FUNCTION SIGRANGE,ARRAY,FRACTION=FRACTION,MISSING=MISSING,RANGE=RANGE ;+ ; NAME: ; SIGRANGE() ; PURPOSE: ; Selects the most significant data range in an image. ; EXPLANATION: ; Selects out the most significant range in the data to be used in ; displaying images. The histogram of ARRAY is used to select the most ; significant range. Useful for scaling an image display. ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; OUTPUT = SIGRANGE( ARRAY ) ; INPUTS: ; ARRAY = Array to take most significant range of. ; OPTIONAL INPUTS: ; None. ; OUTPUTS: ; The function returns an array where values above and below the ; selected range are set equal to the maximum and minimum of the ; range respectively. ; OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: ; FRACTION = Fraction of data to consider most significant. ; Defaults to 0.99 ; MISSING = Value used to flag missing points. Data points with this ; value are not considered or changed. ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT KEYWORD ; RANGE = 2 element vector, giving the range (minimum and maxmimum) ; used ; ; NOTES: ; If the image array contains more than 10,000 points then SIGRANGE() ; uses random indexing of a subset of the points to determine the range ; (for speed). Thus identical calls to SIGRANGE() might not yield ; identical results (although they should be very close). ; RESTRICTIONS: ; ARRAY must have more than two points. Fraction must be greater than 0 ; and less than 1. ; ; SIGRANGE was originally part of the SERTS image display package. ; Other routines from this package are available at ; ; ; ; Note that this version of SIGRANGE does not include the non-standard ; system variables used in the SERTS package. ; REVISION HISTORY: ; Version 1, William Thompson, GSFC, 12 May 1993. ; Incorporated into CDS library. ; Version 2, William Thompson, GSFC, 25 May 1993. ; Changed call to HISTOGRAM to be compatible with OpenVMS/ALPHA ; Version 3, CDP, RAL, Add RANGE keyword. 16-Apr-96 ; Version 4, William Thompson, GSFC, 17 April 1996 ; Corrected some problems when range is too high. ; Version 5, 13-Jan-1998, William Thompson, GSFC ; Use random numbers to improve statistics when only using a ; fraction of the array. ; Version 6, 06-Mar-1998, William Thompson, GSFC ; Change default to 0.99 ;- ; IF N_ELEMENTS(FRACTION) NE 1 THEN FRACTION = 0.99 IF N_ELEMENTS(ARRAY) LE 2 THEN BEGIN MESSAGE, /CONTINUE, 'Not enough points to form histogram' RETURN, ARRAY END ELSE IF (FRACTION LE 0) OR (FRACTION GE 1) THEN BEGIN MESSAGE, /CONTINUE, 'Fraction must be GT 0 and LT 1' RETURN, ARRAY ENDIF ; ; To speed up the process, work on a reduced version of ARRAY. ; IF N_ELEMENTS(ARRAY) LT 10000 THEN ATEMP0 = ARRAY ELSE BEGIN NN = 1000 > (N_ELEMENTS(ARRAY) / 25) < 100000 ATEMP0 = ARRAY[N_ELEMENTS(ARRAY)*RANDOMU(SEED,NN)] ENDELSE ; ; Get the total range of the data, excluding any missing points. ; IF N_ELEMENTS(MISSING) EQ 1 THEN BEGIN W = WHERE(ATEMP0 NE MISSING, COUNT) IF COUNT GT 0 THEN ATEMP0 = ATEMP0(W) ENDIF N_TOTAL = N_ELEMENTS(ATEMP0) AMAX = 1.*MAX(ATEMP0) AMIN = 1.*MIN(ATEMP0) IF AMIN EQ AMAX THEN GOTO, EXIT_POINT ; ; Set up some initial parameters for the reiteration. ; ATEMP = ATEMP0 DELTA = 0 ; ; Form the histogram, and calculate an array expressing the fraction of points ; that fall within or below the given bin. ; FIND_RANGE: LAST_DELTA = DELTA X = AMIN + FINDGEN(1001) * (AMAX - AMIN) / 1000. H = HISTOGRAM(LONG((ATEMP-AMIN)*1000./(AMAX - AMIN))) FOR I = 1,N_ELEMENTS(H)-1 DO H[I] = H[I] + H[I-1] H = H / FLOAT(N_TOTAL) ; ; Estimate the endpoints corresponding to the specified range, and calculate ; the values at these endpoints. Limit the array to be within these values. ; IMIN = (MIN( WHERE( H GT ((1. - FRACTION) / 2.) )) - 1) > 0 IMAX = MIN( WHERE( H GT ((1. + FRACTION) / 2.) )) IF IMAX LT 0 THEN IMAX = 1000 AMIN = X[IMIN] AMAX = X[IMAX] ; ; If the calculated range is zero, then use 2% of the full range of the data. ; IF AMAX EQ AMIN THEN BEGIN BMAX = MAX(ATEMP0, MIN=BMIN) AMAX = MAX(ATEMP0(WHERE(ATEMP0 LE (AMAX + 0.01*(BMAX-BMIN))))) AMIN = MIN(ATEMP0(WHERE(ATEMP0 GE (AMIN - 0.01*(BMAX-BMIN))))) ENDIF ; ; If the range calculated has changed by more than 5% from the last iteration, ; the reiterate. ; ATEMP = AMIN > ATEMP0 < AMAX DELTA = AMAX - AMIN RATIO = (DELTA - LAST_DELTA) / (DELTA + LAST_DELTA) IF ABS(RATIO) GT 0.05 THEN GOTO, FIND_RANGE ; ; If a missing pixel flag value was passed, then reset those points to the ; flag value. Return the adjusted array. ; EXIT_POINT: ATEMP = AMIN > ARRAY < AMAX IF N_ELEMENTS(MISSING) EQ 1 THEN BEGIN WW = WHERE(ARRAY EQ MISSING,N_MISSING) IF N_MISSING GT 0 THEN ATEMP[WW] = MISSING ENDIF RANGE = [AMIN,AMAX] RETURN, ATEMP END