PRO TVLASER, hdr, Image, BARPOS=BarPos, CARROWS=CArrows, CLABELS=CLabels, $ COLORPS=ColorPS, COMMENTS=Comments, CSIZE=CSize, CTITLE=CTitle, $ DX=dX, DY=dY, ENCAP=encap, FILENAME=filename, HEADER=Header, HELP=Help,$ IMAGEOut=ImageOut, INTERP=Interp, MAGNIFY=Magnify, NoClose=noclose, $ NODELETE=NoDelete, NO_PERS_INFO=No_Pers_Info, NOEIGHT=NoEight, $ NOPRINT=NoPrint, NORETAIN = NoRetain, PORTRAIT=Portrait, $ PRINTER = Printer, REVERSE=Reverse, SCALE=Scale, TITLE=Title, $ XSTART=XStart, YSTART=YStart, XDIM=XDim, YDIM=YDim, $ TrueColor=TrueColor, BOTTOMDW=bottomdw, NCOLORSDW=ncolorsdw ;+ ; NAME: ; TVLASER ; PURPOSE: ; Prints screen or image array onto a Postscript file or printer. ; Information from FITS header is optionally used for labeling. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; TVLASER, [header, Image, BARPOS = ,CARROWS =, CLABELS = ,/COLORPS, ; COMMENTS = ,CSIZE = ,CTITLE = , DX = , DY =, /ENCAP, FILENAME = ; HEADER = ,/HELP, IMAGEOUT = ,/INTERP, /MAGNIFY, /NoCLOSE, ; /NoDELETE, /NO_PERS_INFO, /NoEIGHT, /NoPRINT, /NoRETAIN, ; /PORTRAIT, PRINTER = , /REVERSE, /SCALE, TITLE = , /TrueColor, ; XDIM=, XSTART=, YDIM=, YSTART=, BOTTOMDW=, NCOLORSDW= ] ; ; Note that the calling sequence was changed in May 1997 ; OPTIONAL INPUTS: ; HEADER - FITS header string array. Object and astrometric info from ; the FITS header will be used for labeling, if available ; IMAGE - if an array is passed through this parameter, then this image ; will be used rather than reading off the current window. This ; allows easy use of large images. It is usually preferable ; to optimally byte scale IMAGE before supplying it to TVLASER ; ; OPTIONAL KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: ; BARPOS - A four- or five-element vector giving the position and ; orientation of the color bar. The first four elements ; [X0,Y0,XSize,YSize] indicate the position and size of the color ; bar in INCHES, relative to origin of the displayed image. ; (X0,Y0) are the position of the lower left corner and ; (XSize,YSize) are the width and height. The fifth element is ; optional, and if present, the color bar will be printed ; horizontally rather than vertically. If BARPOS is set to ; anything but a four- or five-element vector, the bar is NOT ; printed. The default value is BARPOS = [-0.25, 0.0, 0.2, 2.0] ; BOTTOMDW - The lowest value to use in building the density ; wedge. Used with NCOLORSDW. Compatible with BOTTOM and ; NCOLORS keywords of XLOADCT. ; CARROWS - The color to print the North-East arrows. Default is dark. ; Three types of values can be passed: ; SCALAR: that value's color in the current color table ; 3-ELEMENT VECTOR: the color will be [R,G,B] ; STRING: A letter indicating the color. Valid names are: ; 'W' (white), 'D' (dark/black), 'R' (red), 'G' (green), ; 'B' (blue), 'T' (turquoise), 'V' (violet), 'Y' (yellow), ; If the keyword is set to a value of -1, the arrows are ; NOT printed. ; COLORPS - If present and non-zero, the file is written using ; color postscript. ; COMMENTS - A string that will be included in the comment line below the ; image. For multi-line comments you can either use "!C" in the ; string as a carriage return {although the vertical spacing ; might be a little off} or, preferably, make the COMMENTS a ; string array with each line as a separate element. ; CLABELS - Color to print the labels, same format as for CARROWS. ; CSIZE - Color to print the size-scale bar and label, same format as for ; CARROWS. ; CTITLE - Color to print the title, same format as for CARROWS. ; DX,DY - offsets in INCHES added to the position of the figure on the ; paper. As is the case for the device keywords XOFFSET and ; YOFFSET, when in landscape mode DX and DY are the same ; *relative to the paper*, not relative to the plot (e.g., DX is ; the horizontal offset in portrait mode, but the *vertical* ; offset in landscape mode). ; ENCAP - If present and non-zero, the IDL.PS file is written in ; encapsulated postscript for import into LaTeX documents ; FILENAME - scalar string giving name of output postscript file. ; Default is Automatically sets /NODELETE ; HEADER = FITS header. This is an alternative to supplying the FITS ; header in the first parameter. ; HELP - print out the sytax for this procedure. ; INTERP - If present and non-zero, current color table will be ; interpolated to fill the full range of the PostScript color ; table (256 colors). Otherwise, the current color table will be ; directly copied. You probably will want to use this if you ; are using IMAGE keyword and a shared color table. ; MAGNIFY - The net magnification of the entire figure. At this point, ; the figure is not automatically centered on the paper if the ; value of MAGNIFY is not equal to 1, but the DX and DY keywords ; can be used to shift location. For example, to fit a full plot ; on the printable area (8.5x8.5 inches) of the Tek PhaserIISD ; color printer use: MAGNIFY=0.8, DX=0.5, DY=0.5.; ; NCOLORSDW - The number of values to include in the density ; wedge. Used with BOTTOMDW. Compatible with ; BOTTOM/NCOLORS keywords of XLOADCT. ; NoCLOSE - If present and non-zero, then the postscript file is not ; closed (or printed), the device is set to 'PS', and the data ; coordinate system is set to match the image size. This allows the ; user to add additional plotting commands before printing. For ; example, to include a 15 pixel circle around a source at ; coordinates (150,160), around an image, im, with FITS header ; array, h ; ; IDL> tvlaser,h,im,/NoClose ;Write image & annotation ; IDL> tvcircle,15,150,160,/data ;Draw circle ; IDL> device,/close ;Close postscript file & print ; ; NoDELETE - If present and non-zero, the postscript file is kept AND is ; also sent to the printer ; NoEIGHT - if set then only four bits sent to printer (saves space) ; NO_PERS_INFO - if present and non-zero, output notation will NOT ; include date/user block of information. ; NoPRINT - If present and non-zero, the output is sent to a file (default ; name ''), which is NOT deleted and is NOT sent to the ; printer. ; NoRETAIN - In order to avoid possible problems when using TVRD with ; an obscured window, TVLASER will first copy the current window ; to a temporary RETAIN=2 window. Set /NORETAIN to skip this ; step and improve performance ; PORTRAIT - if present and non-zero, the printer results will be in ; portrait format; otherwise, they will be in landscape format. ; If labels are requested, image will be in portrait mode, ; regardless ; PRINTER - scalar string giving the OS command to send a the postscript ; file to the printer. Under Unix, the default value of PRINTER ; is 'lpr ' while for other OS it is 'print ' ; REVERSE - if present and non-zero, color table will be fliped, so black ; and white are reversed. ; SCALE - if present and non-zero, image will be bytscaled before being ; sent to postscript file. ; TITLE - if present and non-zero, the string entered here will be the ; title of the picture. Default is the OBJECT field in the ; header (if present). ; TRUECOLOR - if present and non-zero, the postscript file is created ; using the truecolor switch (i.e. true=3). The colorbar is ; not displayed in this mode. ; XDIM,YDIM - Number of pixels. Default is from !d.x_size and !d.y_size, ; or size of image if passed with IMAGE keyword. ; XSTART,YSTART - lower left corner (default of (0,0)) ; ; OPTIONAL KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETER ; IMAGEOUT = the image byte array actually sent to the postscript file. ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; A postscript file is created in the current directory. User must have ; write privileges in the current directory. The file is named ; unless the FILENAME keyword is given. The file is directed to the ; printer unless the /ENCAP, /NoCLOSE, or /NOPRINT keywords are given. ; After printing, the file is deleted unless the /NODELETE or FILENAME ; keywords are given. ; PROCEDURE: ; Read display or take IMAGE and then redisplay into a postscript file. ; If a header exists, printout header information. If header has ; astrometry, then print out orientation and scale information. ; PROCEDURES USED: ; ARROWS, EXTAST, FDECOMP, GETROT, PIXCOLOR, SXPAR(), XYAD, ZPARCHECK ; ;*EXAMPLE: ; 1) Send a true color image (xsize,ysize,3) to a printer (i.e. print23l), ; tvlaser,huv,cpic,/colorps,/truecolor,printer="print23l" ; % TVLASER: Now printing image: $print23l ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Major rewrite from UIT version W. Landsman Dec 94 ; Massive rewrite. Added North-East arrows, pixel scale bar, color bar, ; and keywords DX, DY, MAGNIFY, INTERP, HELP, and COMMENTS. ; Created ablility to define colors for annotation and ; text. Repositioned text labels. J.Wm.Parker, HITC, 5/95 ; Make Header and Image parameters instead of keywords. Add PRINTER ; keyword. Include alternate FITS keywords. W. Landsman May 97 ; Copy to a RETAIN=2 window, work without FITS header W. Landsman June 97 ; Cleaner output when no astrometry in header W. Landsman June 97 ; Added /INFO to final MESSAGE W. Landsman July 1997 ; 12/4/97 jkf/acc - added TrueColor optional keyword. ; Added /NoClose keyword, trim Equinox format W. Landsman 9-Jul-1998 ; Don't display coordinate labels if no astrometry, more flexible ; formatting of exposure time W. Landsman 30-Aug-1998 ; BottomDW and NColorsDW added. R. S. Hill, 1-Mar-1999 ; Apply func tab to color bar if not colorps. RSH, 21 Mar 2000 ; Fix problem with /NOCLOSE and unequal X,Y sizes W. Landsman Feb 2001 ; Use TVRD(True=3) if /TRUECOLOR set W. Landsman November 2001 ; More synonyms, check for header supplied W. Landsman November 2007 ;- compile_opt idl2 on_error,2 if keyword_set(Help) then begin print, 'Syntax: TVLASER, [ Header, Image ]' print, 'Keywords: BARPOS= ,CARROWS= , CLABELS= ,/COLOPS, COMMENTS= ,' print, ' CSIZE= , CTITLE= , DX= , DY= , /ENCAP, FILENAME= ,' print, ' HEADER= ,/HELP, IMAGEOUT= , /INTERP, /MAGNIFY,/NoCLOSE ,' print, ' /NoDELETE, NO_PERS_INFO, /NoEIGHT, /NoPRINT, /NORETAIN,' print, ' /PORTRAIT,PRINTER=,/REVERSE, /SCALE, TITLE= , /TRUECOLOR,' print, ' XDIM= ,XSTART=, YDIM= , YSTART= ] ' print, ' ' return endif ;----------------------------; ; SECTION: INITIALIZATION ; ;----------------------------; ;;; ; Save some info and set some variables. LogoDir may need to be changed ; depending on where the GIF logos are. ; sv_device = !D.NAME sv_color = !P.Color if !D.NAME EQ 'PS' then set_plot,'X' ;Return to X terminal tvlct,sv_rr,sv_gg,sv_bb,/get if keyword_set(NoEight) THEN NBits = 4 ELSE NBits = 8 if keyword_set(Portrait) THEN Lands = 0 ELSE Lands = 1 ColorPS = keyword_set(ColorPS) Encap = keyword_set(Encap) NoPrint = keyword_set(NoPrint) NoDelete = keyword_set(NoDelete) TrueColor= keyword_set(TrueColor) if TrueColor then TrueValue =3 else TrueValue =0 if N_elements(hdr) EQ 0 then $ if N_elements(header) NE 0 then hdr = header if (N_params() GE 1) and (N_elements(hdr) EQ 0) then message,/INF, $ 'Warning - No valid FITS header supplied' if N_elements(hdr) NE 0 then zparcheck,'TVLASER',hdr,1,7,1,'FITS image header' ;;; ; If no image was passed in the IMAGE keyword, then we will be reading the ; image from the screen. Default values are to start at 0,0 and read the ; entire window. ; FromTV = N_elements(Image) eq 0 if FromTV then begin if !D.WINDOW EQ -1 then begin tvlaser,/help return endif message,'Reading image from window ' + strtrim(!D.WINDOW,2) + $ ' ... Please be patient', /INF if not keyword_set(XStart) then XStart = 0 if not keyword_set(YStart) then YStart = 0 if not keyword_set(XDim) then XDim = !d.x_size if not keyword_set(YDim) then YDim = !d.y_size if not keyword_set(noretain) then begin chan = !D.WINDOW xsize = !D.X_SIZE & ysize = !D.Y_SIZE window,/free,xsize=xsize,ysize=ysize wset,!D.WINDOW device,copy=[0,0,xsize,ysize,0,0,chan] endif ImageOut = tvrd(XStart,YStart,XDim,YDim,true = truevalue) if not keyword_set(noretain) then begin wdelete,!D.WINDOW wset,chan endif endif else begin XStart = 0 YStart = 0 XDim = (size(Image))[1] YDim = (size(Image))[2] ImageOut = Image endelse ;;; ; YSpace is used to scale the vertical spacing of text and the title. ; YSpace = (float(Xdim) / Ydim) > 1. ;Modified December 1994 WBL XSpace = (float(Ydim) / Xdim) > 1. ;;; ; If using B/W PostScript, use NTSC color -> B/W formula, J Brinkmann ; Scale and/or reverse if desired. ; if not(ColorPS) then ImageOut = $ 0.299 * sv_rr[ImageOut] + 0.587 * sv_gg[ImageOut] + 0.114 * sv_bb[ImageOut] if keyword_set(Scale) then ImageOut = bytscl(ImageOut) if keyword_set(Reverse) then ImageOut = 255b - temporary(ImageOut) ;;; ; If a header is given, put in portrait mode regardless. ; if N_elements(hdr) NE 0 then Lands = 0 ;;; ; Set up colors for density wedge. ; if N_elements(BottomDW) LE 0 then BottomDW = 0 nc = !D.table_size - BottomDW if n_elements(NColors) GT 0 then nc = nc < ncolors if nc LE 0 then begin message, /INFO, 'Bad color spec; using default' BottomDW = 0 nc = !D.table_size endif ;------------------------------; ; SECTION: POSTSCRIPT SETUP ; ;------------------------------; ;;; ; Redirect output to Postscript printer file, which may be printed. ; Size of image is restricted to 7.5 inches in the paper's narrow direction ; for MAGNIFY=1. If we will be printing out header info, then restrict the ; Y size to be no more than 7.5 also. ; if (Lands eq 1) then begin inx = 10.0 iny = float(YDim)/float(XDim)*float(inx) if (iny gt 7.5) then begin iny = 7.5 inx = (float(XDim)/float(YDim))*float(iny) endif endif if (Lands eq 0) then begin if N_elements(hdr) NE 0 then iny = 7.5 else iny = 10.0 inx = float(XDim)/float(YDim)*float(iny) if (inx gt 7.5) then begin inx = 7.5 iny = (float(YDim)/float(XDim))*float(inx) endif endif ;;; ; Some info for the user, and setting the filename. ; pstype = ' ' if Encap then pstype = pstype + 'encapsulated ' if ColorPS then pstype = pstype + 'color ' if not keyword_set(filename) then fname = '' else begin fdecomp,filename,disk,dir,name,ext if ext EQ '' then ext = 'ps' fname = disk + dir + name + '.' + ext NoDelete = 1 endelse if keyword_set(NoDelete) or keyword_set(EnCap) or keyword_set(NoPrint) then $ message,'Writing image to' + pstype + 'postscript file ' + fname, /INF ;;; ; Set plot to the PostScript printer. Set all the device keywords. ; set_plot, 'ps', INTERPOLATE=keyword_set(Interp) sv_font = !P.FONT !p.font = 0 if not keyword_set(dX) then dX = 0 if not keyword_set(dY) then dY = 0 XOff = 0.75 + dX YOff = 10.25 + dY if Lands then begin device, /landscape YOff = inx + ((11 - inx) / 2.0) + dY ; centered endif else begin device, /portrait YOff = Yoff - iny endelse device, xsize=inx, ysize=iny, xoffset=XOff, yoffset=YOff, /inches, $ bits=NBits, filename=fname, /helvetica, encapsulated=Encap, color=ColorPS if keyword_set(Magnify) then device, scale=Magnify else device, scale=1 ;-----------------------; ; SECTION: TV OUTPUT ; ;-----------------------; tv, ImageOut,true=TrueValue ; If the BarPos keyword has four or five elements, then show the color bar. if (not(TrueValue)) then begin if (N_elements(BarPos) eq 0) then BarPos = [-0.25, 0.0, 0.2, 2.0] NumEls = N_elements(BarPos) if ( (NumEls eq 4) or (NumEls eq 5) ) then begin ColorBar = byte(round(congrid(findgen(nc)+BottomDW, 256))) $ # make_array(20,val=1b) if not(ColorPS) then $ ColorBar = 0.299 * sv_rr[ColorBar] + 0.587 * sv_gg[ColorBar] $ + 0.114 * sv_bb[ColorBar] ColorBar[0:*,[0,19]] = 0 ColorBar[[0,255],0:*] = 0 if (NumEls eq 4) then ColorBar = transpose(ColorBar) tv, ColorBar, BarPos[0],BarPos[1], xsize=BarPos[2],ysize=BarPos[3], /INCHES endif endif ;;; ; Now that the image has been displayed with the desired color table, we will ; play with the color table a bit to get the appropriate colors for the text, ; arrows, and scale bar. The three RGB values for each one will be loaded into ; vectors called things like 'CArrowsRGBN', 'CSizeRGBN', etc. The last value ; in this vector will be the location of that color in the color table. ; "Colors" is a string array of the keyword names, then via the EXECUTE ; function, we determine what the content of each variable is: a string to be ; used inthe pixcolor procedure, a single number indicating the location in the ; current color table, or a 3-element vector with RGB values. One reason for ; doing it this way, is that if more objects to be colored are added to the ; keywords, only the variable COLORS need be changed here by adding those ; keyword names. ; "Val" is where we will be temporarily putting the new colors (usually in ; the bottom bin). ; Colors = ['CArrows','CSize','CTitle','CLabels'] r_new = bytarr(n_elements(Colors)) g_new = r_new b_new = r_new for N=0,(n_elements(Colors) -1) do begin tvlct, sv_rr, sv_gg, sv_bb Val = 0 dummy = execute( 'NumEls = n_elements(' + Colors[N] + ')' ) if (NumEls eq 0) then begin dummy = execute( Colors[N] + ' = "D"' ) NumEls = 1 endif dummy = execute( 'C = ' + Colors[N] ) if (NumEls eq 1) then begin ; string or color value if ((size(C))[1] eq 7) then pixcolor, Val, C else Val = C endif else begin if (NumEls eq 3) then tvlct,transpose(C) else pixcolor, Val, 'D' endelse tvlct, r, g, b, /get if (Val[0] ne -1) then begin r_new[N] = r[Val] g_new[N] = g[Val] b_new[N] = b[Val] dummy = execute(Colors[N]+'RGBN = [r[Val],g[Val],b[Val],N]') endif endfor tvlct, r_new, g_new, b_new ;-------------------------------; ; SECTION: HEADER and LABELS ; ;-------------------------------; ;;; ; If a FITS header was given then include whatever of the following FITS ; keywords that are present as annotation: OBJECT (becomes the title if none ; given), TELESCOP, IMAGE, EXPTIME, EQUINOX, CRVAL1 (Right Ascension), CRVAL2 ; (Declination), NAXIS1, NAXIS2, CD (Rotation angle and pixel size), PDSDATIM ; (Date of Microdensitometry). Also will include the name of the user and the ; current date. Some blocks can be suppressed...see description of keywords ; above. Also prints directional arrows and scale. ; if (N_elements(Hdr) NE 0) then begin ;;; ; Does the header have astrometry? ; extast, hdr, astr, NoAstrom if NoAstrom GT 0 then begin ast_type = strmid( strupcase( strtrim(astr.ctype[0],2) ), 0 ,4) if ((ast_type NE 'RA--') and (ast_type NE 'GLON') and $ ;Valid projection? (ast_type NE 'ELAT') ) then NoAstrom = -1 endif if (NoAstrom LT 0) then begin rga = 'N/A' decl = 'N/A' equi = '' ROTATE = 'N/A' CDELT = [0.0,0.0] CDELTAS = 'N/A' endif else begin xcen = (XDim-XStart-1)/2. ycen = (YDim-YStart-1)/2. if FromTV then zoom_xy,xcen,ycen ;In case TV image has non-zero zoom or roam xyad,hdr, xcen, ycen, ra_cen, dec_cen str = adstring(ra_cen,dec_cen,1) rga = strmid( str, 1, 11) decl = strmid( str, 14, 11) equi = sxpar( hdr, 'EQUINOX', Count = N_equi) if N_equi EQ 0 then equi = '' else $ equi = '(' + strmid(strtrim(equi,2),0,7) + ')' getrot, hdr ,ROTATE, CDELT ROTATE = strtrim(string(ROTATE, format='(f7.2)'),2) + ' degrees' CDELT = abs(CDELT*60.*60.) if CDELT[0] LT 0.1 then fmt = '(f7.3)' else fmt = '(f7.2)' CDELTAS = strtrim(string(CDELT[0],format=fmt ),2) if (abs(CDELT[0] - CDELT[1]) GT 0.05*CDELT[0]) THEN $ CDELTAS = CDELTAS + ' by ' + strtrim(string(CDELT[1],format=fmt),2) CDELTAS = CDELTAS + ' arcsec/pixel' endelse ;;; ; Printout the image information? YSpace is used to scale the spacing of the ; linformation lines in NORMAL units. dY is one line height. LabXs and LabYs ; are arrays that define the placement of Label/Value pairs in the NORMAL ; coordinates. So to increment to the next line, simply use: ; LabYs = LabYs + dY ; if (strtrim(CLabels[0],2) ne '-1') then begin dY = -0.025 * YSpace LabYs = [-0.05, -0.05] * YSpace LabX1s = [ 0.01, 0.21] * XSpace LabX2s = [ 0.64, 0.74] * XSpace ;;; ; Set the label color and print out each label/value. ; !P.Color = CLabelsRGBN[3] ;OBJECT OBJ = strtrim( sxpar(hdr,'OBJECT', Count = N_Obj),2 ) if N_Obj EQ 0 then begin OBJ = strtrim( sxpar( hdr,'TARGNAME', Count = N_Obj),2) if N_Obj EQ 0 then OBJ = 'N/A' endif XYOUTS, LabX1s, LabYs, ['OBJECT:',OBJ],/ NORMAL LabYs = LabYs + dY ;TITLE (set here, but print out later in case no header was given) if NOT keyword_set(TITLE) then begin if (N_Obj NE 0) then TITLE=OBJ else TITLE = '' endif ;IMAGE ID imname = 'N/A' imname = sxpar(hdr,'IMAGE', Count = N_image) if N_image EQ 0 then imname = sxpar(hdr,'EXPNAME', Count = N_image) if N_image EQ 0 then imname = sxpar(hdr,'OBS_ID', Count = N_image) if N_image EQ 0 then imname = sxpar(hdr,'ROOTNAME', Count = N_image) imname = strtrim(imname,2) XYOUTS,LabX1s,LabYs,['IMAGE:',IMNAME],/NORMAL LabYs = LabYs + dY LabYs = LabYs + dY ;TELESCOPE scop = sxpar( hdr,'INSTRUME', Count = N_Scop) if N_Scop EQ 0 then scop = sxpar( hdr,'TELESCOP', Count = N_Scop) if N_Scop EQ 0 then scop = sxpar( hdr,'OBSERVAT', Count = N_Scop) if N_Scop EQ 0 then scop = '' else scop = strtrim(scop,2) detector = sxpar( hdr,'DETECTOR', Count = N_det) if N_det EQ 0 then detector = '' else detector = strtrim(detector,2) if scop EQ '' then scop = detector else $ if detector NE '' then scop = scop + '/' + detector XYOUTS,LabX1s,LabYs,['INSTRUMENT:',scop],/NORMAL ;SIZE SIZ = strtrim(XDim,2) +' by ' + strtrim(YDim,2) + ' pixels' XYOUTS,LabX2s,LabYs,['SIZE:',SIZ],/NORMAL LabYs = LabYs + dY ;FILTER filter = sxpar(hdr, 'FILTER', Count= N_filter) if N_filter EQ 0 then filter = sxpar(hdr, 'FILTNAM1', Count= N_filter) if N_filter EQ 0 then filter = sxpar(hdr, 'FILTER1', Count= N_filter) if N_filter EQ 0 then FILTER = 'N/A' else filter = strtrim(filter,2) XYOUTS,LabX1s,LabYs,['CAMERA/FILTER:',FILTER],/NORMAL ;SCALE if NoAstrom GE 0 then XYOUTS,LabX2s,LabYs,['SCALE:',CDELTAS],/NORMAL LabYs = LabYs + dY ;EXPOSURE TIME First try 'EXPTIME' then 'EXPOSURE' then 'INTEG' exptime = sxpar(hdr, 'EXPTIME', Count = N_time) if N_time EQ 0 then exptime = sxpar(hdr, 'EXPOSURE', Count = N_time) if N_time EQ 0 then exptime = sxpar(hdr, 'INTEG', Count = N_time) if N_time EQ 0 then exptime = 'N/A' else $ exptime = strmid( strtrim(exptime,2),0,6) + ' seconds' XYOUTS,LabX1s,LabYs,['EXPOSURE TIME:',EXPTIME],/NORMAL LabYs = LabYs + dY LabYs = LabYs + dY if noastrom GE 0 then begin ;CENTER COORDINATES XYOUTS, LabX1s, LabYs,['CENTER '+ equi + ':', $ 'RA = ' + RGA + ' DEC = ' + DECL], /NORMAL LabYs = LabYs + dY ;ROTATION XYOUTS,LabX1s,LabYs,['ROTATION:',strtrim(ROTATE,2)],/NORMAL LabYs = LabYs + dY endif ;COMMENTS if keyword_set(Comments) then begin XYOUTS,LabX1s[0],LabYs[0],'COMMENTS:',/NORMAL for N=0,(n_elements(Comments)-1) do $ XYOUTS,LabX1s[1],(LabYs[1] + (dY * N)),Comments[N],/NORMAL endif LabYs = LabYs + dY ;USER and DATE/TIME if not keyword_set(No_pers_info) then begin XYOUTS, LabX2s[0],LabYs[0], GetEnv('USER') + ' (' + $ STRMID(systime(),4,20) + ')' ,SIZE=0.9, /NORMAL endif endif ;ARROWS ; The calculations AX and XY allow the smallest use of space for the arrows ; for all possible rotation angles. To test the extent of the circle, add ; code like the following in before the "R = float(..." line: ; hextract,ImageOut,h,i1,h1,0,5,0,5 & for N=0,18 do begin ; hrot,i1,h1,i2,h2,N*20,-1,-1,0 & getrot, h2 ,Rotate ; if ((strtrim(CArrows[0],2) ne '-1') and (NoAstrom ne -1)) then begin R = float(rotate) * !pi / 180 AX = ( 0.50 + (0.05 * (cos(R) + sin(R)))) * XSpace AY = (-0.10 - (0.05 * (cos(R) - sin(R)))) * YSpace !P.Font = -1 !P.Color = CArrowsRGBN[3] arrows, hdr, AX, AY, /NORMAL, FONT=13, COLOR=!P.Color, arrowlen=3, charsize=2 !P.Font = 0 endif ;SIZE SCALE BAR ; This is probably more complicated than necessary, but the idea is to find ; the best size scale bar for any image, where the scale may be a few arcsec ; or a few degrees. ; "BarLength" is the length of a 1 arcsecond bar in normal coordinates ; "BarScale" is the list of standard sizes for the bar in arcsec or arcmin. ; "BarLength" is the length in normal coordiates of the "best" scale bar. ; if ((strtrim(CSize[0],2) ne '-1') and (NoAstrom ne -1)) then begin BarLength = 1.0 / (CDelt[0] * XDim) BarScale = [1,2,3,5,10,15,20,25,30,40] MinBar = 0.1 * XSpace BS = where((BarLength * BarScale) gt MinBar) ; bar scale in arcsec? if (BS[0] ne -1) then begin BarLength = BarLength * BarScale[BS[0]] BarLabel = strtrim(BarScale[BS[0]], 2) + '"' endif else begin BS = where((BarLength * BarScale * 60) gt MinBar) ; bar scale in arcmin? if (BS[0] ne -1) then begin BarLength = BarLength * BarScale[BS[0]] * 60 BarLabel = strtrim(BarScale[BS[0]], 2) + "'" endif else begin BarLength = BarLength * 3600 BarLabel = '1 degree' endelse endelse ; Barlength = BarLength * XSpace BarX = 0.7 * XSpace ; left end of bar BarY = -0.03 * YSpace ; Y position of bar BarDY = 0.01 * [-1,1] * YSpace ; height of bar's endpoints LabY = BarY - (0.025 * YSpace) ; position of label !P.Color = CSizeRGBN[3] plots, BarX+[0,BarLength], [BarY,BarY], /NORMAL plots, [BarX,BarX], BarY+BarDY, /NORMAL plots, BarLength+[BarX,BarX], BarY+BarDY,/NORMAL xyouts, ((BarX + (BarX + BarLength)) / 2.0), LabY, /NORMAL, ALIGN=0.5, $ '!6'+BarLabel+'!X', FONT=-1 endif endif ;;; ; TITLE (handle here in case no header was given but TITLE keyword was used.) ; if (keyword_set(TITLE) and (strtrim(CTitle[0],2) ne '-1')) then begin !P.Color = CTitleRGBN[3] XYOUTS, 0.50*XSpace, 1+(0.01*YSpace), TITLE,SIZE=2.0, /NORMAL, ALIGN=0.5 endif if keyword_set(NoClose) then begin plot,[0,xdim-1],[0,ydim-1],/noerase,xsty=5,ysty=5,/nodata, $ pos = [0,0,1,1] return endif Device,/close ;-------------------------------; ; SECTION: PRINTING THE FILE ; ;-------------------------------; if not(NoPrint or Encap) then begin ;Should the file be printed out? if not keyword_set(PRINTER) then begin case !VERSION.OS_FAMILY of 'unix': printer = 'lpr' else: printer = 'print' endcase endif spawn,printer + ' ' + fname message,/INFO,'Now printing image: $' + printer + ' ' + fname endif ; Reset output direction to X-windows, and restore some variables. tvlct,sv_rr,sv_gg,sv_bb set_plot, sv_device !P.font = sv_font !P.Color = sv_color return end