Version 5.1 (December 2000)
Galactic Center @ 12.4 µm
by Daniel Y. Gezari
Daniel Y. Gezari
Patricia S. Pitts
Marion Schmitz
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
The Catalog of Infrared Observations (CIO) Version 5.1
is a database of over 396,000 published infrared observations of more than
64,000 individual astronomical sources over the wavelength range from
1 to 1000 microns. Version 5.1 includes observations published through 1998.
The last printed edition of the Catalog (Third Edition) was released in June 1993 as NASA Reference
Publication RP-1294.
1. Access the Catalog Data
There are three ways to interactively access the data in the on-line Catalog: 1) Browse the Catalog (scroll through the Catalog listings), 2) Access the Catalog data by source name, or 3) Search the Catalog listings by specifying position/wavelength/flux.
You can also access the database of bibliographic references for each Catalog data entry by searching the bibliography of journal articles from which the catalog data were obtained.
2. Access the Atlas of Infrared Sources
It can be difficult to locate a source in the Catalog by its name, because source names are not
standardized and are
often abbreviated in the database. However, all of the object names contained in the database are listed alphabetically
in an Atlas of Infrared Sources, which is a supporting tool built into the Catalog.
Click on the red button to find the source
name in the Atlas, and link to its location in the Catalog. You can then scroll up and down to identify records
corresponding to the source. Obviously, this option does not restrict the results to any particular source, but
does provide an efficient way to find the source in the Catalog.
3. Access the Bibliography
You can
view the collection of journal articles from which the Catalog data were obtained, arranged alphabetically by first author. The listing includes the title of the paper and the
bibliographic reference number. From the CIO Search Page
you can search the bibliographic database by typing in a bibliographic reference number.
Select the button corresponding to the last name of the first author:
4. Supporting Material
CIO Help Page
User's Manual for the Catalog of Infrared Observations and database
Download the Catalog of Infrared Observations data files.
(NOTE: It is not necessary to download the data files in order to access the Catalog. You can access all of the Catalog data directly from this Website using option #1 above.)
Use this option to download any of the database files to your computer for local processing and analysis.
The CIO (v. 3.5) is available on CD-ROM from
the ADC
(Astronomical Data Center). It is included in their CD-ROM
Selected Astronomical Catalogs Vol. 3. [Link to ADC CD-ROM page]
Links to other Web sites with more information on infrared astronomy
The search engine for this site was designed by
Terry Beck, (Advanced Computer Concepts,
Inc.) using MySql; under contract with
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Laboratory for
Astronomy and Solar Physics(LASP).
Special thanks are due to Dan Kodesh, formerly of NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center and Global Science & Technology Inc., who designed the original Search Page software using ObjectStore at the Applied Information Sciences Branch
(Code 935) at NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, and to Bob Cromp, formerly of Code 935.
Version 4 of the CIO was created with the help of Mila Airapetian, Velma Greenlee, Leonid Marochnik, and Denise Proctor, of Computer Sciences Corporation.
We made use of two invaluable resources to locate positions and verify identifications
of astronomical objects: 1) Set of Identifications, Measurements and
Bibliography for Astronomical Data (SIMBAD)
of the Centre de Données Astronomiques de Strasbourg (CDS), 2) NASA Extragalactic Database (NED),
a service of the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (IPAC)
IRAS Point Source Catalog cross-identifications and flux data for version 5.1 were obtained from
another excellent IPAC utility
Some of the icons used on the CIO Web pages were obtained from
The Graphic Station,
The Icon Browser,
Pam Bytes Free Web Graphics,
Randy's Icon Bazaar