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Astrophysics Science Division | Sciences and Exploration

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COBE, Cosmology, and John Mather


July 31, 2009 - Exploration of Mars

C-Span broadcast Dr. Mather's Mars Society talk on July 31, 2009.

December 20, 2008 - Dr. Mather Delivers UMD Commencement Speech

John Mather delivered the University of Maryland Commencement Speech on December 20, 2008.

December 5, 2008 - John Mather '68 on the History of the Universe

John Mather's lecture at Swarthmore College, PA.

May 2, 2007 - State of Scientific Investment

John Mather's presentation to the Senate committee on science, technology, and innovation.

December 8, 2006 - Video of John Mather's Nobel Lecture

John Mather's Nobel Prize award presentation and his Nobel Lecture held at Aula Magna, Stockholm University.

December 8, 2006 - Original CCN report on COBE

The original CNN News report on the NASA COBE Mission. (via The Explorers Program)

November 21, 2006 - Goddard Scientific Colloquium Talk

John Mather's Goddard Scientific Colloquium talk on "The COBE Legacy", given at Goddard Space Flight Center.

October 3, 2006 - Nobel Prize Announcement

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awards John Mather and George Smoot the 2006 Nobel Prize In Physics for their collaborative work on understanding the Big Bang.