This page was generated at Thu Oct 20 23:36:31 2011
Data taken from csv/fullrun_ccd6_acisf10474_pi14-548_cl_pass0_src1.csv
C/dof = 672.53/4040
Total counts = 72
Model total counts = 89.3
Warning, poor agreement between model and actual number of counts may be indicative of a poor fit
1 const = 0.01787 (0.01394 - 0.02236)
Model 1
Model 1
2 linx = 0.0002666 (-0.0002375 - 0.0006698)
3 liny = -0.0003586 (-0.0007318 - 0.0001499)
Model 2
Model 2
4 xc = -17.53 (indef)
5 yc = -17.53 (indef)
6 norm = 1e-06 (<409.2)
7 sigmax = 1.096 (indef)
8 sigmay = 1.096 (indef)
9 theta = 360 (>359.8)
Model 3
Model 3
Model 3 Position (J2000) = 8 20 41.18 41 0 48.3 (125.171572, 41.013426)
Model 3 Position (xc, yc) = (991.866463, 1147.133537)