
Processing completion:

Field: acisf02109

Detector Exposure (Original/Cleaned) Image binning Plate scale ("/pixel) Bgd. level (orig/cleaned, counts/sq. arcmin/s) GTI file Bgd. light curves Roll angle CCD counts Extra info
ccd2 5156 | 5156 1.00 0.49 0.0033/0.0033 Yes orig clean
ccd3 5156 | 5156 1.00 0.49 0.0031/0.0031 Yes orig clean
ccd5 5156 | 5156 1.00 0.49 0.012/0.012 Yes orig clean
ccd6 5156 | 5156 1.00 0.49 0.0033/0.0033 Yes orig clean
ccd7 5156 | 5156 1.00 0.49 0.0082/0.0082 Yes orig clean
acis 5156 | 5156 4.00 1.97 0/0 Yes orig clean 253.1 ccd2:1223 ccd3:1137 ccd5:4540 ccd6:1248 ccd7:3100 ccd8:1300 datamode=FAINT
CCD Temp=-120
object=LBQS 1239+0955
timedel=3.24 (full readout)

Source List (gives positions and fluxes and links for detailed analyses)

13 source(s) in memory
Iteration: 2
|ccd2 |ccd3 |ccd5 |ccd6 |ccd7 |acis |
init Complete
acquire Complete
reduce Complete
detect Complete
timeclean Complete
simplespatial Complete
assess Complete
extract Complete
reassess Complete
spectral Complete
temporal Complete
spatial Complete
correl Skip
sim Skip
qlook Skip
xray image
skyview image

Xray image, smoothed with a 2 pixel gaussian

Skyview image(s) of FOV (with X-ray sources marked)

Color code (marks may only appear on detector-specific images for multi-detector missions, see links above): green = point source, red = problematic/questionable source, blue = extended source, magenta = asymmetric source (may be extended), cyan = estimated detector boundary, purple = "Region of Interest" (if set)

Python version = 2.5.4 (r254:67916, Aug 14 2009, 18:07:15) [GCC 4.1.1 20070105 (Red Hat 4.1.1-52)]
Headas version = 6.11
CIAO version = 4.3.0
XAssist version = 1.000
numpy version = 1.3.0
Pyfits version = 2.1.1
XAssist originally started on this data set at Mon Sep 26 06:05:07 2011
This data set was last accessed on Mon Sep 26 06:05:07 2011
Current user = xassist on xassist.localdomain
Number of fields in memory = 1
Current field being processed = acisf02109
Position of field target = 12 41 35.90 9 39 30.6
Current telescope = chandra
Current detector = acis
Processing mode = proc
Processing status = OK
Detection method = wavelet
Batch processing enabled
Place data, logs, etc. in field subdirectories
Image analysis will be over range of allowed energies
Will analyze each ccd separately
Will skip analysis of CCD 8

Log files: processing messages |error messages |all messages (very detailed) |source logs