FUNCTION read_ipac_table, filename, table_col_info=table_col_info, table_hdr=table_hdr, change_null=change_null, debug=debug ;+ ; NAME: ; READ_IPAC_TABLE ; ; PURPOSE: ; Read an IPAC ascii table from a file into IDL structures ; ; EXPLANATION: ; Reads an IPAC ascii table from a file into IDL structures. The ; definition of an IPAC-format table is currently here: ; ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; info = read_ipac_table(filename, table_col_info=table_col_info, ; table_hdr=table_hdr, [change_null=change_null, /debug]) ; ; INPUTS: ; FILENAME -- string giving the file with the input IPAC ascii table ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT: ; CHANGE_NULL -- an integer value to be used when the IPAC table ; has a non-numeric string for null values in an ; integer column. The default is -9999. (For ; real numbers, the nulls will go automatically to ; 'NaN'.) ; ; DEBUG -- enables some debugging statements ; ; OUTPUTS: ; info - IDL array structure with the data. The structure ; tag names are taken from the column names, with possible ; changes needed by IDL. ; ; If the table is not valid, or contains no data, the function returns a value of -1 ; ; table_col_info - A structure with table column headers ; in tags starting with "HEADER": HEADER_Col_Names, ; HEADER_Col_Names_Orig, HEADER_Col_Types_Orig, and, ; if present, HEADER_Data_Units and HEADER_Null_Values. ; ; table_hdr - A string array with whatever comment and keyword ; lines precede the column headers. ; ; PROCEDURES USED: ; VALID_NUM ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by H. Teplitz, IPAC September 2010 ; Allow long integer, convert blanks in numeric fields to null ; value - T. Brooke, IPAC May 2011 ; Allow 64bit long; use valid_num to check - TYB June 2013 ; Report readfile, free luns, default null str to "null" - TYB Jan 2016 ; Re-do structures to separate out the data - TYB Aug 2017 ;- ;Copyright © 2013, California Institute of Technology ;All rights reserved. Based on Government Sponsored Research NAS7-03001 and NNN12AA01C. ; ; ;Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ;modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ;are met: ; ; * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ; ; * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in ; the documentation and/or other materials provided with the ; distribution. ; ; * Neither the name of the California Institute of Technology ; (Caltech) nor the names of its contributors may be used to ; endorse or promote products derived from this software without ; specific prior written permission. ; ;THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ;"AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ;LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR ;A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT ;HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, ;INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, ;BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS ;OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED ;AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT ;LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY ;WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE ;POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ; on_error,2 compile_opt idl2 IF N_params() lt 1 THEN BEGIN print,'Syntax - info = read_ipac_table(filename, table_col_info=table_col_info, table_hdr=table_hdr, [change_null=change_null, /debug])' return, -1 ENDIF file = filename n_lines = file_lines(file) print, 'Reading ', file IF keyword_set(change_null) THEN BEGIN IF ( NOT(valid_num(change_null,/integer)) ) THEN BEGIN print, 'ERROR: change null value must be integer.' return,-1 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN null_num = change_null ENDELSE ENDIF ELSE null_num = -9999 line='' inline='' already_read = 0 lines_read = 0 openr, lun, file, /get_lun ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; create the header string array ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; igotone = 0 firstchar = '\' WHILE firstchar NE '|' DO BEGIN readf, lun, inline lines_read = lines_read+1 IF EOF(lun) THEN BEGIN print, 'ERROR: Invalid IPAC table - no header lines' close, lun free_lun, lun return, -1 ENDIF firstchar = strmid(inline,0,1) IF firstchar EQ '\' THEN BEGIN IF igotone eq 0 THEN BEGIN table_hdr = inline igotone = 1 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN table_hdr = [table_hdr, inline] ENDELSE ENDIF ENDWHILE ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; use first line with '|' to find indices between columns ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; line = inline len = strlen(line) ;;;; check for trailing spaces after last | pos = strpos(line,'|',/reverse_search) IF (pos lt 2) THEN BEGIN print,'ERROR: invalid table column header' close, lun free_lun, lun return, -1 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN len = pos + 1 line = strmid(line,0,len) ENDELSE name_line_length = len subline = line strput, subline, 'x', 0 delim_idx = [0] eol=0 WHILE NOT(eol) DO BEGIN char = strpos(subline,'|') IF char NE -1 THEN begin strput, subline, 'x', char delim_idx = [delim_idx, char] ENDIF IF char EQ len-1 THEN eol=1 ENDWHILE ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; check for at least 1 column ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; IF n_elements(delim_idx) le 1 THEN BEGIN print, 'ERROR: invalid table header' close, lun free_lun, lun return, -1 ENDIF ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; get column names and put into a strarr ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ncol = n_elements(delim_idx)-1 col_names = strarr(ncol) col_names_orig = strarr(ncol) col_width = intarr(ncol) FOR i = 0, ncol-1 DO BEGIN col_width[i] = delim_idx[i+1]-delim_idx[i]-1 col_names[i] = strtrim(strmid(line, delim_idx[i]+1, col_width[i]),2) col_names_orig[i] = col_names[i] ENDFOR ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; check for duplicate column names, add "_idl_[i]" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; cntr = intarr(ncol)*0 + 1 FOR ik = 0, ncol-2 DO BEGIN FOR ij = ik+1, ncol-1 DO BEGIN IF (strcmp(col_names[ij],col_names[ik],/fold_case)) THEN BEGIN col_names[ij] = col_names[ij] + '_idl_' + strn(cntr[ik]) cntr[ik] = cntr[ik] + 1 print,'WARNING: Duplicate column names, replacing occured' ENDIF ENDFOR ENDFOR ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; next line must be data types ;;;; need error check if it isn't.... ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; readf, lun, inline lines_read = lines_read+1 ;;;; check for no data after types line IF EOF(lun) THEN BEGIN print, 'ERROR: invalid table; no data' close, lun free_lun, lun return, -1 ENDIF line=inline IF strmid(line, 0, 1) NE '|' THEN BEGIN print, 'ERROR: invalid or missing data types line' close, lun free_lun, lun return, -1 ENDIF col_type_string = strarr(ncol) col_types_orig = strarr(ncol) col_type_code = intarr(ncol) FOR i = 0, ncol-1 DO BEGIN ;;; strip spaces from data type and convert to all upper case col_type_string[i] = strupcase(strtrim(strmid(line, delim_idx[i]+1, col_width[i]),2)) col_types_orig[i] = strtrim(strmid(line, delim_idx[i]+1, col_width[i]),2) check = strmid(line,delim_idx[i+1],1) IF check NE '|' THEN BEGIN print, 'ERROR: missing pipe in data types line' close, lun free_lun, lun IF keyword_set(debug) then stop return, -1 ENDIF ;;; convert data types to CASE col_type_string[i] OF 'INTEGER': BEGIN col_type_code[i] = 3 print, 'Data type INTEGER is used. For full compatibility with all IPAC services, please use INT, IN or I' END 'INT': col_type_code[i] = 3 'IN': col_type_code[i] = 3 'I': col_type_code[i] = 3 'LONG': col_type_code[i] = 14 'LON': col_type_code[i] = 14 'LO': col_type_code[i] = 14 'L': col_type_code[i] = 14 'FLOAT': col_type_code[i] = 4 'FLOA': col_type_code[i] = 4 'FLO': col_type_code[i] = 4 'FL': col_type_code[i] = 4 'F': col_type_code[i] = 4 'REAL': col_type_code[i] = 4 'REA': col_type_code[i] = 4 'RE': col_type_code[i] = 4 'R': col_type_code[i] = 4 'DOUBLE': col_type_code[i] = 5 'DOUBL': col_type_code[i] = 5 'DOUB': col_type_code[i] = 5 'DOU': col_type_code[i] = 5 'DO': col_type_code[i] = 5 'D': col_type_code[i] = 5 'CHAR': col_type_code[i] = 7 'CHA': col_type_code[i] = 7 'CH': col_type_code[i] = 7 'C': col_type_code[i] = 7 'DATE': col_type_code[i] = 7 'DAT': col_type_code[i] = 7 'DA': col_type_code[i] = 7 ELSE: BEGIN print, 'ERROR: invalid data type = '+col_type_string[i] close, lun free_lun, lun IF keyword_set(debug) then stop return,-1 ENDELSE ENDCASE ENDFOR ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; create the column info structure ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; table_col_info = create_struct('HEADER_Col_Names', IDL_VALIDNAME(col_names, /convert_all)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; Save the original column names and column types. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; current = table_col_info table_col_info = create_struct(current, 'HEADER_Col_Names_Orig', col_names_orig) current = table_col_info table_col_info = create_struct(current, 'HEADER_Col_Types_Orig', col_types_orig) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;; Read next line. If it starts with a pipe, it should be the units line. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; readf, lun, inline line=inline IF strmid(inline,0,1) EQ '|' THEN BEGIN lines_read = lines_read+1 data_units_string = strarr(ncol) FOR i = 0, ncol-1 DO BEGIN ;;; strip spaces from units data_units_string[i] = strtrim(strmid(line, delim_idx[i]+1, col_width[i]),2) check = strmid(line,delim_idx[i+1],1) IF check NE '|' THEN BEGIN print, 'ERROR: missing pipe in units line' close, lun free_lun, lun IF keyword_set(debug) then stop return, -1 ENDIF endfor current = table_col_info table_col_info = create_struct(current, 'HEADER_Data_Units', data_units_string) ; remember to increment lines_read ENDIF $ ELSE already_read = 1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;; If the line was data units then read next line. ;;;;; If it starts with a pipe, it should be the nulls line ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; IF NOT(already_read) THEN BEGIN readf, lun, inline line=inline IF strmid(inline,0,1) EQ '|' THEN BEGIN lines_read = lines_read+1 null_value_string = strarr(ncol) new_null_value_string = strarr(ncol) FOR i = 0, ncol-1 DO BEGIN ;;; strip spaces from nulls null_value_string[i] = strtrim(strmid(line, delim_idx[i]+1, col_width[i]),2) check = strmid(line,delim_idx[i+1],1) IF check NE '|' THEN BEGIN print, 'ERROR: missing pipe in nulls line' close, lun free_lun, lun IF keyword_set(debug) then stop return, -1 ENDIF IF (col_type_code[i] ne 7) THEN BEGIN IF ( (col_type_code[i] eq 4) or (col_type_code[i] eq 5) ) THEN BEGIN check_num = valid_num(null_value_string[i]) IF (check_num eq 0) THEN BEGIN new_null_value_string[i] = 'NaN' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN new_null_value_string[i] = null_value_string[i] ENDELSE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN check_num = valid_num(null_value_string[i], /integer) IF (check_num eq 0) THEN BEGIN new_null_value_string[i] = strn(null_num) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN new_null_value_string[i] = null_value_string[i] ENDELSE ENDELSE ENDIF ELSE new_null_value_string[i] = null_value_string[i] ENDFOR ENDIF ELSE BEGIN null_value_string = strarr(ncol)+'null' new_null_value_string = null_value_string iwant = where ( ( (col_type_code eq 4) or (col_type_code eq 5) ),nwant) if (nwant gt 0) then new_null_value_string[iwant] = 'NaN' iwant = where ( ( (col_type_code eq 3) or (col_type_code eq 14) ),nwant) if (nwant gt 0) then new_null_value_string[iwant] = strn(null_num) already_read = 1 ENDELSE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN null_value_string = strarr(ncol)+'null' new_null_value_string = null_value_string iwant = where ( ( (col_type_code eq 4) or (col_type_code eq 5) ),nwant) if (nwant gt 0) then new_null_value_string[iwant] = 'NaN' iwant = where ( ( (col_type_code eq 3) or (col_type_code eq 14) ),nwant) if (nwant gt 0) then new_null_value_string[iwant] = strn(null_num) ENDELSE current = table_col_info table_col_info = create_struct(current, 'HEADER_Null_Values', new_null_value_string) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;; set up data structure. length of vectors is number of lines in ;;;;; file minus lines read so far ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ndata = n_lines - lines_read IF ndata LE 0 THEN BEGIN print, 'QUIT: No data found.' close, lun free_lun, lun return, -1 ENDIF FOR i = 0, ncol-1 DO BEGIN case col_type_code[i] of 7: cval = ' ' 3: cval = 0L 14: cval = 0LL 4: cval = 0.0 5: cval = 0.0d endcase if (i eq 0) then info = create_struct(IDL_VALIDNAME(col_names[0],/convert_all), cval) else begin current = info info = create_struct(current, IDL_VALIDNAME(col_names[i],/convert_all), cval) endelse ENDFOR info = replicate(info, ndata) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;; read data lines to put into structure ;;;;; and pad the line if it isn't long enough for all columns ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; lmax = 2.0d^63 - 1.0d lmin = -2.0d^63 lmaxi = 2.0d^31 - 1.0d lmini = -2.0d^31 FOR j = 0, ndata-1 DO BEGIN IF NOT(already_read) THEN readf, lun, inline ;;;; check for non-printable characters IF ( (stregex(inline,string(9b)) ne -1) or $ (stregex(inline,string(7b)) ne -1) or $ (stregex(inline,string(8b)) ne -1) or $ (stregex(inline,string(10b)) ne -1) or $ (stregex(inline,string(11b)) ne -1) or $ (stregex(inline,string(12b)) ne -1) or $ (stregex(inline,string(13b)) ne -1) or $ (stregex(inline,string(27b)) ne -1) ) THEN BEGIN print,'Non-printable character in data row = ',j close, lun free_lun, lun return,-1 ENDIF cur_len = strlen(inline) IF cur_len LT name_line_length THEN BEGIN padlen = name_line_length - cur_len pad = strjoin(replicate(' ', padlen)) line = inline+pad ENDIF ELSE line=inline FOR i = 0, ncol-1 DO BEGIN data_string = strtrim(strmid(line, delim_idx[i]+1, col_width[i]),2) check = strmid(line,delim_idx[i],1) IF check NE ' ' THEN BEGIN print, 'ERROR: misaligned columns (data under pipe)' print, 'ERROR: data row, column = ',j,' , ',i close, lun free_lun, lun IF keyword_set(debug) THEN stop return, -1 ENDIF IF (col_type_code[i] ne 7) THEN BEGIN IF ( (col_type_code[i] eq 4) or (col_type_code[i] eq 5) ) THEN BEGIN check_num = valid_num(data_string) IF (check_num eq 0) THEN BEGIN IF (data_string ne null_value_string[i]) THEN BEGIN data_string = new_null_value_string[i] print,'WARNING: Invalid data entry replaced by null value in row, column = ',j,', ',i ENDIF ELSE data_string = new_null_value_string[i] ENDIF ;;;; Check floating point limits IF (check_num ne 0) THEN BEGIN check_lim = fix(data_string, type=5) IF (finite(check_lim)) THEN BEGIN IF (col_type_code[i] eq 4) THEN BEGIN check_lim = fix(data_string, type=4) IF ( NOT(finite(check_lim)) ) THEN BEGIN data_string = new_null_value_string[i] print,'WARNING: Float overflow replaced by null value in row, column = ',j,', ',i ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ELSE BEGIN data_string = new_null_value_string[i] print,'WARNING: Double overflow replaced by null value in row, column = ',j,', ',i ENDELSE ENDIF ENDIF ELSE BEGIN check_num = valid_num(data_string,/integer) IF (check_num eq 0) THEN BEGIN IF (data_string ne null_value_string[i]) THEN BEGIN data_string = new_null_value_string[i] print,'WARNING: Invalid data entry replaced by null value in row, column = ',j,', ',i ENDIF ELSE data_string = new_null_value_string[i] ENDIF ;;;; Check integer limits IF (check_num ne 0) THEN BEGIN check_lim = fix(data_string, type=5) IF ( (check_lim gt lmin) and (check_lim lt lmax) ) THEN BEGIN IF (col_type_code[i] eq 3) THEN BEGIN IF ( (check_lim le lmini) or (check_lim ge lmaxi) ) THEN BEGIN data_string = new_null_value_string[i] print,'WARNING: Integer overflow replaced by null value in row, column = ',j,', ',i ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ELSE BEGIN data_string = new_null_value_string[i] print,'WARNING: Long overflow replaced by null value in row, column = ',j,', ',i ENDELSE ENDIF ENDELSE ENDIF info[j].(i) = data_string ENDFOR already_read=0 ENDFOR close, lun free_lun, lun return, info END