PRO QuerySimbad, name, ra, de, id, Found = found, NED = ned, ERRMSG = errmsg, $ Verbose = verbose, CFA=cfa, Server=server, SILENT=silent, $ Print = print,Vmag=Vmag,Jmag=Jmag,Hmag=Hmag,Kmag=Kmag,parallax=parallax ;+ ; NAME: ; QUERYSIMBAD ; ; PURPOSE: ; Query the SIMBAD/NED/Vizier astronomical name resolver to obtain coordinates ; ; EXPLANATION: ; Uses the IDLnetURL object to query either the SIMBAD or NED nameserver ; over the Web to return J2000 coordinates. By default, QuerySimbad ; first queries the Simbad database, then (if no match found) the NED ; database, and then the Vizier database. ; ; For details on the SIMBAD service, see ; and for the NED service, see ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; QuerySimbad, name, ra, dec, [ id, Found=, /NED, /CFA, ERRMSG=, /VERBOSE] ; /PRINT, Vmag=V, Jmag=J, Hmag=H, Kmag=Kmag, parallax=parallax ; ; INPUTS: ; name - a scalar string containing the target name in SIMBAD (or NED) ; nomenclature. For SIMBAD details see ; . ; ; OUTPUTS: ; ra - Right ascension of the target in J2000.0 in *degrees*, scalar ; dec - declination of the target in degrees, scalar ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORD: ; /CFA - if set, then use the Simbad server at the Center for Astrophysics ; rather than the default server in Strasbourg, France. ; ERRMSG = If defined and passed, then any error messages will be ; returned to the user in this parameter rather than ; depending on the MESSAGE routine in IDL. If no errors are ; encountered, then a null string is returned. ; /NED - if set, then only the nameserver of the NASA Extragalactic database ; is used to resolve the name and return coordinates. Note that ; /NED cannot be used with Galactic objects ; /VERBOSE - If set, then the HTTP-GET command is displayed ; /PRINT - if set, then output coordinates are displayed at the terminal ; By default, the coordinates are displayed if no output parameters ; are supplied to QUERYSIMBAD ; /SILENT - If set, then don't print warnings if multiple SIMBAD objects ; correspond to the supplied name. ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT: ; id - the primary SIMBAD (or NED) ID of the target, scalar string ; As of June 2009, a more reliable ID seems to be found when using ; CFA (/CFA) server. ; ; OPTIONAL KEYWORD OUTPUTS: ; found - set to 1 if the translation was successful, or to 0 if the ; the object name could not be translated by SIMBAD or NED ; Errmsg - if supplied, then any error messages are returned in this ; keyword, rather than being printed at the terminal. May be either ; a scalar or array. ; Server - Character indicating which server was actually used to resolve ; the object, 'S'imbad, 'N'ed or 'V'izier ; Vmag - supply to receive the SIMBAD V magnitude ; Jmag - supply to receive the SIMBAD J magntiude ; Hmag - supply to receive the SIMBAD H magnitude ; Kmag - supply to receive the SIMBAD K magnitude ; Parallax - supply to receive the SIMBAD parallax in milliarcseconds ; ; EXAMPLES: ; (1) Display the J2000 coordinates for the ultracompact HII region ; G45.45+0.06 ; ; IDL> QuerySimbad,'GAL045.45+00.06' ; ===>19 14 21.30 +11 09 13.0 ; PROCEDURES USED: ; REPSTR(), ADSTRING() ; NOTES: ; The actual query is made to the Sesame name resolver ; ( see ). The Sesame ; resolver first searches the Simbad name resolver, then NED and then ; Vizier. ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by M. Feldt, Heidelberg, Oct 2001 ; Added option to use NED server, better parsing of SIMBAD names such as ; IRAS F10190+5349 W. Landsman March 2003 ; Turn off extended name search for NED server, fix negative declination ; with /NED W. Landsman April 2003 ; Use Simbad Sesame sever, add /Verbose, /CADC keywords ; B. Stecklum, TLS Tautenburg/ W. Landsman, Feb 2007 ; Update NED query to account for new IPAC format, A. Barth March 2007 ; Update NED query to account for another new IPAC format, A. Barth ; July 2007 ; Update message when NED does not find object W.L. October 2008 ; Remove CADC keyword, add CFA keyword, warning if more than two ; matches W.L. November 2008 ; Make NED queries through the Sesame server, add Server output ; keyword W.L. June 2009 ; Don't get primary name if user didn't ask for it W.L. Aug 2009 ; Added /SILENT keyword W.L. Oct 2009 ; Added /PRINT keyword W.L. Oct 2011 ; Added ability to get V, J, H, and K magnitudes as well as ; a parallax - jswift, Jan 2014 ; Use IDLnetURL instead of WebGet() W.L. Oct. 2014 ;- compile_opt idl2 if N_params() LT 1 then begin print,'Syntax - QuerySimbad, name, ra, dec, [ id, ]' print,' Found=, /CFA, /NED, ERRMSG=, /VERBOSE]' print,' Input - object name, scalar string' print,' Output - Ra, dec of object (degrees)' return endif Catch, theError IF theError NE 0 THEN BEGIN Catch,/CANCEL void = cgErrorMsg(/Quiet) RETURN ENDIF ;; fluxes = arg_present(Vmag) || arg_present(Jmag) || arg_present(Hmag) $ || arg_present(Kmag) printerr = ~arg_present(errmsg) if ~printerr then errmsg = '' host = keyword_set(cfa) ? '' : $ '' path = "/viz-bin/nph-sesame/-oI if fluxes then path+='F' if keyword_set(NED) then path+='/N' else path+='/SNV' queryURL = repstr(strcompress(name,/remove),'+','%2B') ;; if keyword_set(verbose) then message,/INF,'http://' + host + path + '?' + queryURL oURL = obj_new('IDLnetURL') oURL-> SetProperty, URL_Scheme = 'http',URL_Host=host,URL_Query=QueryURL, $ URL_PATH=path result = oURL-> GET(/STRING_ARRAY) found = 0 ;; if arg_present(server) then $ server = strmid(result[1],2,1) ; look for J2000 coords prefix = strmid(Result,0,5) idx=where(strmid(prefix,0,3) EQ '%J ',cnt) if cnt GE 1 then begin if cnt GT 1 then begin if ~keyword_set(SILENT) then $ message,/INF,'Warning - More than one match found for name ' + name idx = idx[0] endif found=1 ra = 0.0d & de = 0.0d reads,strmid(Result[idx],2),ra,de if N_params() GT 3 then begin idx2= where(strpos(Result, '%I.0 ') ne -1,cnt) if cnt GT 0 then id = strtrim(strmid(Result[idx2],4),2) else $ if ~keyword_set(SILENT) then $ message,'Warning - could not determine primary ID',/inf endif ; Get V mag if present vi = where(strpos(Result, '%M.V ') ne -1,vcnt) if vcnt GE 1 then reads,strmid(Result[vi],4),vmag ; Get J mag if present ji = where(strpos(Result, '%M.J ') ne -1,jcnt) if jcnt GE 1 then reads,strmid(Result[ji],4),jmag ; Get H mag if present hi = where(strpos(Result, '%M.H ') ne -1,hcnt) if hcnt GE 1 then reads,strmid(Result[hi],4),hmag ; Get K mag if present ki = where(strpos(Result, '%M.K ') ne -1,kcnt) if kcnt GE 1 then reads,strmid(Result[ki],4),kmag ; Get parallax if present plxi = where(strpos(Result, '%X ') ne -1,plxcnt) if plxcnt GE 1 then reads,strmid(Result[plxi],2),parallax ENDIF ELSE BEGIN errmsg = ['No objects returned found. The server answered:' , $ strjoin(result)] if printerr then begin message, errmsg[0], /info message,strjoin(result),/info endif ENDELSE if found GT 0 && ((N_params() LT 2) || keyword_set(print)) then $ print,adstring(ra,de,1) return END