Source List

Observation details report
Detailed source parameters (including errors) in a comma-separated values file

Click on source number for detailed analysis, including spectral fits if applicable

data idnum idradec telescope instrument x y cnts cntserr rate rateerr SNR poisprob sigmaj sigmin incang offax cnts_soft cnts_hard hr hr_err ext var N_H flux vign flags
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 2 X085041.49+110840.7 chandra ccd7 683.012 837.427 85.4469 9.26741 0.0141447 0.00153411 58.326 1 0.484657 0.484657 0 1.3716 F F 3.59e+20 9.4107e-14 1 dsx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 1 X085045.76+110840.8 chandra ccd7 555.323 837.537 74.5545 8.8284 0.0123416 0.00146144 50.8909 1 0.381628 0.381628 0 0.56864 F F 3.59e+20 8.12773e-14 1 dsx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 1 X085145.49+110920.0 chandra ccd2 295.062 407.484 42.1965 8.0002 0.0069851 0.00132433 73.6022 1 5.75194 3.14456 108.379 14.4321 A F 3.61e+20 9.53933e-14 1 dx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 1 X085134.98+110418.0 chandra ccd3 345.143 802.286 24.8925 6.32475 0.00412065 0.00104698 44.6783 1 2.92025 1.37624 54.6368 12.8292 A F 3.67e+20 5.52727e-14 1 dx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 10 X085049.36+110501.0 chandra ccd7 447.617 390.79 19.8629 4.74102 0.00328807 0.00078482 13.5584 1 1.15826 0.565241 315.622 4.23811 F F 3.64e+20 2.29253e-14 1 dsx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 6 X085056.94+111101.4 chandra ccd6 466.699 97.2741 19.5147 4.41754 0.00323043 0.000731274 33.8274 1 0.614759 0.614759 0 3.11075 F F 3.56e+20 3.21239e-14 1 dsx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 3 X085052.57+111501.6 chandra ccd6 597 585 11.281 3.46411 0.00186744 0.000573441 19.5549 1 1.51426 0.796546 171.65 6.00019 A F 3.5e+20 1.94167e-14 1 dx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 2 X085124.42+111039.8 chandra ccd2 925.25 569.25 9.9151 3.46414 0.00164132 0.000573445 17.2947 1 2.69324 1.82408 61.4547 9.37855 F F 3.58e+20 2.09641e-14 1 dx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 3 X085129.41+111203.5 chandra ccd2 776.333 739.5 10.2904 3.46413 0.00170345 0.000573443 17.9493 1 2.26753 1.78411 85.3325 10.8675 F F 3.57e+20 2.24109e-14 1 dx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 4 X085032.97+111303.4 chandra ccd6 1183.17 344.722 8.7561 3.00001 0.00144946 0.000496614 15.1781 1 1.07246 0.57074 102.29 5.10812 A F 3.51e+20 1.61783e-14 1 dx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 6 X085036.68+110335.5 chandra ccd7 826.5 216.5 7.23955 2.82844 0.00119842 0.000468214 4.94172 0.999917 1.19723 0.492 60.3499 6.12339 A F 3.66e+20 8.71293e-15 1 dx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 1 X085047.54+111143.4 chandra ccd6 747.5 182.214 6.96084 2.64575 0.00115228 0.000437971 12.0662 1 0.492 0.492 114.699 2.52851 F F 3.55e+20 1.12579e-14 1 dx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 3 X085045.89+110607.2 chandra ccd7 550.786 524.786 6.90279 2.64575 0.00114267 0.000437972 4.71185 0.999917 0.492 0.492 62.496 3.09061 F F 3.63e+20 7.82911e-15 1 dx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 5 X085044.77+110921.9 chandra ccd7 584.357 920.5 6.78138 2.64576 0.00112257 0.000437972 4.62897 0.999606 0.492 0.492 141.047 0.489008 F F 3.58e+20 7.4151e-15 1 dx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 7 X085047.86+110612.2 chandra ccd7 491.928 534.928 6.73233 2.64576 0.00111445 0.000437972 4.59549 0.999606 0.68641 0.492 79.403 3.01632 F F 3.63e+20 7.60804e-15 1 dx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 5 X085100.95+111651.5 chandra ccd6 346.5 808.5 6.47985 2.82846 0.00107266 0.000468217 11.2324 1 0.492 0.492 90 8.4192 F F 3.48e+20 1.18465e-14 1 dx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 9 X085030.49+110455.3 chandra ccd7 1011.67 378.833 5.75757 2.4495 0.000953095 0.000405484 3.93012 0.998301 0.567002 0.492 63.4349 5.83637 F F 3.64e+20 6.99687e-15 1 dx
Report 2 X085050.99+111118.9 chandra ccd6 644.3 132.3 4.91716 2.23607 0.000813975 0.000370154 8.52357 0.999999 0.542442 0.492 178.569 2.36276 F F 3.55e+20 0 1 d
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 4 X085050.75+110650.3 chandra ccd7 405.3 612.5 4.85105 2.23607 0.00080303 0.000370154 3.31132 0.993435 0.492 0.492 17.7688 2.57077 F F 3.62e+20 5.47022e-15 1 dx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 8 X085054.50+110724.6 chandra ccd7 293.3 682.1 4.80075 2.23607 0.000794704 0.000370154 3.27699 0.993435 0.729843 0.492 82.1096 2.63169 F F 3.61e+20 5.37512e-15 1 dx

counts and rate are bgd.-subtracted, based on simple spatial fitting (if done) or extracted counts from aperture otherwise (N.B., in either case aperture counts are given csv file).
cntserr, rateerr = Error on (source) counts and count rate, based on error in total counts
SNR = signal-to-noise ratio, computed using Nsrc/sqrt(Nbgd)
poisprob = Poisson probability of observing total counts given bgd. counts
sigmaj, sigmin = source extent (from detection output or spatial fitting) in units of arcsecs.
incang = position angle of source (inclination from x-axis)
cnts_soft = bgd.-subtracted counts in soft band (0.50 - 2.00 KeV, always taken directly from source aperture rather than model fitting)
cnts_hard = bgd.-subtracted counts in hard band (2.00 - 7.99 KeV, always taken directly from source aperture rather than model fitting)
hr, hr_err = hardness ratio ([cnts_hard-cnts_soft]/[cnts_hard+cnts_soft]) and error
ext = source extension flag: F = false (not extended), T = true (extended), A = asymetric (ratio of sigmaj/sigmin > 1 + x, where x = 0.5 by default)
var = variability flag: U = unknown, F = false (is not variable), T = true
N_H = Galactic column density as determined from LHEASOFT nh program
flux = flux determined from count rate using pimms (in the 0.30-8.00 keV bandpass for a power-law model with ph. index = 1.8)
vign = vignetting correction
Flags: d = detection parameters, s = simple spatial fitting parameters, b = simple spatial fitting failed, p = poor simple spatial fit, x = extracted events parameters, t = temporal anaylsis parameters, i = psf spatial fitting parameters, f = spectral fitting parameters, c = source is confused, u = user-defined source, v = detected source coincident with user-defined source, r = source is in region-of-interest