SIMPLE = T / file does conform to FITS standard BITPIX = 16 / number of bits per data pixel NAXIS = 0 / number of data axes EXTEND = T / FITS dataset may contain extensions COMMENT FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'AstronomyCOMMENT and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H HDUNAME = 'PRIMARY ' LONGSTRN= 'OGIP 1.0' / The HEASARC Long String Convention may be used.COMMENT This FITS file may contain long string keyword values that are COMMENT continued over multiple keywords. The HEASARC convention uses the & COMMENT character at the end of each substring which is then continued COMMENT on the next keyword which has the name CONTINUE. ORIGIN = 'ASC ' / Source of FITS file CREATOR = 'acis_build_badpix - Version CIAO 4.3' / tool that created this outputMJD_OBS = 5.5866920520945E+04 / Modified Julian date of observation DS_IDENT= 'ADS/Sa.CXO#obs/13580' / dataset identifier STARTMJF= 17696 STOPMJF = 17759 STARTMNF= 18 STOPMNF = 53 CHECKSUM= '9634C5029502C502' / HDU checksum updated 2013-05-07T04:25:37 DATASUM = ' ' / data unit checksum updated 2013-05-07T04:25:29 DATE = '2013-05-07T04:25:37' / Date and time of file creation DATE-OBS= '2011-11-01T22:15:00' / Observation start date DATE-END= '2011-11-01T22:48:09' / Observation end date TIMESYS = 'TT ' / Time system MJDREF = 5.0814000000000E+04 / MJD zero point for times [d] TIMEZERO= 0.0000000000000E+00 / Clock correction [s] TIMEUNIT= 's ' / Time unit CLOCKAPP= T / default TSTART = 4.3657290028150E+08 / Observation start time (MET) [s] TSTOP = 4.3657488853407E+08 / Observation end time (MET) [s] MISSION = 'AXAF ' / Mission TELESCOP= 'CHANDRA ' / Telescope INSTRUME= 'ACIS ' / Instrument OBS_ID = '13580 ' / Observation id OBI_NUM = 0 / Obi number SEQ_NUM = '401356 ' / Sequence number END XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / binary table extension BITPIX = 8 / 8-bit bytes NAXIS = 2 / 2-dimensional binary table NAXIS1 = 46 / width of table in bytes NAXIS2 = 91 / number of rows in table PCOUNT = 0 / size of special data area GCOUNT = 1 / one data group (required keyword) TFIELDS = 7 / number of fields in each row EXTNAME = 'BADPIX ' / name of this binary table extension EXTVER = 0 HDUNAME = 'BADPIX0 ' / ASCDM block name TTYPE1 = 'SHAPE ' / region shape TFORM1 = '16A ' / format of field TTYPE2 = 'COMPONENT' / Component number TFORM2 = '1I ' / format of field CONTENT = 'BADPIX ' HDUCLASS= 'ASC ' HDUCLAS1= 'REGION ' ORIGIN = 'ASC ' / Source of FITS file CREATOR = 'acis_build_badpix - Version CIAO 4.3' / tool that created this outputASCDSVER= 'CIAO 4.3' / ASCDS version number MJD_OBS = 5.5866920520945E+04 / Modified Julian date of observation DS_IDENT= 'ADS/Sa.CXO#obs/13580' / dataset identifier REVISION= 2 / Processing version of data CHECKSUM= 'U9DPa7DOU7DOa7DO' / HDU checksum updated 2013-05-07T04:25:37 DATASUM = '2419591065' / data unit checksum updated 2013-05-07T04:25:37 RAND_SKY= 0.0000000000000E+00 RAND_PI = 1.0000000000000E+00 DATE = '2013-05-07T04:25:37' / Date and time of file creation DATE-OBS= '2011-11-01T22:05:33' / Observation start date OBS_MODE= 'POINTING' / Observation mode DATE-END= '2011-11-01T22:50:23' / Observation end date TIMESYS = 'TT ' / Time system MJDREF = 5.0814000000000E+04 / MJD zero point for times [d] TIMEZERO= 0.0000000000000E+00 / Clock correction [s] TIMEUNIT= 's ' / Time unit BTIMNULL= 4.3599238439160E+08 / Basic Time offset (s) DATACLAS= 'OBSERVED' / default RADESYS = 'ICRS ' / default BTIMRATE= 2.5625001347450E-01 / Basic Time clock rate (s / VCDUcount) BTIMDRFT= 4.8534997161153E-18 / Basic Time clock drift (s / VCDUcount^2) BTIMCORR= 0.0000000000000E+00 / Correction applied to Basic Time rate (s) TIMEREF = 'LOCAL ' / Time reference (barycenter/local) TASSIGN = 'SATELLITE' / Time assigned by clock CLOCKAPP= T / default SIM_X = -7.8090834371673E-01 / SIM focus pos [mm] SIM_Y = 0.0000000000000E+00 / SIM orthogonal axis pos [mm] SIM_Z = -2.3358743446083E+02 / SIM translation stage pos [mm] FOC_LEN = 1.0070000000000E+04 / HRMA focal length [mm] TIERRELA= 1.0000000000000E-09 / default TIERABSO= 5.0000000000000E-05 / default TIMVERSN= 'ASC-FITS-2' / Timing system definition TSTART = 4.3657233300961E+08 / Observation start time (MET) [s] GRATING = 'NONE ' / Grating DETNAM = 'ACIS-0123' / Detector RA_PNT = 2.6675020054236E+02 / Pointing RA [deg] DEC_PNT = -3.2112913271272E+01 / Pointing Dec [deg] ROLL_PNT= 2.6126255817717E+02 / Pointing Roll [deg] RA_TARG = 2.6674815800000E+02 / Observer's specified target RA [deg] DEC_TARG= -3.2107150000000E+01 / Observer's specified target Dec [deg] DEFOCUS = 1.4398718632593E-03 / SIM defocus [mm] RA_NOM = 2.6675020054236E+02 / Nominal RA [deg] DEC_NOM = -3.2112913271272E+01 / Nominal Dec [deg] ROLL_NOM= 2.6126255817717E+02 / Nominal Roll [deg] TSTOP = 4.3657502312225E+08 / Observation end time (MET) [s] STARTMJF= 17696 / Major frame ctr value at start of data STARTMNF= 18 / Start minor frame ctr at start of data STARTOBT= 0.0000000000000E+00 / On-Board MET close to STARTMJF and STARTMNF STOPMJF = 17759 / Major frame ctr value at stop of data STOPMNF = 53 / Stop minor frame ctr at end of data TIMEPIXR= 5.0000000000000E-01 / default TIMEDEL = 3.1410400000000E+00 / timedel Lev1 [s] CTI_CORR= T CTI_APP = 'PPPPPBPBPP' MISSION = 'AXAF ' / Mission TELESCOP= 'CHANDRA ' / Telescope INSTRUME= 'ACIS ' / Instrument READMODE= 'TIMED ' / Read mode DATAMODE= 'VFAINT ' / Data mode CCD_ID = 0 FEP_ID = 4 STARTBEP= 2666572034 STOPBEP = 2865399866 STARTROW= 0 ROWCNT = 1023 HISTNUM = 28 FLSHTIME= 0.0000000000000E+00 / [s] CYCLE = 'P ' / events from which exps? Prim/Second/Both TLMIN2 = 0 OBSERVER= 'dr P Jonker' / Principal investigator OBJECT = 'GBS13-5 ' / Source name OBS_ID = '13580 ' / Observation id OBI_NUM = 0 / Obi number SEQ_NUM = '401356 ' / Sequence number ONTIME = 1.9788296239972E+03 / Sum of GTIs [s] LIVETIME= 1.9529747581665E+03 / Livetime [s] EXPOSURE= 1.9529747581665E+03 / Exposure time [s] DTCOR = 9.8693426381071E-01 / Dead time correction ASPTYPE = 'KALMAN ' FP_TEMP = 1.5328480530000E+02 / Focal Plane Temperature [K] TLMAX2 = 36 LONGSTRN= 'OGIP 1.0' / The HEASARC Long String Convention may be used.COMMENT This FITS file may contain long string keyword values that are COMMENT continued over multiple keywords. The HEASARC convention uses the & COMMENT character at the end of each substring which is then continued COMMENT on the next keyword which has the name CONTINUE. MTYPE1 = 'CHIP ' MFORM1 = 'CHIPX,CHIPY' TTYPE3 = 'CHIPX ' / CHIP X location TFORM3 = '2I ' / format of field TUNIT3 = 'pixel ' TLMIN3 = 1 TLMAX3 = 1024 TTYPE4 = 'CHIPY ' / CHIP Y location BPIXFILE= '/tmp/hotbadpixfile.fits.xassist.localdomain_4508' / Calibration badpiTFORM4 = '2I ' / format of field TUNIT4 = 'pixel ' TLMIN4 = 1 TLMAX4 = 1024 TTYPE5 = 'TIME ' / Time pixel went bad TFORM5 = '1D ' / format of field TUNIT5 = 's ' TTYPE6 = 'TIME_STOP' / Time pixel went bad TFORM6 = '1D ' / format of field TUNIT6 = 's ' TTYPE7 = 'STATUS ' / Badpixel status code TFORM7 = '32X ' / format of field TUNIT7 = 'coded ' TITLE = 'Completing the Galactic Bulge Survey: categorizing the plethora of &'CONTINUE 'faint X-ray sources in the Galactic Bulge' / Proposal title HISTORY TOOL :acis_build_badpix 2013-05-07T04:25:37 ASC00001HISTORY PARM :pbkfile=acisf13580/data/aux/acisf436572900N002_pbk0.fitsASC00002HISTORY CONT :.gz ASC00003HISTORY PARM :pbkext=PBK ASC00004HISTORY PARM :berrfile=none ASC00005HISTORY PARM :berrext=BERR ASC00006HISTORY PARM :maxerr=10 ASC00007HISTORY PARM :calibfile=/tmp/hotbadpixfile.fits.xassist.localdomain_45ASC00008HISTORY CONT :08 ASC00009HISTORY PARM :usrfile=none ASC00010HISTORY PARM :bitflag=00000000000000022221100020022222 ASC00011HISTORY PARM :procbias=yes ASC00012HISTORY PARM :biasfile=@bias_files.lis ASC00013HISTORY STCK :acisf13580/data/aux/acisf436491013N002_1_bias0.fits.gz ASC00014HISTORY STCK :acisf13580/data/aux/acisf436491013N002_2_bias0.fits.gz ASC00015HISTORY STCK :acisf13580/data/aux/acisf436491013N002_3_bias0.fits.gz ASC00016HISTORY STCK :acisf13580/data/aux/acisf436491013N002_4_bias0.fits.gz ASC00017HISTORY PARM :biasthresh=6 ASC00018HISTORY PARM :evt0file=none ASC00019HISTORY PARM :evtsext=EVENTS ASC00020HISTORY PARM :writebias=no ASC00021HISTORY PARM :outbias= ASC00022HISTORY PARM :obsfile=/tmp/xassist.localdomain_4508_acis_run_hotpix_obASC00023HISTORY CONT :s.par ASC00024HISTORY PARM :outfile=acisf13580/data/aux/acisf13580_000N002_bpix1_newASC00025HISTORY CONT :.fits ASC00026HISTORY PARM :clobber=yes ASC00027HISTORY PARM :verbose=1 ASC00028END rectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle  AdA/Krectangle FFAdA/Krectangle JJAdA/Krectangle NNAdA/Krectangle ORAdA/Krectangle SSAdA/Krectangle ^^AdA/Krectangle __AdA/Krectangle ``AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/K rectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle CCAdA/Krectangle !DDAdA/Krectangle "EEAdA/Krectangle #\\AdA/Krectangle $]]AdA/Krectangle %^^AdA/Krectangle &AdA/Krectangle 'AdA/Krectangle (AdA/Krectangle )AdA/Krectangle *AdA/Krectangle +AdA/Krectangle ,AdA/Krectangle -AdA/Krectangle .AdA/Krectangle /AdA/Krectangle 0AdA/Krectangle 1AdA/Krectangle 2AdA/Krectangle 3AdA/Krectangle 4AdA/Krectangle 5AdA/Krectangle 6AdA/Krectangle 7AdA/Krectangle 8AdA/Krectangle 9AdA/Krectangle :--AdA/Krectangle ;.0AdA/Krectangle <11AdA/Krectangle =..AdA/Krectangle >//AdA/Krectangle ?00AdA/Krectangle @//AdA/Krectangle AGIAHAA/K rectangle B(*AHAA/Kpoint C((AHAA/Kpoint D))AHAA/Kpoint E**AHAA/Kpoint FAHAA/Krectangle GAHAA/Kpoint HAHAA/Krectangle IAHAA/Kpoint JAHAA/Kpoint KAHAA/Kpoint L//AHAA/K rectangle MAԩuA/Kpoint NAԩuA/Krectangle OAԩuA/Kpoint PAԩuA/Kpoint QAԩuA/Krectangle RA_,A/Kpoint SA_,A/Krectangle TA_,A/Kpoint UA_,A/Kpoint VA_,A/Krectangle WAUA/Kpoint XAUA/Krectangle YAUA/Kpoint ZAUA/Kpoint [AUA/KXTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / binary table extension BITPIX = 8 / 8-bit bytes NAXIS = 2 / 2-dimensional binary table NAXIS1 = 46 / width of table in bytes NAXIS2 = 100 / number of rows in table PCOUNT = 0 / size of special data area GCOUNT = 1 / one data group (required keyword) TFIELDS = 7 / number of fields in each row EXTNAME = 'BADPIX ' / name of this binary table extension EXTVER = 1 HDUNAME = 'BADPIX1 ' / ASCDM block name TTYPE1 = 'SHAPE ' / region shape TFORM1 = '16A ' / format of field TTYPE2 = 'COMPONENT' / Component number TFORM2 = '1I ' / format of field CONTENT = 'BADPIX ' HDUCLASS= 'ASC ' HDUCLAS1= 'REGION ' ORIGIN = 'ASC ' / Source of FITS file CREATOR = 'acis_build_badpix - Version CIAO 4.3' / tool that created this outputASCDSVER= 'CIAO 4.3' / ASCDS version number MJD_OBS = 5.5866920520945E+04 / Modified Julian date of observation DS_IDENT= 'ADS/Sa.CXO#obs/13580' / dataset identifier REVISION= 2 / Processing version of data CHECKSUM= 'FNAPFK7NFKANFK7N' / HDU checksum updated 2013-05-07T04:25:37 DATASUM = '1296696802' / data unit checksum updated 2013-05-07T04:25:37 RAND_SKY= 0.0000000000000E+00 RAND_PI = 1.0000000000000E+00 DATE = '2013-05-07T04:25:37' / Date and time of file creation DATE-OBS= '2011-11-01T22:05:33' / Observation start date OBS_MODE= 'POINTING' / Observation mode DATE-END= '2011-11-01T22:50:23' / Observation end date TIMESYS = 'TT ' / Time system MJDREF = 5.0814000000000E+04 / MJD zero point for times [d] TIMEZERO= 0.0000000000000E+00 / Clock correction [s] TIMEUNIT= 's ' / Time unit BTIMNULL= 4.3599238439160E+08 / Basic Time offset (s) DATACLAS= 'OBSERVED' / default RADESYS = 'ICRS ' / default BTIMRATE= 2.5625001347450E-01 / Basic Time clock rate (s / VCDUcount) BTIMDRFT= 4.8534997161153E-18 / Basic Time clock drift (s / VCDUcount^2) BTIMCORR= 0.0000000000000E+00 / Correction applied to Basic Time rate (s) TIMEREF = 'LOCAL ' / Time reference (barycenter/local) TASSIGN = 'SATELLITE' / Time assigned by clock CLOCKAPP= T / default SIM_X = -7.8090834371673E-01 / SIM focus pos [mm] SIM_Y = 0.0000000000000E+00 / SIM orthogonal axis pos [mm] SIM_Z = -2.3358743446083E+02 / SIM translation stage pos [mm] FOC_LEN = 1.0070000000000E+04 / HRMA focal length [mm] TIERRELA= 1.0000000000000E-09 / default TIERABSO= 5.0000000000000E-05 / default TIMVERSN= 'ASC-FITS-2' / Timing system definition TSTART = 4.3657233300961E+08 / Observation start time (MET) [s] GRATING = 'NONE ' / Grating DETNAM = 'ACIS-0123' / Detector RA_PNT = 2.6675020054236E+02 / Pointing RA [deg] DEC_PNT = -3.2112913271272E+01 / Pointing Dec [deg] ROLL_PNT= 2.6126255817717E+02 / Pointing Roll [deg] RA_TARG = 2.6674815800000E+02 / Observer's specified target RA [deg] DEC_TARG= -3.2107150000000E+01 / Observer's specified target Dec [deg] DEFOCUS = 1.4398718632593E-03 / SIM defocus [mm] RA_NOM = 2.6675020054236E+02 / Nominal RA [deg] DEC_NOM = -3.2112913271272E+01 / Nominal Dec [deg] ROLL_NOM= 2.6126255817717E+02 / Nominal Roll [deg] TSTOP = 4.3657502312225E+08 / Observation end time (MET) [s] STARTMJF= 17696 / Major frame ctr value at start of data STARTMNF= 18 / Start minor frame ctr at start of data STARTOBT= 0.0000000000000E+00 / On-Board MET close to STARTMJF and STARTMNF STOPMJF = 17759 / Major frame ctr value at stop of data STOPMNF = 53 / Stop minor frame ctr at end of data TIMEPIXR= 5.0000000000000E-01 / default TIMEDEL = 3.1410400000000E+00 / timedel Lev1 [s] CTI_CORR= T CTI_APP = 'PPPPPBPBPP' MISSION = 'AXAF ' / Mission TELESCOP= 'CHANDRA ' / Telescope INSTRUME= 'ACIS ' / Instrument READMODE= 'TIMED ' / Read mode DATAMODE= 'VFAINT ' / Data mode CCD_ID = 1 FEP_ID = 3 STARTBEP= 2666572034 STOPBEP = 2865399866 STARTROW= 0 ROWCNT = 1023 HISTNUM = 28 FLSHTIME= 0.0000000000000E+00 / [s] CYCLE = 'P ' / events from which exps? Prim/Second/Both TLMIN2 = 0 OBSERVER= 'dr P Jonker' / Principal investigator OBJECT = 'GBS13-5 ' / Source name OBS_ID = '13580 ' / Observation id OBI_NUM = 0 / Obi number SEQ_NUM = '401356 ' / Sequence number ONTIME = 1.9788296239972E+03 / Sum of GTIs [s] LIVETIME= 1.9529747581665E+03 / Livetime [s] EXPOSURE= 1.9529747581665E+03 / Exposure time [s] DTCOR = 9.8693426381071E-01 / Dead time correction ASPTYPE = 'KALMAN ' FP_TEMP = 1.5328480530000E+02 / Focal Plane Temperature [K] TLMAX2 = 36 LONGSTRN= 'OGIP 1.0' / The HEASARC Long String Convention may be used.COMMENT This FITS file may contain long string keyword values that are COMMENT continued over multiple keywords. The HEASARC convention uses the & COMMENT character at the end of each substring which is then continued COMMENT on the next keyword which has the name CONTINUE. MTYPE1 = 'CHIP ' MFORM1 = 'CHIPX,CHIPY' TTYPE3 = 'CHIPX ' / CHIP X location TFORM3 = '2I ' / format of field TUNIT3 = 'pixel ' TLMIN3 = 1 TLMAX3 = 1024 TTYPE4 = 'CHIPY ' / CHIP Y location BPIXFILE= '/tmp/hotbadpixfile.fits.xassist.localdomain_4508' / Calibration badpiTFORM4 = '2I ' / format of field TUNIT4 = 'pixel ' TLMIN4 = 1 TLMAX4 = 1024 TTYPE5 = 'TIME ' / Time pixel went bad TFORM5 = '1D ' / format of field TUNIT5 = 's ' TTYPE6 = 'TIME_STOP' / Time pixel went bad TFORM6 = '1D ' / format of field TUNIT6 = 's ' TTYPE7 = 'STATUS ' / Badpixel status code TFORM7 = '32X ' / format of field TUNIT7 = 'coded ' TITLE = 'Completing the Galactic Bulge Survey: categorizing the plethora of &'CONTINUE 'faint X-ray sources in the Galactic Bulge' / Proposal title HISTORY TOOL :acis_build_badpix 2013-05-07T04:25:37 ASC00001HISTORY PARM :pbkfile=acisf13580/data/aux/acisf436572900N002_pbk0.fitsASC00002HISTORY CONT :.gz ASC00003HISTORY PARM :pbkext=PBK ASC00004HISTORY PARM :berrfile=none ASC00005HISTORY PARM :berrext=BERR ASC00006HISTORY PARM :maxerr=10 ASC00007HISTORY PARM :calibfile=/tmp/hotbadpixfile.fits.xassist.localdomain_45ASC00008HISTORY CONT :08 ASC00009HISTORY PARM :usrfile=none ASC00010HISTORY PARM :bitflag=00000000000000022221100020022222 ASC00011HISTORY PARM :procbias=yes ASC00012HISTORY PARM :biasfile=@bias_files.lis ASC00013HISTORY STCK :acisf13580/data/aux/acisf436491013N002_1_bias0.fits.gz ASC00014HISTORY STCK :acisf13580/data/aux/acisf436491013N002_2_bias0.fits.gz ASC00015HISTORY STCK :acisf13580/data/aux/acisf436491013N002_3_bias0.fits.gz ASC00016HISTORY STCK :acisf13580/data/aux/acisf436491013N002_4_bias0.fits.gz ASC00017HISTORY PARM :biasthresh=6 ASC00018HISTORY PARM :evt0file=none ASC00019HISTORY PARM :evtsext=EVENTS ASC00020HISTORY PARM :writebias=no ASC00021HISTORY PARM :outbias= ASC00022HISTORY PARM :obsfile=/tmp/xassist.localdomain_4508_acis_run_hotpix_obASC00023HISTORY CONT :s.par ASC00024HISTORY PARM :outfile=acisf13580/data/aux/acisf13580_000N002_bpix1_newASC00025HISTORY CONT :.fits ASC00026HISTORY PARM :clobber=yes ASC00027HISTORY PARM :verbose=1 ASC00028END rectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle  AdA/Krectangle 44AdA/Krectangle 56AdA/Krectangle 77AdA/Krectangle KKAdA/Krectangle LLAdA/Krectangle MMAdA/Krectangle ``AdA/Krectangle aaAdA/Krectangle bbAdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle ..AdA/Krectangle 00AdA/Krectangle DDAdA/Krectangle EEAdA/Krectangle FFAdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle !AdA/Krectangle "AdA/Krectangle #  AdA/Krectangle $  AdA/Krectangle %--AdA/Krectangle &..AdA/Krectangle '//AdA/Krectangle (FFAdA/Krectangle )GGAdA/Krectangle *HHAdA/Krectangle +AdA/Krectangle ,AdA/Krectangle -AdA/Krectangle .AdA/Krectangle /AdA/Krectangle 0AdA/Krectangle 1AdA/Krectangle 2AdA/Krectangle 3AdA/Krectangle 4AdA/Krectangle 5AdA/Krectangle 6AdA/Krectangle 7AdA/Krectangle 8 "AdA/Kpoint 9 AdA/Krectangle : "AdA/Kpoint ;!!AdA/Kpoint <""AdA/Krectangle =AdA/Krectangle >AdA/Krectangle ?AdA/Krectangle @AdA/Krectangle A//AHAA/K rectangle BAHAA/K rectangle CAHAA/Kpoint DAHAA/Krectangle EAHAA/Kpoint FAHAA/Kpoint GAHAA/Krectangle HAHAA/Kpoint IAHAA/Kpoint JAHAA/Kpoint KAHAA/Krectangle L!!AHAA/Kpoint M""AHAA/Krectangle N##AHAA/Kpoint O""AHAA/Kpoint P""AHAA/Krectangle QAt_A/Kpoint RAt_A/Krectangle SAt_A/Kpoint TAt_A/Kpoint UAt_A/Krectangle VhhA+}1A/Kpoint WiiA+}1A/Krectangle XjjA+}1A/Kpoint YiiA+}1A/Kpoint ZiiA+}1A/Krectangle [ppA.A/Kpoint \qqA.A/Krectangle ]rrA.A/Kpoint ^qqA.A/Kpoint _qqA.A/Krectangle `]_AT"NA/Kpoint a]]AT"NA/Krectangle b]_AT"NA/Kpoint c^^AT"NA/Kpoint d__AT"NA/KXTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / binary table extension BITPIX = 8 / 8-bit bytes NAXIS = 2 / 2-dimensional binary table NAXIS1 = 46 / width of table in bytes NAXIS2 = 88 / number of rows in table PCOUNT = 0 / size of special data area GCOUNT = 1 / one data group (required keyword) TFIELDS = 7 / number of fields in each row EXTNAME = 'BADPIX ' / name of this binary table extension EXTVER = 2 HDUNAME = 'BADPIX2 ' / ASCDM block name TTYPE1 = 'SHAPE ' / region shape TFORM1 = '16A ' / format of field TTYPE2 = 'COMPONENT' / Component number TFORM2 = '1I ' / format of field CONTENT = 'BADPIX ' HDUCLASS= 'ASC ' HDUCLAS1= 'REGION ' ORIGIN = 'ASC ' / Source of FITS file CREATOR = 'acis_build_badpix - Version CIAO 4.3' / tool that created this outputASCDSVER= 'CIAO 4.3' / ASCDS version number MJD_OBS = 5.5866920520945E+04 / Modified Julian date of observation DS_IDENT= 'ADS/Sa.CXO#obs/13580' / dataset identifier REVISION= 2 / Processing version of data CHECKSUM= '9aAHHW8G9aAGGW7G' / HDU checksum updated 2013-05-07T04:25:37 DATASUM = '189147660' / data unit checksum updated 2013-05-07T04:25:37 RAND_SKY= 0.0000000000000E+00 RAND_PI = 1.0000000000000E+00 DATE = '2013-05-07T04:25:37' / Date and time of file creation DATE-OBS= '2011-11-01T22:05:33' / Observation start date OBS_MODE= 'POINTING' / Observation mode DATE-END= '2011-11-01T22:50:23' / Observation end date TIMESYS = 'TT ' / Time system MJDREF = 5.0814000000000E+04 / MJD zero point for times [d] TIMEZERO= 0.0000000000000E+00 / Clock correction [s] TIMEUNIT= 's ' / Time unit BTIMNULL= 4.3599238439160E+08 / Basic Time offset (s) DATACLAS= 'OBSERVED' / default RADESYS = 'ICRS ' / default BTIMRATE= 2.5625001347450E-01 / Basic Time clock rate (s / VCDUcount) BTIMDRFT= 4.8534997161153E-18 / Basic Time clock drift (s / VCDUcount^2) BTIMCORR= 0.0000000000000E+00 / Correction applied to Basic Time rate (s) TIMEREF = 'LOCAL ' / Time reference (barycenter/local) TASSIGN = 'SATELLITE' / Time assigned by clock CLOCKAPP= T / default SIM_X = -7.8090834371673E-01 / SIM focus pos [mm] SIM_Y = 0.0000000000000E+00 / SIM orthogonal axis pos [mm] SIM_Z = -2.3358743446083E+02 / SIM translation stage pos [mm] FOC_LEN = 1.0070000000000E+04 / HRMA focal length [mm] TIERRELA= 1.0000000000000E-09 / default TIERABSO= 5.0000000000000E-05 / default TIMVERSN= 'ASC-FITS-2' / Timing system definition TSTART = 4.3657233300961E+08 / Observation start time (MET) [s] GRATING = 'NONE ' / Grating DETNAM = 'ACIS-0123' / Detector RA_PNT = 2.6675020054236E+02 / Pointing RA [deg] DEC_PNT = -3.2112913271272E+01 / Pointing Dec [deg] ROLL_PNT= 2.6126255817717E+02 / Pointing Roll [deg] RA_TARG = 2.6674815800000E+02 / Observer's specified target RA [deg] DEC_TARG= -3.2107150000000E+01 / Observer's specified target Dec [deg] DEFOCUS = 1.4398718632593E-03 / SIM defocus [mm] RA_NOM = 2.6675020054236E+02 / Nominal RA [deg] DEC_NOM = -3.2112913271272E+01 / Nominal Dec [deg] ROLL_NOM= 2.6126255817717E+02 / Nominal Roll [deg] TSTOP = 4.3657502312225E+08 / Observation end time (MET) [s] STARTMJF= 17696 / Major frame ctr value at start of data STARTMNF= 18 / Start minor frame ctr at start of data STARTOBT= 0.0000000000000E+00 / On-Board MET close to STARTMJF and STARTMNF STOPMJF = 17759 / Major frame ctr value at stop of data STOPMNF = 53 / Stop minor frame ctr at end of data TIMEPIXR= 5.0000000000000E-01 / default TIMEDEL = 3.1410400000000E+00 / timedel Lev1 [s] CTI_CORR= T CTI_APP = 'PPPPPBPBPP' MISSION = 'AXAF ' / Mission TELESCOP= 'CHANDRA ' / Telescope INSTRUME= 'ACIS ' / Instrument READMODE= 'TIMED ' / Read mode DATAMODE= 'VFAINT ' / Data mode CCD_ID = 2 FEP_ID = 2 STARTBEP= 2666572034 STOPBEP = 2865399866 STARTROW= 0 ROWCNT = 1023 HISTNUM = 28 FLSHTIME= 0.0000000000000E+00 / [s] CYCLE = 'P ' / events from which exps? Prim/Second/Both TLMIN2 = 0 OBSERVER= 'dr P Jonker' / Principal investigator OBJECT = 'GBS13-5 ' / Source name OBS_ID = '13580 ' / Observation id OBI_NUM = 0 / Obi number SEQ_NUM = '401356 ' / Sequence number ONTIME = 1.9788296239972E+03 / Sum of GTIs [s] LIVETIME= 1.9529747581665E+03 / Livetime [s] EXPOSURE= 1.9529747581665E+03 / Exposure time [s] DTCOR = 9.8693426381071E-01 / Dead time correction ASPTYPE = 'KALMAN ' FP_TEMP = 1.5328480530000E+02 / Focal Plane Temperature [K] TLMAX2 = 36 LONGSTRN= 'OGIP 1.0' / The HEASARC Long String Convention may be used.COMMENT This FITS file may contain long string keyword values that are COMMENT continued over multiple keywords. The HEASARC convention uses the & COMMENT character at the end of each substring which is then continued COMMENT on the next keyword which has the name CONTINUE. MTYPE1 = 'CHIP ' MFORM1 = 'CHIPX,CHIPY' TTYPE3 = 'CHIPX ' / CHIP X location TFORM3 = '2I ' / format of field TUNIT3 = 'pixel ' TLMIN3 = 1 TLMAX3 = 1024 TTYPE4 = 'CHIPY ' / CHIP Y location BPIXFILE= '/tmp/hotbadpixfile.fits.xassist.localdomain_4508' / Calibration badpiTFORM4 = '2I ' / format of field TUNIT4 = 'pixel ' TLMIN4 = 1 TLMAX4 = 1024 TTYPE5 = 'TIME ' / Time pixel went bad TFORM5 = '1D ' / format of field TUNIT5 = 's ' TTYPE6 = 'TIME_STOP' / Time pixel went bad TFORM6 = '1D ' / format of field TUNIT6 = 's ' TTYPE7 = 'STATUS ' / Badpixel status code TFORM7 = '32X ' / format of field TUNIT7 = 'coded ' TITLE = 'Completing the Galactic Bulge Survey: categorizing the plethora of &'CONTINUE 'faint X-ray sources in the Galactic Bulge' / Proposal title HISTORY TOOL :acis_build_badpix 2013-05-07T04:25:37 ASC00001HISTORY PARM :pbkfile=acisf13580/data/aux/acisf436572900N002_pbk0.fitsASC00002HISTORY CONT :.gz ASC00003HISTORY PARM :pbkext=PBK ASC00004HISTORY PARM :berrfile=none ASC00005HISTORY PARM :berrext=BERR ASC00006HISTORY PARM :maxerr=10 ASC00007HISTORY PARM :calibfile=/tmp/hotbadpixfile.fits.xassist.localdomain_45ASC00008HISTORY CONT :08 ASC00009HISTORY PARM :usrfile=none ASC00010HISTORY PARM :bitflag=00000000000000022221100020022222 ASC00011HISTORY PARM :procbias=yes ASC00012HISTORY PARM :biasfile=@bias_files.lis ASC00013HISTORY STCK :acisf13580/data/aux/acisf436491013N002_1_bias0.fits.gz ASC00014HISTORY STCK :acisf13580/data/aux/acisf436491013N002_2_bias0.fits.gz ASC00015HISTORY STCK :acisf13580/data/aux/acisf436491013N002_3_bias0.fits.gz ASC00016HISTORY STCK :acisf13580/data/aux/acisf436491013N002_4_bias0.fits.gz ASC00017HISTORY PARM :biasthresh=6 ASC00018HISTORY PARM :evt0file=none ASC00019HISTORY PARM :evtsext=EVENTS ASC00020HISTORY PARM :writebias=no ASC00021HISTORY PARM :outbias= ASC00022HISTORY PARM :obsfile=/tmp/xassist.localdomain_4508_acis_run_hotpix_obASC00023HISTORY CONT :s.par ASC00024HISTORY PARM :outfile=acisf13580/data/aux/acisf13580_000N002_bpix1_newASC00025HISTORY CONT :.fits ASC00026HISTORY PARM :clobber=yes ASC00027HISTORY PARM :verbose=1 ASC00028END rectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle ~~AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle *AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle ##AdA/Krectangle $$AdA/Krectangle %%AdA/Krectangle ((AdA/Krectangle ))AdA/Krectangle **AdA/Krectangle !--AdA/Krectangle ".0AdA/Krectangle #11AdA/Krectangle $44AdA/Krectangle %55AdA/Krectangle &66AdA/Krectangle '99AdA/Krectangle (:<AdA/Krectangle )==AdA/Krectangle *vvAdA/Krectangle +wwAdA/Krectangle ,xxAdA/Krectangle -AdA/Krectangle .AdA/Krectangle /AdA/Krectangle 0AdA/Krectangle 1AdA/Krectangle 2AdA/Krectangle 3AdA/Krectangle 411AdA/Krectangle 522AdA/Krectangle 633AdA/Krectangle 7vvAdA/Krectangle 8wwAdA/Krectangle 9xxAdA/Krectangle :AdA/Krectangle ;AdA/Krectangle <AdA/Krectangle =AdA/Krectangle >AdA/Krectangle ?AdA/Krectangle @AdA/Krectangle AAdA/Krectangle BAdA/Krectangle C,AdA/Krectangle DAHAA/Kpoint EAHAA/Krectangle FAHAA/Kpoint GAHAA/Kpoint HAHAA/Krectangle IXXegAHAA/Kpoint JYYeeAHAA/Krectangle KZZegAHAA/Kpoint LYYffAHAA/Kpoint MYYggAHAA/Kpoint N++AHAA/Krectangle O AEFA/Kpoint PAEFA/Krectangle Q AEFA/Kpoint R  AEFA/Kpoint S  AEFA/Krectangle T<<A(YA/Kpoint U==A(YA/Krectangle V>>A(YA/Kpoint W==A(YA/Kpoint X==A(YA/KXTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / binary table extension BITPIX = 8 / 8-bit bytes NAXIS = 2 / 2-dimensional binary table NAXIS1 = 46 / width of table in bytes NAXIS2 = 53 / number of rows in table PCOUNT = 0 / size of special data area GCOUNT = 1 / one data group (required keyword) TFIELDS = 7 / number of fields in each row EXTNAME = 'BADPIX ' / name of this binary table extension EXTVER = 3 HDUNAME = 'BADPIX3 ' / ASCDM block name TTYPE1 = 'SHAPE ' / region shape TFORM1 = '16A ' / format of field TTYPE2 = 'COMPONENT' / Component number TFORM2 = '1I ' / format of field CONTENT = 'BADPIX ' HDUCLASS= 'ASC ' HDUCLAS1= 'REGION ' ORIGIN = 'ASC ' / Source of FITS file CREATOR = 'acis_build_badpix - Version CIAO 4.3' / tool that created this outputASCDSVER= 'CIAO 4.3' / ASCDS version number MJD_OBS = 5.5866920520945E+04 / Modified Julian date of observation DS_IDENT= 'ADS/Sa.CXO#obs/13580' / dataset identifier REVISION= 2 / Processing version of data CHECKSUM= '9abIAabG3abG9abG' / HDU checksum updated 2013-05-07T04:25:37 DATASUM = '3886885148' / data unit checksum updated 2013-05-07T04:25:37 RAND_SKY= 0.0000000000000E+00 RAND_PI = 1.0000000000000E+00 DATE = '2013-05-07T04:25:37' / Date and time of file creation DATE-OBS= '2011-11-01T22:05:33' / Observation start date OBS_MODE= 'POINTING' / Observation mode DATE-END= '2011-11-01T22:50:23' / Observation end date TIMESYS = 'TT ' / Time system MJDREF = 5.0814000000000E+04 / MJD zero point for times [d] TIMEZERO= 0.0000000000000E+00 / Clock correction [s] TIMEUNIT= 's ' / Time unit BTIMNULL= 4.3599238439160E+08 / Basic Time offset (s) DATACLAS= 'OBSERVED' / default RADESYS = 'ICRS ' / default BTIMRATE= 2.5625001347450E-01 / Basic Time clock rate (s / VCDUcount) BTIMDRFT= 4.8534997161153E-18 / Basic Time clock drift (s / VCDUcount^2) BTIMCORR= 0.0000000000000E+00 / Correction applied to Basic Time rate (s) TIMEREF = 'LOCAL ' / Time reference (barycenter/local) TASSIGN = 'SATELLITE' / Time assigned by clock CLOCKAPP= T / default SIM_X = -7.8090834371673E-01 / SIM focus pos [mm] SIM_Y = 0.0000000000000E+00 / SIM orthogonal axis pos [mm] SIM_Z = -2.3358743446083E+02 / SIM translation stage pos [mm] FOC_LEN = 1.0070000000000E+04 / HRMA focal length [mm] TIERRELA= 1.0000000000000E-09 / default TIERABSO= 5.0000000000000E-05 / default TIMVERSN= 'ASC-FITS-2' / Timing system definition TSTART = 4.3657233300961E+08 / Observation start time (MET) [s] GRATING = 'NONE ' / Grating DETNAM = 'ACIS-0123' / Detector RA_PNT = 2.6675020054236E+02 / Pointing RA [deg] DEC_PNT = -3.2112913271272E+01 / Pointing Dec [deg] ROLL_PNT= 2.6126255817717E+02 / Pointing Roll [deg] RA_TARG = 2.6674815800000E+02 / Observer's specified target RA [deg] DEC_TARG= -3.2107150000000E+01 / Observer's specified target Dec [deg] DEFOCUS = 1.4398718632593E-03 / SIM defocus [mm] RA_NOM = 2.6675020054236E+02 / Nominal RA [deg] DEC_NOM = -3.2112913271272E+01 / Nominal Dec [deg] ROLL_NOM= 2.6126255817717E+02 / Nominal Roll [deg] TSTOP = 4.3657502312225E+08 / Observation end time (MET) [s] STARTMJF= 17696 / Major frame ctr value at start of data STARTMNF= 18 / Start minor frame ctr at start of data STARTOBT= 0.0000000000000E+00 / On-Board MET close to STARTMJF and STARTMNF STOPMJF = 17759 / Major frame ctr value at stop of data STOPMNF = 53 / Stop minor frame ctr at end of data TIMEPIXR= 5.0000000000000E-01 / default TIMEDEL = 3.1410400000000E+00 / timedel Lev1 [s] CTI_CORR= T CTI_APP = 'PPPPPBPBPP' MISSION = 'AXAF ' / Mission TELESCOP= 'CHANDRA ' / Telescope INSTRUME= 'ACIS ' / Instrument READMODE= 'TIMED ' / Read mode DATAMODE= 'VFAINT ' / Data mode CCD_ID = 3 FEP_ID = 1 STARTBEP= 2666572034 STOPBEP = 2865399866 STARTROW= 0 ROWCNT = 1023 HISTNUM = 28 FLSHTIME= 0.0000000000000E+00 / [s] CYCLE = 'P ' / events from which exps? Prim/Second/Both TLMIN2 = 0 OBSERVER= 'dr P Jonker' / Principal investigator OBJECT = 'GBS13-5 ' / Source name OBS_ID = '13580 ' / Observation id OBI_NUM = 0 / Obi number SEQ_NUM = '401356 ' / Sequence number ONTIME = 1.9788296239972E+03 / Sum of GTIs [s] LIVETIME= 1.9529747581665E+03 / Livetime [s] EXPOSURE= 1.9529747581665E+03 / Exposure time [s] DTCOR = 9.8693426381071E-01 / Dead time correction ASPTYPE = 'KALMAN ' FP_TEMP = 1.5328480530000E+02 / Focal Plane Temperature [K] TLMAX2 = 36 LONGSTRN= 'OGIP 1.0' / The HEASARC Long String Convention may be used.COMMENT This FITS file may contain long string keyword values that are COMMENT continued over multiple keywords. The HEASARC convention uses the & COMMENT character at the end of each substring which is then continued COMMENT on the next keyword which has the name CONTINUE. MTYPE1 = 'CHIP ' MFORM1 = 'CHIPX,CHIPY' TTYPE3 = 'CHIPX ' / CHIP X location TFORM3 = '2I ' / format of field TUNIT3 = 'pixel ' TLMIN3 = 1 TLMAX3 = 1024 TTYPE4 = 'CHIPY ' / CHIP Y location BPIXFILE= '/tmp/hotbadpixfile.fits.xassist.localdomain_4508' / Calibration badpiTFORM4 = '2I ' / format of field TUNIT4 = 'pixel ' TLMIN4 = 1 TLMAX4 = 1024 TTYPE5 = 'TIME ' / Time pixel went bad TFORM5 = '1D ' / format of field TUNIT5 = 's ' TTYPE6 = 'TIME_STOP' / Time pixel went bad TFORM6 = '1D ' / format of field TUNIT6 = 's ' TTYPE7 = 'STATUS ' / Badpixel status code TFORM7 = '32X ' / format of field TUNIT7 = 'coded ' TITLE = 'Completing the Galactic Bulge Survey: categorizing the plethora of &'CONTINUE 'faint X-ray sources in the Galactic Bulge' / Proposal title HISTORY TOOL :acis_build_badpix 2013-05-07T04:25:37 ASC00001HISTORY PARM :pbkfile=acisf13580/data/aux/acisf436572900N002_pbk0.fitsASC00002HISTORY CONT :.gz ASC00003HISTORY PARM :pbkext=PBK ASC00004HISTORY PARM :berrfile=none ASC00005HISTORY PARM :berrext=BERR ASC00006HISTORY PARM :maxerr=10 ASC00007HISTORY PARM :calibfile=/tmp/hotbadpixfile.fits.xassist.localdomain_45ASC00008HISTORY CONT :08 ASC00009HISTORY PARM :usrfile=none ASC00010HISTORY PARM :bitflag=00000000000000022221100020022222 ASC00011HISTORY PARM :procbias=yes ASC00012HISTORY PARM :biasfile=@bias_files.lis ASC00013HISTORY STCK :acisf13580/data/aux/acisf436491013N002_1_bias0.fits.gz ASC00014HISTORY STCK :acisf13580/data/aux/acisf436491013N002_2_bias0.fits.gz ASC00015HISTORY STCK :acisf13580/data/aux/acisf436491013N002_3_bias0.fits.gz ASC00016HISTORY STCK :acisf13580/data/aux/acisf436491013N002_4_bias0.fits.gz ASC00017HISTORY PARM :biasthresh=6 ASC00018HISTORY PARM :evt0file=none ASC00019HISTORY PARM :evtsext=EVENTS ASC00020HISTORY PARM :writebias=no ASC00021HISTORY PARM :outbias= ASC00022HISTORY PARM :obsfile=/tmp/xassist.localdomain_4508_acis_run_hotpix_obASC00023HISTORY CONT :s.par ASC00024HISTORY PARM :outfile=acisf13580/data/aux/acisf13580_000N002_bpix1_newASC00025HISTORY CONT :.fits ASC00026HISTORY PARM :clobber=yes ASC00027HISTORY PARM :verbose=1 ASC00028END rectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle AdA/Krectangle SAdA/Krectangle SSAdA/Krectangle SAdA/Krectangle TAdA/Krectangle yAdA/Krectangle yyAdA/Krectangle yAdA/Krectangle zAdA/Krectangle ==.0AHAA/Kpoint >>..AHAA/Krectangle ??.0AHAA/Kpoint >>//AHAA/Kpoint >>00AHAA/Krectangle ttA)XA/Kpoint uuA)XA/Krectangle vvA)XA/Kpoint uuA)XA/Kpoint !uuA)XA/Krectangle "uuA vUA/Kpoint #vvA vUA/Krectangle $wwA vUA/Kpoint %vvA vUA/Kpoint &vvA vUA/Krectangle 'AhA/Kpoint (AhA/Krectangle )AhA/Kpoint *AhA/Kpoint +AhA/Krectangle ,$&AaA/Kpoint -$$AaA/Krectangle .$&AaA/Kpoint /%%AaA/Kpoint 0&&AaA/Krectangle 188z|A]%SA/Kpoint 299zzA]%SA/Krectangle 3::z|A]%SA/Kpoint 499{{A]%SA/Kpoint 599||A]%SA/K