Analysis Type | Results | Plot | Products |
Spatial |
Source position = 8 49 56.08 -45 31 44.2 Source image position = (347.832777642, 1053.66594512) Source region radius = 24.6" Background annulus = 36.8" - 92.1" |
Detailed fitting results | |
Spectral |
Spectral fit not performed
No arf file found Source does not have response(s) for spectral fitting |
N/A | |
Temporal |
K-S test against local background: d = 0.0299284, prob = 0.785571 K-S test against global background: d = 0.0338715, prob = 0.541384 |
N/A | |
Counterparts | Check SIMBAD |
Spatial fitting resulted in a total count estimate inconsistent with observed value.
Regions give source ellipse (red) and bgd. annulus used in product extraction (green), other ellipse show nearby sources that have been excluded (blue, if any).N.B., nearby sources are NOT excluded from the source regions since in many cases that would also remove many source photons for the source of interest, and this case is more properly handled manually
Source variability probability gives the probability that the source light curve is consistent with the background light curve. "Local" background is taken from the annulus shown. "Global" background is the background light curve shown on the main report page.
This page was generated at Mon Oct 3 18:04:00 2011)