SIMPLE = T / file does conform to FITS standard BITPIX = 16 / number of bits per data pixel NAXIS = 0 / number of data axes EXTEND = T / FITS dataset may contain extensions COMMENT FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'AstronomyCOMMENT and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H HDUNAME = 'PRIMARY ' LONGSTRN= 'OGIP 1.0' / The HEASARC Long String Convention may be used.COMMENT This FITS file may contain long string keyword values that are COMMENT continued over multiple keywords. The HEASARC convention uses the & COMMENT character at the end of each substring which is then continued COMMENT on the next keyword which has the name CONTINUE. ORIGIN = 'ASC ' / Source of FITS file CREATOR = 'acis_build_badpix - Version CIAO 4.3' / tool that created this outputMJD_OBS = 5.5453232072208E+04 / Modified Julian date of observation DS_IDENT= 'ADS/Sa.CXO#obs/11737' / dataset identifier STARTMJF= 43339 STOPMJF = 44996 STARTMNF= 63 STOPMNF = 26 CHECKSUM= 'NCaGOATGNAZGNAZG' / HDU checksum updated 2011-10-29T22:35:20 DATASUM = ' ' / data unit checksum updated 2011-10-29T22:34:52 DATE = '2011-10-29T22:35:20' / Date and time of file creation DATE-OBS= '2010-09-14T05:51:43' / Observation start date DATE-END= '2010-09-14T20:35:52' / Observation end date TIMESYS = 'TT ' / Time system MJDREF = 5.0814000000000E+04 / MJD zero point for times TIMEZERO= 0.0000000000000E+00 / Clock correction TIMEUNIT= 's ' / Time unit CLOCKAPP= T / default TSTART = 4.0083070282077E+08 / Observation start time TSTOP = 4.0088375172545E+08 / Observation end time MISSION = 'AXAF ' / Mission TELESCOP= 'CHANDRA ' / Telescope INSTRUME= 'ACIS ' / Instrument OBS_ID = '11737 ' / Observation id OBI_NUM = 0 / Obi number SEQ_NUM = '800877 ' / Sequence number END XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / binary table extension BITPIX = 8 / 8-bit bytes NAXIS = 2 / 2-dimensional binary table NAXIS1 = 46 / width of table in bytes NAXIS2 = 306 / number of rows in table PCOUNT = 0 / size of special data area GCOUNT = 1 / one data group (required keyword) TFIELDS = 7 / number of fields in each row EXTNAME = 'BADPIX ' / name of this binary table extension EXTVER = 3 HDUNAME = 'BADPIX3 ' / ASCDM block name TTYPE1 = 'SHAPE ' / region shape TFORM1 = '16A ' / format of field TTYPE2 = 'COMPONENT' / Component number TFORM2 = '1I ' / format of field CONTENT = 'BADPIX ' HDUCLASS= 'ASC ' HDUCLAS1= 'REGION ' ORIGIN = 'ASC ' / Source of FITS file CREATOR = 'acis_build_badpix - Version CIAO 4.3' / tool that created this outputASCDSVER= 'CIAO 4.3' / ASCDS version number MJD_OBS = 5.5453232072208E+04 / Modified Julian date of observation DS_IDENT= 'ADS/Sa.CXO#obs/11737' / dataset identifier REVISION= 1 / Processing version of data CHECKSUM= 'SanIVUnFSZnFSZnF' / HDU checksum updated 2011-10-29T22:35:20 DATASUM = '3816449189' / data unit checksum updated 2011-10-29T22:35:20 RAND_SKY= 5.0000000000000E-01 RAND_PI = 1.0000000000000E+00 EQUINOX = 2.0000000000000E+03 / default DATE = '2011-10-29T22:35:20' / Date and time of file creation DATE-OBS= '2010-09-14T05:34:11' / Observation start date OBS_MODE= 'POINTING' / Observation mode DATE-END= '2010-09-14T20:51:17' / Observation end date TIMESYS = 'TT ' / Time system MJDREF = 5.0814000000000E+04 / MJD zero point for times TIMEZERO= 0.0000000000000E+00 / Clock correction TIMEUNIT= 's ' / Time unit BTIMNULL= 3.9510872035854E+08 / Basic Time offset (s) DATACLAS= 'OBSERVED' / default BTIMRATE= 2.5625001306566E-01 / Basic Time clock rate (s / VCDUcount) BTIMDRFT= 4.1535345497618E-18 / Basic Time clock drift (s / VCDUcount^2) BTIMCORR= 0.0000000000000E+00 / Correction applied to Basic Time rate (s) TIMEREF = 'LOCAL ' / Time reference (barycenter/local) TASSIGN = 'SATELLITE' / Time assigned by clock CLOCKAPP= T / default SIM_X = -6.8282252473119E-01 / SIM focus pos (mm) SIM_Y = 0.0000000000000E+00 / SIM orthogonal axis pos (mm) SIM_Z = -1.9014006604987E+02 / SIM translation stage pos (mm) FOC_LEN = 1.0070000000000E+04 / HRMA focal length (mm) TIERRELA= 1.0000000000000E-09 / default TIERABSO= 5.0000000000000E-05 / default TIMVERSN= 'ASC-FITS-2' / Timing system definition TSTART = 4.0082965103877E+08 / Observation start time GRATING = 'NONE ' / Grating DETNAM = 'ACIS-35678' / Detector RA_PNT = 3.3781235784430E+02 / Pointing RA DEC_PNT = 3.9354984619295E+01 / Pointing Dec ROLL_PNT= 2.0817231052236E+02 / Pointing Roll RA_TARG = 3.3783708300000E+02 / Observer's specified target RA DEC_TARG= 3.9363333000000E+01 / Observer's specified target Dec DEFOCUS = 1.4449365687057E-03 / SIM defocus (mm) RA_NOM = 3.3781235784430E+02 / Nominal RA DEC_NOM = 3.9354984619295E+01 / Nominal Dec ROLL_NOM= 2.0817231052236E+02 / Nominal Roll TSTOP = 4.0088467714158E+08 / Observation end time STARTMJF= 43339 / Major frame ctr value at start of data STARTMNF= 63 / Start minor frame ctr at start of data STARTOBT= 0.0000000000000E+00 / On-Board MET close to STARTMJF and STARTMNF STOPMJF = 44996 / Major frame ctr value at stop of data STOPMNF = 26 / Stop minor frame ctr at end of data TIMEPIXR= 5.0000000000000E-01 / default TIMEDEL = 3.1410400000000E+00 / timedel Lev1 (in seconds) CTI_CORR= T CTI_APP = 'PPPPPBPBPP' MISSION = 'AXAF ' / Mission TELESCOP= 'CHANDRA ' / Telescope INSTRUME= 'ACIS ' / Instrument READMODE= 'TIMED ' / Read mode DATAMODE= 'VFAINT ' / Data mode CCD_ID = 3 FEP_ID = 4 STARTBEP= 1838573509 STOPBEP = 2848508669 STARTROW= 0 ROWCNT = 1023 HISTNUM = 29 FLSHTIME= 0.0000000000000E+00 / Inferred duration of each flush. (s) CYCLE = 'P ' / events from which exps? Prim/Second/Both TLMIN2 = 0 OBSERVER= 'Dr. Ralph Kraft' / Principal investigator OBJECT = '3C 449 ' / Source name OBS_ID = '11737 ' / Observation id OBI_NUM = 0 / Obi number SEQ_NUM = '800877 ' / Sequence number ONTIME = 5.3039481553972E+04 / Sum of GTIs [s] LIVETIME= 5.2346481680371E+04 / Livetime [s] EXPOSURE= 5.2346481680371E+04 / Exposure time [s] DTCOR = 9.8693426381071E-01 / Dead time correction ASPTYPE = 'KALMAN ' FP_TEMP = 1.5392967224000E+02 / Focal Plane Temperature [K] RADESYS = 'ICRS ' / default TLMAX2 = 36 LONGSTRN= 'OGIP 1.0' / The HEASARC Long String Convention may be used.COMMENT This FITS file may contain long string keyword values that are COMMENT continued over multiple keywords. The HEASARC convention uses the & COMMENT character at the end of each substring which is then continued COMMENT on the next keyword which has the name CONTINUE. MTYPE1 = 'CHIP ' MFORM1 = 'CHIPX,CHIPY' TTYPE3 = 'CHIPX ' / CHIP X location TFORM3 = '2I ' / format of field TUNIT3 = 'pixel ' TLMIN3 = 1 TLMAX3 = 1024 TTYPE4 = 'CHIPY ' / CHIP Y location BPIXFILE= '/tmp/hotbadpixfile.fits.xassist.localdomain_13016' / Calibration badpTFORM4 = '2I ' / format of field TUNIT4 = 'pixel ' TLMIN4 = 1 TLMAX4 = 1024 TTYPE5 = 'TIME ' / Time pixel went bad TFORM5 = '1D ' / format of field TUNIT5 = 's ' TTYPE6 = 'TIME_STOP' / Time pixel went bad TFORM6 = '1D ' / format of field TUNIT6 = 's ' TTYPE7 = 'STATUS ' / Badpixel status code TFORM7 = '32X ' / format of field TUNIT7 = 'coded ' TITLE = 'Heating group gas via the supersonic inflation of radio lobes: a de&'CONTINUE 'ep Chandra observation of 3C 449' / Proposal title HISTORY TOOL :acis_build_badpix 2011-10-29T22:35:20 ASC00001HISTORY PARM :pbkfile=acisf11737/data/aux/acisf400830702N001_pbk0.fitsASC00002HISTORY CONT :.gz ASC00003HISTORY PARM :pbkext=PBK ASC00004HISTORY PARM :berrfile=none ASC00005HISTORY PARM :berrext=BERR ASC00006HISTORY PARM :maxerr=10 ASC00007HISTORY PARM :calibfile=/tmp/hotbadpixfile.fits.xassist.localdomain_13ASC00008HISTORY CONT :016 ASC00009HISTORY PARM :usrfile=none ASC00010HISTORY PARM :bitflag=00000000000000022221100020022222 ASC00011HISTORY PARM :procbias=yes ASC00012HISTORY PARM :biasfile=@bias_files.lis ASC00013HISTORY STCK :acisf11737/data/aux/acisf400829517N001_1_bias0.fits.gz ASC00014HISTORY STCK :acisf11737/data/aux/acisf400829517N001_2_bias0.fits.gz ASC00015HISTORY STCK :acisf11737/data/aux/acisf400829517N001_3_bias0.fits.gz ASC00016HISTORY STCK :acisf11737/data/aux/acisf400829517N001_4_bias0.fits.gz ASC00017HISTORY STCK :acisf11737/data/aux/acisf400829517N001_5_bias0.fits.gz ASC00018HISTORY PARM :biasthresh=6 ASC00019HISTORY PARM :evt0file=none ASC00020HISTORY PARM :evtsext=EVENTS ASC00021HISTORY PARM :writebias=no ASC00022HISTORY PARM :outbias= ASC00023HISTORY PARM :obsfile=/tmp/xassist.localdomain_13016_acis_run_hotpix_oASC00024HISTORY CONT :bs.par ASC00025HISTORY PARM :outfile=acisf11737/data/aux/acisf11737_000N001_bpix1_newASC00026HISTORY CONT :.fits ASC00027HISTORY PARM :clobber=yes ASC00028HISTORY PARM :verbose=1 ASC00029END rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle SAdA$>rectangle SSAdA$>rectangle SAdA$>rectangle TAdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>point AdA$>rectangle AdA$>point AdA$>point AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle yAdA$>rectangle yyAdA$>rectangle yAdA$>rectangle zAdA$>rectangle !MMWYA0A$>point "NNWWA0A$>rectangle #OOWYA0A$>point $NNXXA0A$>point %NNYYA0A$>rectangle &y{A0A$>point 'yyA0A$>rectangle (y{A0A$>point )zzA0A$>point *{{A0A$>rectangle +.0A0A$>point ,..A0A$>rectangle -.0A0A$>point .//A0A$>point /00A0A$>rectangle 0VXA0A$>point 1VVA0A$>rectangle 2VXA0A$>point 3WWA0A$>point 4XXA0A$>rectangle 5prA0A$>point 6ppA0A$>rectangle 7prA0A$>point 8qqA0A$>point 9rrA0A$>rectangle :~A0A$>point ;~~A0A$>rectangle <~A0A$>point =A0A$>point >A0A$>rectangle ?xxA0A$>point @yyA0A$>rectangle AzzA0A$>point ByyA0A$>point CyyA0A$>rectangle D33A0A$>point E44A0A$>rectangle F55A0A$>point G44A0A$>point H44A0A$>rectangle I<<A0A$>point J==A0A$>rectangle K>>A0A$>point L==A0A$>point M==A0A$>rectangle N%%AH;A$>point O&&AH;A$>rectangle P''AH;A$>point Q&&AH;A$>point R&&AH;A$>rectangle S/1A`A$>point T//A`A$>rectangle U/1A`A$>point V00A`A$>point W11A`A$>rectangle X((FHAd UA$>point Y))FFAd UA$>rectangle Z**FHAd UA$>point [))GGAd UA$>point \))HHAd UA$>rectangle ]AeAA$>point ^ AeAA$>rectangle _!!AeAA$>point ` AeAA$>point a AeAA$>rectangle b  "$AeA$>point c  ""AeA$>rectangle d  "$AeA$>point e  ##AeA$>point f  $$AeA$>rectangle gqqRTAr©A$>point hrrRRAr©A$>rectangle issRTAr©A$>point jrrSSAr©A$>point krrTTAr©A$>rectangle lZZAtoQuA$>point m[[AtoQuA$>rectangle n\\AtoQuA$>point o[[AtoQuA$>point p[[AtoQuA$>rectangle qvxAx[IA$>point rvvAx[IA$>rectangle svxAx[IA$>point twwAx[IA$>point uxxAx[IA$>rectangle vfhAxA$>point wffAxA$>rectangle xfhAxA$>point yggAxA$>point zhhAxA$>rectangle {**Ax槇A$>point |++Ax槇A$>rectangle },,Ax槇A$>point ~++Ax槇A$>point ++Ax槇A$>rectangle BBnpA曲FA$>point CCnnA曲FA$>rectangle DDnpA曲FA$>point CCooA曲FA$>point CCppA曲FA$>rectangle A0jA$>point A0jA$>rectangle A0jA$>point A0jA$>point A0jA$>rectangle *,AA$>point **AA$>rectangle *,AA$>point ++AA$>point ,,AA$>rectangle AEA$>point AEA$>rectangle AEA$>point AEA$>point AEA$>rectangle A66A$>point A66A$>rectangle A66A$>point A66A$>point A66A$>rectangle ##;=A8:A$>point $$;;A8:A$>rectangle %%;=A8:A$>point $$<point $$==A8:A$>rectangle 24As1A$>point 22As1A$>rectangle 24As1A$>point 33As1A$>point 44As1A$>point A䍓KA$>rectangle A䍓KA$>point A䍓KA$>point A䍓KA$>rectangle AxIA$>point AxIA$>rectangle AxIA$>point AxIA$>point AxIA$>rectangle XXA䎘U!A$>point YYA䎘U!A$>rectangle ZZA䎘U!A$>point YYA䎘U!A$>point YYA䎘U!A$>rectangle ++bdAUA$>point ,,bbAUA$>rectangle --bdAUA$>point ,,ccAUA$>point ,,ddAUA$>rectangle A ]A$>point A ]A$>rectangle A ]A$>point A ]A$>point A ]A$>rectangle AML4A$>point AML4A$>rectangle AML4A$>point AML4A$>point AML4A$>rectangle AkA$>point AkA$>rectangle AkA$>point AkA$>point AkA$>rectangle hhA+zA$>point iiA+zA$>rectangle jjA+zA$>point iiA+zA$>point iiA+zA$>rectangle 8:AAkZ-A$>point 88AAkZ-A$>rectangle 8:AAkZ-A$>point 99AAkZ-A$>point ::AAkZ-A$>rectangle Au A$>point Au A$>rectangle Au A$>point Au A$>point Au A$>rectangle ttA& A$>point uuA& A$>rectangle vvA& A$>point uuA& A$>point uuA& A$>rectangle tt A)A$>point uu  A)A$>rectangle vv A)A$>point uu  A)A$>point uuA)A$>rectangle ABA$>point ABA$>rectangle ABA$>point ABA$>point ABA$>rectangle ttA/A$>point uuA/A$>rectangle vvA/A$>point uuA/A$>point uuA/A$>rectangle A() A$>point A() A$>rectangle A() A$>point A() A$>point A() A$>rectangle PPZ\Am=A$>point QQZZAm=A$>rectangle RRZ\Am=A$>point QQ[[Am=A$>point QQ\\Am=A$>rectangle AФ.?A$>point AФ.?A$>rectangle AФ.?A$>point AФ.?A$>point AФ.?A$>rectangle BB "AB'A$>point CC  AB'A$>rectangle DD "AB'A$>point CC!!AB'A$>point CC""AB'A$>rectangle AښGA$>point AښGA$>rectangle AښGA$>point AښGA$>point AښGA$>rectangle AE'A$>point AE'A$>rectangle AE'A$>point AE'A$>point AE'A$>rectangle prAXA$>point ppAXA$>rectangle prAXA$>point  qqAXA$>point  rrAXA$>rectangle  A :A$>point  A :A$>rectangle  A :A$>point A :A$>point A :A$>rectangle tvAA$>point ttAA$>rectangle tvAA$>point uuAA$>point vvAA$>rectangle A`A$>point A`A$>rectangle A`A$>point A`A$>point A`A$>rectangle AƋTA$>point AƋTA$>rectangle AƋTA$>point AƋTA$>point AƋTA$>rectangle  A}A$>point  A}A$>rectangle !A}A$>point "A}A$>point #A}A$>rectangle $A;A$>point %A;A$>rectangle &A;A$>point 'A;A$>point (A;A$>rectangle )uuASA$>point *vvASA$>rectangle +wwASA$>point ,vvASA$>point -vvASA$>rectangle .AhG,A$>point /  AhG,A$>rectangle 0!!AhG,A$>point 1  AhG,A$>point 2  AhG,A$>XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / binary table extension BITPIX = 8 / 8-bit bytes NAXIS = 2 / 2-dimensional binary table NAXIS1 = 46 / width of table in bytes NAXIS2 = 143 / number of rows in table PCOUNT = 0 / size of special data area GCOUNT = 1 / one data group (required keyword) TFIELDS = 7 / number of fields in each row EXTNAME = 'BADPIX ' / name of this binary table extension EXTVER = 5 HDUNAME = 'BADPIX5 ' / ASCDM block name TTYPE1 = 'SHAPE ' / region shape TFORM1 = '16A ' / format of field TTYPE2 = 'COMPONENT' / Component number TFORM2 = '1I ' / format of field CONTENT = 'BADPIX ' HDUCLASS= 'ASC ' HDUCLAS1= 'REGION ' ORIGIN = 'ASC ' / Source of FITS file CREATOR = 'acis_build_badpix - Version CIAO 4.3' / tool that created this outputASCDSVER= 'CIAO 4.3' / ASCDS version number MJD_OBS = 5.5453232072208E+04 / Modified Julian date of observation DS_IDENT= 'ADS/Sa.CXO#obs/11737' / dataset identifier REVISION= 1 / Processing version of data CHECKSUM= 'gA9aj09Ug79Zg79Z' / HDU checksum updated 2011-10-29T22:35:20 DATASUM = '1884033635' / data unit checksum updated 2011-10-29T22:35:20 RAND_SKY= 5.0000000000000E-01 RAND_PI = 1.0000000000000E+00 EQUINOX = 2.0000000000000E+03 / default DATE = '2011-10-29T22:35:20' / Date and time of file creation DATE-OBS= '2010-09-14T05:34:11' / Observation start date OBS_MODE= 'POINTING' / Observation mode DATE-END= '2010-09-14T20:51:17' / Observation end date TIMESYS = 'TT ' / Time system MJDREF = 5.0814000000000E+04 / MJD zero point for times TIMEZERO= 0.0000000000000E+00 / Clock correction TIMEUNIT= 's ' / Time unit BTIMNULL= 3.9510872035854E+08 / Basic Time offset (s) DATACLAS= 'OBSERVED' / default BTIMRATE= 2.5625001306566E-01 / Basic Time clock rate (s / VCDUcount) BTIMDRFT= 4.1535345497618E-18 / Basic Time clock drift (s / VCDUcount^2) BTIMCORR= 0.0000000000000E+00 / Correction applied to Basic Time rate (s) TIMEREF = 'LOCAL ' / Time reference (barycenter/local) TASSIGN = 'SATELLITE' / Time assigned by clock CLOCKAPP= T / default SIM_X = -6.8282252473119E-01 / SIM focus pos (mm) SIM_Y = 0.0000000000000E+00 / SIM orthogonal axis pos (mm) SIM_Z = -1.9014006604987E+02 / SIM translation stage pos (mm) FOC_LEN = 1.0070000000000E+04 / HRMA focal length (mm) TIERRELA= 1.0000000000000E-09 / default TIERABSO= 5.0000000000000E-05 / default TIMVERSN= 'ASC-FITS-2' / Timing system definition TSTART = 4.0082965103877E+08 / Observation start time GRATING = 'NONE ' / Grating DETNAM = 'ACIS-35678' / Detector RA_PNT = 3.3781235784430E+02 / Pointing RA DEC_PNT = 3.9354984619295E+01 / Pointing Dec ROLL_PNT= 2.0817231052236E+02 / Pointing Roll RA_TARG = 3.3783708300000E+02 / Observer's specified target RA DEC_TARG= 3.9363333000000E+01 / Observer's specified target Dec DEFOCUS = 1.4449365687057E-03 / SIM defocus (mm) RA_NOM = 3.3781235784430E+02 / Nominal RA DEC_NOM = 3.9354984619295E+01 / Nominal Dec ROLL_NOM= 2.0817231052236E+02 / Nominal Roll TSTOP = 4.0088467714158E+08 / Observation end time STARTMJF= 43339 / Major frame ctr value at start of data STARTMNF= 63 / Start minor frame ctr at start of data STARTOBT= 0.0000000000000E+00 / On-Board MET close to STARTMJF and STARTMNF STOPMJF = 44996 / Major frame ctr value at stop of data STOPMNF = 26 / Stop minor frame ctr at end of data TIMEPIXR= 5.0000000000000E-01 / default TIMEDEL = 3.1410400000000E+00 / timedel Lev1 (in seconds) CTI_CORR= T CTI_APP = 'PPPPPBPBPP' MISSION = 'AXAF ' / Mission TELESCOP= 'CHANDRA ' / Telescope INSTRUME= 'ACIS ' / Instrument READMODE= 'TIMED ' / Read mode DATAMODE= 'VFAINT ' / Data mode CCD_ID = 5 FEP_ID = 2 STARTBEP= 1838573509 STOPBEP = 2848508669 STARTROW= 0 ROWCNT = 1023 HISTNUM = 29 FLSHTIME= 0.0000000000000E+00 / Inferred duration of each flush. (s) CYCLE = 'P ' / events from which exps? Prim/Second/Both TLMIN2 = 0 OBSERVER= 'Dr. Ralph Kraft' / Principal investigator OBJECT = '3C 449 ' / Source name OBS_ID = '11737 ' / Observation id OBI_NUM = 0 / Obi number SEQ_NUM = '800877 ' / Sequence number ONTIME = 5.3039481553972E+04 / Sum of GTIs [s] LIVETIME= 5.2346481680371E+04 / Livetime [s] EXPOSURE= 5.2346481680371E+04 / Exposure time [s] DTCOR = 9.8693426381071E-01 / Dead time correction ASPTYPE = 'KALMAN ' FP_TEMP = 1.5392967224000E+02 / Focal Plane Temperature [K] RADESYS = 'ICRS ' / default TLMAX2 = 36 LONGSTRN= 'OGIP 1.0' / The HEASARC Long String Convention may be used.COMMENT This FITS file may contain long string keyword values that are COMMENT continued over multiple keywords. The HEASARC convention uses the & COMMENT character at the end of each substring which is then continued COMMENT on the next keyword which has the name CONTINUE. MTYPE1 = 'CHIP ' MFORM1 = 'CHIPX,CHIPY' TTYPE3 = 'CHIPX ' / CHIP X location TFORM3 = '2I ' / format of field TUNIT3 = 'pixel ' TLMIN3 = 1 TLMAX3 = 1024 TTYPE4 = 'CHIPY ' / CHIP Y location BPIXFILE= '/tmp/hotbadpixfile.fits.xassist.localdomain_13016' / Calibration badpTFORM4 = '2I ' / format of field TUNIT4 = 'pixel ' TLMIN4 = 1 TLMAX4 = 1024 TTYPE5 = 'TIME ' / Time pixel went bad TFORM5 = '1D ' / format of field TUNIT5 = 's ' TTYPE6 = 'TIME_STOP' / Time pixel went bad TFORM6 = '1D ' / format of field TUNIT6 = 's ' TTYPE7 = 'STATUS ' / Badpixel status code TFORM7 = '32X ' / format of field TUNIT7 = 'coded ' TITLE = 'Heating group gas via the supersonic inflation of radio lobes: a de&'CONTINUE 'ep Chandra observation of 3C 449' / Proposal title HISTORY TOOL :acis_build_badpix 2011-10-29T22:35:20 ASC00001HISTORY PARM :pbkfile=acisf11737/data/aux/acisf400830702N001_pbk0.fitsASC00002HISTORY CONT :.gz ASC00003HISTORY PARM :pbkext=PBK ASC00004HISTORY PARM :berrfile=none ASC00005HISTORY PARM :berrext=BERR ASC00006HISTORY PARM :maxerr=10 ASC00007HISTORY PARM :calibfile=/tmp/hotbadpixfile.fits.xassist.localdomain_13ASC00008HISTORY CONT :016 ASC00009HISTORY PARM :usrfile=none ASC00010HISTORY PARM :bitflag=00000000000000022221100020022222 ASC00011HISTORY PARM :procbias=yes ASC00012HISTORY PARM :biasfile=@bias_files.lis ASC00013HISTORY STCK :acisf11737/data/aux/acisf400829517N001_1_bias0.fits.gz ASC00014HISTORY STCK :acisf11737/data/aux/acisf400829517N001_2_bias0.fits.gz ASC00015HISTORY STCK :acisf11737/data/aux/acisf400829517N001_3_bias0.fits.gz ASC00016HISTORY STCK :acisf11737/data/aux/acisf400829517N001_4_bias0.fits.gz ASC00017HISTORY STCK :acisf11737/data/aux/acisf400829517N001_5_bias0.fits.gz ASC00018HISTORY PARM :biasthresh=6 ASC00019HISTORY PARM :evt0file=none ASC00020HISTORY PARM :evtsext=EVENTS ASC00021HISTORY PARM :writebias=no ASC00022HISTORY PARM :outbias= ASC00023HISTORY PARM :obsfile=/tmp/xassist.localdomain_13016_acis_run_hotpix_oASC00024HISTORY CONT :bs.par ASC00025HISTORY PARM :outfile=acisf11737/data/aux/acisf11737_000N001_bpix1_newASC00026HISTORY CONT :.fits ASC00027HISTORY PARM :clobber=yes ASC00028HISTORY PARM :verbose=1 ASC00029END rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle @AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle :point ::AdA$>rectangle :point ;;AdA$>point <rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>point AdA$>rectangle AdA$>point AdA$>rectangle AdA$>point AdA$>rectangle ^^AdA$>point __AdA$>rectangle ``AdA$>rectangle dd.0AdA$>point ee..AdA$>rectangle ff.0AdA$>point ee00AdA$>rectangle 78AdA$>rectangle 77AdA$>rectangle 7;AdA$>rectangle 8CAdA$>rectangle 88AdA$>rectangle !:BAdA$>rectangle ":BAdA$>rectangle #::AdA$>rectangle $;CAdA$>rectangle %;;AdA$>point &CCAdA$>point 'CCAdA$>rectangle (^`AdA$>point )^^AdA$>rectangle *^`AdA$>point +``AdA$>rectangle ,TTAdA$>point -UUAdA$>rectangle .VVAdA$>rectangle /nnAdA$>point 0ooAdA$>rectangle 1ppAdA$>point 2ooAdA$>point 3ooAdA$>rectangle 435AdA$>rectangle 545AdA$>rectangle 6BAdA$>rectangle 7~~HKAdA$>point 8HHAdA$>rectangle 9HKAdA$>rectangle :AdA$>point ;AdA$>rectangle <AdA$>point =AdA$>point >AdA$>rectangle ?AdA$>point @AdA$>rectangle AAdA$>rectangle BAdA$>rectangle CAdA$>rectangle DA0A$>rectangle EA0A$>point FA0A$>rectangle GA0A$>rectangle HA0A$>point IA0A$>point JA0A$>point KA0A$>point L__A0A$>point M__A0A$>rectangle N^`A0A$>point Oee//A0A$>point P88A0A$>rectangle Q8:A0A$>point R99A0A$>point S99A0A$> rectangle T99A0A$>point U99A0A$>rectangle V:BA0A$>point W::A0A$>rectangle X<>A0A$>point Y<rectangle Z<>A0A$>point [==A0A$>point \>>A0A$>rectangle ]CHA0A$>rectangle ^DIA0A$>rectangle _DIA0A$>point `IIA0A$>point a__A0A$> rectangle bppwyA0A$>point cqqwwA0A$>rectangle drrwyA0A$>point eqqxxA0A$>point fqqyyA0A$>point gUUA0A$>point hUUA0A$>rectangle iTVA0A$>rectangle j__!A0A$>point k``A0A$>rectangle laa!A0A$>point m``  A0A$>point n``!!A0A$>rectangle o22A0A$>rectangle p24A0A$>point q22A0A$>rectangle r24A0A$>point s33A0A$>rectangle t33A0A$>point u33A0A$>point v44A0A$>rectangle w44A0A$>point x44A0A$>rectangle y57A0A$>rectangle z68A0A$>rectangle {68A0A$>point |88A0A$>rectangle }@BA0A$>point ~AAA0A$>rectangle ||HJA0A$>point }}HHA0A$>point }}IIA0A$>point IIA0A$> point }}JJA0A$>point JJA0A$>point KKA0A$>rectangle ~LLA0A$>point A0A$>rectangle A0A$>rectangle A0A$>rectangle A0A$>point A0A$>point A0A$>rectangle A0A$>point A0A$>point A0A$>XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / binary table extension BITPIX = 8 / 8-bit bytes NAXIS = 2 / 2-dimensional binary table NAXIS1 = 46 / width of table in bytes NAXIS2 = 84 / number of rows in table PCOUNT = 0 / size of special data area GCOUNT = 1 / one data group (required keyword) TFIELDS = 7 / number of fields in each row EXTNAME = 'BADPIX ' / name of this binary table extension EXTVER = 6 HDUNAME = 'BADPIX6 ' / ASCDM block name TTYPE1 = 'SHAPE ' / region shape TFORM1 = '16A ' / format of field TTYPE2 = 'COMPONENT' / Component number TFORM2 = '1I ' / format of field CONTENT = 'BADPIX ' HDUCLASS= 'ASC ' HDUCLAS1= 'REGION ' ORIGIN = 'ASC ' / Source of FITS file CREATOR = 'acis_build_badpix - Version CIAO 4.3' / tool that created this outputASCDSVER= 'CIAO 4.3' / ASCDS version number MJD_OBS = 5.5453232072208E+04 / Modified Julian date of observation DS_IDENT= 'ADS/Sa.CXO#obs/11737' / dataset identifier REVISION= 1 / Processing version of data CHECKSUM= 'DTIHEQFEDQFEDQFE' / HDU checksum updated 2011-10-29T22:35:20 DATASUM = '319839995' / data unit checksum updated 2011-10-29T22:35:20 RAND_SKY= 5.0000000000000E-01 RAND_PI = 1.0000000000000E+00 EQUINOX = 2.0000000000000E+03 / default DATE = '2011-10-29T22:35:20' / Date and time of file creation DATE-OBS= '2010-09-14T05:34:11' / Observation start date OBS_MODE= 'POINTING' / Observation mode DATE-END= '2010-09-14T20:51:17' / Observation end date TIMESYS = 'TT ' / Time system MJDREF = 5.0814000000000E+04 / MJD zero point for times TIMEZERO= 0.0000000000000E+00 / Clock correction TIMEUNIT= 's ' / Time unit BTIMNULL= 3.9510872035854E+08 / Basic Time offset (s) DATACLAS= 'OBSERVED' / default BTIMRATE= 2.5625001306566E-01 / Basic Time clock rate (s / VCDUcount) BTIMDRFT= 4.1535345497618E-18 / Basic Time clock drift (s / VCDUcount^2) BTIMCORR= 0.0000000000000E+00 / Correction applied to Basic Time rate (s) TIMEREF = 'LOCAL ' / Time reference (barycenter/local) TASSIGN = 'SATELLITE' / Time assigned by clock CLOCKAPP= T / default SIM_X = -6.8282252473119E-01 / SIM focus pos (mm) SIM_Y = 0.0000000000000E+00 / SIM orthogonal axis pos (mm) SIM_Z = -1.9014006604987E+02 / SIM translation stage pos (mm) FOC_LEN = 1.0070000000000E+04 / HRMA focal length (mm) TIERRELA= 1.0000000000000E-09 / default TIERABSO= 5.0000000000000E-05 / default TIMVERSN= 'ASC-FITS-2' / Timing system definition TSTART = 4.0082965103877E+08 / Observation start time GRATING = 'NONE ' / Grating DETNAM = 'ACIS-35678' / Detector RA_PNT = 3.3781235784430E+02 / Pointing RA DEC_PNT = 3.9354984619295E+01 / Pointing Dec ROLL_PNT= 2.0817231052236E+02 / Pointing Roll RA_TARG = 3.3783708300000E+02 / Observer's specified target RA DEC_TARG= 3.9363333000000E+01 / Observer's specified target Dec DEFOCUS = 1.4449365687057E-03 / SIM defocus (mm) RA_NOM = 3.3781235784430E+02 / Nominal RA DEC_NOM = 3.9354984619295E+01 / Nominal Dec ROLL_NOM= 2.0817231052236E+02 / Nominal Roll TSTOP = 4.0088467714158E+08 / Observation end time STARTMJF= 43339 / Major frame ctr value at start of data STARTMNF= 63 / Start minor frame ctr at start of data STARTOBT= 0.0000000000000E+00 / On-Board MET close to STARTMJF and STARTMNF STOPMJF = 44996 / Major frame ctr value at stop of data STOPMNF = 26 / Stop minor frame ctr at end of data TIMEPIXR= 5.0000000000000E-01 / default TIMEDEL = 3.1410400000000E+00 / timedel Lev1 (in seconds) CTI_CORR= T CTI_APP = 'PPPPPBPBPP' MISSION = 'AXAF ' / Mission TELESCOP= 'CHANDRA ' / Telescope INSTRUME= 'ACIS ' / Instrument READMODE= 'TIMED ' / Read mode DATAMODE= 'VFAINT ' / Data mode CCD_ID = 6 FEP_ID = 3 STARTBEP= 1838573509 STOPBEP = 2848508669 STARTROW= 0 ROWCNT = 1023 HISTNUM = 29 FLSHTIME= 0.0000000000000E+00 / Inferred duration of each flush. (s) CYCLE = 'P ' / events from which exps? Prim/Second/Both TLMIN2 = 0 OBSERVER= 'Dr. Ralph Kraft' / Principal investigator OBJECT = '3C 449 ' / Source name OBS_ID = '11737 ' / Observation id OBI_NUM = 0 / Obi number SEQ_NUM = '800877 ' / Sequence number ONTIME = 5.3039481553972E+04 / Sum of GTIs [s] LIVETIME= 5.2346481680371E+04 / Livetime [s] EXPOSURE= 5.2346481680371E+04 / Exposure time [s] DTCOR = 9.8693426381071E-01 / Dead time correction ASPTYPE = 'KALMAN ' FP_TEMP = 1.5392967224000E+02 / Focal Plane Temperature [K] RADESYS = 'ICRS ' / default TLMAX2 = 36 LONGSTRN= 'OGIP 1.0' / The HEASARC Long String Convention may be used.COMMENT This FITS file may contain long string keyword values that are COMMENT continued over multiple keywords. The HEASARC convention uses the & COMMENT character at the end of each substring which is then continued COMMENT on the next keyword which has the name CONTINUE. MTYPE1 = 'CHIP ' MFORM1 = 'CHIPX,CHIPY' TTYPE3 = 'CHIPX ' / CHIP X location TFORM3 = '2I ' / format of field TUNIT3 = 'pixel ' TLMIN3 = 1 TLMAX3 = 1024 TTYPE4 = 'CHIPY ' / CHIP Y location BPIXFILE= '/tmp/hotbadpixfile.fits.xassist.localdomain_13016' / Calibration badpTFORM4 = '2I ' / format of field TUNIT4 = 'pixel ' TLMIN4 = 1 TLMAX4 = 1024 TTYPE5 = 'TIME ' / Time pixel went bad TFORM5 = '1D ' / format of field TUNIT5 = 's ' TTYPE6 = 'TIME_STOP' / Time pixel went bad TFORM6 = '1D ' / format of field TUNIT6 = 's ' TTYPE7 = 'STATUS ' / Badpixel status code TFORM7 = '32X ' / format of field TUNIT7 = 'coded ' TITLE = 'Heating group gas via the supersonic inflation of radio lobes: a de&'CONTINUE 'ep Chandra observation of 3C 449' / Proposal title HISTORY TOOL :acis_build_badpix 2011-10-29T22:35:20 ASC00001HISTORY PARM :pbkfile=acisf11737/data/aux/acisf400830702N001_pbk0.fitsASC00002HISTORY CONT :.gz ASC00003HISTORY PARM :pbkext=PBK ASC00004HISTORY PARM :berrfile=none ASC00005HISTORY PARM :berrext=BERR ASC00006HISTORY PARM :maxerr=10 ASC00007HISTORY PARM :calibfile=/tmp/hotbadpixfile.fits.xassist.localdomain_13ASC00008HISTORY CONT :016 ASC00009HISTORY PARM :usrfile=none ASC00010HISTORY PARM :bitflag=00000000000000022221100020022222 ASC00011HISTORY PARM :procbias=yes ASC00012HISTORY PARM :biasfile=@bias_files.lis ASC00013HISTORY STCK :acisf11737/data/aux/acisf400829517N001_1_bias0.fits.gz ASC00014HISTORY STCK :acisf11737/data/aux/acisf400829517N001_2_bias0.fits.gz ASC00015HISTORY STCK :acisf11737/data/aux/acisf400829517N001_3_bias0.fits.gz ASC00016HISTORY STCK :acisf11737/data/aux/acisf400829517N001_4_bias0.fits.gz ASC00017HISTORY STCK :acisf11737/data/aux/acisf400829517N001_5_bias0.fits.gz ASC00018HISTORY PARM :biasthresh=6 ASC00019HISTORY PARM :evt0file=none ASC00020HISTORY PARM :evtsext=EVENTS ASC00021HISTORY PARM :writebias=no ASC00022HISTORY PARM :outbias= ASC00023HISTORY PARM :obsfile=/tmp/xassist.localdomain_13016_acis_run_hotpix_oASC00024HISTORY CONT :bs.par ASC00025HISTORY PARM :outfile=acisf11737/data/aux/acisf11737_000N001_bpix1_newASC00026HISTORY CONT :.fits ASC00027HISTORY PARM :clobber=yes ASC00028HISTORY PARM :verbose=1 ASC00029END rectangle AdA$>rectangle  AdA$>rectangle  AdA$>rectangle 88AdA$>rectangle 9;AdA$>rectangle <<AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle yyAdA$>rectangle z|AdA$>rectangle }}AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle BBAdA$>rectangle CCAdA$>rectangle DDAdA$>rectangle GGAdA$>rectangle HJAdA$>rectangle KKAdA$>rectangle ZZAdA$>rectangle [[AdA$>rectangle \\AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle !AdA$>rectangle "AdA$>rectangle #AdA$>rectangle $AdA$>rectangle %AdA$>point &AdA$>rectangle 'AdA$>rectangle ( AdA$>point )AdA$>rectangle * AdA$>point +AdA$>point , AdA$>rectangle -:point .::AdA$>rectangle /:point 0;;AdA$>point 1<rectangle 2AdA$>point 3AdA$>rectangle 4AdA$>point 5AdA$>point 6AdA$>rectangle 7ss A, A$>point 8ttA, A$>rectangle 9uu A, A$>point :tt A, A$>rectangle ;$$A, A$>point <%%A, A$>rectangle =&&A, A$>point >%%A, A$>@point ?%%A, A$>point @ttA0A$>@rectangle A ;=A0A$>point B ;;A0A$>rectangle C ;=A0A$>point D <point E ==A0A$>rectangle FAR>JA$>point GAR>JA$>rectangle HAR>JA$>point IAR>JA$>point JAR>JA$>rectangle Kzz|~A?RA$>point L{{||A?RA$>rectangle M|||~A?RA$>point N{{}}A?RA$>point O{{~~A?RA$>rectangle PAA$>point QAA$>rectangle RAA$>point SAA$>point TAA$>XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / binary table extension BITPIX = 8 / 8-bit bytes NAXIS = 2 / 2-dimensional binary table NAXIS1 = 46 / width of table in bytes NAXIS2 = 132 / number of rows in table PCOUNT = 0 / size of special data area GCOUNT = 1 / one data group (required keyword) TFIELDS = 7 / number of fields in each row EXTNAME = 'BADPIX ' / name of this binary table extension EXTVER = 7 HDUNAME = 'BADPIX7 ' / ASCDM block name TTYPE1 = 'SHAPE ' / region shape TFORM1 = '16A ' / format of field TTYPE2 = 'COMPONENT' / Component number TFORM2 = '1I ' / format of field CONTENT = 'BADPIX ' HDUCLASS= 'ASC ' HDUCLAS1= 'REGION ' ORIGIN = 'ASC ' / Source of FITS file CREATOR = 'acis_build_badpix - Version CIAO 4.3' / tool that created this outputASCDSVER= 'CIAO 4.3' / ASCDS version number MJD_OBS = 5.5453232072208E+04 / Modified Julian date of observation DS_IDENT= 'ADS/Sa.CXO#obs/11737' / dataset identifier REVISION= 1 / Processing version of data CHECKSUM= 'mA7Fo259m95Em959' / HDU checksum updated 2011-10-29T22:35:20 DATASUM = '1733984575' / data unit checksum updated 2011-10-29T22:35:20 RAND_SKY= 5.0000000000000E-01 RAND_PI = 1.0000000000000E+00 EQUINOX = 2.0000000000000E+03 / default DATE = '2011-10-29T22:35:20' / Date and time of file creation DATE-OBS= '2010-09-14T05:34:11' / Observation start date OBS_MODE= 'POINTING' / Observation mode DATE-END= '2010-09-14T20:51:17' / Observation end date TIMESYS = 'TT ' / Time system MJDREF = 5.0814000000000E+04 / MJD zero point for times TIMEZERO= 0.0000000000000E+00 / Clock correction TIMEUNIT= 's ' / Time unit BTIMNULL= 3.9510872035854E+08 / Basic Time offset (s) DATACLAS= 'OBSERVED' / default BTIMRATE= 2.5625001306566E-01 / Basic Time clock rate (s / VCDUcount) BTIMDRFT= 4.1535345497618E-18 / Basic Time clock drift (s / VCDUcount^2) BTIMCORR= 0.0000000000000E+00 / Correction applied to Basic Time rate (s) TIMEREF = 'LOCAL ' / Time reference (barycenter/local) TASSIGN = 'SATELLITE' / Time assigned by clock CLOCKAPP= T / default SIM_X = -6.8282252473119E-01 / SIM focus pos (mm) SIM_Y = 0.0000000000000E+00 / SIM orthogonal axis pos (mm) SIM_Z = -1.9014006604987E+02 / SIM translation stage pos (mm) FOC_LEN = 1.0070000000000E+04 / HRMA focal length (mm) TIERRELA= 1.0000000000000E-09 / default TIERABSO= 5.0000000000000E-05 / default TIMVERSN= 'ASC-FITS-2' / Timing system definition TSTART = 4.0082965103877E+08 / Observation start time GRATING = 'NONE ' / Grating DETNAM = 'ACIS-35678' / Detector RA_PNT = 3.3781235784430E+02 / Pointing RA DEC_PNT = 3.9354984619295E+01 / Pointing Dec ROLL_PNT= 2.0817231052236E+02 / Pointing Roll RA_TARG = 3.3783708300000E+02 / Observer's specified target RA DEC_TARG= 3.9363333000000E+01 / Observer's specified target Dec DEFOCUS = 1.4449365687057E-03 / SIM defocus (mm) RA_NOM = 3.3781235784430E+02 / Nominal RA DEC_NOM = 3.9354984619295E+01 / Nominal Dec ROLL_NOM= 2.0817231052236E+02 / Nominal Roll TSTOP = 4.0088467714158E+08 / Observation end time STARTMJF= 43339 / Major frame ctr value at start of data STARTMNF= 63 / Start minor frame ctr at start of data STARTOBT= 0.0000000000000E+00 / On-Board MET close to STARTMJF and STARTMNF STOPMJF = 44996 / Major frame ctr value at stop of data STOPMNF = 26 / Stop minor frame ctr at end of data TIMEPIXR= 5.0000000000000E-01 / default TIMEDEL = 3.1410400000000E+00 / timedel Lev1 (in seconds) CTI_CORR= T CTI_APP = 'PPPPPBPBPP' MISSION = 'AXAF ' / Mission TELESCOP= 'CHANDRA ' / Telescope INSTRUME= 'ACIS ' / Instrument READMODE= 'TIMED ' / Read mode DATAMODE= 'VFAINT ' / Data mode CCD_ID = 7 FEP_ID = 1 STARTBEP= 1838573509 STOPBEP = 2848508669 STARTROW= 0 ROWCNT = 1023 HISTNUM = 29 FLSHTIME= 0.0000000000000E+00 / Inferred duration of each flush. (s) CYCLE = 'P ' / events from which exps? Prim/Second/Both TLMIN2 = 0 OBSERVER= 'Dr. Ralph Kraft' / Principal investigator OBJECT = '3C 449 ' / Source name OBS_ID = '11737 ' / Observation id OBI_NUM = 0 / Obi number SEQ_NUM = '800877 ' / Sequence number ONTIME = 5.3039481553972E+04 / Sum of GTIs [s] LIVETIME= 5.2346481680371E+04 / Livetime [s] EXPOSURE= 5.2346481680371E+04 / Exposure time [s] DTCOR = 9.8693426381071E-01 / Dead time correction ASPTYPE = 'KALMAN ' FP_TEMP = 1.5392967224000E+02 / Focal Plane Temperature [K] RADESYS = 'ICRS ' / default TLMAX2 = 36 LONGSTRN= 'OGIP 1.0' / The HEASARC Long String Convention may be used.COMMENT This FITS file may contain long string keyword values that are COMMENT continued over multiple keywords. The HEASARC convention uses the & COMMENT character at the end of each substring which is then continued COMMENT on the next keyword which has the name CONTINUE. MTYPE1 = 'CHIP ' MFORM1 = 'CHIPX,CHIPY' TTYPE3 = 'CHIPX ' / CHIP X location TFORM3 = '2I ' / format of field TUNIT3 = 'pixel ' TLMIN3 = 1 TLMAX3 = 1024 TTYPE4 = 'CHIPY ' / CHIP Y location BPIXFILE= '/tmp/hotbadpixfile.fits.xassist.localdomain_13016' / Calibration badpTFORM4 = '2I ' / format of field TUNIT4 = 'pixel ' TLMIN4 = 1 TLMAX4 = 1024 TTYPE5 = 'TIME ' / Time pixel went bad TFORM5 = '1D ' / format of field TUNIT5 = 's ' TTYPE6 = 'TIME_STOP' / Time pixel went bad TFORM6 = '1D ' / format of field TUNIT6 = 's ' TTYPE7 = 'STATUS ' / Badpixel status code TFORM7 = '32X ' / format of field TUNIT7 = 'coded ' TITLE = 'Heating group gas via the supersonic inflation of radio lobes: a de&'CONTINUE 'ep Chandra observation of 3C 449' / Proposal title HISTORY TOOL :acis_build_badpix 2011-10-29T22:35:20 ASC00001HISTORY PARM :pbkfile=acisf11737/data/aux/acisf400830702N001_pbk0.fitsASC00002HISTORY CONT :.gz ASC00003HISTORY PARM :pbkext=PBK ASC00004HISTORY PARM :berrfile=none ASC00005HISTORY PARM :berrext=BERR ASC00006HISTORY PARM :maxerr=10 ASC00007HISTORY PARM :calibfile=/tmp/hotbadpixfile.fits.xassist.localdomain_13ASC00008HISTORY CONT :016 ASC00009HISTORY PARM :usrfile=none ASC00010HISTORY PARM :bitflag=00000000000000022221100020022222 ASC00011HISTORY PARM :procbias=yes ASC00012HISTORY PARM :biasfile=@bias_files.lis ASC00013HISTORY STCK :acisf11737/data/aux/acisf400829517N001_1_bias0.fits.gz ASC00014HISTORY STCK :acisf11737/data/aux/acisf400829517N001_2_bias0.fits.gz ASC00015HISTORY STCK :acisf11737/data/aux/acisf400829517N001_3_bias0.fits.gz ASC00016HISTORY STCK :acisf11737/data/aux/acisf400829517N001_4_bias0.fits.gz ASC00017HISTORY STCK :acisf11737/data/aux/acisf400829517N001_5_bias0.fits.gz ASC00018HISTORY PARM :biasthresh=6 ASC00019HISTORY PARM :evt0file=none ASC00020HISTORY PARM :evtsext=EVENTS ASC00021HISTORY PARM :writebias=no ASC00022HISTORY PARM :outbias= ASC00023HISTORY PARM :obsfile=/tmp/xassist.localdomain_13016_acis_run_hotpix_oASC00024HISTORY CONT :bs.par ASC00025HISTORY PARM :outfile=acisf11737/data/aux/acisf11737_000N001_bpix1_newASC00026HISTORY CONT :.fits ASC00027HISTORY PARM :clobber=yes ASC00028HISTORY PARM :verbose=1 ASC00029END rectangle AdA$>rectangle )AdA$>rectangle (AdA$>rectangle )AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle ))AdA$>rectangle ;=AdA$>point ;;AdA$>rectangle ;=AdA$>point <point ==AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AAAdA$>point BBAdA$>rectangle CCAdA$>rectangle BB AdA$>rectangle AdA$>point AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>point AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle A0A$> rectangle A0A$>rectangle A0A$>rectangle A0A$>rectangle **A0A$>rectangle +,A0A$>rectangle --A0A$>rectangle !22A0A$>point "33A0A$>rectangle #44A0A$>rectangle $ZZA0A$>point %[[A0A$>rectangle &\\A0A$>rectangle '^^A0A$>rectangle (_`A0A$>rectangle )aaA0A$>point *bbA0A$>rectangle +cdA0A$>rectangle ,eiA0A$>rectangle -jjA0A$>rectangle .qqA0A$>point /rrA0A$>rectangle 0ssA0A$>rectangle 1uuA0A$>point 2vvA0A$>rectangle 3wwA0A$>rectangle 4A0A$>point 5A0A$>rectangle 6A0A$>rectangle 7A0A$>point 8A0A$>rectangle 9A0A$>rectangle :A0A$>rectangle ;A0A$>rectangle <A0A$>rectangle =A0A$>point >A0A$>rectangle ?A0A$>rectangle @A0A$>rectangle AA0A$>rectangle BA0A$>point CA0A$>rectangle DA0A$>rectangle EA0A$>point FA0A$>rectangle GA0A$>rectangle HA0A$>rectangle IA0A$>rectangle JA0A$>rectangle KA0A$>rectangle LA0A$>rectangle MA0A$>rectangle NA0A$>rectangle OA0A$>rectangle PA0A$>rectangle QA0A$>point RA0A$>rectangle SA0A$>rectangle TA0A$>rectangle UA0A$>point VA0A$>rectangle WA0A$>point XA0A$>rectangle YA0A$>rectangle ZA0A$>point [A0A$>rectangle \A0A$>rectangle ]A0A$>rectangle ^A0A$>rectangle _A0A$>rectangle `-A0A$>rectangle a..A0A$>rectangle b/A0A$>rectangle cA0A$>rectangle dA0A$>rectangle eA0A$>rectangle fA0A$>rectangle g+,A0A$>point h33A0A$>point i[[A0A$>rectangle j_`A0A$>point kbbA0A$>rectangle leiA0A$>point mrrA0A$>point nvvA0A$>point oA0A$>point pA0A$>rectangle qA0A$>point rA0A$>rectangle sA0A$>point tA0A$>point uA0A$>rectangle vA0A$>rectangle wA0A$>rectangle xA0A$>rectangle yA0A$>rectangle zA0A$>rectangle {A0A$>rectangle |A0A$>point }A0A$>point ~A0A$>point A0A$>rectangle A0A$>point A0A$>rectangle -A0A$>rectangle /A0A$>rectangle A0A$>XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / binary table extension BITPIX = 8 / 8-bit bytes NAXIS = 2 / 2-dimensional binary table NAXIS1 = 46 / width of table in bytes NAXIS2 = 152 / number of rows in table PCOUNT = 0 / size of special data area GCOUNT = 1 / one data group (required keyword) TFIELDS = 7 / number of fields in each row EXTNAME = 'BADPIX ' / name of this binary table extension EXTVER = 8 HDUNAME = 'BADPIX8 ' / ASCDM block name TTYPE1 = 'SHAPE ' / region shape TFORM1 = '16A ' / format of field TTYPE2 = 'COMPONENT' / Component number TFORM2 = '1I ' / format of field CONTENT = 'BADPIX ' HDUCLASS= 'ASC ' HDUCLAS1= 'REGION ' ORIGIN = 'ASC ' / Source of FITS file CREATOR = 'acis_build_badpix - Version CIAO 4.3' / tool that created this outputASCDSVER= 'CIAO 4.3' / ASCDS version number MJD_OBS = 5.5453232072208E+04 / Modified Julian date of observation DS_IDENT= 'ADS/Sa.CXO#obs/11737' / dataset identifier REVISION= 1 / Processing version of data CHECKSUM= 'XEGaZCEVXCEZXCEZ' / HDU checksum updated 2011-10-29T22:35:20 DATASUM = '1057887129' / data unit checksum updated 2011-10-29T22:35:20 RAND_SKY= 5.0000000000000E-01 RAND_PI = 1.0000000000000E+00 EQUINOX = 2.0000000000000E+03 / default DATE = '2011-10-29T22:35:20' / Date and time of file creation DATE-OBS= '2010-09-14T05:34:11' / Observation start date OBS_MODE= 'POINTING' / Observation mode DATE-END= '2010-09-14T20:51:17' / Observation end date TIMESYS = 'TT ' / Time system MJDREF = 5.0814000000000E+04 / MJD zero point for times TIMEZERO= 0.0000000000000E+00 / Clock correction TIMEUNIT= 's ' / Time unit BTIMNULL= 3.9510872035854E+08 / Basic Time offset (s) DATACLAS= 'OBSERVED' / default BTIMRATE= 2.5625001306566E-01 / Basic Time clock rate (s / VCDUcount) BTIMDRFT= 4.1535345497618E-18 / Basic Time clock drift (s / VCDUcount^2) BTIMCORR= 0.0000000000000E+00 / Correction applied to Basic Time rate (s) TIMEREF = 'LOCAL ' / Time reference (barycenter/local) TASSIGN = 'SATELLITE' / Time assigned by clock CLOCKAPP= T / default SIM_X = -6.8282252473119E-01 / SIM focus pos (mm) SIM_Y = 0.0000000000000E+00 / SIM orthogonal axis pos (mm) SIM_Z = -1.9014006604987E+02 / SIM translation stage pos (mm) FOC_LEN = 1.0070000000000E+04 / HRMA focal length (mm) TIERRELA= 1.0000000000000E-09 / default TIERABSO= 5.0000000000000E-05 / default TIMVERSN= 'ASC-FITS-2' / Timing system definition TSTART = 4.0082965103877E+08 / Observation start time GRATING = 'NONE ' / Grating DETNAM = 'ACIS-35678' / Detector RA_PNT = 3.3781235784430E+02 / Pointing RA DEC_PNT = 3.9354984619295E+01 / Pointing Dec ROLL_PNT= 2.0817231052236E+02 / Pointing Roll RA_TARG = 3.3783708300000E+02 / Observer's specified target RA DEC_TARG= 3.9363333000000E+01 / Observer's specified target Dec DEFOCUS = 1.4449365687057E-03 / SIM defocus (mm) RA_NOM = 3.3781235784430E+02 / Nominal RA DEC_NOM = 3.9354984619295E+01 / Nominal Dec ROLL_NOM= 2.0817231052236E+02 / Nominal Roll TSTOP = 4.0088467714158E+08 / Observation end time STARTMJF= 43339 / Major frame ctr value at start of data STARTMNF= 63 / Start minor frame ctr at start of data STARTOBT= 0.0000000000000E+00 / On-Board MET close to STARTMJF and STARTMNF STOPMJF = 44996 / Major frame ctr value at stop of data STOPMNF = 26 / Stop minor frame ctr at end of data TIMEPIXR= 5.0000000000000E-01 / default TIMEDEL = 3.1410400000000E+00 / timedel Lev1 (in seconds) CTI_CORR= T CTI_APP = 'PPPPPBPBPP' MISSION = 'AXAF ' / Mission TELESCOP= 'CHANDRA ' / Telescope INSTRUME= 'ACIS ' / Instrument READMODE= 'TIMED ' / Read mode DATAMODE= 'VFAINT ' / Data mode CCD_ID = 8 FEP_ID = 5 STARTBEP= 1838573509 STOPBEP = 2848508669 STARTROW= 0 ROWCNT = 1023 HISTNUM = 29 FLSHTIME= 0.0000000000000E+00 / Inferred duration of each flush. (s) CYCLE = 'P ' / events from which exps? Prim/Second/Both TLMIN2 = 0 OBSERVER= 'Dr. Ralph Kraft' / Principal investigator OBJECT = '3C 449 ' / Source name OBS_ID = '11737 ' / Observation id OBI_NUM = 0 / Obi number SEQ_NUM = '800877 ' / Sequence number ONTIME = 5.3039481553972E+04 / Sum of GTIs [s] LIVETIME= 5.2346481680371E+04 / Livetime [s] EXPOSURE= 5.2346481680371E+04 / Exposure time [s] DTCOR = 9.8693426381071E-01 / Dead time correction ASPTYPE = 'KALMAN ' FP_TEMP = 1.5392967224000E+02 / Focal Plane Temperature [K] RADESYS = 'ICRS ' / default TLMAX2 = 36 LONGSTRN= 'OGIP 1.0' / The HEASARC Long String Convention may be used.COMMENT This FITS file may contain long string keyword values that are COMMENT continued over multiple keywords. The HEASARC convention uses the & COMMENT character at the end of each substring which is then continued COMMENT on the next keyword which has the name CONTINUE. MTYPE1 = 'CHIP ' MFORM1 = 'CHIPX,CHIPY' TTYPE3 = 'CHIPX ' / CHIP X location TFORM3 = '2I ' / format of field TUNIT3 = 'pixel ' TLMIN3 = 1 TLMAX3 = 1024 TTYPE4 = 'CHIPY ' / CHIP Y location BPIXFILE= '/tmp/hotbadpixfile.fits.xassist.localdomain_13016' / Calibration badpTFORM4 = '2I ' / format of field TUNIT4 = 'pixel ' TLMIN4 = 1 TLMAX4 = 1024 TTYPE5 = 'TIME ' / Time pixel went bad TFORM5 = '1D ' / format of field TUNIT5 = 's ' TTYPE6 = 'TIME_STOP' / Time pixel went bad TFORM6 = '1D ' / format of field TUNIT6 = 's ' TTYPE7 = 'STATUS ' / Badpixel status code TFORM7 = '32X ' / format of field TUNIT7 = 'coded ' TITLE = 'Heating group gas via the supersonic inflation of radio lobes: a de&'CONTINUE 'ep Chandra observation of 3C 449' / Proposal title HISTORY TOOL :acis_build_badpix 2011-10-29T22:35:20 ASC00001HISTORY PARM :pbkfile=acisf11737/data/aux/acisf400830702N001_pbk0.fitsASC00002HISTORY CONT :.gz ASC00003HISTORY PARM :pbkext=PBK ASC00004HISTORY PARM :berrfile=none ASC00005HISTORY PARM :berrext=BERR ASC00006HISTORY PARM :maxerr=10 ASC00007HISTORY PARM :calibfile=/tmp/hotbadpixfile.fits.xassist.localdomain_13ASC00008HISTORY CONT :016 ASC00009HISTORY PARM :usrfile=none ASC00010HISTORY PARM :bitflag=00000000000000022221100020022222 ASC00011HISTORY PARM :procbias=yes ASC00012HISTORY PARM :biasfile=@bias_files.lis ASC00013HISTORY STCK :acisf11737/data/aux/acisf400829517N001_1_bias0.fits.gz ASC00014HISTORY STCK :acisf11737/data/aux/acisf400829517N001_2_bias0.fits.gz ASC00015HISTORY STCK :acisf11737/data/aux/acisf400829517N001_3_bias0.fits.gz ASC00016HISTORY STCK :acisf11737/data/aux/acisf400829517N001_4_bias0.fits.gz ASC00017HISTORY STCK :acisf11737/data/aux/acisf400829517N001_5_bias0.fits.gz ASC00018HISTORY PARM :biasthresh=6 ASC00019HISTORY PARM :evt0file=none ASC00020HISTORY PARM :evtsext=EVENTS ASC00021HISTORY PARM :writebias=no ASC00022HISTORY PARM :outbias= ASC00023HISTORY PARM :obsfile=/tmp/xassist.localdomain_13016_acis_run_hotpix_oASC00024HISTORY CONT :bs.par ASC00025HISTORY PARM :outfile=acisf11737/data/aux/acisf11737_000N001_bpix1_newASC00026HISTORY CONT :.fits ASC00027HISTORY PARM :clobber=yes ASC00028HISTORY PARM :verbose=1 ASC00029END rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle  AdA$>rectangle  AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle  "AdA$>rectangle ##AdA$>rectangle [[AdA$>rectangle \\AdA$>rectangle ]]AdA$>rectangle bbAdA$>rectangle ccAdA$>rectangle ddAdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle AdA$>rectangle !AdA$>rectangle "AdA$>rectangle #AdA$>rectangle $AdA$>rectangle %AdA$>rectangle &AdA$>rectangle 'AdA$>rectangle (AdA$>rectangle )AdA$>rectangle *AdA$>rectangle +AdA$>rectangle ,AdA$>rectangle -AdA$> rectangle .AdA$>rectangle /AdA$>rectangle 0AdA$>rectangle 1AdA$>rectangle 2AdA$>rectangle 3AdA$>rectangle 4AdA$>rectangle 5AdA$>rectangle 6AdA$>rectangle 7AdA$>rectangle 8AdA$>rectangle 9AdA$>rectangle :uuAdA$>rectangle ;vvAdA$>rectangle <wwAdA$>rectangle =xxAdA$>rectangle >yyAdA$>rectangle ?AdA$>rectangle @iiAdA$>rectangle AjjAdA$>rectangle BkkAdA$>rectangle CllAdA$>rectangle DmmAdA$>rectangle EnnAdA$>rectangle FooAdA$>rectangle GAdA$>rectangle HAdA$>rectangle IAdA$>rectangle JAdA$>rectangle KAdA$>rectangle LAdA$>rectangle MAdA$>rectangle NAdA$>rectangle OAdA$>rectangle PAdA$>rectangle QAdA$>rectangle RAdA$>rectangle SAdA$>rectangle TAdA$>rectangle UAdA$>rectangle VAdA$>rectangle WAdA$>rectangle XAdA$>rectangle YAdA$>rectangle ZAdA$>rectangle [AdA$>rectangle \AdA$>rectangle ]AdA$>rectangle ^AdA$>rectangle _AdA$>rectangle `AdA$>rectangle aAdA$>rectangle bAdA$>rectangle cAdA$>rectangle dAdA$>rectangle eAdA$>rectangle fAdA$>rectangle gAdA$>rectangle hAdA$>rectangle iZZAdA$>point j[[AdA$>rectangle k\\AdA$>point l[[AdA$>point m[[AdA$>rectangle npp46A, A$>point oqq44A, A$>rectangle prr46A, A$>point qqq66A, A$>rectangle rPRA, A$>point sPPA, A$>rectangle tPRA, A$>point uQQA, A$>@point vRRA, A$>point wqq55A0A$>@rectangle xA0A$>point yA0A$>rectangle zA0A$>point {A0A$>point |A0A$>rectangle }A0A$>point ~A0A$>rectangle A0A$>point A0A$>rectangle A0A$>point A0A$>rectangle A0A$>point A0A$>point A0A$>rectangle }A0A$>point }}A0A$>point ~~A0A$>point A0A$>rectangle A9@A$>point A9@A$>rectangle A9@A$>point A9@A$>point A9@A$>rectangle A@7΂A$>point A@7΂A$>rectangle   A@7΂A$>point A@7΂A$>point A@7΂A$>rectangle Y[ArӯA$>point YYArӯA$>rectangle Y[ArӯA$>point ZZArӯA$>point [[ArӯA$>