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Servicing Mission 3B: SM3B Discussion Board: General Discussion: "Hubble Telescopes Primary Mission IS Tracking Right???

Seeker of the Truth

||||| Monday, February 25, 2002 - 02:58 am

"Back in 1987 we had Something or should I Say
Some kind of Craft Visit our Earth.It Stopped and
took alook around...This Craft was Very Big and
it was an Extraterrestrial Craft.."I won't get
into what they lift beyond,but It seems that this
Same Craft is on it's way back Now..."I know of
Reports that I seen,and In some of those Reports
talk about The Hubble Telescopes Primary Mission.
And that is to track this Extraterrestrial Craft,
Because They Know That it's Coming Back..Their
tracking it Now..And they seen it Coming this Way.
"You know Why don't the Government just tell the
truth to the tax payers that there is prove that
Extraterrestrial Intelligence are Out there and Yes we Have Prove..."It's are Money that your Spending Pal...Not Your's...And The People that
Pay for your research should get The truth.Or stop
spending their Tax Money...We pay to much taxs as
it is..."Up the truth and then Move on in your Research...I'll be more happy personally to pay
alittle more tax's on Research,If you Guys would
just Tell the world the Truth..It's are money,so
don't you think a less the people have the right to Know the Truth???Are stop taking Tax payers
Money for Research on something that the Taxs Payer don't get any Returns For..."It's our Right
to Know what is really happening...If there is Life let Us know.."Will,Most people already Knows that there is life out there..."It's just Very Sad that You all can't Speck The Truth on UFOs and
Extraterrestrial Intelligence Beings...Most people
already Knows that their own Governments and Other
Networks Lie to Us on This Matter...When It Come's to UFOs and All..."And as for the Hubbles
Primary Mission on Tracking of this same Craft that already has been here before...There is Reports on this that came right from Government
Networks..And it does talk about tracking that Craft...What 2020 it should be back here...or is
it sooner..."Who are they?The Deros or Teros or
the Bellatrax Greys are the other Greys...Maybe
even the Dracomothmer,or is it the Pleiadeans...I
Know of 9 Species that are Classified right.Isn't this what you Guys said..."Are we in some kind of
Danger???Just tell the people the truth O.K...
"So Please let Me Know what's Up...Are is it that
MJ-12 or Project Showbird or even the Blue Book
No 13 Report is just alot of Lies..."I think that
Our Governments should just tell us the truth,
Don't You..."(And anyways Under the Freedom of
Information Act I am allowed to ask Questions Right???)Like I said It's our Taxs Money at work
We should at less get some true answers in return..not lies..."Tell the people What's Up...
Remember The truth will set you Free right or is
Religions one of Mans or Aliens Makeup???I won't
even Go there...That's a whole Story in it's self.
Please Let me Know why You all won't speck of such
Things..But you'll take are Money for Researching
it...Have a Good Night People..."I'm just asking
a Few Questions,Please answers them with the Truth
that all that I would Like...The Simply Truth...
Thank you for you time in reading this Post
and Thank you for any info on Extraterrestrials
I'm just asking for the Truth.............BYE


||||| Monday, February 25, 2002 - 07:04 am

You have a very vivid imagination. You missed your calling as a science fiction writer.


||||| Monday, February 25, 2002 - 06:04 pm

Or an English Teacher

Seeker of the Truth

||||| Tuesday, February 26, 2002 - 02:47 am

"So I ask a Few questions.And what do I get???A
Few Arrogant people.Saying that I have a Very vivid imagination and I missed my calling as an
English Teacher."Either you both are ignorant to
the facts of Government Conspiracies on issues
around Sightings and Intelligent life forms.Or you
are just Two fools afraid of the truth...I doubt
that both of you together could not explain The
unexplained or so many sightings..."And if you said that there was never any MJ-12 or Project
Showbird or Blue Book Reports like Number 13.That
would just make you look Stupid even More..."I just asked a few questions thats it...And what do
I get for asking?Two 6year olds answering them...
"It's no need to belittle someone just for asking
a few questions about issues that seems to be beyond your Intelligent.."There are millions of
people asking the same questions...What are you going to do then?"Belittle them also...It will only show the world how childish you really ARE.
"So if someone ask about UFOs or Aliens next time
Look into your 6 year old brain and answer them
with truth not arrogants or don't answer them at all..It only makes you look even more Stupid then
their questions...At less I got an imagination.So
Jeff how is my English Now???..."Haven't you both
ever heard of that there is no Stupid Questions?
But it seems that there is alot of Stupid Answers.
Seeker of the truth


||||| Sunday, March 03, 2002 - 01:43 am

Hi,Jeff.I am a meddle student.I want ask you a question .Are you in China? I am a Chinese.


||||| Sunday, March 03, 2002 - 02:10 am

Dear Seeker of Truth,

I have a book for you: "The Demon Haunted World" by Carl Sagan. He has the answers to your questions. BTW, a little defensive?

Gods Chosen

||||| Monday, March 11, 2002 - 08:54 pm

Dear Hstquy,

i havn't read the demon haunted world, by i know this world is haunted by demons. but it is also filled with the presence of God. we must lern to trust God.


||||| Tuesday, March 12, 2002 - 02:55 pm

Dear Gods Chosen,
Maybe you should read it too.


||||| Tuesday, March 12, 2002 - 05:30 pm

Seeker of Truth,

You state that you have only asked questions. Please re-read your first message. You made statements as well as asked questions.

At any rate, to answer your question. On the assumption that alien crafts exist (even though there is no supporting evidence to suppose this). No Hubble does not track alien crafts. It doesn't have that kind of resolution. You would need to develop a much more sophisticated telescope that would cost way more then Hubble does.

To answer another question, the freedom of information act does not give you the right to ask questions. That would be the bill of rights. The freedom of information act gives you the right to ask for certain government documents. You have to apply for those documents. Write your congressperson if there is some specific document you want.

These are the only questions that you asked that I can make sense now they have been answered. Hopefully this will make you happy.