We want to reproduce the Global Land-Ocean Temperature Index plot available at this GISS website\n",
" \n",
Obtain the temperature anomaly data from the link and save it in a file. Note that there are missing data.\n",
Write a function that read the file and populate the three lists years, annualMeanTemp and fiveYearMean. Find ways to take into account the missing values while filling annualMeanTemp and fiveYearMean.\n",
Convert the three lists into Numpy arrays and create masks to identify the missing data.\n",
Use Matplotlib to plot the data.\n",
Animation to Visualize Dynamic Data \n",
We want to continually plot y = sin(π x) where x is a set of random numbers in [-2,3]. The values of x change with time.\n",
" \n",
Write a function that randomly generates N=200 numbers (uniformly distributed) between -2 and 3, pass the numbers to the Numpy array x, and returns x and y = sin(π x).\n",
Use the Matplotlib animation module to continually use the above function to plot y = sin(π x).\n",