Source List

Observation details report
Detailed source parameters (including errors) in a comma-separated values file

Click on source number for detailed analysis, including spectral fits if applicable

data idnum idradec telescope instrument x y cnts cntserr rate rateerr SNR poisprob sigmaj sigmin incang offax cnts_soft cnts_hard hr hr_err ext var N_H flux vign flags
Report srcpi bgdpi arf rmf 1 X180230.73-090038.4 chandra ccd3 603.992 1091.43 535.554 24.6388 0.0226744 0.00104316 63.328 1 5.7151 5.0086 359.186 10.5533 F F 2.63e+21 2.49299e-13 1 dsxf
Report srcpi bgdpi arf rmf 4 X180159.67-090034.9 chandra ccd7 278.638 550.303 174.122 13.3417 0.00737202 0.000564863 81.6404 1 0.708116 0.492 36.609 4.06456 F F 2.63e+21 7.53263e-14 1 dbx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf rmf 2 X180203.00-085643.1 chandra ccd7 178.938 1022 101.882 10.0937 0.0043135 0.000427347 47.7693 1 1.10335 0.722213 189.393 3.18919 T T 2.62e+21 2.06363e-14 1 dsxf
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 1 X180157.08-084652.7 chandra ccd5 929.5 215.6 38.5152 9.00036 0.00163067 0.000381059 13.7493 1 1.77868 1.42857 95.5937 10.5057 F F 2.61e+21 1.83262e-14 1 dx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 3 X180148.77-085634.5 chandra ccd7 607.292 1039.41 29.0324 5.94271 0.00122918 0.000251604 13.6124 1 0.464689 0.464689 0 0.765726 F F 2.62e+21 1.04447e-14 1 dsx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 1 X180150.66-085733.6 chandra ccd7 550.336 919.457 29.0258 6.18151 0.0012289 0.000261714 13.6093 1 0.70371 0.70371 0 0.329236 T F 2.63e+21 1.03264e-14 1 dsx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 2 X180145.08-085245.4 chandra ccd6 1006.39 495.052 56.0218 7.48477 0.00237187 0.000316892 39.1459 1 2.09089 1.17569 43.1065 4.68316 T T 2.62e+21 3.05743e-14 1 dsx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 20 X180149.08-090109.5 chandra ccd7 597.605 480.132 17.8581 4.35891 0.000756082 0.000184549 8.37313 1 0.497956 0.492 84.1014 3.92121 F F 2.63e+21 6.56848e-15 1 dx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 17 X180131.91-090118.8 chandra ccd7 1114.64 461.136 16.6497 4.69048 0.000704919 0.000198587 7.80653 1 1.66229 1.17539 13.3321 6.0884 F F 2.63e+21 6.69729e-15 1 dx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 7 X180148.12-085837.5 chandra ccd7 626.995 789.603 15.4001 4.37962 0.000652013 0.000185425 7.22063 1 0.539341 0.539341 0 1.47468 F F 2.63e+21 5.51406e-15 1 dsx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 10 X180143.50-090139.7 chandra ccd7 765.625 418.75 12.9501 3.74167 0.000548284 0.000158416 6.0719 0.999998 0.492 0.492 111.801 4.71893 F F 2.63e+21 5.02826e-15 1 dpx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf rmf 19 X180203.62-085634.0 chandra ccd7 159.997 1040.57 113.9 10.6806 0.00482232 0.000452197 53.4042 1 1.47635 1.47635 0 3.37014 T F 2.62e+21 9.16172e-14 1 dsx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 13 X180142.64-085839.6 chandra ccd7 791.409 784.773 9.54159 3.31665 0.000403974 0.000140421 4.47376 0.999917 0.72272 0.492 65.6207 2.35228 T F 2.63e+21 3.45902e-15 1 dx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 16 X180200.89-090234.4 chandra ccd7 241.955 307.5 9.51555 3.31665 0.000402872 0.000140421 4.46155 0.999917 0.794539 0.492 57.0948 5.93739 A F 2.63e+21 3.96377e-15 1 dx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 1 X180144.08-084856.3 chandra ccd6 1036.14 960.214 9.49539 3.74174 0.000402018 0.000158419 6.63502 0.999998 2.78441 1.17898 97.207 8.4474 A F 2.62e+21 5.30484e-15 1 dx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 11 X180149.06-090059.0 chandra ccd7 598.227 501.5 9.14266 3.31666 0.000387084 0.000140421 4.28671 0.99972 0.725415 0.56369 67.2813 3.74689 F F 2.63e+21 3.36631e-15 1 dx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 5 X180149.18-085908.4 chandra ccd7 594.6 726.1 9.06306 3.1623 0.000383714 0.000133886 4.24939 0.99972 0.492 0.492 68.9012 1.91216 F F 2.63e+21 3.25649e-15 1 dx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 5 X180206.88-085128.4 chandra ccd6 349.333 651.167 5.05694 2.44951 0.000214102 0.000103708 3.5336 0.998728 0.492 0.492 20.8168 7.0849 F F 2.62e+21 2.82329e-15 1 dx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 4 X180203.40-085006.5 chandra ccd6 454 817.667 5.00418 2.44951 0.000211868 0.000103708 3.49673 0.998728 0.760288 0.49648 31.4252 7.84323 A F 2.62e+21 2.59032e-15 1 dx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 3 X180203.48-085223.3 chandra ccd6 451.7 539.5 4.70691 2.23607 0.000199282 9.46715e-05 3.28901 0.99486 0.492 0.492 180 5.85424 F F 2.62e+21 2.32491e-15 1 dx

counts and rate are bgd.-subtracted, based on simple spatial fitting (if done) or extracted counts from aperture otherwise (N.B., in either case aperture counts are given csv file).
cntserr, rateerr = Error on (source) counts and count rate, based on error in total counts
SNR = signal-to-noise ratio, computed using Nsrc/sqrt(Nbgd)
poisprob = Poisson probability of observing total counts given bgd. counts
sigmaj, sigmin = source extent (from detection output or spatial fitting) in units of arcsecs.
incang = position angle of source (inclination from x-axis)
cnts_soft = bgd.-subtracted counts in soft band (0.50 - 2.00 KeV, always taken directly from source aperture rather than model fitting)
cnts_hard = bgd.-subtracted counts in hard band (2.00 - 7.99 KeV, always taken directly from source aperture rather than model fitting)
hr, hr_err = hardness ratio ([cnts_hard-cnts_soft]/[cnts_hard+cnts_soft]) and error
ext = source extension flag: F = false (not extended), T = true (extended), A = asymetric (ratio of sigmaj/sigmin > 1 + x, where x = 0.5 by default)
var = variability flag: U = unknown, F = false (is not variable), T = true
N_H = Galactic column density as determined from LHEASOFT nh program
flux = flux determined from count rate using pimms (in the 0.30-8.00 keV bandpass for a power-law model with ph. index = 1.8)
vign = vignetting correction
Flags: d = detection parameters, s = simple spatial fitting parameters, b = simple spatial fitting failed, p = poor simple spatial fit, x = extracted events parameters, t = temporal anaylsis parameters, i = psf spatial fitting parameters, f = spectral fitting parameters, c = source is confused, u = user-defined source, v = detected source coincident with user-defined source, r = source is in region-of-interest