function Querygsc, target, dis,magrange = magrange, HOURS = hours, $ VERBOSE=verbose, BOX = box ;+ ; NAME: ; QUERYGSC ; ; PURPOSE: ; Query the Guide Star Catalog (GSC V2.3.2) at STScI by position ; ; EXPLANATION: ; Uses the IDL SOCKET command to query the GSC 2.3.2 database over the Web. ; The number and names of the structure tags was changed in September 2015 ; ; Alternatively, (and more reliably) one can query the GSC 2.3.2 catalog using ; and the VIZIER database, e.g. ; IDL> st = queryvizier('GSC2.3',[23,35],10,/all) ; ; GSC2.3 is an all-sky export of calibrated photographic survey plate ; source parameters from the COMPASS database. The number of unique ; objects is approximately 945,592,683. All sources are ; from the second-generation plate-processing pipeline with the exception ; of Tycho-2 and Skymap sources in the case of very bright objects. The ; Skymap sources are exported when there is no matching GSC or Tycho ; sources. Each GSC 2.3 entry contains only one position and one ; magnitude per bandpass for each unique sky object ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; info = QueryGSC(targetname_or_coords, [ dis, /HOURS] ) ; ; INPUTS: ; TARGETNAME_OR_COORDS - Either a scalar string giving a target name, ; (with J2000 coordinates determined by SIMBAD), or a 2-element ; numeric vector giving the J2000 right ascension in *degrees* (or ; hours if /HOURS is set) and the target declination in degrees. ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT: ; dis - Numeric scalar giving search radius in arcminutes to search around ; specified target Default is 5 arcminutes ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: ; ; /BOX - if set, then radius gives a box width in arcminutes ; /HOURS - If set, then the right ascension is both input and output (in ; the info .ra tag) in hours instead of degrees ; /VERBOSE - If set, then the CGI command to the Webserver will be displayed ;; ; OUTPUTS: ; info - IDL structure containing information on the GSC stars within the ; specified distance of the specified center. There are (currently) ; 48 tags in this structure -- for further information see ; ; ; .GSC2ID - GSC2 name ; .GSC1ID - GSC1 name ; .HSTID - GSC 2.3 name for HST operations ; .RA,.DEC - Position in degrees (double precision). RA is given in ; hours if the /HOURS keyword is set. ; .EPOCH - mean epoch of the observation ; .RAEPSILON, .DECEPSION - uncertainty (in arcseconds) in the RA and ; Dec ; .FPGMAG, .FPGERR, .FPGMAGCODE - mag, error, code in photographic F ; .JPGMAG, .JPGERR, .JPGMAGCODE - mag, error code, photographic J ; .VPGMAG, .VPGERR, .VPGMAGCODE - V mag, error, code ; .NPGMAG, .NPGERR, .NPGMAGCODE - mag, error, code ; .UMAG, .UERR, .UMAGCODE - magnitude, error, code ; .BMAG, .BERR, .BMAGCODE - magnitude, error, code ; .VMAG, .VERR, .VMAGCODE - magnitude, error, code ; .RMAG, .RERR, .RMAGCODE - magnitude, error, code ; .IMAG, .IERR, .IMAGCODE - magnitude, error, code ; .JMAG, .JERR, .JMAGCODE - magnitude, error, code ; .HMAG, .HERR, .HMAGCODE - magnitude, error, code ; .KMAG, .KERR, .KMAGCODE - magnitude, error, code ; .CLASS - classification (0-5): 0-star, 1-galaxy, 2-blend, ; .SEMIMAJORAXIS - semi-major axis in pixels ; .POSITIONANGLE - Position angle of extended objects in degrees ; 3-nonstar, 4-unclassified, 5-defect ; .SOURCESTATUS -10 digit field used to encode more detailed information ; about the properties of the catalog object. For more info, see ; ; .VARIABLEFLAG, MULTIPLEFLAG - Variability andd multiplicity flags ; COMPASSGSC2ID - Unique ID in the Compass database ; ; EXAMPLE: ; Plot a histogram of the photographic J magnitudes of all GSC 2.3.2 ; stars within 10 arcminutes of the center of the globular cluster M13 ; ; IDL> info = querygsc('M13',10) ; IDL> plothist,info.jpgmag,xran=[10,20] ; ; PROCEDURES USED: ; QUERYSIMBAD, RADEC, WEBGET() ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by W. Landsman SSAI August 2002 ; Fixed parsing of RA and Dec W. Landsman September 2002 ; Major rewrite to use new STScI Web server, remove magrange ; keyword W. Landsman Dec 2007 ; Update server name, added /BOX,/ VERBOSE keywords W.L 19 Dec 2007 ; Web server now also returns infrared data W.L. Feb 2010 ; Fixed case where dec neg. and deg or min 0 Pat Fry Jul 2010 ; Updated for new server format W. Landsman April 2014 ; Updated for new server format W. Landsman September 2015 ; ;- compile_opt idl2 if N_params() LT 2 then begin print,'Syntax - info = QueryGSC(targetname_or_coord, dis,' print,' [/Hours, /Box, /VERBOSE} )' print,' RA (degrees), Dec (degrees) -- search coordinates of center)' print,' dis -- search radius in arcminutes' if N_elements(info) GT 0 then return,info else return, -1 endif if N_elements(dis) EQ 0 then dis = 5 if N_elements(target) EQ 2 then begin ra = float(target[0]) dec = float(target[1]) endif else begin QuerySimbad, target, ra,dec, Found = Found if found EQ 0 then message,'Target name ' + target + $ ' could not be translated by SIMBAD' endelse radius = keyword_set(box)? 'Box' : 'Radius' radec,ra,dec,hr,mn,sc,deg,dmn,dsc,hours=keyword_set(hours) deg = string(deg,'(i3.2)') dsn = strmid(deg,0,1) deg = strmid(deg,1,2) if (dmn lt 0 || dsc lt 0) then begin dmn = abs(dmn) dsc = abs(dsc) dsn = '-' endif sc = round(sc) dsc = round(dsc) if dsn EQ ' ' then dsn = '%2B' ;; QueryURL = "" + $ 'RA=' + strtrim(ra,2) + '&Dec=' + strtrim(dec,2) + $ '&SR=' + strtrim(dis/60.,2) + $ '&FORMAT=CSV&CAT=GSC23' if keyword_set(verbose) then print,queryurl ;; Result = webget(QueryURL) ; t = result.text nstar = N_elements(t) -2 if strmid(t[0],0,5) NE 'Usage' and nstar GT 0 THEN BEGIN headers = strsplit(t[1],',',/extract) info = create_struct(Name='gsc',headers, 0LL,'','','', $ 0.0d,0.0d, 0.0,0.0,0.0, $ 0.0, 0.0, 0, $ ;Fpgmag,Err,code 0.0, 0.0, 0, $ ;Jpgmag,Err,code 0.0, 0.0, 0, $ ;Vmag,Err,code 0.0, 0.0, 0, $ ;Nmag,Err,code 0.0, 0.0, 0, $ ;Umag,Err,code 0.0, 0.0, 0, $ ;Bmag,Err,code 0.0, 0.0, 0, $ ;Rmag,Err,code 0.0, 0.0, 0, $ ;Imag,Err,code 0.0, 0.0, 0, $ ;Jmag,Err,code 0.0, 0.0, 0, $ ;Hmag,Err,code 0.0, 0.0, 0, $ ;Kmag,Err,code 0, $ ;Classification 0., $ ;Size 0., 0., 0LL, $ eccentricity, positionangle, objectflags 0, 0 , $ ;variable, Multiple flag 0LL, '' ) info = replicate(info,nstar) for i=0,nstar-1 do begin temp = strtrim(strsplit(t[i+2],',',/extract),2) for j=0,N_elements(temp)-1 do begin info[i].(j) = temp[j] endfor endfor ENDIF ELSE BEGIN message, 'No objects returned by server. The server answered:', /info print, Result.Text if N_elements(info) GT 0 then return, info else return, -1 ENDELSE if keyword_set(hours) then info.ra = info.ra/15.0d return,info END