SIMPLE = T / file does conform to FITS standard BITPIX = 16 / number of bits per data pixel NAXIS = 0 / number of data axes EXTEND = T / FITS dataset may contain extensions COMMENT FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'AstronomyCOMMENT and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H HDUNAME = 'PRIMARY ' / ASCDM block name LONGSTRN= 'OGIP 1.0' / The HEASARC Long String Convention may be used.COMMENT This FITS file may contain long string keyword values that are COMMENT continued over multiple keywords. The HEASARC convention uses the & COMMENT character at the end of each substring which is then continued COMMENT on the next keyword which has the name CONTINUE. ORIGIN = 'ASC ' / Source of FITS file CREATOR = 'mkarf v0.6.2-0' / Program creating this file MJD_OBS = 5.5511592265312E+04 / Modified Julian date of observation DS_IDENT= 'ADS/Sa.CXO#obs/13159' / dataset identifier CHECKSUM= 'dAP6d5P4dAP4d3P4' / HDU checksum updated 2011-11-23T04:19:13 DATASUM = ' ' / data unit checksum updated 2011-11-23T04:19:06 DATE = '2011-11-23T04:19:13' / Date and time of file creation DATE-OBS= '2010-11-11T14:12:51' / Observation start date DATE-END= '2010-11-11T17:36:09' / Observation end date TIMESYS = 'TT ' / Time system MJDREF = 5.0814000000000E+04 / MJD zero point for times TIMEZERO= 0.0000000000000E+00 / Clock correction TIMEUNIT= 's ' / Time unit CLOCKAPP= T / default DETNAM = 'ACIS-3 ' / ACIS-I3 FILTER = ' ' GRATING = 'NONE ' CYCLE = 'P ' / events from which exps? Prim/Second/Both SIM_X = -7.8090834371673E-01 / [mm] SIM offset SIM_Y = 0.0000000000000E+00 / [mm] SIM offset SIM_Z = -2.3358743446083E+02 / [mm] SIM offset TSTART = 4.0587197172296E+08 / Observation start time TSTOP = 4.0588416922359E+08 / Observation end time MISSION = 'AXAF ' / Mission TELESCOP= 'CHANDRA ' / Telescope Used INSTRUME= 'ACIS ' / Instrument OBS_ID = '13159 ' / Observation id OBI_NUM = 0 / Obi number SEQ_NUM = '501186 ' / Sequence number END XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / binary table extension BITPIX = 8 / 8-bit bytes NAXIS = 2 / 2-dimensional binary table NAXIS1 = 12 / width of table in bytes NAXIS2 = 1070 / number of rows in table PCOUNT = 0 / size of special data area GCOUNT = 1 / one data group (required keyword) TFIELDS = 3 / number of fields in each row EXTNAME = 'SPECRESP' / Imaging ARF HDUNAME = 'SPECRESP' / ASCDM block name CONTENT = 'SPECRESP' HDUVERS = '1.1.0 ' HDUCLASS= 'OGIP ' HDUCLAS1= 'RESPONSE' HDUCLAS2= 'SPECRESP' HDUVERS1= '1.0.0 ' / Obsolete Keyword HDUVERS2= '1.1.0 ' / Obsolete Keyword ARFVERSN= '1992a ' / Obsolete Keyword TTYPE1 = 'ENERG_LO' / Energy TFORM1 = '1E ' / format of field TUNIT1 = 'keV ' TLMIN1 = 0.0000000E+00 TLMAX1 = 2.0000000E+01 TTYPE2 = 'ENERG_HI' / Effective Area TFORM2 = '1E ' / format of field TUNIT2 = 'keV ' TLMIN2 = 0.0000000E+00 TLMAX2 = 2.0000000E+01 TTYPE3 = 'SPECRESP' / Effective Area TFORM3 = '1E ' / format of field TUNIT3 = 'cm**2 ' LONGSTRN= 'OGIP 1.0' / The HEASARC Long String Convention may be used.COMMENT This FITS file may contain long string keyword values that are COMMENT continued over multiple keywords. The HEASARC convention uses the & COMMENT character at the end of each substring which is then continued COMMENT on the next keyword which has the name CONTINUE. ORIGIN = 'ASC ' / Source of FITS file CREATOR = 'mkarf v0.6.2-0' / Program creating this file ASCDSVER= 'CIAO 4.3' / ASCDS version number MJD_OBS = 5.5511592265312E+04 / Modified Julian date of observation DS_IDENT= 'ADS/Sa.CXO#obs/13159' / dataset identifier REVISION= 2 / Processing version of data CHECKSUM= '8bKgAaKZ2aKd8aKZ' / HDU checksum updated 2011-11-23T04:19:13 DATASUM = '1738069056' / data unit checksum updated 2011-11-23T04:19:13 RAND_SKY= 5.0000000000000E-01 RAND_PI = 0.0000000000000E+00 EQUINOX = 2.0000000000000E+03 / default DATE = '2011-11-23T04:19:13' / Date and time of file creation DATE-OBS= '2010-11-11T14:12:51' / Observation start date OBS_MODE= 'POINTING' / Observation mode DATE-END= '2010-11-11T17:36:09' / Observation end date TIMESYS = 'TT ' / Time system MJDREF = 5.0814000000000E+04 / MJD zero point for times TIMEZERO= 0.0000000000000E+00 / Clock correction TIMEUNIT= 's ' / Time unit BTIMNULL= 4.0370704399899E+08 / Basic Time offset (s) DATACLAS= 'OBSERVED' / default BTIMRATE= 2.5625001320147E-01 / Basic Time clock rate (s / VCDUcount) BTIMDRFT= -1.6573862854294E-18 / Basic Time clock drift (s / VCDUcount^2) FILTER = 'NONE ' / QE includes all filters RESPFILE= '0.3:11.0:0.01' / RMF File ASPFILE = '../../acisf13159/products/aux/asphist_3.fits.gz' / Aspect Histogram FBTIMCORR= 0.0000000000000E+00 / Correction applied to Basic Time rate (s) TIMEREF = 'LOCAL ' / Time reference (barycenter/local) TASSIGN = 'SATELLITE' / Time assigned by clock CLOCKAPP= T / default SIM_X = -7.8090834371673E-01 / [mm] SIM offset SIM_Y = 0.0000000000000E+00 / [mm] SIM offset SIM_Z = -2.3358743446083E+02 / [mm] SIM offset FOC_LEN = 1.0070000000000E+04 / HRMA focal length (mm) TIERRELA= 1.0000000000000E-09 / default TIERABSO= 5.0000000000000E-05 / default TIMVERSN= 'ASC-FITS-2' / Timing system definition TSTART = 4.0587197172296E+08 / Observation start time GRATING = 'NONE ' / Grating DETNAM = 'ACIS-3 ' / ACIS-I3 RA_PNT = 1.8369265921015E+02 / Pointing RA DEC_PNT = -6.5468835538942E+01 / Pointing Dec ROLL_PNT= 1.2619442941498E+02 / Pointing Roll RA_TARG = 1.8370833300000E+02 / Observer's specified target RA DEC_TARG= -6.5473611000000E+01 / Observer's specified target Dec DEFOCUS = 1.4398718632593E-03 / SIM defocus (mm) RA_NOM = 1.8369265921015E+02 / Nominal RA DEC_NOM = -6.5468835538942E+01 / Nominal Dec ROLL_NOM= 1.2619442941498E+02 / Nominal Roll TSTOP = 4.0588416922359E+08 / Observation end time STARTMJF= 66009 / Major frame ctr value at start of data STARTMNF= 99 / Start minor frame ctr at start of data STARTOBT= 0.0000000000000E+00 / On-Board MET close to STARTMJF and STARTMNF STOPMJF = 66351 / Major frame ctr value at stop of data STOPMNF = 117 / Stop minor frame ctr at end of data TIMEPIXR= 5.0000000000000E-01 / default TIMEDEL = 3.1410400000000E+00 / timedel Lev1 (in seconds) CTI_CORR= T CTI_APP = 'PPPPPBPBPP' MISSION = 'AXAF ' / Mission TELESCOP= 'CHANDRA ' / Telescope Used INSTRUME= 'ACIS ' / Instrument READMODE= 'TIMED ' / Read mode FRACEXPO= 9.6560284783486E-01 / Effective fractional exposure DATAMODE= 'VFAINT ' / Data mode FLSHTIME= 0.0000000000000E+00 / Inferred duration of each flush. (s) CYCLE = 'P ' / events from which exps? Prim/Second/Both TITLE = 'A Detailed Study of the Type Ia Supernova Remnant G299.2-2.9' / PropoOBSERVER= 'Dr. Sangwook Park' / Principal investigator OBJECT = 'G299.2-2.9' / Source name OBS_ID = '13159 ' / Observation id OBI_NUM = 0 / Obi number SEQ_NUM = '501186 ' / Sequence number ONTIME = 1.0065673047721E+04 / [s] Sum of GTIs ONTIME3 = 1.0065673047721E+04 / [s] Sum of GTIs LIVETIME= 9.9341576191122E+03 / [s] Livetime LIVTIME3= 9.9341576191122E+03 / [s] Livetime EXPOSURE= 9.9339810893536E+03 / [secs] Total exposure time EXPOSUR3= 9.9341576191122E+03 / [s] Exposure time DTCOR = 9.8693426381071E-01 / Dead time correction ASPTYPE = 'KALMAN ' FP_TEMP = 1.5328480530000E+02 / [K] Focal Plane Temperature RADESYS = 'ICRS ' / default HISTORY ----------------------------------------------------------------- HISTORY MKARF Processing History HISTORY ----------------------------------------------------------------- HISTORY Startup Directory: /xassist/data/pipeline4/chandra/13159/acisf13159/prodHISTORY ucts HISTORY Cmd Line: mkarf @@/tmp/tmpZLNcib.par mode=hl HISTORY Parameter file used: /tmp/tmpZLNcib.par HISTORY Detector Mask File: ../../acisf13159/data/aux/acisf13159_000N002_msk1.fiHISTORY ts.gz HISTORY Source SKY position: (4119.69,3725.7) HISTORY ---------------------------------------------------------------------- HISTORY ARDLIB History Records HISTORY ---------------------------------------------------------------------- HISTORY ARDLIB Version: 0.8.5 HISTORY File used for CALDB info: ../../acisf13159/products/events/fullrun_ccd3_HISTORY acisf13159_pi14-548_pass1_cl_src6_src.evt.gz HISTORY Parameter file: /opt/ciao-4.3/param/ardlib.par HISTORY ACIS QE File: /opt/ciao-4.3/CALDB/data/chandra/acis/qe/acisD1997-04-17qeHISTORY N0006.fits[4] HISTORY ACIS Uniformity File: /opt/ciao-4.3/CALDB/data/chandra/acis/qeu/acisD200HISTORY 0-01-29qeuN0006.fits[4] HISTORY ACIS Contamination File: /opt/ciao-4.3/CALDB/data/chandra/acis/contam/acHISTORY isD1999-08-13contamN0006.fits[4] HISTORY ACIS 3 Badpix File: /opt/ciao-4.3/CALDB/data/chandra/acis/badpix/acisD20HISTORY 00-11-28badpixN0003.fits[4] HISTORY Vignetting File: /opt/ciao-4.3/CALDB/data/chandra/default/vignet/hrmaD19HISTORY 96-12-20vignetN0003.fits[1] HISTNUM = 22 HISTORY Onaxis Area File: /opt/ciao-4.3/CALDB/data/chandra/default/axeffa/hrmaD1HISTORY 996-12-20axeffaN0008.fits[1] HISTORY ---------------------------------------------------------------------- HISTORY ---------------------------------------------------------------------- HISTORY PIXLIB History Records HISTORY ---------------------------------------------------------------------- HISTORY PIXLIB Version: 4.0.0 HISTORY ****** PIXLIB Parameter File ***** HISTORY /opt/ciao-4.3/param/geom.par: HISTORY instruments = /opt/ciao-4.3/CALDB/data/chandra/default/geom/telD1999-07HISTORY -23geomN0006.fits(CALDB) HISTORY aimpoints = /opt/ciao-4.3/CALDB/data/chandra/default/aimpts/telD1999-HISTORY 07-23aimptsN0002.fits(CALDB) HISTORY tdet = /opt/ciao-4.3/CALDB/data/chandra/default/tdet/telD1999-07HISTORY -23tdetN0001.fits(CALDB) HISTORY sky = /opt/ciao-4.3/CALDB/data/chandra/default/sky/telD1999-07-HISTORY 23skyN0002.fits(CALDB) HISTORY shell = /opt/ciao-4.3/CALDB/data/chandra/default/sgeom/telD1999-0HISTORY 7-23sgeomN0001.fits(CALDB) HISTORY obsfile = nowT00:00:00() HISTORY ****** PIXLIB System Configuration ****** HISTORY Telescope = AXAF HISTORY Focal Length (mm) = 10070.000 HISTORY Detector = ACIS HISTORY Focal Plane Sys. = FP-1.1 HISTORY Tiled Detector Plane Sys. = ACIS-2.2 HISTORY SIM Offset (mm) = (0.684 0.75 236.552) HISTORY Aim Point(NONE) (mm) = (-0.780908 0 -233.587) HISTORY Grating Arm = HEG HISTORY Grating Order = 1 HISTORY Dispersion Plane Sys. = ASC-GDP-1.1 HISTORY Rowland Circle (mm) = 8632.48 HISTORY ---------------------------------------------------------------------- HISTORY TOOL :mkarf 2011-11-23T04:19:13 ASC00001HISTORY PARM :asphistfile=../../acisf13159/products/aux/asphist_3.fitsASC00002HISTORY CONT :.gz ASC00003HISTORY PARM :outfile=../../acisf13159/products/spectra/fullrun_ccd3_aASC00004HISTORY CONT :cisf13159_pi14-548_pass1_cl_src6.arf ASC00005HISTORY PARM :sourcepixelx=4119.6855082 ASC00006HISTORY PARM :sourcepixely=3725.6991749 ASC00007HISTORY PARM :engrid=0.3:11.0:0.01 ASC00008HISTORY PARM :obsfile=../../acisf13159/products/events/fullrun_ccd3_acASC00009HISTORY CONT :isf13159_pi14-548_pass1_cl_src6_src.evt.gz ASC00010HISTORY PARM :pbkfile=../../acisf13159/data/aux/acisf405873302N002_pbkASC00011HISTORY CONT :0.fits.gz ASC00012HISTORY PARM :dafile=CALDB ASC00013HISTORY PARM :mirror=HRMA ASC00014HISTORY PARM :detsubsys=ACIS-I3 ASC00015HISTORY PARM :grating=NONE ASC00016HISTORY PARM :maskfile=../../acisf13159/data/aux/acisf13159_000N002_msASC00017HISTORY CONT :k1.fits.gz ASC00018HISTORY PARM :ardlibparfile=ardlib.par ASC00019HISTORY PARM :geompar=geom ASC00020HISTORY PARM :verbose=0 ASC00021HISTORY PARM :clobber=yes ASC00022END >>RR> => >>7>>{>>{>33>gP>33>Q?9v>Q>p?| >p>\?E>\>Ǯ?u>Ǯ>@">>@(5>> =@h> =>(@t>(>G@>G>ffA>ff>A >>ABv3>>Ah>>HA3q>H?A??\A?\?Aߝ??A`?? =qA? =q? 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