
This page was generated at Wed May 22 09:07:59 2013

Source 1

Data taken from csv/fullrun_ccd3_acisf13681_pi14-548_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src1.csv
C/dof = 940.37/3317
Total counts = 109
Model total counts = 149.1
Warning, poor agreement between model and actual number of counts may be indicative of a poor fit
1 const = 0.03605 (0.0288 - 0.04432)
Model 1
Model 1
2 linx = -0.001582 (-0.00241 - -0.0006096)
3 liny = -0.0001846 (-0.001039 - 0.0006927)
Model 2
Model 2
4 xc = 15.66 (indef)
5 yc = -15.66 (indef)
6 norm = 1e-06 (<15.53)
7 sigmax = 0.9789 (indef)
8 sigmay = 0.9789 (= 7)
9 theta = 0 (frozen)
Model 3
Model 3
Model 3 Position (J2000) = 21 30 53.62 47 10 5.2 (322.723413, 47.168109)
Model 3 Position (xc, yc) = (90.835163, 864.835163)
data model resid