SIMPLE = T / file does conform to FITS standard BITPIX = 16 / number of bits per data pixel NAXIS = 0 / number of data axes EXTEND = T / FITS dataset may contain extensions COMMENT FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'AstronomyCOMMENT and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H HDUNAME = 'PRIMARY ' END XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / binary table extension BITPIX = 8 / 8-bit bytes NAXIS = 2 / 2-dimensional binary table NAXIS1 = 150 / width of table in bytes NAXIS2 = 65 / number of rows in table PCOUNT = 0 / size of special data area GCOUNT = 1 / one data group (required keyword) TFIELDS = 27 / number of fields in each row EXTNAME = 'SRCLIST ' / name of this binary table extension HDUNAME = 'SRCLIST ' / HDU name HDUSPEC = 'Data Products ICD: DETECT tools, V. 1.3' HDUDOC = 'ASC-FITS-1.3.0: McDowell, Rots: ASC FITS File Designers Guide' HDUVERS = '1.3.0 ' HDUCLASS= 'ASC ' HDUCLAS1= 'SRCLIST ' HDUCLAS2= 'CANDIDATES' HDUCLAS3= 'WAVELET ' HDUCLAS4= 'CHICAGO ' ORIGIN = 'ASC ' / Source of FITS file CREATOR = 'wrecon - Version CIAO 4.3' / tool that created this output ASCDSVER= 'CIAO 4.3' / ASCDS version number MJD_OBS = 5.5356149393921E+04 / Modified Julian date of observation DS_IDENT= 'ADS/Sa.CXO#obs/10990' / dataset identifier REVISION= 2 / Processing version of data CHECKSUM= 'Aa6AAT34AZ39AZ39' / HDU checksum updated 2011-10-04T05:11:25 DATASUM = '3493427730' / data unit checksum updated 2011-10-04T05:11:25 RAND_SKY= 5.0000000000000E-01 RAND_PI = 0.0000000000000E+00 EQUINOX = 2.0000000000000E+03 / default DATE = '2011-10-04T05:11:14' / Date and time of file creation DATE-OBS= '2010-06-09T03:35:07' / Observation start date OBS_MODE= 'POINTING' / Observation mode DATE-END= '2010-06-09T12:32:06' / Observation end date TIMESYS = 'TT ' / Time system MJDREF = 5.0814000000000E+04 / MJD zero point for times TIMEZERO= 0.0000000000000E+00 / Clock correction TIMEUNIT= 's ' / Time unit BTIMNULL= 3.9080955853909E+08 / Basic Time offset (s) DATACLAS= 'OBSERVED' / default BTIMRATE= 2.5625001305086E-01 / Basic Time clock rate (s / VCDUcount) BTIMDRFT= 2.2721879174188E-18 / Basic Time clock drift (s / VCDUcount^2) BTIMCORR= 0.0000000000000E+00 / Correction applied to Basic Time rate (s) TIMEREF = 'LOCAL ' / Time reference (barycenter/local) TASSIGN = 'SATELLITE' / Time assigned by clock CLOCKAPP= T / default SIM_X = -7.8090834371673E-01 / SIM focus pos (mm) SIM_Y = 0.0000000000000E+00 / SIM orthogonal axis pos (mm) SIM_Z = -2.3358743446083E+02 / SIM translation stage pos (mm) FOC_LEN = 1.0070000000000E+04 / HRMA focal length (mm) TIERRELA= 1.0000000000000E-09 / default TIERABSO= 5.0000000000000E-05 / default TIMVERSN= 'ASC-FITS-2' / Timing system definition TSTART = 3.9244170763476E+08 / Observation start time GRATING = 'NONE ' / Grating DETNAM = 'ACIS-012367' / Detector RA_PNT = 3.2419832164770E+02 / Pointing RA DEC_PNT = 5.7512022568151E+01 / Pointing Dec ROLL_PNT= 1.2118682491632E+02 / Pointing Roll RA_TARG = 3.2420958300000E+02 / Observer's specified target RA DEC_TARG= 5.7506667000000E+01 / Observer's specified target Dec DEFOCUS = 1.4398718632593E-03 / SIM defocus (mm) RA_NOM = 3.2419832164770E+02 / Nominal RA DEC_NOM = 5.7512022568151E+01 / Nominal Dec ROLL_NOM= 1.2118682491632E+02 / Nominal Roll TSTOP = 3.9247392646141E+08 / Observation end time STARTMJF= 49747 / Major frame ctr value at start of data STARTMNF= 60 / Start minor frame ctr at start of data STARTOBT= 0.0000000000000E+00 / On-Board MET close to STARTMJF and STARTMNF STOPMJF = 50707 / Major frame ctr value at stop of data STOPMNF = 92 / Stop minor frame ctr at end of data TIMEPIXR= 5.0000000000000E-01 / default TIMEDEL = 3.2410400000000E+00 / timedel Lev1 (in seconds) CTI_CORR= T CTI_APP = 'PPPPPBPBPP' MISSION = 'AXAF ' / Mission TELESCOP= 'CHANDRA ' / Telescope INSTRUME= 'ACIS ' / Instrument READMODE= 'TIMED ' / Read mode DATAMODE= 'VFAINT ' / Data mode FLSHTIME= 0.0000000000000E+00 / Inferred duration of each flush. (s) CYCLE = 'P ' / events from which exps? Prim/Second/Both TTYPE1 = 'RA ' / Source Right Ascension OBSERVER= 'Dr. Konstantin Getman' / Principal investigator OBJECT = 'IC1396_BRC36' / Source name OBS_ID = '10990 ' / Observation id OBI_NUM = 0 / Obi number SEQ_NUM = '200621 ' / Sequence number ONTIME = 3.0049916660488E+04 / [s] Sum of GTIs ONTIME1 = 3.0049916660488E+04 / [s] Sum of GTIs LIVETIME= 2.9669406521845E+04 / [s] Livetime LIVTIME1= 2.9669406521845E+04 / [s] Livetime EXPOSURE= 2.9669406521845E+04 / [s] Exposure time EXPOSUR1= 2.9669406521845E+04 / [s] Exposure time DTCOR = 9.8733739787229E-01 / Dead time correction ASPTYPE = 'KALMAN ' FP_TEMP = 1.5344601440000E+02 / [K] Focal Plane Temperature RADESYS = 'ICRS ' / default HISTNUM = 36 TFORM1 = '1D ' / format of field TUNIT1 = 'deg ' TLMIN1 = 0.0000000000000E+00 TLMAX1 = 3.6000000000000E+02 TTYPE2 = 'DEC ' / Source Declination TFORM2 = '1D ' / format of field TUNIT2 = 'deg ' TLMIN2 = -9.0000000000000E+01 TLMAX2 = 9.0000000000000E+01 TTYPE3 = 'RA_ERR ' / Source Right Ascension Error TFORM3 = '1D ' / format of field TUNIT3 = 'deg ' TTYPE4 = 'DEC_ERR ' / Source Declination Error TFORM4 = '1D ' / format of field TUNIT4 = 'deg ' TTYPE5 = 'X ' / Physical coordinates TFORM5 = '1D ' / format of field TUNIT5 = 'pixel ' TTYPE6 = 'Y ' / Physical coordinates TFORM6 = '1D ' / format of field TUNIT6 = 'pixel ' TLMIN5 = 2.6240000000000E+03 TLMAX5 = 4.0180000000000E+03 TLMIN6 = 3.2910000000000E+03 TLMAX6 = 4.6850000000000E+03 TTYPE7 = 'X_ERR ' / Source X position error TFORM7 = '1D ' / format of field TUNIT7 = 'pixel ' TTYPE8 = 'Y_ERR ' / Source Y position error TFORM8 = '1D ' / format of field TUNIT8 = 'pixel ' TTYPE9 = 'NPIXSOU ' / pixels in source region TFORM9 = '1J ' / format of field TUNIT9 = 'pixel ' TTYPE10 = 'NET_COUNTS' / Net source counts TFORM10 = '1E ' / format of field EXPTHR = 1.0000000E-01 / Minimum relative exposure map for sources EXPCOR = 'FAST ' / Exposure correction: NONE/FAST/FULL MAXITER = 2 / Maximum number of iterations STOPFRAC= 9.9999997E-05 / Pixel-cleansing thresh to stop iters THR = 1.0000000E-06 / Significance thresh, source detection BKG_THR = 1.0000000E-03 / Significance thresh, data cleansing ELLSIGMA= 3.0000000000000E+00 / Radius scaling factor XSCALES = '2.00 4.00 8.00 16.00' / Wavelet size, x-direction YSCALES = '2.00 4.00 8.00 16.00' / Wavelet size, y-direction FLUXSCLS= '1 2 3 4 ' / Scale pairs for which flux is computed CONVTYPE= 'FFT FFT FFT FFT' / Means of computing correlation: FFT/ANALYTIC TUNIT10 = 'count ' TTYPE11 = 'NET_COUNTS_ERR' / Error in net source counts TFORM11 = '1E ' / format of field TUNIT11 = 'count ' TTYPE12 = 'BKG_COUNTS' / Background counts (scaled to source cell) TFORM12 = '1E ' / format of field TUNIT12 = 'count ' TTYPE13 = 'BKG_COUNTS_ERR' / Error in BKG_COUNTS TFORM13 = '1E ' / format of field TUNIT13 = 'count ' TTYPE14 = 'NET_RATE' / Source count rate (count/exposure map units) TFORM14 = '1E ' / format of field TTYPE15 = 'NET_RATE_ERR' / Source count rate error (count/exposure map uniTFORM15 = '1E ' / format of field TTYPE16 = 'BKG_RATE' / Background count rate (count/exposure map unit)TFORM16 = '1E ' / format of field TTYPE17 = 'BKG_RATE_ERR' / Background count rate error TFORM17 = '1E ' / format of field TTYPE18 = 'EXPTIME ' / Effective exposure map value (exposure map unitTFORM18 = '1E ' / format of field TTYPE19 = 'EXPTIME_ERR' / Effective exposure map error TFORM19 = '1E ' / format of field TTYPE20 = 'SRC_SIGNIFICANCE' / Source Significance TFORM20 = '1E ' / format of field TTYPE21 = 'PSF_SIZE' / Estimated size of PSF TFORM21 = '1E ' / format of field TUNIT21 = 'pixel ' TTYPE22 = 'MULTI_CORREL_MAX' / 1 if source contails 2+ correl maxima TFORM22 = '1J ' / format of field TTYPE23 = 'SHAPE ' / Shape of source region TFORM23 = '10A ' / format of field TTYPE24 = 'R ' / Radii of source region source TFORM24 = '2E ' / format of field TUNIT24 = 'pixel ' TTYPE25 = 'ROTANG ' / Rotation angle of source region TFORM25 = '1E ' / format of field TUNIT25 = 'deg ' TLMIN25 = 0.0000000E+00 TLMAX25 = 1.8000000E+02 TTYPE26 = 'PSFRATIO' / Ratio sqrt(axmax*axmin)/psf_size TFORM26 = '1E ' / format of field TTYPE27 = 'COMPONENT' / Source Number TFORM27 = '1J ' / format of field LONGSTRN= 'OGIP 1.0' / The HEASARC Long String Convention may be used.COMMENT This FITS file may contain long string keyword values that are COMMENT continued over multiple keywords. The HEASARC convention uses the & COMMENT character at the end of each substring which is then continued COMMENT on the next keyword which has the name CONTINUE. CONTENT = 'SRCLIST ' / What data product TITLE = 'BRC36/IC1396 as a Testbed of Triggered Star Formation (GO part)' / PrHISTORY TOOL :wrecon 2011-10-04T05:11:25 ASC00001HISTORY PARM :infile=/xassist/data/pipeline4/chandra/10990/acisf10990/ASC00002HISTORY CONT :products/images/fullrun_ccd1_acisf10990_pi14-548.img.gz ASC00003HISTORY PARM :sourcefile=fullrun_ccd1_acisf10990_pi14-548_wavdet.fits ASC00004HISTORY PARM :scellfile=fullrun_ccd1_acisf10990_pi14-548_cellimage.fitASC00005HISTORY CONT :s ASC00006HISTORY PARM :imagefile=fullrun_ccd1_acisf10990_pi14-548_recon.img ASC00007HISTORY PARM :regfile= ASC00008HISTORY PARM :clobber=yes ASC00009HISTORY PARM :ellsigma=3 ASC00010HISTORY PARM :srclist=/tmp/wdxassist.localdomain18965_srclist_stk ASC00011HISTORY PARM :correl=/tmp/wdxassist.localdomain18965_correl_stk ASC00012HISTORY PARM :nbkg=/tmp/wdxassist.localdomain18965_nbkg_stk ASC00013HISTORY PARM :bkginput= ASC00014HISTORY PARM :bkgerrinput=no ASC00015HISTORY PARM :defnbkgfile=fullrun_ccd1_acisf10990_pi14-548_normback.fiASC00016HISTORY CONT :ts ASC00017HISTORY PARM :fluxfile=/tmp/wd_flux_stk ASC00018HISTORY PARM :outputinfix= ASC00019HISTORY PARM :xscales=2 4 8 16 ASC00020HISTORY PARM :yscales=2 4 8 16 ASC00021HISTORY PARM :fluxscales= 1 2 3 4 ASC00022HISTORY PARM :expfile=/xassist/data/pipeline4/chandra/10990/acisf10990ASC00023HISTORY CONT :/products/images/fullrun_ccd1_acisf10990_pi14-548_mask.iASC00024HISTORY CONT :mg.gz ASC00025HISTORY PARM :exptime=29669.40625 ASC00026HISTORY PARM :expthresh=0.1 ASC00027HISTORY PARM :bkgtime=0 ASC00028HISTORY PARM :xoffset=INDEF ASC00029HISTORY PARM :yoffset=INDEF ASC00030HISTORY PARM :eband=1.4967 ASC00031HISTORY PARM :eenergy=0.393 ASC00032HISTORY PARM :psftable=/opt/ciao-4.3/data/psfsize20010416.fits ASC00033HISTORY PARM :stall=no ASC00034HISTORY PARM :log=no ASC00035HISTORY PARM :verbose=0 ASC00036MTYPE1 = 'POS ' / DM Keyword: Descriptor name. MFORM1 = 'X,Y ' / [pixel] MTYPE2 = 'EQSRC ' / DM Keyword: Descriptor name. MFORM2 = 'RA_SRC,DEC_SRC' / [deg] TCTYP5 = 'XLON-TAN' TCRVL5 = 3.2419832164770E+02 TCRPX5 = 4.0965000000000E+03 TCDLT5 = -1.3666666666667E-04 TCNA5 = 'RA_SRC ' TCUNI5 = 'deg ' TCTYP6 = 'XLAT-TAN' TCRVL6 = 5.7512022568151E+01 TCRPX6 = 4.0965000000000E+03 TCDLT6 = 1.3666666666667E-04 TCNA6 = 'DEC_SRC ' TCUNI6 = 'deg ' END @tEO@LYH?b>̀@S@(@?*?.uwpA@+vc@tGr6@LW[V?"vb`?[@@e@[%H?rl`?eXC6+AeA=\2P;29:R51zFAf@>ellipse A¬}A@C&4?vg@tE-@L?5F? z5>ڲ٠@_{@sR)J?߲IV?rjA|e@+6?9<1Uk:F9Dƺ8(4ڛFAGZ@ellipse An@QC)/?C!W@tD7U@LWu?n@?SP@@*?{c?b9BA7@] ?<I9g8ۀ7q4LF@ ?(ellipse @o@%T?ͥ?!P@tE@Lr?v@?I@N{@"{?b@?N8>p@hAI@+1?H<L:{s9Dƴ74A3FAW?ellipse @$9@mNAa?Lw@tEn26@L' I?Ȣ@? @A(\@ =p?̊g?R`^Ao@?d%<0:T907q54enFA) D?%ellipse @@q|A ?]#@tDD(`@L:G?&{?< @@?h@?h@2@2@5*>0< D:9Lp87b8|4F@j?k;ellipse @?DEA&?^@tET ue@L`X?LA?}@@I$I$@&mm?5sc@?i.@Ր@)T>K;$9kf8C78gI4XF@Q?qFellipse @eES?Q\C>F@tFZ@Lfr?/<?#2_`@Ͱ"@*ZD?h `?ԚC$+7ARrA L=?;Pm9m*9P5FB X@n֒ellipse Ao&AFCPJ?u @tD4[@LPa?I7>@yC^P@b(k?.f`?q1;A@|*>Y<:$Gl9 n7fm4IFASz?R>ellipse @`"@ }C-[? @tDb^@LLqq6?,W@? v@؝@؝?OU^?ֵ^eA@+C?<2 :\R9458l%4Ĥ$FA+s[?ellipse @L@yBci? @tEw6:@Lh*~a?f?@׎89@89?zt@?|eA3@?<<:/9!78x4ϻFA@!ellipse @%@iC? @tEU@L&?@?Z@f@??d0D@,@0@5>;T90874NF@e@ellipse @&F@XBq>s @tDW@LV?Z>$>@8h}cD@Ƈ4?™]@?XB`R@M?`+a<':y9i74I[FA[?x+ellipse @J*@oC ?c@tD%Qg@'i@ܰ=?ʏ 4?ģ4(DA@ST?%><:z9>R7=4FAP?dSellipse @W@$NA |?|3@tD:D@LAM?@?@1c@kZ?ϘR?Ͻ`A0@+6?}<09:9Dƹ8 s4 FAO?uellipse @8@z&C1?G@tD\@L+L?V@?y`@]UUUUV@UUUUU?jπ?k(]L@@6v'bv(@;?ʐtc?YNlCA8@+=?8<:_WP945784لFA6?fQ9ellipse @YI@(C=??"@tEP]%@LKl?e>m@+W@,>g}G?Ѭ 2?B3uB7D@a?d.@`@2zo@<ߌ?W5?)lHfBAъ?u;<4ʼ;9 84ǬaFA^?z8ellipse @R@HnC p?@tE9$@Ls? ܾ>d@X&@M6?Hʀ?w&i|BA o?ޞuH @@``??!q1Ah@w>;yT:`97x<84`_F@{@ellipse @Y?tC>^@tEJ3@L ?@?p@c@?ݴߖ?K92B @??~<93t:9N8:4̊FA`@;ellipse A@o\Cc?xuU@tDfln@LS>M}>U'>>!@]L@?[ր?+foC)AQ:.? he;+9+Du8 6)w4 F@?uellipse @#p@wC7>:@tE{j@L 83?*? w@Cxxxxx@ZZZZZ?Mr? 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