
Notes for files for website update 2022-10-19

This update is based on the post-CDR optical design. The wavefront error model includes design residuals and monte carlo estimates of surface figure errors and alignment tolerances. We plan to issue a new release once we have wavefront measurements of the integrated telescope and wide-field instrument.

Imaging PSFs were calculated at the center of each SCA and also around the periphery of the focal plane; located at the center of a pixel and at the corner of a pixel.

For imaging, there are PSFs for each filter, averaged over the bandpass with flux weighting corresponding to stellar spectral types A0V, G0V, K0V, M0V [, and flat in flambda. - not yet in a zipfile]
There are few instances where the shape of the SED matters, and then not by much. Most users would do fine grabbing PSFs for any SED.

Spectroscopic PSFs were calculated at the center of each SCA, located at the center of a pixel and at the corner of a pixel.
Spectroscopic PSFs are monochromatic at wavelengths spanning the grism and prism bandpass. The wavelength sampling is typically at 0.1um intervals. At present grism PSFs are only available in first order; 0-order PSFs will be made available in the near future.

Each PSF is contained in a FITS file with two extensions: one with an 8x oversampled PSF image in the primary HDU and one sampled at the SCA resolution in the first extension. There is also an .eps file with an image of the PSF and plot of encircled energy as function of radius.

The PSF files are bundled into zipfiles as follows to keep download sizes manageable.

The "basic" compilations have PSFs at the center of the focal plane (SCA 2) and at the far corners (SCA 9, 18) to illustrate the variation over the field of view. There are also more extensive compilations provided for those who want to study the variation over the field of view in more detail.
Each zipfile contains the python scripts used to generate PSFs of a given type over all the field points, which users can modify to generate other PSFs tailored to their needs.

Descriptions of files: (106MB)
Imaging PSFs at centers of SCA 2, SCA 9, SCA 18; for K0V in all filters; located at both pixel corner & center (319MB)
Imaging PSFs at centers of SCA 2, SCA 9, SCA 18; as above but for A0V, G0V, M0V in all filters; located at both pixel corners & centers (638MB) (638MB) (638MB) (638MB)
PSFs at centers of all SCAs, located at pixel corners and centers. (567MB) (567MB) (567MB) (567MB)
PSFs around the edges of the Focal Plane Assembly; located at pixel corners and centers. (148MB)
Prism PSFs at centers of SCA 2, SCA 9, SCA 18; located at both pixel corners & centers. (888MB)
Prism PSFs at centers of all 18 SCAs; located at both pixel corners & centers. (122MB)
Grism PSFs at centers of SCA 2, SCA 9, SCA 18 both pixel corners & centers; first order only (730MB)
Grism PSFs at centers of all 18 SCAs; located at both pixel corners & centers; first order only