Source List

Observation details report
Detailed source parameters (including errors) in a comma-separated values file

Click on source number for detailed analysis, including spectral fits if applicable

data idnum idradec telescope instrument x y cnts cntserr rate rateerr SNR poisprob sigmaj sigmin incang offax cnts_soft cnts_hard hr hr_err ext var N_H flux vign flags
Report 16 X160202.81+154918.8 chandra ccd3 552.179 241.416 131.721 12.3881 0.00736709 0.000692859 41.8979 1 2.96418 2.96418 0 8.64338 F F 3.08e+20 0 1 ds
Report 2 X160211.77+155437.2 chandra ccd3 289.337 888.488 70.1545 8.96235 0.00392371 0.00050126 22.3148 1 0.547389 0.547389 0 3.44477 F F 3.04e+20 0 1 ds
Report 1 X160213.24+155615.0 chandra ccd1 1215.27 687.346 59.3758 9.0835 0.00332145 0.000508126 17.4581 1 0.397798 0.397798 0 2.18625 F F 3.02e+20 0 1 ds
Report 3 X160202.03+155515.9 chandra ccd3 575.051 967.266 58.4063 7.95418 0.00326664 0.000444874 18.5779 1 0.503882 0.503882 0 2.89781 F F 3.03e+20 0 1 ds
Report 1 X160110.71+160016.5 chandra ccd6 346.933 959.049 85.9395 14.2644 0.00480739 0.000797939 7.92707 1 8.57896 8.57896 0 13.7691 F F 3.01e+20 0 1 ds
Report 4 X160153.31+154806.5 chandra ccd3 830.526 94.0898 29.6633 6.2451 0.00165905 0.000349285 9.43533 1 4.00731 1.89526 117.28 10.3292 A F 3.08e+20 0 1 d
Report 8 X160148.72+155530.5 chandra ccd3 965.295 996.954 18.1264 5.08581 0.0010138 0.000284448 5.76566 0.999999 0.79447 0.79447 0 5.03806 F F 3.03e+20 0 1 ds
Report 2 X160231.52+155544.4 chandra ccd1 679.595 625.274 20.3004 4.5056 0.00113559 0.00025204 5.96888 0.999999 0.724078 0.724078 0 6.22902 F F 3.03e+20 0 1 ds
Report 1 X160201.91+160428.3 chandra ccd0 1148.38 733.895 29.7287 6.39378 0.0016636 0.000357791 7.94188 1 2.2905 2.2905 0 6.6934 F F 2.98e+20 0 1 ds
Report 2 X160218.86+160710.6 chandra ccd0 651.382 1063.46 52.9693 9.21976 0.00296409 0.000515925 14.1505 1 4.71752 2.89413 104.728 9.70738 A F 2.99e+20 0 1 d
Report 3 X160215.92+160341.9 chandra ccd0 737.977 639.58 94.4836 10.8285 0.00528723 0.000605953 25.2408 1 1.5 1.01723 237.381 6.18727 F F 2.99e+20 0 1 ds
Report 10 X160205.17+154929.2 chandra ccd3 482.423 262.115 17.8752 5.09912 0.00099975 0.000285191 5.68575 0.999998 2.85769 1.99584 53.9051 8.40998 F F 3.08e+20 0 1 d
Report 11 X160208.45+155053.3 chandra ccd3 386.679 433.378 11.7038 4.27687 0.000654588 0.000239203 3.72275 0.999397 1.06919 1.06919 0 7.00122 F F 3.07e+20 0 1 ds
Report 7 X160151.78+155815.6 chandra ccd2 495.474 363.575 14.591 4.16765 0.000816067 0.000233095 3.71559 0.999687 0.503519 0.503519 0 3.72536 F F 3.02e+20 0 1 ds
Report 5 X160150.02+160457.4 chandra ccd2 546.812 1180.26 12.9891 6.40726 0.000726476 0.000358356 3.30766 0.998706 1.42749 1.42749 0 8.1859 F F 2.98e+20 0 1 ds
Report 4 X160213.95+155939.9 chandra ccd0 795.638 147.789 13.1769 5.18566 0.000737371 0.000290186 3.52014 0.999357 0.391817 0.391817 0 2.40975 F F 3e+20 0 1 ds
Report 9 X160210.64+155547.9 chandra ccd3 322.509 1032.3 11.5798 4.26235 0.000647654 0.000238392 3.68331 0.999397 0.729252 0.729252 0 2.24042 T F 3.03e+20 0 1 ds
Report 6 X160204.79+155444.1 chandra ccd3 494.223 902.525 8.87925 4.51396 0.000496613 0.000252464 2.82432 0.9936 0.566786 0.566786 0 3.20072 F F 3.04e+20 0 1 ds
Report 6 X160136.70+155956.9 chandra ccd2 936.808 569.115 10.6072 3.60559 0.000593256 0.000201659 2.70112 0.995276 1.32531 0.806807 111.85 7.61521 A F 3.01e+20 0 1 d
Report 5 X160209.01+155238.0 chandra ccd3 369.917 645.833 10.2616 3.46413 0.000573926 0.000193747 3.26402 0.998616 0.799571 0.595376 27.7066 5.26738 F F 3.05e+20 0 1 d
Report 3 X160157.95+160053.5 chandra ccd2 314.136 683.864 9.83263 3.31665 0.000549934 0.000185498 2.50387 0.991402 0.879156 0.492 120.548 3.74071 A F 3e+20 0 1 d
Report 2 X160203.49+160019.7 chandra ccd2 151.682 615.136 9.42619 3.31665 0.000527202 0.000185499 2.40037 0.984872 0.642827 0.531232 132.536 2.60209 F F 3e+20 0 1 d
Report 1 X160143.43+155705.9 chandra ccd2 739.611 221.5 8.32145 3.00001 0.000465414 0.000167789 2.11905 0.974285 0.890446 0.556634 19.3922 5.76564 A F 3.03e+20 0 1 d
Report 12 X160207.60+155200.6 chandra ccd3 411.278 569.833 8.10799 3.00002 0.000453476 0.000167789 2.579 0.987146 0.61687 0.492 150.408 5.87335 F F 3.06e+20 0 1 d
Report 4 X160156.21+160210.9 chandra ccd2 364.833 841.167 8.01254 3.00002 0.000448137 0.00016779 2.04039 0.974285 0.758223 0.492 123.69 5.04368 A F 2.99e+20 0 1 d
Report 1 X160147.27+155315.3 chandra ccd3 1007.38 721.625 6.58718 2.82846 0.000368417 0.000158194 2.09525 0.975392 1.15608 0.492 171.37 6.66178 A F 3.05e+20 0 1 d
Report 7 X160214.60+155912.3 chandra ccd0 776.576 91.6544 13.4953 4.93066 0.000755189 0.000275917 3.6052 0.999357 0.892891 0.892891 0 2.21072 F F 3.01e+20 0 1 ds
Report 8 X160213.48+160313.3 chandra ccd0 808.885 580.961 11.3977 3.60558 0.000637798 0.000201763 3.04483 0.997363 0.846027 0.492 145.705 5.54728 A F 2.99e+20 0 1 d
Report 9 X160232.39+160421.9 chandra ccd0 255.115 720.692 16.0647 5.09914 0.000898956 0.000285341 4.2916 0.999939 2.6948 1.59456 110.121 8.8684 A F 2.99e+20 0 1 db
Report 10 X160213.34+155933.3 chandra ccd0 813.557 134.457 19.7995 5.60412 0.00110797 0.000313603 5.28934 0.999996 0.603065 0.603065 0 2.23167 F F 3e+20 0 1 ds

counts and rate are bgd.-subtracted, based on simple spatial fitting (if done) or extracted counts from aperture otherwise (N.B., in either case aperture counts are given csv file).
cntserr, rateerr = Error on (source) counts and count rate, based on error in total counts
SNR = signal-to-noise ratio, computed using Nsrc/sqrt(Nbgd)
poisprob = Poisson probability of observing total counts given bgd. counts
sigmaj, sigmin = source extent (from detection output or spatial fitting) in units of arcsecs.
incang = position angle of source (inclination from x-axis)
cnts_soft = bgd.-subtracted counts in soft band (0.50 - 2.00 KeV, always taken directly from source aperture rather than model fitting)
cnts_hard = bgd.-subtracted counts in hard band (2.00 - 7.99 KeV, always taken directly from source aperture rather than model fitting)
hr, hr_err = hardness ratio ([cnts_hard-cnts_soft]/[cnts_hard+cnts_soft]) and error
ext = source extension flag: F = false (not extended), T = true (extended), A = asymetric (ratio of sigmaj/sigmin > 1 + x, where x = 0.5 by default)
var = variability flag: U = unknown, F = false (is not variable), T = true
N_H = Galactic column density as determined from LHEASOFT nh program
flux = flux determined from count rate using pimms (in the 0.30-8.00 keV bandpass for a power-law model with ph. index = 1.8)
vign = vignetting correction
Flags: d = detection parameters, s = simple spatial fitting parameters, b = simple spatial fitting failed, p = poor simple spatial fit, x = extracted events parameters, t = temporal anaylsis parameters, i = psf spatial fitting parameters, f = spectral fitting parameters, c = source is confused, u = user-defined source, v = detected source coincident with user-defined source, r = source is in region-of-interest