smart_error 3 dchi=4.605 log=param_log/fullrun_ccd3_acisf05828_pi14-548_pass1_cl_src9_pl_Gamma.log param_name=Gamma {xtitle=\gG} qdp=param_qdp/fullrun_ccd3_acisf05828_pi14-548_pass1_cl_src9_pl init_step=1 Initial range guess = 0.010000 Current chisq = 217.426000 Current parameter value = 8.31244 Parameter lower bound guess = 8.30244 Parameter upper bound guess = 8.32244 smart_step 3 8.31244 8.30244 10 Stepping range = 8.30244 - 8.31244 Hard limits = -3, 10 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 3 8.31244 8.30244 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 3 Chi-Squared 217.4260 0.0000 8.312 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.311 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.31 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.309 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.308 217.4260 217.4270 0.0010 8.307 217.4260 217.4270 0.0010 8.306 217.4260 217.4280 0.0020 8.305 217.4260 217.4280 0.0020 8.304 217.4260 217.4290 0.0030 8.303 217.4260 217.4290 0.0030 8.302 217.4260 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step smart_step 3 8.31244 8.32244 10 Stepping range = 8.31244 - 8.32244 Hard limits = -3, 10 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 3 8.31244 8.32244 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 3 Chi-Squared 217.4260 0.0000 8.312 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.313 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.314 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.315 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.316 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.317 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.318 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.319 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.32 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.321 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.322 217.4260 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step Current chisq = 217.426000 New lower guess = 8.29244 New upper guess = 8.33244 smart_error iteration no. 1 Current chisq = 217.426000 Current parameter value = 8.31244 Parameter lower bound guess = 8.29244 Parameter upper bound guess = 8.33244 smart_step 3 8.31244 8.29244 10 Stepping range = 8.29244 - 8.31244 Hard limits = -3, 10 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 3 8.31244 8.29244 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 3 Chi-Squared 217.4260 0.0000 8.312 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.31 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.308 217.4260 217.4270 0.0010 8.306 217.4260 217.4280 0.0020 8.304 217.4260 217.4290 0.0030 8.302 217.4260 217.4310 0.0050 8.3 217.4260 217.4330 0.0070 8.298 217.4260 217.4350 0.0090 8.296 217.4260 217.4370 0.0110 8.294 217.4260 217.4400 0.0140 8.292 217.4260 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step smart_step 3 8.31244 8.33244 10 Stepping range = 8.31244 - 8.33244 Hard limits = -3, 10 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 3 8.31244 8.33244 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 3 Chi-Squared 217.4260 0.0000 8.312 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.314 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.316 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.318 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.32 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.322 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.324 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.326 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.328 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.33 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.332 217.4260 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step Current chisq = 217.426000 New lower guess = 7.92687 New upper guess = 8.35244 smart_error iteration no. 2 Current chisq = 217.426000 Current parameter value = 8.31244 Parameter lower bound guess = 7.92687 Parameter upper bound guess = 8.35244 smart_step 3 8.31244 7.92687 10 Stepping range = 7.92687 - 8.31244 Hard limits = -3, 10 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 3 8.31244 7.92687 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 3 Chi-Squared 217.4260 0.0000 8.312 217.4260 217.4760 0.0500 8.274 217.4260 217.6260 0.2000 8.235 217.4260 217.7530 0.3270 8.197 217.4260 217.7700 0.3440 8.158 217.4260 217.7890 0.3630 8.12 217.4260 217.8110 0.3850 8.081 217.4260 217.8360 0.4100 8.043 217.4260 217.8640 0.4380 8.004 217.4260 217.8950 0.4690 7.965 217.4260 217.9300 0.5040 7.927 217.4260 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step smart_step 3 8.31244 8.35244 10 Stepping range = 8.31244 - 8.35244 Hard limits = -3, 10 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 3 8.31244 8.35244 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 3 Chi-Squared 217.4260 0.0000 8.312 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.316 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.32 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.324 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.328 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.332 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.336 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.34 217.4260 217.4270 0.0010 8.344 217.4260 217.4270 0.0010 8.348 217.4260 217.4270 0.0010 8.352 217.4260 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step Current chisq = 217.426000 New lower guess = 5.06096 New upper guess = 8.39244 smart_error iteration no. 3 Current chisq = 217.426000 Current parameter value = 8.31244 Parameter lower bound guess = 5.06096 Parameter upper bound guess = 8.39244 smart_step 3 8.31244 5.06096 10 Stepping range = 5.06096 - 8.31244 Hard limits = -3, 10 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 3 8.31244 5.06096 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 3 Chi-Squared 217.4260 0.0000 8.312 217.4260 217.8770 0.4510 7.987 217.4260 218.2540 0.8280 7.662 217.4260 218.8790 1.4530 7.337 217.4260 219.7810 2.3550 7.012 217.4260 220.9930 3.5670 6.687 217.4260 222.5560 5.1300 6.362 217.4260 224.5200 7.0940 6.036 217.4260 226.9500 9.5240 5.711 217.4260 Chisq exceeded max value of 9.210000, discontinuing step No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step smart_step 3 8.31244 8.39244 10 Stepping range = 8.31244 - 8.39244 Hard limits = -3, 10 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 3 8.31244 8.39244 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 3 Chi-Squared 217.4260 0.0000 8.312 217.4260 217.4270 0.0010 8.32 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.328 217.4260 217.4270 0.0010 8.336 217.4260 217.4270 0.0010 8.344 217.4260 217.4280 0.0020 8.352 217.4260 217.4280 0.0020 8.36 217.4260 217.4290 0.0030 8.368 217.4260 217.4290 0.0030 8.376 217.4260 217.4310 0.0050 8.384 217.4260 217.4310 0.0050 8.392 217.4260 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step Current chisq = 217.426000 Found lower bound New upper guess = 8.47244 smart_error iteration no. 4 Current chisq = 217.426000 Current parameter value = 8.31244 Parameter lower bound = 6.46439 Parameter upper bound guess = 8.47244 smart_step 3 8.31244 8.47244 10 Stepping range = 8.31244 - 8.47244 Hard limits = -3, 10 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 3 8.31244 8.47244 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 3 Chi-Squared 217.4260 0.0000 8.312 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.328 217.4260 217.4270 0.0010 8.344 217.4260 217.4280 0.0020 8.36 217.4260 217.4290 0.0030 8.376 217.4260 217.4310 0.0050 8.392 217.4260 217.4340 0.0080 8.408 217.4260 217.4370 0.0110 8.424 217.4260 217.4400 0.0140 8.44 217.4260 217.4440 0.0180 8.456 217.4260 217.4480 0.0220 8.472 217.4260 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step Current chisq = 217.426000 New upper guess = 11.2146 Resetting upper guess to hard limit = 10.000000 smart_error iteration no. 5 Current chisq = 217.426000 Current parameter value = 8.31244 Parameter lower bound = 6.46439 Parameter upper bound guess = 10 smart_step 3 8.31244 10 10 Stepping range = 8.31244 - 10 Hard limits = -3, 10 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 3 8.31244 10 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 3 Chi-Squared 217.4260 0.0000 8.312 217.4260 217.6040 0.1780 8.481 217.4260 217.6180 0.1920 8.65 217.4260 217.7610 0.3350 8.819 217.4260 217.9170 0.4910 8.987 217.4260 218.1110 0.6850 9.156 217.4260 218.3620 0.9360 9.325 217.4260 218.6340 1.2080 9.494 217.4260 218.9440 1.5180 9.662 217.4260 219.2550 1.8290 9.831 217.4260 219.6280 2.2020 10 217.4260 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step Current chisq = 217.426000 New upper guess = 11.4003 Hit hard upper limit with delta chisq = 1.829000 smart_error iteration no. 6 Final error range: (6.46439 - 10) Saving qdp file in param_qdp/fullrun_ccd3_acisf05828_pi14-548_pass1_cl_src9_pl_Gamma.qdp smart_error 3 dchi=4.605 log=param_log/fullrun_ccd3_acisf05828_pi14-548_pass1_cl_src9_pl_Gamma.log param_name=Gamma {xtitle=\gG} qdp=param_qdp/fullrun_ccd3_acisf05828_pi14-548_pass1_cl_src9_pl init_step=1 Initial range guess = 0.010000 Current chisq = 217.426000 Current parameter value = 8.31011 Parameter lower bound guess = 8.30011 Parameter upper bound guess = 8.32011 smart_step 3 8.31011 8.30011 10 Stepping range = 8.30011 - 8.31011 Hard limits = -3, 10 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 3 8.31011 8.30011 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 3 Chi-Squared 217.4260 0.0000 8.31 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.309 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.308 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.307 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.306 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.305 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.304 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.303 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.302 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.301 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.3 217.4260 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step smart_step 3 8.31011 8.32011 10 Stepping range = 8.31011 - 8.32011 Hard limits = -3, 10 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 3 8.31011 8.32011 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 3 Chi-Squared 217.4260 0.0000 8.31 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.311 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.312 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.313 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.314 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.315 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.316 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.317 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.318 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.319 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.32 217.4260 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step Current chisq = 217.426000 New lower guess = 8.29011 New upper guess = 8.33011 smart_error iteration no. 1 Current chisq = 217.426000 Current parameter value = 8.31011 Parameter lower bound guess = 8.29011 Parameter upper bound guess = 8.33011 smart_step 3 8.31011 8.29011 10 Stepping range = 8.29011 - 8.31011 Hard limits = -3, 10 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 3 8.31011 8.29011 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 3 Chi-Squared 217.4260 0.0000 8.31 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.308 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.306 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.304 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.302 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.3 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.298 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.296 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.294 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.292 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.29 217.4260 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step smart_step 3 8.31011 8.33011 10 Stepping range = 8.31011 - 8.33011 Hard limits = -3, 10 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 3 8.31011 8.33011 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 3 Chi-Squared 217.4260 0.0000 8.31 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.312 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.314 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.316 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.318 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.32 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.322 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.324 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.326 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.328 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.33 217.4260 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step Current chisq = 217.426000 New lower guess = 8.27011 New upper guess = 8.35011 smart_error iteration no. 2 Current chisq = 217.426000 Current parameter value = 8.31011 Parameter lower bound guess = 8.27011 Parameter upper bound guess = 8.35011 smart_step 3 8.31011 8.27011 10 Stepping range = 8.27011 - 8.31011 Hard limits = -3, 10 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 3 8.31011 8.27011 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 3 Chi-Squared 217.4260 0.0000 8.31 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.306 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.302 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.298 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.294 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.29 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.286 217.4260 217.4270 0.0010 8.282 217.4260 217.4270 0.0010 8.278 217.4260 217.4270 0.0010 8.274 217.4260 217.4270 0.0010 8.27 217.4260 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step smart_step 3 8.31011 8.35011 10 Stepping range = 8.31011 - 8.35011 Hard limits = -3, 10 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 3 8.31011 8.35011 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 3 Chi-Squared 217.4260 0.0000 8.31 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.314 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.318 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.322 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.326 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.33 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.334 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.338 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.342 217.4260 217.4270 0.0010 8.346 217.4260 217.4270 0.0010 8.35 217.4260 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step Current chisq = 217.426000 New lower guess = 8.23011 New upper guess = 8.39011 smart_error iteration no. 3 Current chisq = 217.426000 Current parameter value = 8.31011 Parameter lower bound guess = 8.23011 Parameter upper bound guess = 8.39011 smart_step 3 8.31011 8.23011 10 Stepping range = 8.23011 - 8.31011 Hard limits = -3, 10 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 3 8.31011 8.23011 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 3 Chi-Squared 217.4260 0.0000 8.31 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.302 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.294 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.286 217.4260 217.4270 0.0010 8.278 217.4260 217.4270 0.0010 8.27 217.4260 217.4280 0.0020 8.262 217.4260 217.4290 0.0030 8.254 217.4260 217.4300 0.0040 8.246 217.4260 217.4310 0.0050 8.238 217.4260 217.4320 0.0060 8.23 217.4260 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step smart_step 3 8.31011 8.39011 10 Stepping range = 8.31011 - 8.39011 Hard limits = -3, 10 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 3 8.31011 8.39011 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 3 Chi-Squared 217.4260 0.0000 8.31 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.318 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.326 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.334 217.4260 217.4260 0.0000 8.342 217.4260 217.4270 0.0010 8.35 217.4260 217.4270 0.0010 8.358 217.4260 217.4280 0.0020 8.366 217.4260 217.4290 0.0030 8.374 217.4260 217.4300 0.0040 8.382 217.4260 217.4310 0.0050 8.39 217.4260 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step Current chisq = 217.426000 New lower guess = 5.26949 New upper guess = 11.074 Resetting upper guess to hard limit = 10.000000 smart_error iteration no. 4 Current chisq = 217.426000 Current parameter value = 8.31011 Parameter lower bound guess = 5.26949 Parameter upper bound guess = 10 smart_step 3 8.31011 5.26949 10 Stepping range = 5.26949 - 8.31011 Hard limits = -3, 10 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 3 8.31011 5.26949 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 3 Chi-Squared 217.4260 0.0000 8.31 217.4260 217.5150 0.0890 8.006 217.4260 217.7900 0.3640 7.702 217.4260 218.2710 0.8450 7.398 217.4260 218.9790 1.5530 7.094 217.4260 219.9400 2.5140 6.79 217.4260 221.1830 3.7570 6.486 217.4260 222.7440 5.3180 6.182 217.4260 224.6690 7.2430 5.878 217.4260 227.0190 9.5930 5.574 217.4260 Chisq exceeded max value of 9.210000, discontinuing step No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step smart_step 3 8.31011 10 10 Stepping range = 8.31011 - 10 Hard limits = -3, 10 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 3 8.31011 10 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 3 Chi-Squared 217.4260 0.0000 8.31 217.4260 217.4500 0.0240 8.479 217.4260 217.5240 0.0980 8.648 217.4260 217.6440 0.2180 8.817 217.4260 217.8080 0.3820 8.986 217.4260 218.0130 0.5870 9.155 217.4260 218.2580 0.8320 9.324 217.4260 218.5400 1.1140 9.493 217.4260 218.8560 1.4300 9.662 217.4260 219.2060 1.7800 9.831 217.4260 219.5860 2.1600 10 217.4260 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step Current chisq = 217.426000 Found lower bound New upper guess = 11.3783 Hit hard upper limit with delta chisq = 1.780000 smart_error iteration no. 5 Final error range: (6.31408 - 10) Saving qdp file in param_qdp/fullrun_ccd3_acisf05828_pi14-548_pass1_cl_src9_pl_Gamma.qdp