smart_error 2 dchi=4.605 log=param_log/fullrun_ccd3_acisf05828_pi14-548_pass1_cl_src9_pl_Nh.log param_name=Nh {xtitle=N\dH\u (x 10\u22\d cm\u-2\d)} qdp=param_qdp/fullrun_ccd3_acisf05828_pi14-548_pass1_cl_src9_pl init_step=1 Initial range guess = 0.001000 Current chisq = 217.426000 Current parameter value = 1.16229 Parameter lower bound guess = 1.16129 Parameter upper bound guess = 1.16329 smart_step 2 1.16229 1.16129 10 Stepping range = 1.16129 - 1.16229 Hard limits = 0, 1e+06 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 2 1.16229 1.16129 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 2 Chi-Squared 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.161 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.161 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.161 217.4260 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step smart_step 2 1.16229 1.16329 10 Stepping range = 1.16229 - 1.16329 Hard limits = 0, 1e+06 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 2 1.16229 1.16329 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 2 Chi-Squared 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.163 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.163 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.163 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.163 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.163 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.163 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.163 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.163 217.4260 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step Current chisq = 217.426000 New lower guess = 1.16029 New upper guess = 1.16429 smart_error iteration no. 1 Current chisq = 217.426000 Current parameter value = 1.16229 Parameter lower bound guess = 1.16029 Parameter upper bound guess = 1.16429 smart_step 2 1.16229 1.16029 10 Stepping range = 1.16029 - 1.16229 Hard limits = 0, 1e+06 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 2 1.16229 1.16029 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 2 Chi-Squared 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.161 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.161 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.161 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.161 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.161 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.16 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.16 217.4260 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step smart_step 2 1.16229 1.16429 10 Stepping range = 1.16229 - 1.16429 Hard limits = 0, 1e+06 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 2 1.16229 1.16429 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 2 Chi-Squared 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.163 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.163 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.163 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.163 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.163 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.164 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.164 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.164 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.164 217.4260 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step Current chisq = 217.426000 New lower guess = 1.15829 New upper guess = 1.16629 smart_error iteration no. 2 Current chisq = 217.426000 Current parameter value = 1.16229 Parameter lower bound guess = 1.15829 Parameter upper bound guess = 1.16629 smart_step 2 1.16229 1.15829 10 Stepping range = 1.15829 - 1.16229 Hard limits = 0, 1e+06 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 2 1.16229 1.15829 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 2 Chi-Squared 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.161 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.161 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.161 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.16 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.16 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.159 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.159 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.159 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.158 217.4260 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step smart_step 2 1.16229 1.16629 10 Stepping range = 1.16229 - 1.16629 Hard limits = 0, 1e+06 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 2 1.16229 1.16629 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 2 Chi-Squared 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.163 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.163 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.163 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.164 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.164 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.165 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.165 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.165 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.166 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.166 217.4260 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step Current chisq = 217.426000 New lower guess = 1.15429 New upper guess = 1.17029 smart_error iteration no. 3 Current chisq = 217.426000 Current parameter value = 1.16229 Parameter lower bound guess = 1.15429 Parameter upper bound guess = 1.17029 smart_step 2 1.16229 1.15429 10 Stepping range = 1.15429 - 1.16229 Hard limits = 0, 1e+06 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 2 1.16229 1.15429 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 2 Chi-Squared 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.161 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.161 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.16 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.159 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.158 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.157 217.4260 217.4270 0.0010 1.157 217.4260 217.4270 0.0010 1.156 217.4260 217.4270 0.0010 1.155 217.4260 217.4280 0.0020 1.154 217.4260 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step smart_step 2 1.16229 1.17029 10 Stepping range = 1.16229 - 1.17029 Hard limits = 0, 1e+06 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 2 1.16229 1.17029 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 2 Chi-Squared 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.163 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.164 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.165 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.165 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.166 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.167 217.4260 217.4270 0.0010 1.168 217.4260 217.4270 0.0010 1.169 217.4260 217.4270 0.0010 1.169 217.4260 217.4270 0.0010 1.17 217.4260 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step Current chisq = 217.426000 New lower guess = 0.999746 New upper guess = 1.17829 smart_error iteration no. 4 Current chisq = 217.426000 Current parameter value = 1.16229 Parameter lower bound guess = 0.999746 Parameter upper bound guess = 1.17829 smart_step 2 1.16229 0.999746 10 Stepping range = 0.999746 - 1.16229 Hard limits = 0, 1e+06 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 2 1.16229 0.999746 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 2 Chi-Squared 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4330 0.0070 1.146 217.4260 217.4560 0.0300 1.13 217.4260 217.4950 0.0690 1.114 217.4260 217.5500 0.1240 1.097 217.4260 217.6210 0.1950 1.081 217.4260 217.7100 0.2840 1.065 217.4260 217.8160 0.3900 1.049 217.4260 217.9410 0.5150 1.032 217.4260 218.0840 0.6580 1.016 217.4260 218.2470 0.8210 0.9997 217.4260 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step smart_step 2 1.16229 1.17829 10 Stepping range = 1.16229 - 1.17829 Hard limits = 0, 1e+06 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 2 1.16229 1.17829 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 2 Chi-Squared 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.164 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.165 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.167 217.4260 217.4270 0.0010 1.169 217.4260 217.4270 0.0010 1.17 217.4260 217.4280 0.0020 1.172 217.4260 217.4290 0.0030 1.173 217.4260 217.4300 0.0040 1.175 217.4260 217.4310 0.0050 1.177 217.4260 217.4330 0.0070 1.178 217.4260 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step Current chisq = 217.426000 New lower guess = 0.713932 New upper guess = 1.48599 smart_error iteration no. 5 Current chisq = 217.426000 Current parameter value = 1.16229 Parameter lower bound guess = 0.713932 Parameter upper bound guess = 1.48599 smart_step 2 1.16229 0.713932 10 Stepping range = 0.713932 - 1.16229 Hard limits = 0, 1e+06 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 2 1.16229 0.713932 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 2 Chi-Squared 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4840 0.0580 1.117 217.4260 217.6650 0.2390 1.073 217.4260 217.9790 0.5530 1.028 217.4260 218.4360 1.0100 0.9829 217.4260 219.0510 1.6250 0.9381 217.4260 219.8370 2.4110 0.8933 217.4260 220.8110 3.3850 0.8484 217.4260 221.9910 4.5650 0.8036 217.4260 223.3990 5.9730 0.7588 217.4260 225.0620 7.6360 0.7139 217.4260 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step smart_step 2 1.16229 1.48599 10 Stepping range = 1.16229 - 1.48599 Hard limits = 0, 1e+06 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 2 1.16229 1.48599 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 2 Chi-Squared 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4540 0.0280 1.195 217.4260 217.5380 0.1120 1.227 217.4260 217.6740 0.2480 1.259 217.4260 217.8590 0.4330 1.292 217.4260 218.0900 0.6640 1.324 217.4260 218.3650 0.9390 1.357 217.4260 218.7590 1.3330 1.389 217.4260 220.4420 3.0160 1.421 217.4260 223.6390 6.2130 1.454 217.4260 228.1450 10.7190 1.486 217.4260 Chisq exceeded max value of 9.210000, discontinuing step No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step Current chisq = 217.426000 Found lower bound Found upper bound smart_error iteration no. 6 Final error range: (0.802241 - 1.43877) Saving qdp file in param_qdp/fullrun_ccd3_acisf05828_pi14-548_pass1_cl_src9_pl_Nh.qdp smart_error 2 dchi=4.605 log=param_log/fullrun_ccd3_acisf05828_pi14-548_pass1_cl_src9_pl_Nh.log param_name=Nh {xtitle=N\dH\u (x 10\u22\d cm\u-2\d)} qdp=param_qdp/fullrun_ccd3_acisf05828_pi14-548_pass1_cl_src9_pl init_step=1 Initial range guess = 0.001000 Current chisq = 217.426000 Current parameter value = 1.16192 Parameter lower bound guess = 1.16092 Parameter upper bound guess = 1.16292 smart_step 2 1.16192 1.16092 10 Stepping range = 1.16092 - 1.16192 Hard limits = 0, 1e+06 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 2 1.16192 1.16092 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 2 Chi-Squared 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.161 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.161 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.161 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.161 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.161 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.161 217.4260 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step smart_step 2 1.16192 1.16292 10 Stepping range = 1.16192 - 1.16292 Hard limits = 0, 1e+06 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 2 1.16192 1.16292 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 2 Chi-Squared 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.163 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.163 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.163 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.163 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.163 217.4260 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step Current chisq = 217.426000 New lower guess = 1.15992 New upper guess = 1.16392 smart_error iteration no. 1 Current chisq = 217.426000 Current parameter value = 1.16192 Parameter lower bound guess = 1.15992 Parameter upper bound guess = 1.16392 smart_step 2 1.16192 1.15992 10 Stepping range = 1.15992 - 1.16192 Hard limits = 0, 1e+06 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 2 1.16192 1.15992 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 2 Chi-Squared 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.161 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.161 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.161 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.161 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.161 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.16 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.16 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.16 217.4260 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step smart_step 2 1.16192 1.16392 10 Stepping range = 1.16192 - 1.16392 Hard limits = 0, 1e+06 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 2 1.16192 1.16392 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 2 Chi-Squared 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.163 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.163 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.163 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.163 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.163 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.164 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.164 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.164 217.4260 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step Current chisq = 217.426000 New lower guess = 1.15792 New upper guess = 1.16592 smart_error iteration no. 2 Current chisq = 217.426000 Current parameter value = 1.16192 Parameter lower bound guess = 1.15792 Parameter upper bound guess = 1.16592 smart_step 2 1.16192 1.15792 10 Stepping range = 1.15792 - 1.16192 Hard limits = 0, 1e+06 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 2 1.16192 1.15792 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 2 Chi-Squared 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.161 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.161 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.16 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.16 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.16 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.159 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.159 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.158 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.158 217.4260 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step smart_step 2 1.16192 1.16592 10 Stepping range = 1.16192 - 1.16592 Hard limits = 0, 1e+06 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 2 1.16192 1.16592 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 2 Chi-Squared 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.163 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.163 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.164 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.164 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.164 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.165 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.165 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.166 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.166 217.4260 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step Current chisq = 217.426000 New lower guess = 1.15392 New upper guess = 1.16992 smart_error iteration no. 3 Current chisq = 217.426000 Current parameter value = 1.16192 Parameter lower bound guess = 1.15392 Parameter upper bound guess = 1.16992 smart_step 2 1.16192 1.15392 10 Stepping range = 1.15392 - 1.16192 Hard limits = 0, 1e+06 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 2 1.16192 1.15392 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 2 Chi-Squared 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.161 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.16 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.16 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.159 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.158 217.4260 217.4270 0.0010 1.157 217.4260 217.4270 0.0010 1.156 217.4260 217.4270 0.0010 1.156 217.4260 217.4270 0.0010 1.155 217.4260 217.4280 0.0020 1.154 217.4260 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step smart_step 2 1.16192 1.16992 10 Stepping range = 1.16192 - 1.16992 Hard limits = 0, 1e+06 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 2 1.16192 1.16992 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 2 Chi-Squared 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.163 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.164 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.164 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.165 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.166 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.167 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.168 217.4260 217.4270 0.0010 1.168 217.4260 217.4270 0.0010 1.169 217.4260 217.4270 0.0010 1.17 217.4260 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step Current chisq = 217.426000 New lower guess = 0.999376 New upper guess = 1.17792 smart_error iteration no. 4 Current chisq = 217.426000 Current parameter value = 1.16192 Parameter lower bound guess = 0.999376 Parameter upper bound guess = 1.17792 smart_step 2 1.16192 0.999376 10 Stepping range = 0.999376 - 1.16192 Hard limits = 0, 1e+06 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 2 1.16192 0.999376 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 2 Chi-Squared 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4340 0.0080 1.146 217.4260 217.4570 0.0310 1.129 217.4260 217.4960 0.0700 1.113 217.4260 217.5510 0.1250 1.097 217.4260 217.6230 0.1970 1.081 217.4260 217.7120 0.2860 1.064 217.4260 217.8190 0.3930 1.048 217.4260 217.9440 0.5180 1.032 217.4260 218.0880 0.6620 1.016 217.4260 218.2510 0.8250 0.9994 217.4260 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step smart_step 2 1.16192 1.17792 10 Stepping range = 1.16192 - 1.17792 Hard limits = 0, 1e+06 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 2 1.16192 1.17792 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 2 Chi-Squared 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.164 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.165 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 1.167 217.4260 217.4270 0.0010 1.168 217.4260 217.4270 0.0010 1.17 217.4260 217.4280 0.0020 1.172 217.4260 217.4290 0.0030 1.173 217.4260 217.4300 0.0040 1.175 217.4260 217.4310 0.0050 1.176 217.4260 217.4320 0.0060 1.178 217.4260 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step Current chisq = 217.426000 New lower guess = 0.713164 New upper guess = 1.77004 smart_error iteration no. 5 Current chisq = 217.426000 Current parameter value = 1.16192 Parameter lower bound guess = 0.713164 Parameter upper bound guess = 1.77004 smart_step 2 1.16192 0.713164 10 Stepping range = 0.713164 - 1.16192 Hard limits = 0, 1e+06 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 2 1.16192 0.713164 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 2 Chi-Squared 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.4850 0.0590 1.117 217.4260 217.6670 0.2410 1.072 217.4260 217.9830 0.5570 1.027 217.4260 218.4430 1.0170 0.9824 217.4260 219.0600 1.6340 0.9375 217.4260 219.8490 2.4230 0.8927 217.4260 220.8260 3.4000 0.8478 217.4260 222.0100 4.5840 0.8029 217.4260 223.4240 5.9980 0.758 217.4260 225.0930 7.6670 0.7132 217.4260 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step smart_step 2 1.16192 1.77004 10 Stepping range = 1.16192 - 1.77004 Hard limits = 0, 1e+06 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 2 1.16192 1.77004 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 2 Chi-Squared 217.4260 0.0000 1.162 217.4260 217.5240 0.0980 1.223 217.4260 217.8070 0.3810 1.284 217.4260 218.2570 0.8310 1.344 217.4260 219.4040 1.9780 1.405 217.4260 225.2170 7.7910 1.466 217.4260 235.3970 17.9710 1.527 217.4260 Chisq exceeded max value of 9.210000, discontinuing step No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step Current chisq = 217.426000 Found upper bound Found lower bound smart_error iteration no. 6 Final error range: (0.802202 - 1.43764) Saving qdp file in param_qdp/fullrun_ccd3_acisf05828_pi14-548_pass1_cl_src9_pl_Nh.qdp