Source List

Observation details report
Detailed source parameters (including errors) in a comma-separated values file

Click on source number for detailed analysis, including spectral fits if applicable

data idnum idradec telescope instrument x y cnts cntserr rate rateerr SNR poisprob sigmaj sigmin incang offax cnts_soft cnts_hard hr hr_err ext var N_H flux vign flags
Report srcpi bgdpi arf rmf 4 X141956.66+060626.9 chandra ccd7 299.071 761.596 508.974 23.1206 0.0512978 0.00233025 185.674 1 0.461531 0.461531 0 2.08558 F F 2.13e+20 3.78772e-13 1 dsxf
Report srcpi bgdpi arf rmf 2 X141956.63+060749.1 chandra ccd7 299.92 928.585 214.705 14.9414 0.0216394 0.0015059 78.3243 1 0.551464 0.452839 25.3642 2.06639 F F 2.13e+20 1.61912e-13 1 dsx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf rmf 1 X141949.39+060654.1 chandra ccd7 519.398 816.822 129.578 11.5198 0.0130598 0.00116105 47.27 1 0.390738 0.390738 0 0.296426 F F 2.12e+20 9.57558e-14 1 dsx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 3 X141959.68+060051.8 chandra ccd7 207.433 80.5394 83.5146 9.63182 0.00841716 0.000970759 30.4661 1 2.28583 2.28583 0 6.84812 F F 2.12e+20 7.02098e-14 1 dsx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 13 X141938.54+060545.2 chandra ccd7 848.537 676.812 36.3513 6.53443 0.00366373 0.000658584 13.2609 1 0.682886 0.682886 0 2.90295 F F 2.11e+20 2.82894e-14 1 dsx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 8 X141938.09+060805.4 chandra ccd7 862.039 961.772 28.5911 5.74458 0.0028816 0.000578977 10.43 1 0.788169 0.788169 0 2.814 F F 2.12e+20 2.25946e-14 1 dsx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 11 X141952.14+060024.2 chandra ccd7 436.147 24.4356 26.7076 6.08814 0.00269177 0.000613603 9.74293 1 1.91914 1.91914 0 6.80317 F F 2.11e+20 3.00601e-14 1 dsx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 1 X142021.87+060318.5 chandra ccd3 892.443 575.386 26.9365 5.91617 0.00271484 0.000596271 30.7333 1 4.12101 2.7302 17.8247 9.08213 A F 2.13e+20 3.75544e-14 1 dx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 5 X142003.49+060611.1 chandra ccd7 92.008 729.539 20.0358 4.47614 0.00201934 0.000451136 7.30905 1 0.936476 0.936476 0 3.7861 F F 2.13e+20 1.68954e-14 1 dsx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 9 X141948.92+060249.6 chandra ccd7 533.899 319.976 11.7217 3.4237 0.0011814 0.000345064 4.27607 0.999886 0.803684 0.803684 0 4.32642 F F 2.12e+20 9.01064e-15 1 dsx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 6 X142001.75+060649.6 chandra ccd7 144.3 807.3 9.4715 3.16229 0.000954601 0.000318716 3.4552 0.998003 0.492 0.492 176.203 3.24471 F F 2.13e+20 7.60253e-15 1 dx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 12 X141938.23+060048.8 chandra ccd7 857.318 73.9546 9.08219 3.31666 0.000915364 0.000334275 3.31318 0.998003 1.8708 0.814692 75.6803 6.85847 A F 2.11e+20 7.55337e-15 1 dx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 1 X141955.23+061308.8 chandra ccd6 345 536 8.91331 3.1623 0.000898343 0.000318718 9.77802 1 1.6889 0.492 163.776 6.20593 A F 2.13e+20 1.09992e-14 1 dx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 3 X141939.38+061123.5 chandra ccd6 825.5 321.929 6.69999 2.64576 0.000675269 0.000266657 7.34997 0.999997 0.838679 0.492 72.9963 4.83839 A F 2.13e+20 7.80798e-15 1 dx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 10 X141935.75+060557.6 chandra ccd7 932.5 701.643 6.49934 2.64576 0.000655047 0.000266658 2.37096 0.989576 0.97001 0.492 119.237 3.4475 A F 2.11e+20 5.40965e-15 1 dx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 7 X141950.03+060741.0 chandra ccd7 499.667 911.667 5.62629 2.4495 0.000567055 0.000246877 2.05247 0.978131 0.492 0.492 155.301 0.61643 F F 2.13e+20 4.19141e-15 1 dx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 16 X141953.99+060432.0 chandra ccd7 379.7 527.5 4.76369 2.23607 0.000480116 0.000225366 1.73779 0.956807 0.492 0.492 64.3299 2.92384 F F 2.12e+20 4.3564e-15 1 dx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 14 X142000.98+060404.5 chandra ccd7 167.5 471.7 4.7464 2.23607 0.000478373 0.000225367 1.73148 0.956807 0.492 0.492 172.238 4.32444 F F 2.12e+20 3.83527e-15 1 dx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 2 X141944.70+061425.7 chandra ccd6 664.1 692.3 4.34723 2.23609 0.000438143 0.000225368 4.76897 0.999774 0.906352 0.492 111.834 7.34555 A F 2.13e+20 5.18387e-15 1 dx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 4 X141948.65+060905.2 chandra ccd6 544.5 40.75 3.81176 2.00001 0.000384175 0.000201574 4.18155 0.998336 0.492 0.492 90 1.93336 F F 2.13e+20 4.15532e-15 1 dx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 5 X141933.32+060902.9 chandra ccd6 1009.17 36.1665 2.94042 1.73206 0.000296355 0.000174568 3.22568 0.989682 0.492 0.492 45 4.28145 F F 2.12e+20 3.73776e-15 1 dx

counts and rate are bgd.-subtracted, based on simple spatial fitting (if done) or extracted counts from aperture otherwise (N.B., in either case aperture counts are given csv file).
cntserr, rateerr = Error on (source) counts and count rate, based on error in total counts
SNR = signal-to-noise ratio, computed using Nsrc/sqrt(Nbgd)
poisprob = Poisson probability of observing total counts given bgd. counts
sigmaj, sigmin = source extent (from detection output or spatial fitting) in units of arcsecs.
incang = position angle of source (inclination from x-axis)
cnts_soft = bgd.-subtracted counts in soft band (0.50 - 2.00 KeV, always taken directly from source aperture rather than model fitting)
cnts_hard = bgd.-subtracted counts in hard band (2.00 - 7.99 KeV, always taken directly from source aperture rather than model fitting)
hr, hr_err = hardness ratio ([cnts_hard-cnts_soft]/[cnts_hard+cnts_soft]) and error
ext = source extension flag: F = false (not extended), T = true (extended), A = asymetric (ratio of sigmaj/sigmin > 1 + x, where x = 0.5 by default)
var = variability flag: U = unknown, F = false (is not variable), T = true
N_H = Galactic column density as determined from LHEASOFT nh program
flux = flux determined from count rate using pimms (in the 0.30-8.00 keV bandpass for a power-law model with ph. index = 1.8)
vign = vignetting correction
Flags: d = detection parameters, s = simple spatial fitting parameters, b = simple spatial fitting failed, p = poor simple spatial fit, x = extracted events parameters, t = temporal anaylsis parameters, i = psf spatial fitting parameters, f = spectral fitting parameters, c = source is confused, u = user-defined source, v = detected source coincident with user-defined source, r = source is in region-of-interest