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Astrophysics Science Division | Sciences and Exploration

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Servicing Mission 3B: SM3B Discussion Board: General Discussion: Big Bang, or Several Big Bangs

TR Collings

||||| Friday, March 08, 2002 - 04:21 pm

I can not except the theory of one Big Bang.
I can only view the universe as having several
bangs everywhere in the universe. So it is difficult for me to see the popular view that
when one looks through the Hubble, your looking
back in time. What is your oppinion?


||||| Friday, March 08, 2002 - 05:11 pm

One or many big bang won't change the reason Hubble observes light from the past. It has to do with the speed of light. It just takes time for light to reach us here on Earth.


||||| Saturday, March 09, 2002 - 03:53 am

How would you be with the idea of one Big Bang, that took place everywhere in the Universe?


||||| Monday, March 11, 2002 - 05:13 pm

Dave, I think maybe the term Big Bang should be retired, for the reasons I think you are getting at. None of the theories I am aware of really constitute a "Big Bang," even the most bizarre among them.