 Found upper bound smart_error iteration no. 3 Final error range: (0 - 0.147755) Saving qdp file in param_qdp/fullrun_pn_xmm0100241201_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src33_pl_Nh.qdp