FUNCTION query_irsa_cat, targetname_OR_coords, catalog=catalog, radius=radius, radunits=radunits, outfile=outfile, change_null=change_null, table_col_info = table_col_info, table_hdr=table_hdr, DEBUG=debug ;+ ; NAME: ; QUERY_IRSA_CAT ; ; PURPOSE: ; Query a catalog in the NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive (IRSA) ; by position or resolvable target name. ; ; EXPLANATION: ; Uses the IDLnetURL object to do a spatial cone search of a ; catalog in the IRSA ( database. ; Returns the table data in an array of structures. Allows an ; additional structure with table column information (required ; to write the table later), and also a string array of headers. If ; outfile is set, it saves the table as an IPAC table file. This ; can be slow for large query results, so write only if needed. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; info = query_irsa_cat(targetname_or_coords, [catalog=catalog, ; radius=radius, radunits=radunits, outfile=outfile, ; change_null=change_null, table_col_info=table_col_info, ; table_hdr=table_hdr, /DEBUG]) ; ; REQUIRED INPUT: ; ; TARGETNAME_OR_COORDS - Either a string giving a resolvable target ; name (with J2000 coordinates determined by NED or SIMBAD), or a ; 2-element numeric vector giving the J2000 right ascension ; and declination, both in degrees. ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT: ; ; CATALOG - string giving the identifier of the IRSA catalog to be ; searched. The complete list of catalogs and identifier ; strings is available in XML format at: ; ; or as an IPAC Table (ascii) at: ; ; ; The identifier string is under "catname". ; ; If this keyword is omitted, the program will query the 2MASS Point ; Source Catalog ('fp_psc'). ; ; Examples of current IRSA catalogs include: ; 'wise_allwise_p3as_psd' - AllWISE Source Catalog ; 'fp_psc' - 2MASS Point Source Catalog ; 'iraspsc' - IRAS Point Source Catalog v2.1 (PSC) ; 'irasfsc' - IRAS Faint Source Catalog v2.0 ; 'cosmos_ib_phot' - COSMOS Intermediate and Broad Band Photometry Catalog 2008 ; ; RADIUS - scalar input of the radius of the search with default of ; 60 (arcsec). IRSA catalogs have maximum allowable search ; radii. These are listed on the corresponding web ; interface page for the catalog search, or in the ; nph-scan return table under "coneradius". ; ; RADUNITS - string giving the units of the radius (default is 'arcsec'). ; ; OUTFILE - if present, the query result is written to this filename. ; ; CHANGE_NULL - a numeric value (input as integer) to put in the ; structure if the table uses a string for null ; integer values (default is -9999). ; ; TABLE_COL_INFO - An IDL structure with table column headers. ; (required if table is written with write_ipac_table). ; ; TABLE_HDR - An string array with header comments and keywords. ; ; DEBUG - /DEBUG provides some additional output. ; ; OUTPUT: ; info - An IDL structure with the query result rows. The structure ; tags are the catalog column names, modified as needed for IDL. ; ; If the query fails or is invalid, the return value is -1. ; ; EXAMPLES: ; (1) Plot a histogram of the J magnitudes of all 2MASS ; point sources within 10 arcminutes of the center of the ; globular cluster M13. Save the IPAC table. ; ; IDL> info = query_irsa_cat('m13',radius=10,radunits='arcmin',outfile='save.tbl') ; IDL> help,/struct,info ; IDL> plothist,info.j_m,xran=[10,20] ; ; (2) Find the position of the faintest IRAS 60 micron ; source within 1 degree of central position of the ; COSMOS survey (10h00m28.6s +02d12m21.0s in J2000) ; ; IDL> info = query_irsa_cat([150.11917,2.205833], catalog='irasfsc', radius=1, radunits='deg') ; IDL> help,/struct,info ; IDL> idx = where(info.fnu_60 eq min(info.fnu_60)) ; IDL> print, (info.ra)[idx], (info.dec)[idx] ; ; PROCEDURES USED: ; READ_IPAC_VAR comes with ; VALID_NUM from IDLastro ; ; NOTES: ; The program writes an output IPAC table file only if the ; OUTFILE keyword is set. ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Adapted from - H. Teplitz, IPAC September 2010 ; Removed requirement of writing/reading IPAC table file - ; T. Brooke, IPAC May 2011 ; Longer timeout for webget, added change_null - TYB June 2013 ; Added status message - TYB Jan 2016 ; Replace webget with IDLnetURL and redo structues - TYB Aug 2017 ;- ;Copyright © 2013, California Institute of Technology ;All rights reserved. Based on Government Sponsored Research NAS7-03001 and NNN12AA01C. ; ; ;Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ;modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ;are met: ; ; * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ; ; * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in ; the documentation and/or other materials provided with the ; distribution. ; ; * Neither the name of the California Institute of Technology ; (Caltech) nor the names of its contributors may be used to ; endorse or promote products derived from this software without ; specific prior written permission. ; ;THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ;"AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ;LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR ;A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT ;HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, ;INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, ;BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS ;OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED ;AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT ;LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY ;WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE ;POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ; on_error,2 compile_opt idl2 if N_params() lt 1 then begin print,'Syntax - info = query_irsa_cat(targetname_or_coords,' print,' [catalog=catalog,radius=radius,radunits=radunits,' print,' outfile=outfile,change_null=change_null,' print,' table_col_info=table_col_info,table_hdr=table_hdr,' print,' /DEBUG])' endif IF NOT(keyword_set(radius)) THEN radius = 60 IF NOT(keyword_set(radunits)) THEN radunits = 'arcsec' IF (keyword_set(outfile)) THEN BEGIN writefile=outfile check = file_search(writefile) IF check NE '' THEN BEGIN print, 'OUTFILE exists. Delete it [y/n]? ' c2 = get_kbrd(1) IF c2 EQ 'y' OR c2 EQ 'Y' THEN spawn, 'rm '+writefile $ ELSE return, -1 ENDIF ENDIF IF ( keyword_set(change_null) ) THEN BEGIN IF ( NOT(valid_num(change_null,/integer)) ) THEN BEGIN print, 'ERROR: change null value must be integer.' return, -1 ENDIF null_num = change_null ENDIF ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; CONSTRUCT THE PARTS OF THE QUERY STRING query_host = '' query_path = '/cgi-bin/Gator/nph-query' ;;;; CATALOG STRING IF keyword_set(catalog) THEN catalog_name=catalog ELSE catalog_name='fp_psc' catstr='&catalog='+catalog_name ;;;; OBJECT STRING target = targetname_OR_coords IF N_elements(target) EQ 2 THEN BEGIN ra = double(target[0]) dec = double(target[1]) objstr = '&objstr='+strn(ra)+'+'+strn(dec) ENDIF $ ELSE BEGIN object = repstr(target,'+','%2B') object = repstr(strcompress(object),' ','+') objstr = '&objstr='+object ENDELSE ; No empty string IF strlen(objstr) le 8 THEN BEGIN print, 'Empty object string not allowed.' return, -1 ENDIF ;;;; SEARCH SHAPE AND SIZE spatial_str='Cone' spatial_param_name=['radius','radunits'] spatial_param_value_str = [strn(radius), radunits] nspat = n_elements(spatial_param_name) spatstr = '&spatial='+spatial_str spatparstr = '' FOR i = 0l, nspat-1 DO $ spatparstr=spatparstr+'&'+spatial_param_name[i]+'='+spatial_param_value_str[i] ;;;; USE IPAC FORMAT out_fmt = 'outfmt=1' ;;;; combine into query string url_q = out_fmt+objstr+spatstr+spatparstr+catstr IF keyword_set(debug) THEN print, url_q ;;;;; use IDLnetURL to do the GET IF keyword_set(debug) THEN print, systime(0) print, 'Query ',catalog_name, ' for object ', target oURL = obj_new('IDLnetURL') oURL -> SetProperty, URL_Scheme='https', URL_hostname=query_host, $ URL_query=url_q, URL_Path=query_path url_return = oURL -> GET(/STRING_ARRAY) IF keyword_set(debug) THEN print, systime(0) ;;;;; If requested, write the output to the outputfile IF (keyword_set(outfile)) THEN BEGIN n = N_ELEMENTS(url_return) OPENW, wunit, writefile, /get_lun FOR i = 0l, n-1 DO PRINTF, wunit, url_return[i] FREE_LUN, wunit ENDIF ;;;;; read the IPAC query into structures IF (keyword_set(change_null)) THEN $ info = read_ipac_var(url_return, table_col_info=table_col_info, table_hdr=table_hdr, change_null = null_num) $ ELSE $ info = read_ipac_var(url_return, table_col_info=table_col_info, table_hdr=table_hdr) IF (n_tags(info) eq 0) THEN BEGIN print,'ERROR: unable to read results into structure.' return, -1 ENDIF return, info END