#   parameter file for wrecon
#   input
infile,f,a,"/xassist/data/pipeline4/chandra/15050/acisf15050/products/images/fullrun_ccd7_acisf15050_pi14-548.img.gz",,,"Input file name"
#   output
sourcefile,f,a,"fullrun_ccd7_acisf15050_pi14-548_wavdet.fits",,,"Output source list file name"
scellfile,f,a,"fullrun_ccd7_acisf15050_pi14-548_cellimage.fits",,,"Output source cell image file name"
imagefile,f,a,"fullrun_ccd7_acisf15050_pi14-548_recon.img",,,"Output image file name"
regfile,f,h,"",,,"ASCII source regions file"
#   output options
clobber,b,h,no,,,"Overwrite exiting outputs?"
ellsigma,r,h,3.0,,,"Size, in sigmas, of output source ellipses"
#   additional input
srclist,f,h,"",,,"Source input stack file name"
correl,f,h,"",,,"Correlation input stack file name"
nbkg,f,h,"",,,"Normalized background input stack file name"
bkginput,f,h,"",,,"Input background file"
bkgerrinput,b,h,no,,,"use input background error from bkginput[2]"
#   additional output
defnbkgfile,f,h,"",,,"Default normalized background file name"
fluxfile,f,h,"",,,"Flux stack file name"
#   additional output info
outputinfix,f,h,"",,,"Extra infix for output file names"
#   scales
xscales,s,h,"1.0 1.41 2 2.82 4 5.65 8 11.31 16",,,"X scales"
yscales,s,h,"1.0 1.41 2 2.82 4 5.65 8 11.31 16",,,"Y scales"
fluxscales,s,h,"1 3 5 7 9",,,"Flux scales"
#   exposure info
expfile,f,h,"",,,"Exposure map file name"
exptime,r,h,0,,,"Exposure time in seconds"
expthresh,r,h,0.1,,,"Exposure threshold"
bkgtime,r,h,0,,,"Background time in seconds"
#   PSF size parameters
xoffset,i,h,INDEF,,,"Offset of x axis from optical axis"
yoffset,i,h,INDEF,,,"Offset of y axis from optical axis"
eband,r,h,1.4967,,,"Energy band"
eenergy,r,h,0.393,,,"Encircled energy of PSF"
psftable,f,h,"${ASCDS_CALIB}/psfsize20010416.fits",,,"Table of PSF size data"
#   using defaults is recommended here
stall,b,h,no,,,"Stall for debugger?"
#   run log verbosity and content
log,b,h,no,,,"Make a log file?"
verbose,i,h,0,0,5,"Log verbosity"
#   mode