Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src1_1.ximg # Saved at Tue Oct 4 01:59:37 2011 data ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 282 341 298 357 Reading ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (281:297, 340:356) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 1.12617 0.0187935 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.0108636 0.000731881 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.000135366 0.000836782 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 0.712154 0.0991143 -32.2417 32.2417 -1 setpar 5 4.89013 0.0892274 -32.2417 32.2417 -1 setpar 6 24.3783 0.346085 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 8.34626 0.0786786 2.01511 16.1209 -1 setpar 8 8.34626 0.001 2.01511 16.1209 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries -1412.49 -2 1.126 -0.01086 -0.0001354 0.7122 4.89 24.38 8.346 8.346 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries -1412.49 -1 1.126 -0.01086 -0.0001354 0.7122 4.89 24.38 8.346 8.346 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries -1412.49 0 1.126 -0.01086 -0.0001354 0.7122 4.89 24.38 8.346 8.346 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries -1412.49 1 1.126 -0.01086 -0.0001354 0.7122 4.89 24.38 8.346 8.346 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries -1412.49 2 1.126 -0.01086 -0.0001354 0.7122 4.89 24.38 8.346 8.346 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries -1412.49 3 1.126 -0.01086 -0.0001354 0.7122 4.89 24.38 8.346 8.346 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries -1412.49 4 1.126 -0.01086 -0.0001354 0.7122 4.89 24.38 8.346 8.346 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries -1412.49 5 1.126 -0.01086 -0.0001354 0.7122 4.89 24.38 8.346 8.346 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries -1412.49 6 1.126 -0.01086 -0.0001354 0.7122 4.89 24.38 8.346 8.346 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries -1412.49 7 1.126 -0.01086 -0.0001354 0.7122 4.89 24.38 8.346 8.346 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src1.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src1.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src2_1.ximg # Saved at Tue Oct 4 02:00:12 2011 data ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 146 333 162 349 Reading ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (145:161, 332:348) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 2.29549 0.0212695 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.0586825 0.0009375 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.00221495 0.000916443 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 47.4768 0.0199902 -47.4768 47.4768 -1 setpar 5 -47.4768 9.49536 -47.4768 47.4768 -1 setpar 6 1e-06 20.47 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 2.9673 2.047 2.9673 23.7384 -1 setpar 8 2.9673 0.001 2.9673 23.7384 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 121.91 -2 2.295 0.05868 0.002215 47.48 -47.48 1e-06 2.967 2.967 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 121.91 -1 2.295 0.05868 0.002215 47.48 -47.48 1e-06 2.967 2.967 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 121.91 0 2.295 0.05868 0.002215 47.48 -47.48 1e-06 2.967 2.967 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 121.91 1 2.295 0.05868 0.002215 47.48 -47.48 1e-06 2.967 2.967 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 121.91 2 2.295 0.05868 0.002215 47.48 -47.48 1e-06 2.967 2.967 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 121.91 3 2.295 0.05868 0.002215 47.48 -47.48 1e-06 2.967 2.967 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 121.91 4 2.295 0.05868 0.002215 47.48 -47.48 1e-06 2.967 2.967 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 121.91 5 2.295 0.05868 0.002215 47.48 -47.48 1e-06 2.967 2.967 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 121.91 6 2.295 0.05868 0.002215 47.48 -47.48 1e-06 2.967 2.967 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 121.91 7 2.295 0.05868 0.002215 47.48 -47.48 1e-06 2.967 2.967 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src2.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src2.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src3_1.ximg # Saved at Tue Oct 4 02:01:03 2011 data ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 255 373 271 389 Reading ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (254:270, 372:388) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 0.389663 0.00863475 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.00173451 0.000361686 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.00949539 0.000445103 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 1.50044 0.0878795 -21.4979 21.4979 -1 setpar 5 2.04595 0.0184347 -21.4979 21.4979 -1 setpar 6 22.2035 0.45925 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 5.53652 0.0514473 1.34362 10.7489 -1 setpar 8 5.53652 0.001 1.34362 10.7489 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries -243.81 -2 0.3897 -0.001735 0.009495 1.5 2.046 22.2 5.537 5.537 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries -243.81 -1 0.3897 -0.001735 0.009495 1.5 2.046 22.2 5.537 5.537 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries -243.81 0 0.3897 -0.001735 0.009495 1.5 2.046 22.2 5.537 5.537 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries -243.81 1 0.3897 -0.001735 0.009495 1.5 2.046 22.2 5.537 5.537 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries -243.81 2 0.3897 -0.001735 0.009495 1.5 2.046 22.2 5.537 5.537 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries -243.81 3 0.3897 -0.001735 0.009495 1.5 2.046 22.2 5.537 5.537 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries -243.81 4 0.3897 -0.001735 0.009495 1.5 2.046 22.2 5.537 5.537 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries -243.81 5 0.3897 -0.001735 0.009495 1.5 2.046 22.2 5.537 5.537 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries -243.81 6 0.3897 -0.001735 0.009495 1.5 2.046 22.2 5.537 5.537 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries -243.81 7 0.3897 -0.001735 0.009495 1.5 2.046 22.2 5.537 5.537 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src3.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src3.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src4_1.ximg # Saved at Tue Oct 4 02:01:41 2011 data ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 301 313 317 329 Reading ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (300:316, 312:328) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 0.613722 0.0119531 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.00128788 0.000549164 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.00479721 0.000605469 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 -0.216884 0.116016 -32.5867 32.5867 -1 setpar 5 2.75908 0.11625 -32.5867 32.5867 -1 setpar 6 14.8733 0.24 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 8.20141 0.0767812 2.03667 16.2933 -1 setpar 8 8.20141 0.001 2.03667 16.2933 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries -316.63 -2 0.6137 0.001288 0.004797 -0.2169 2.759 14.87 8.201 8.201 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries -316.63 -1 0.6137 0.001288 0.004797 -0.2169 2.759 14.87 8.201 8.201 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries -316.63 0 0.6137 0.001288 0.004797 -0.2169 2.759 14.87 8.201 8.201 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries -316.63 1 0.6137 0.001288 0.004797 -0.2169 2.759 14.87 8.201 8.201 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries -316.63 2 0.6137 0.001288 0.004797 -0.2169 2.759 14.87 8.201 8.201 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries -316.63 3 0.6137 0.001288 0.004797 -0.2169 2.759 14.87 8.201 8.201 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries -316.63 4 0.6137 0.001288 0.004797 -0.2169 2.759 14.87 8.201 8.201 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries -316.63 5 0.6137 0.001288 0.004797 -0.2169 2.759 14.87 8.201 8.201 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries -316.63 6 0.6137 0.001288 0.004797 -0.2169 2.759 14.87 8.201 8.201 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries -316.63 7 0.6137 0.001288 0.004797 -0.2169 2.759 14.87 8.201 8.201 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src4.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src4.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src5_1.ximg # Saved at Tue Oct 4 02:02:58 2011 data ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 218 326 234 342 Reading ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (217:233, 325:341) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 0.272941 0.00722113 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.0114695 0.000493938 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.00153496 0.000310935 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 1.18412 0.117663 -24.7721 24.7721 -1 setpar 5 3.88189 0.123289 -24.7721 24.7721 -1 setpar 6 12.4395 0.219149 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 6.19125 0.0811898 1.54826 12.3861 -1 setpar 8 6.19125 0.001 1.54826 12.3861 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 46.01 -2 0.2729 -0.01147 0.001535 1.184 3.882 12.44 6.191 6.191 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 46.01 -1 0.2729 -0.01147 0.001535 1.184 3.882 12.44 6.191 6.191 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 46.01 0 0.2729 -0.01147 0.001535 1.184 3.882 12.44 6.191 6.191 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 46.01 1 0.2729 -0.01147 0.001535 1.184 3.882 12.44 6.191 6.191 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 46.01 2 0.2729 -0.01147 0.001535 1.184 3.882 12.44 6.191 6.191 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 46.01 3 0.2729 -0.01147 0.001535 1.184 3.882 12.44 6.191 6.191 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 46.01 4 0.2729 -0.01147 0.001535 1.184 3.882 12.44 6.191 6.191 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 46.01 5 0.2729 -0.01147 0.001535 1.184 3.882 12.44 6.191 6.191 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 46.01 6 0.2729 -0.01147 0.001535 1.184 3.882 12.44 6.191 6.191 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 46.01 7 0.2729 -0.01147 0.001535 1.184 3.882 12.44 6.191 6.191 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src5.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src5.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit stamps/ exists root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src6_1.ximg # Saved at Tue Oct 4 02:03:49 2011 data ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 296 442 312 458 Reading ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (295:311, 441:457) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 0.278183 0.00796881 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.000371756 0.000359349 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.00080857 0.000344634 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 1.25288 0.232031 -30.4987 30.4987 -1 setpar 5 4.43969 0.204397 -30.4987 30.4987 -1 setpar 6 4.4956 0.131554 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 7.80895 0.165959 1.90617 15.2493 -1 setpar 8 7.80895 0.001 1.90617 15.2493 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 306.78 -2 0.2782 -0.0003718 -0.0008086 1.253 4.44 4.496 7.809 7.809 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 306.78 -1 0.2782 -0.0003718 -0.0008086 1.253 4.44 4.496 7.809 7.809 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 306.78 0 0.2782 -0.0003718 -0.0008086 1.253 4.44 4.496 7.809 7.809 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 306.78 1 0.2782 -0.0003718 -0.0008086 1.253 4.44 4.496 7.809 7.809 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 306.78 2 0.2782 -0.0003718 -0.0008086 1.253 4.44 4.496 7.809 7.809 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 306.78 3 0.2782 -0.0003718 -0.0008086 1.253 4.44 4.496 7.809 7.809 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 306.78 4 0.2782 -0.0003718 -0.0008086 1.253 4.44 4.496 7.809 7.809 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 306.78 5 0.2782 -0.0003718 -0.0008086 1.253 4.44 4.496 7.809 7.809 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 306.78 6 0.2782 -0.0003718 -0.0008086 1.253 4.44 4.496 7.809 7.809 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 306.78 7 0.2782 -0.0003718 -0.0008086 1.253 4.44 4.496 7.809 7.809 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src6.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src6.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src7_1.ximg # Saved at Tue Oct 4 02:04:37 2011 data ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 200 360 216 376 Reading ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (199:215, 359:375) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 0.39755 0.00830412 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.000616392 0.000418625 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.00420179 0.000427799 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 0.796511 0.172214 -42.1248 42.1248 -1 setpar 5 6.0247 0.16084 -42.1248 42.1248 -1 setpar 6 7.95445 0.343119 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 4.3606 0.104057 2.6328 21.0624 -1 setpar 8 4.3606 0.001 2.6328 21.0624 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 326.10 -2 0.3976 -0.0006164 -0.004202 0.7965 6.025 7.954 4.361 4.361 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 326.10 -1 0.3976 -0.0006164 -0.004202 0.7965 6.025 7.954 4.361 4.361 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 326.10 0 0.3976 -0.0006164 -0.004202 0.7965 6.025 7.954 4.361 4.361 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 326.10 1 0.3976 -0.0006164 -0.004202 0.7965 6.025 7.954 4.361 4.361 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 326.10 2 0.3976 -0.0006164 -0.004202 0.7965 6.025 7.954 4.361 4.361 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 326.10 3 0.3976 -0.0006164 -0.004202 0.7965 6.025 7.954 4.361 4.361 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 326.10 4 0.3976 -0.0006164 -0.004202 0.7965 6.025 7.954 4.361 4.361 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 326.10 5 0.3976 -0.0006164 -0.004202 0.7965 6.025 7.954 4.361 4.361 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 326.10 6 0.3976 -0.0006164 -0.004202 0.7965 6.025 7.954 4.361 4.361 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 326.10 7 0.3976 -0.0006164 -0.004202 0.7965 6.025 7.954 4.361 4.361 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src7.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src7.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src8_1.ximg # Saved at Tue Oct 4 02:05:22 2011 data ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 372 326 388 342 Reading ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (371:387, 325:341) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 0.296095 0.00708811 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.000764165 0.000403132 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.000295083 0.00033738 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 3.15979 0.117214 -17.1164 17.1164 -1 setpar 5 1.08686 0.125231 -17.1164 17.1164 -1 setpar 6 12.5891 0.29335 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 4.33648 0.0663047 1.06977 8.55818 -1 setpar 8 4.33648 0.001 1.06977 8.55818 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 203.94 -2 0.2961 -0.0007642 0.0002951 3.16 1.087 12.59 4.336 4.336 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 203.94 -1 0.2961 -0.0007642 0.0002951 3.16 1.087 12.59 4.336 4.336 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 203.94 0 0.2961 -0.0007642 0.0002951 3.16 1.087 12.59 4.336 4.336 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 203.94 1 0.2961 -0.0007642 0.0002951 3.16 1.087 12.59 4.336 4.336 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 203.94 2 0.2961 -0.0007642 0.0002951 3.16 1.087 12.59 4.336 4.336 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 203.94 3 0.2961 -0.0007642 0.0002951 3.16 1.087 12.59 4.336 4.336 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 203.94 4 0.2961 -0.0007642 0.0002951 3.16 1.087 12.59 4.336 4.336 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 203.94 5 0.2961 -0.0007642 0.0002951 3.16 1.087 12.59 4.336 4.336 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 203.94 6 0.2961 -0.0007642 0.0002951 3.16 1.087 12.59 4.336 4.336 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 203.94 7 0.2961 -0.0007642 0.0002951 3.16 1.087 12.59 4.336 4.336 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src8.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src8.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src9_1.ximg # Saved at Tue Oct 4 02:06:09 2011 data ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 356 235 372 251 Reading ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (355:371, 234:250) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 0.324693 0.00777881 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.000775356 0.000401532 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.00189437 0.00037457 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 0.072871 0.161286 -21.0452 21.0452 -1 setpar 5 5.14635 0.159566 -21.0452 21.0452 -1 setpar 6 7.68223 0.255087 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 5.29436 0.101604 1.31532 10.5226 -1 setpar 8 5.29436 0.001 1.31532 10.5226 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 278.61 -2 0.3247 -0.0007754 -0.001894 0.07287 5.146 7.682 5.294 5.294 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 278.61 -1 0.3247 -0.0007754 -0.001894 0.07287 5.146 7.682 5.294 5.294 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 278.61 0 0.3247 -0.0007754 -0.001894 0.07287 5.146 7.682 5.294 5.294 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 278.61 1 0.3247 -0.0007754 -0.001894 0.07287 5.146 7.682 5.294 5.294 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 278.61 2 0.3247 -0.0007754 -0.001894 0.07287 5.146 7.682 5.294 5.294 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 278.61 3 0.3247 -0.0007754 -0.001894 0.07287 5.146 7.682 5.294 5.294 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 278.61 4 0.3247 -0.0007754 -0.001894 0.07287 5.146 7.682 5.294 5.294 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 278.61 5 0.3247 -0.0007754 -0.001894 0.07287 5.146 7.682 5.294 5.294 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 278.61 6 0.3247 -0.0007754 -0.001894 0.07287 5.146 7.682 5.294 5.294 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 278.61 7 0.3247 -0.0007754 -0.001894 0.07287 5.146 7.682 5.294 5.294 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src9.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src9.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src10_1.ximg # Saved at Tue Oct 4 02:06:47 2011 data ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 150 373 167 390 Reading ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (149:166, 372:389) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 0.619339 0.00893292 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.00773439 0.000560385 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.00194865 0.000558758 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 -45.0631 9.85516 -49.2758 49.2758 -1 setpar 5 -49.2758 9.85516 -49.2758 49.2758 -1 setpar 6 1.69538e-06 6.95376e-08 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 24.6379 2.15582 3.07974 24.6379 -1 setpar 8 24.6379 0.001 3.07974 24.6379 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 514.62 -2 0.6193 0.007734 -0.001949 -45.06 -49.28 1.695e-06 24.64 24.64 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 514.62 -1 0.6193 0.007734 -0.001949 -45.06 -49.28 1.695e-06 24.64 24.64 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 514.62 0 0.6193 0.007734 -0.001949 -45.06 -49.28 1.695e-06 24.64 24.64 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 514.62 1 0.6193 0.007734 -0.001949 -45.06 -49.28 1.695e-06 24.64 24.64 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 514.62 2 0.6193 0.007734 -0.001949 -45.06 -49.28 1.695e-06 24.64 24.64 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 514.62 3 0.6193 0.007734 -0.001949 -45.06 -49.28 1.695e-06 24.64 24.64 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 514.62 4 0.6193 0.007734 -0.001949 -45.06 -49.28 1.695e-06 24.64 24.64 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 514.62 5 0.6193 0.007734 -0.001949 -45.06 -49.28 1.695e-06 24.64 24.64 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 514.62 6 0.6193 0.007734 -0.001949 -45.06 -49.28 1.695e-06 24.64 24.64 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 514.62 7 0.6193 0.007734 -0.001949 -45.06 -49.28 1.695e-06 24.64 24.64 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src10.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src10.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src11_1.ximg # Saved at Tue Oct 4 02:07:34 2011 data ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 311 348 327 364 Reading ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (310:326, 347:363) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 0.21764 0.00708949 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.00136828 0.000367045 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.000634397 0.00038339 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 2.08542 0.283887 -38.931 38.931 -1 setpar 5 1.99513 0.294287 -38.931 38.931 -1 setpar 6 2.75314 0.0675199 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 9.9098 0.2625 2.43319 19.4655 -1 setpar 8 9.9098 0.001 2.43319 19.4655 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 340.76 -2 0.2176 -0.001368 0.0006344 2.085 1.995 2.753 9.91 9.91 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 340.76 -1 0.2176 -0.001368 0.0006344 2.085 1.995 2.753 9.91 9.91 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 340.76 0 0.2176 -0.001368 0.0006344 2.085 1.995 2.753 9.91 9.91 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 340.76 1 0.2176 -0.001368 0.0006344 2.085 1.995 2.753 9.91 9.91 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 340.76 2 0.2176 -0.001368 0.0006344 2.085 1.995 2.753 9.91 9.91 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 340.76 3 0.2176 -0.001368 0.0006344 2.085 1.995 2.753 9.91 9.91 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 340.76 4 0.2176 -0.001368 0.0006344 2.085 1.995 2.753 9.91 9.91 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 340.76 5 0.2176 -0.001368 0.0006344 2.085 1.995 2.753 9.91 9.91 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 340.76 6 0.2176 -0.001368 0.0006344 2.085 1.995 2.753 9.91 9.91 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 340.76 7 0.2176 -0.001368 0.0006344 2.085 1.995 2.753 9.91 9.91 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src11.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src11.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src12_1.ximg # Saved at Tue Oct 4 02:08:36 2011 data ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 207 174 223 190 Reading ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (206:222, 173:189) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 0.245587 0.00824229 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.000181191 0.00034069 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.00288966 0.000346737 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 1.84502 0.300066 -26.7507 26.7507 -1 setpar 5 5.26561 0.287255 -26.7507 26.7507 -1 setpar 6 2.9526 0.116726 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 7.54698 0.254361 1.67192 13.3754 -1 setpar 8 7.54698 0.001 1.67192 13.3754 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 320.77 -2 0.2456 0.0001812 -0.00289 1.845 5.266 2.953 7.547 7.547 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 320.77 -1 0.2456 0.0001812 -0.00289 1.845 5.266 2.953 7.547 7.547 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 320.77 0 0.2456 0.0001812 -0.00289 1.845 5.266 2.953 7.547 7.547 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 320.77 1 0.2456 0.0001812 -0.00289 1.845 5.266 2.953 7.547 7.547 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 320.77 2 0.2456 0.0001812 -0.00289 1.845 5.266 2.953 7.547 7.547 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 320.77 3 0.2456 0.0001812 -0.00289 1.845 5.266 2.953 7.547 7.547 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 320.77 4 0.2456 0.0001812 -0.00289 1.845 5.266 2.953 7.547 7.547 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 320.77 5 0.2456 0.0001812 -0.00289 1.845 5.266 2.953 7.547 7.547 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 320.77 6 0.2456 0.0001812 -0.00289 1.845 5.266 2.953 7.547 7.547 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 320.77 7 0.2456 0.0001812 -0.00289 1.845 5.266 2.953 7.547 7.547 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src12.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src12.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src13_1.ximg # Saved at Tue Oct 4 02:09:35 2011 data ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 329 292 345 308 Reading ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (328:344, 291:307) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 0.439562 0.00894966 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.00449653 0.000487686 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.00818708 0.000413599 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 -1.76843 0.188245 -14.7202 14.7202 -1 setpar 5 3.42336 0.172761 -14.7202 14.7202 -1 setpar 6 7.57869 0.371006 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 3.6687 0.107292 0.920015 7.36012 -1 setpar 8 3.6687 0.001 0.920015 7.36012 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 38.8259 -0.01 15.5608 62.0909 -1 setpar 11 -1.44321 -0.01 -24.7083 21.8219 -1 setpar 12 0 0.35 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 5.81627 -0.01 2.90814 11.6325 -1 setpar 14 5.81627 -0.01 2.90814 11.6325 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 346.81 -2 0.4396 0.004497 0.008187 -1.768 3.423 7.579 3.669 3.669 0 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 346.81 -1 0.4396 0.004497 0.008187 -1.768 3.423 7.579 3.669 3.669 0 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 346.81 0 0.4396 0.004497 0.008187 -1.768 3.423 7.579 3.669 3.669 0 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 346.81 1 0.4396 0.004497 0.008187 -1.768 3.423 7.579 3.669 3.669 0 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 346.81 2 0.4396 0.004497 0.008187 -1.768 3.423 7.579 3.669 3.669 0 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 346.81 3 0.4396 0.004497 0.008187 -1.768 3.423 7.579 3.669 3.669 0 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 346.81 4 0.4396 0.004497 0.008187 -1.768 3.423 7.579 3.669 3.669 0 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 346.81 5 0.4396 0.004497 0.008187 -1.768 3.423 7.579 3.669 3.669 0 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 346.81 6 0.4396 0.004497 0.008187 -1.768 3.423 7.579 3.669 3.669 0 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 346.81 7 0.4396 0.004497 0.008187 -1.768 3.423 7.579 3.669 3.669 0 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src13.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src13.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src14_1.ximg # Saved at Tue Oct 4 02:11:05 2011 data ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 398 210 414 226 Reading ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (397:413, 209:225) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 0.33384 0.00734343 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.00705081 0.000431404 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -5.84222e-05 0.000338858 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 1.03128 0.331866 -45.3169 45.3169 -1 setpar 5 4.22477 0.48926 -45.3169 45.3169 -1 setpar 6 2.06396 0.114937 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 5.29661 0.188677 2.8323 22.6584 -1 setpar 8 5.29661 0.001 2.8323 22.6584 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 -0.122531 -0.01 -46.2054 45.9603 -1 setpar 11 -41.0864 -0.01 -87.1693 4.9965 -1 setpar 12 0 0.0635937 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 11.5207 -0.01 5.76036 23.0414 -1 setpar 14 11.5207 -0.01 5.76036 23.0414 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 347.64 -2 0.3338 0.007051 -5.842e-05 1.031 4.225 2.064 5.297 5.297 0 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 347.64 -1 0.3338 0.007051 -5.842e-05 1.031 4.225 2.064 5.297 5.297 0 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 347.64 0 0.3338 0.007051 -5.842e-05 1.031 4.225 2.064 5.297 5.297 0 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 347.64 1 0.3338 0.007051 -5.842e-05 1.031 4.225 2.064 5.297 5.297 0 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 347.64 2 0.3338 0.007051 -5.842e-05 1.031 4.225 2.064 5.297 5.297 0 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 347.64 3 0.3338 0.007051 -5.842e-05 1.031 4.225 2.064 5.297 5.297 0 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 347.64 4 0.3338 0.007051 -5.842e-05 1.031 4.225 2.064 5.297 5.297 0 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 347.64 5 0.3338 0.007051 -5.842e-05 1.031 4.225 2.064 5.297 5.297 0 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 347.64 6 0.3338 0.007051 -5.842e-05 1.031 4.225 2.064 5.297 5.297 0 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 347.64 7 0.3338 0.007051 -5.842e-05 1.031 4.225 2.064 5.297 5.297 0 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src14.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src14.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src15_1.ximg # Saved at Tue Oct 4 02:12:01 2011 data ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 164 435 180 451 Reading ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (163:179, 434:450) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 0.239296 0.00698643 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.000875596 0.000340461 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.00143282 0.000356353 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 3.38132 0.255501 -23.9897 23.9897 -1 setpar 5 3.57968 0.261963 -23.9897 23.9897 -1 setpar 6 3.78976 0.183691 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 5.19141 0.168859 1.49936 11.9949 -1 setpar 8 5.19141 0.001 1.49936 11.9949 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 300.82 -2 0.2393 0.0008756 0.001433 3.381 3.58 3.79 5.191 5.191 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 300.82 -1 0.2393 0.0008756 0.001433 3.381 3.58 3.79 5.191 5.191 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 300.82 0 0.2393 0.0008756 0.001433 3.381 3.58 3.79 5.191 5.191 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 300.82 1 0.2393 0.0008756 0.001433 3.381 3.58 3.79 5.191 5.191 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 300.82 2 0.2393 0.0008756 0.001433 3.381 3.58 3.79 5.191 5.191 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 300.82 3 0.2393 0.0008756 0.001433 3.381 3.58 3.79 5.191 5.191 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 300.82 4 0.2393 0.0008756 0.001433 3.381 3.58 3.79 5.191 5.191 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 300.82 5 0.2393 0.0008756 0.001433 3.381 3.58 3.79 5.191 5.191 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 300.82 6 0.2393 0.0008756 0.001433 3.381 3.58 3.79 5.191 5.191 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 300.82 7 0.2393 0.0008756 0.001433 3.381 3.58 3.79 5.191 5.191 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src15.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src15.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src16_1.ximg # Saved at Tue Oct 4 02:14:12 2011 data ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 398 201 414 217 Reading ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (397:413, 200:216) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 0.239095 0.00883036 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.011466 0.000372395 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.0107493 0.00021358 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 -0.139528 0.263835 -46.0829 46.0829 -1 setpar 5 6.01518 0.198321 -46.0829 46.0829 -1 setpar 6 1.79177 0.043327 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 8.9324 0.12377 2.88018 23.0414 -1 setpar 8 8.9324 0.001 2.88018 23.0414 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 2.07968 -0.01 -43.2372 47.3966 -1 setpar 11 37.7363 -0.01 -7.58061 83.0531 -1 setpar 12 0.263322 0.0161465 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 11.3292 -0.01 5.66461 22.6584 -1 setpar 14 11.3292 -0.01 5.66461 22.6584 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 335.34 -2 0.2391 0.01147 -0.01075 -0.1395 6.015 1.792 8.932 8.932 0 0.2633 No new minimim found after 2 tries 335.34 -1 0.2391 0.01147 -0.01075 -0.1395 6.015 1.792 8.932 8.932 0 0.2633 No new minimim found after 3 tries 335.34 0 0.2391 0.01147 -0.01075 -0.1395 6.015 1.792 8.932 8.932 0 0.2633 No new minimim found after 4 tries 335.34 1 0.2391 0.01147 -0.01075 -0.1395 6.015 1.792 8.932 8.932 0 0.2633 No new minimim found after 5 tries 335.34 2 0.2391 0.01147 -0.01075 -0.1395 6.015 1.792 8.932 8.932 0 0.2633 No new minimim found after 6 tries 335.34 3 0.2391 0.01147 -0.01075 -0.1395 6.015 1.792 8.932 8.932 0 0.2633 No new minimim found after 7 tries 335.34 4 0.2391 0.01147 -0.01075 -0.1395 6.015 1.792 8.932 8.932 0 0.2633 No new minimim found after 8 tries 335.34 5 0.2391 0.01147 -0.01075 -0.1395 6.015 1.792 8.932 8.932 0 0.2633 No new minimim found after 9 tries 335.34 6 0.2391 0.01147 -0.01075 -0.1395 6.015 1.792 8.932 8.932 0 0.2633 No new minimim found after 10 tries 335.34 7 0.2391 0.01147 -0.01075 -0.1395 6.015 1.792 8.932 8.932 0 0.2633 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src16.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src16.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src17_1.ximg # Saved at Tue Oct 4 02:15:09 2011 data ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 240 287 256 303 Reading ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (239:255, 286:302) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 0.262125 0.00853158 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.0016164 0.000376739 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.000764904 0.000366664 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 3.3823 0.447245 -28.3063 28.3063 -1 setpar 5 1.1867 0.434572 -28.3063 28.3063 -1 setpar 6 1.62026 0.0911396 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 6.98118 0.309465 1.76914 14.1531 -1 setpar 8 6.98118 0.001 1.76914 14.1531 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 336.47 -2 0.2621 0.001616 -0.0007649 3.382 1.187 1.62 6.981 6.981 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 336.47 -1 0.2621 0.001616 -0.0007649 3.382 1.187 1.62 6.981 6.981 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 336.47 0 0.2621 0.001616 -0.0007649 3.382 1.187 1.62 6.981 6.981 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 336.47 1 0.2621 0.001616 -0.0007649 3.382 1.187 1.62 6.981 6.981 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 336.47 2 0.2621 0.001616 -0.0007649 3.382 1.187 1.62 6.981 6.981 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 336.47 3 0.2621 0.001616 -0.0007649 3.382 1.187 1.62 6.981 6.981 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 336.47 4 0.2621 0.001616 -0.0007649 3.382 1.187 1.62 6.981 6.981 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 336.47 5 0.2621 0.001616 -0.0007649 3.382 1.187 1.62 6.981 6.981 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 336.47 6 0.2621 0.001616 -0.0007649 3.382 1.187 1.62 6.981 6.981 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 336.47 7 0.2621 0.001616 -0.0007649 3.382 1.187 1.62 6.981 6.981 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src17.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src17.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src18_1.ximg # Saved at Tue Oct 4 02:16:11 2011 data ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 278 452 294 468 Reading ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (277:293, 451:467) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 0.319074 0.00882165 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.00202961 0.000369305 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.000437307 0.000395411 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 0.417691 0.462204 -32.4986 32.4986 -1 setpar 5 1.99307 0.391468 -32.4986 32.4986 -1 setpar 6 1.69756 0.0821897 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 7.95737 0.274495 2.03116 16.2493 -1 setpar 8 7.95737 0.001 2.03116 16.2493 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 374.58 -2 0.3191 0.00203 -0.0004373 0.4177 1.993 1.698 7.957 7.957 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 374.58 -1 0.3191 0.00203 -0.0004373 0.4177 1.993 1.698 7.957 7.957 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 374.58 0 0.3191 0.00203 -0.0004373 0.4177 1.993 1.698 7.957 7.957 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 374.58 1 0.3191 0.00203 -0.0004373 0.4177 1.993 1.698 7.957 7.957 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 374.58 2 0.3191 0.00203 -0.0004373 0.4177 1.993 1.698 7.957 7.957 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 374.58 3 0.3191 0.00203 -0.0004373 0.4177 1.993 1.698 7.957 7.957 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 374.58 4 0.3191 0.00203 -0.0004373 0.4177 1.993 1.698 7.957 7.957 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 374.58 5 0.3191 0.00203 -0.0004373 0.4177 1.993 1.698 7.957 7.957 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 374.58 6 0.3191 0.00203 -0.0004373 0.4177 1.993 1.698 7.957 7.957 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 374.58 7 0.3191 0.00203 -0.0004373 0.4177 1.993 1.698 7.957 7.957 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src18.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src18.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src19_1.ximg # Saved at Tue Oct 4 02:16:53 2011 data ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 279 267 295 283 Reading ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (278:294, 266:282) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 0.411966 0.00896484 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.000804929 0.000567627 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.000135005 0.000404663 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 29.5318 0.0199902 -29.5318 29.5318 -1 setpar 5 -29.5318 5.90636 -29.5318 29.5318 -1 setpar 6 1e-06 0.0225 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 14.7659 0.00199902 1.84574 14.7659 -1 setpar 8 14.7659 0.001 1.84574 14.7659 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 397.09 -2 0.412 0.0008049 0.000135 29.53 -29.53 1e-06 14.77 14.77 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 397.09 -1 0.412 0.0008049 0.000135 29.53 -29.53 1e-06 14.77 14.77 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 397.09 0 0.412 0.0008049 0.000135 29.53 -29.53 1e-06 14.77 14.77 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 397.09 1 0.412 0.0008049 0.000135 29.53 -29.53 1e-06 14.77 14.77 0 ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs No new minimim found after 5 tries 397.09 2 0.412 0.0008049 0.000135 29.53 -29.53 1e-06 14.77 14.77 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 397.09 3 0.412 0.0008049 0.000135 29.53 -29.53 1e-06 14.77 14.77 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 397.09 4 0.412 0.0008049 0.000135 29.53 -29.53 1e-06 14.77 14.77 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 397.09 5 0.412 0.0008049 0.000135 29.53 -29.53 1e-06 14.77 14.77 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 397.09 6 0.412 0.0008049 0.000135 29.53 -29.53 1e-06 14.77 14.77 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 397.09 7 0.412 0.0008049 0.000135 29.53 -29.53 1e-06 14.77 14.77 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src19.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src19.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src20_1.ximg # Saved at Tue Oct 4 02:18:00 2011 data ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 329 229 345 245 Reading ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (328:344, 228:244) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 0.286283 0.00708103 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.000117894 0.000398706 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.00214074 0.000422463 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 25.2973 0.0399609 -25.2973 25.2973 -1 setpar 5 -25.2973 5.05946 -25.2973 25.2973 -1 setpar 6 1e-06 0.443437 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 1.58108 1.10675 1.58108 12.6486 -1 setpar 8 1.58108 0.001 1.58108 12.6486 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 337.79 -2 0.2863 0.0001179 0.002141 25.3 -25.3 1e-06 1.581 1.581 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 337.79 -1 0.2863 0.0001179 0.002141 25.3 -25.3 1e-06 1.581 1.581 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 337.79 0 0.2863 0.0001179 0.002141 25.3 -25.3 1e-06 1.581 1.581 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 337.79 1 0.2863 0.0001179 0.002141 25.3 -25.3 1e-06 1.581 1.581 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 337.79 2 0.2863 0.0001179 0.002141 25.3 -25.3 1e-06 1.581 1.581 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 337.79 3 0.2863 0.0001179 0.002141 25.3 -25.3 1e-06 1.581 1.581 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 337.79 4 0.2863 0.0001179 0.002141 25.3 -25.3 1e-06 1.581 1.581 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 337.79 5 0.2863 0.0001179 0.002141 25.3 -25.3 1e-06 1.581 1.581 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 337.79 6 0.2863 0.0001179 0.002141 25.3 -25.3 1e-06 1.581 1.581 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 337.79 7 0.2863 0.0001179 0.002141 25.3 -25.3 1e-06 1.581 1.581 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src20.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src20.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src21_1.ximg # Saved at Tue Oct 4 02:19:36 2011 data ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 337 292 353 308 Reading ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (336:352, 291:307) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 0.433993 0.0100224 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.00506854 0.000474813 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.00517856 0.000480957 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 4.02183 0.381688 -23.2651 23.2651 -1 setpar 5 3.22072 0.347812 -23.2651 23.2651 -1 setpar 6 2.64115 0.172294 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 4.67496 0.303531 1.45407 11.6325 -1 setpar 8 4.67496 0.001 1.45407 11.6325 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 -36.5803 -0.01 -51.3006 -21.8601 -1 setpar 11 -1.27844 -0.01 -15.9987 13.4418 -1 setpar 12 6.51413 0.3525 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 3.68006 -0.01 1.84003 7.36012 -1 setpar 14 3.68006 -0.01 1.84003 7.36012 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 386.76 -2 0.434 -0.005069 0.005179 4.022 3.221 2.641 4.675 4.675 0 6.514 No new minimim found after 2 tries 386.76 -1 0.434 -0.005069 0.005179 4.022 3.221 2.641 4.675 4.675 0 6.514 No new minimim found after 3 tries 386.76 0 0.434 -0.005069 0.005179 4.022 3.221 2.641 4.675 4.675 0 6.514 No new minimim found after 4 tries 386.76 1 0.434 -0.005069 0.005179 4.022 3.221 2.641 4.675 4.675 0 6.514 No new minimim found after 5 tries 386.76 2 0.434 -0.005069 0.005179 4.022 3.221 2.641 4.675 4.675 0 6.514 No new minimim found after 6 tries 386.76 3 0.434 -0.005069 0.005179 4.022 3.221 2.641 4.675 4.675 0 6.514 No new minimim found after 7 tries 386.76 4 0.434 -0.005069 0.005179 4.022 3.221 2.641 4.675 4.675 0 6.514 No new minimim found after 8 tries 386.76 5 0.434 -0.005069 0.005179 4.022 3.221 2.641 4.675 4.675 0 6.514 No new minimim found after 9 tries 386.76 6 0.434 -0.005069 0.005179 4.022 3.221 2.641 4.675 4.675 0 6.514 No new minimim found after 10 tries 386.76 7 0.434 -0.005069 0.005179 4.022 3.221 2.641 4.675 4.675 0 6.514 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src21.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src21.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src22_1.ximg # Saved at Tue Oct 4 02:20:28 2011 data ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 468 345 486 363 Reading ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (467:485, 344:362) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 0.262267 0.00608154 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.000366021 0.000296478 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.00142235 0.000273438 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 -1.51728 0.333125 -52.8967 52.8967 -1 setpar 5 2.12181 0.382813 -52.8967 52.8967 -1 setpar 6 2.31689 0.137207 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 5.15507 0.184902 3.30605 26.4484 -1 setpar 8 5.15507 0.001 3.30605 26.4484 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 406.12 -2 0.2623 0.000366 -0.001422 -1.517 2.122 2.317 5.155 5.155 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 406.12 -1 0.2623 0.000366 -0.001422 -1.517 2.122 2.317 5.155 5.155 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 406.12 0 0.2623 0.000366 -0.001422 -1.517 2.122 2.317 5.155 5.155 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 406.12 1 0.2623 0.000366 -0.001422 -1.517 2.122 2.317 5.155 5.155 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 406.12 2 0.2623 0.000366 -0.001422 -1.517 2.122 2.317 5.155 5.155 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 406.12 3 0.2623 0.000366 -0.001422 -1.517 2.122 2.317 5.155 5.155 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 406.12 4 0.2623 0.000366 -0.001422 -1.517 2.122 2.317 5.155 5.155 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 406.12 5 0.2623 0.000366 -0.001422 -1.517 2.122 2.317 5.155 5.155 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 406.12 6 0.2623 0.000366 -0.001422 -1.517 2.122 2.317 5.155 5.155 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 406.12 7 0.2623 0.000366 -0.001422 -1.517 2.122 2.317 5.155 5.155 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src22.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src22.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src23_1.ximg # Saved at Tue Oct 4 02:21:09 2011 data ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 320 158 336 174 Reading ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (319:335, 157:173) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 0.334624 0.0071167 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.000434957 0.000429382 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.000630938 0.000463562 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 45.4717 3.13169e-06 -45.4717 45.4717 -1 setpar 5 25.2398 0.4 -45.4717 45.4717 -1 setpar 6 565187 40.92 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 2.99113 0.0149153 2.84198 22.7359 -1 setpar 8 2.99113 0.001 2.84198 22.7359 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 358.73 -2 0.3346 -0.000435 -0.0006309 45.47 25.24 5.652e+05 2.991 2.991 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 358.73 -1 0.3346 -0.000435 -0.0006309 45.47 25.24 5.652e+05 2.991 2.991 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 358.73 0 0.3346 -0.000435 -0.0006309 45.47 25.24 5.652e+05 2.991 2.991 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 358.73 1 0.3346 -0.000435 -0.0006309 45.47 25.24 5.652e+05 2.991 2.991 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 358.73 2 0.3346 -0.000435 -0.0006309 45.47 25.24 5.652e+05 2.991 2.991 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 358.73 3 0.3346 -0.000435 -0.0006309 45.47 25.24 5.652e+05 2.991 2.991 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 358.73 4 0.3346 -0.000435 -0.0006309 45.47 25.24 5.652e+05 2.991 2.991 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 358.73 5 0.3346 -0.000435 -0.0006309 45.47 25.24 5.652e+05 2.991 2.991 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 358.73 6 0.3346 -0.000435 -0.0006309 45.47 25.24 5.652e+05 2.991 2.991 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 358.73 7 0.3346 -0.000435 -0.0006309 45.47 25.24 5.652e+05 2.991 2.991 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src23.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src23.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src24_1.ximg # Saved at Tue Oct 4 02:22:16 2011 data ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 235 156 252 173 Reading ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (234:251, 155:172) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 0 0.0128604 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.00561466 0.000484626 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.00273691 0.000394307 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 7.22246 0.680196 -46.7892 46.7892 -1 setpar 5 7.56669 0.62693 -46.7892 46.7892 -1 setpar 6 1.17098 0.0346129 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 17.9998 0.503212 2.92432 23.3946 -1 setpar 8 17.9998 0.001 2.92432 23.3946 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 385.07 -2 0 -0.005615 -0.002737 7.222 7.567 1.171 18 18 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 385.07 -1 0 -0.005615 -0.002737 7.222 7.567 1.171 18 18 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 385.07 0 0 -0.005615 -0.002737 7.222 7.567 1.171 18 18 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 385.07 1 0 -0.005615 -0.002737 7.222 7.567 1.171 18 18 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 385.07 2 0 -0.005615 -0.002737 7.222 7.567 1.171 18 18 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 385.07 3 0 -0.005615 -0.002737 7.222 7.567 1.171 18 18 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 385.07 4 0 -0.005615 -0.002737 7.222 7.567 1.171 18 18 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 385.07 5 0 -0.005615 -0.002737 7.222 7.567 1.171 18 18 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 385.07 6 0 -0.005615 -0.002737 7.222 7.567 1.171 18 18 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 385.07 7 0 -0.005615 -0.002737 7.222 7.567 1.171 18 18 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src24.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src24.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src25_1.ximg # Saved at Tue Oct 4 02:23:07 2011 data ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 178 164 196 182 Reading ../../../xmm0093190501/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (177:195, 163:181) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 0.2377 0.00501801 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.00193206 0.000300751 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.00369831 0.000261841 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 45.5477 0.68588 -50.0836 50.0836 -1 setpar 5 50.0732 0.00223995 -50.0836 50.0836 -1 setpar 6 134354 40.92 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 3.13022 0.107 3.13022 25.0418 -1 setpar 8 3.13022 0.001 3.13022 25.0418 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 358.56 -2 0.2377 0.001932 -0.003698 45.55 50.07 1.344e+05 3.13 3.13 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 358.56 -1 0.2377 0.001932 -0.003698 45.55 50.07 1.344e+05 3.13 3.13 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 358.56 0 0.2377 0.001932 -0.003698 45.55 50.07 1.344e+05 3.13 3.13 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 358.56 1 0.2377 0.001932 -0.003698 45.55 50.07 1.344e+05 3.13 3.13 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 358.56 2 0.2377 0.001932 -0.003698 45.55 50.07 1.344e+05 3.13 3.13 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 358.56 3 0.2377 0.001932 -0.003698 45.55 50.07 1.344e+05 3.13 3.13 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 358.56 4 0.2377 0.001932 -0.003698 45.55 50.07 1.344e+05 3.13 3.13 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 358.56 5 0.2377 0.001932 -0.003698 45.55 50.07 1.344e+05 3.13 3.13 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 358.56 6 0.2377 0.001932 -0.003698 45.55 50.07 1.344e+05 3.13 3.13 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 358.56 7 0.2377 0.001932 -0.003698 45.55 50.07 1.344e+05 3.13 3.13 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src25.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0093190501_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src25.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs