pro st_diskread, infiles, DUMP = dump ;+ ; NAME: ; ST_DISKREAD ; ; PURPOSE: ; Read HST FITS formatted disk files and reconstruct GEIS (STSDAS) files. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ST_DISKREAD, infiles ; ; INPUT PARAMETER: ; infiles - (scalar string) input disk files to be converted into GEIS ; files. Wildcards are allowed. ; FILES CREATED: ; ; GEIS files: ; The GEIS file is reconstructed from each input Fits file. The ; output filename is composed from the rootname of the observation ; and the appropriate GEIS file extension (i.e. d0h/d, c0h/d, etc.). ; Tables: ; If input file is a fits table, the output is an SDAS table. ; ; EXAMPLES: ; a) Reconstruct the GEIS file for disk FITS file z29i020ct*.fits. ; st_diskread,'z29i020ct*.fits' ; ; PROCEDURES CALLED: ; ST_DISK_DATA, ST_DISK_TABLE, ST_DISK_GEIS ; FTSIZE,SXPAR(),TAB_CREATE, TAB_WRITE ; HISTORY: ; 10/17/94 JKF/ACC - taken from ST_TAPEREAD. ; 11/02/94 JKF/ACC - added /block on open statement to ; handle files with 512 bytes/record. ; 12/6/95 JKF/ACC - include new jitter files...replaces ; ; 03/5/96 W. Landsman, change FORRD to READU, remove Version 1 ; type codes, add message facility ; 05/20/00 W. Landsman, remove obsolete !ERR calls, new calling ; sequence to FTINFO ; 09/2006 W. Landsman, remove obsolete keywords to OPEN ; ;**************************************************************************** ; Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997 ;- On_error,2 if n_params() lt 1 then begin print,'Syntax - ST_DISKREAD, infiles' return endif !ERROR = 0 if not keyword_set(DUMP) then dump = 0 ; ; Search for names of input disk FITS files. ; file_list = file_search(infiles,count=count) if count le 0 then $ message,' No files found: '+ infiles $ else message,/INF, $ 'Number of files to process: ' + strtrim(count,2) ; ; Loop on files ; for file = 0,count-1 do begin openr,unit,file_list[file],/get_lun ; ; read data header and data ; st_disk_data,unit,h,data,fname,gcount,dimen,opsize,nbytes,itype if !ERROR NE 0 then return ; ; read optional table extension ; st_disk_table,unit,htab,tab,table_available if !ERROR NE 0 then return ; ; Finished reading the input dataset at this point. Now process the information ; and create the output datasets. ; ; GEIS file or trailer text file ; if sxpar(h,'naxis') gt 0 then begin st_disk_geis,h,data,htab,tab,table_available, $ fname,gcount,dimen,opsize,nbytes,itype ;GEIS file if !ERROR NE 0 then return if dump gt 0 then $ print,format='(t5,i4,t15,a)',file+1,strlowcase(fname) end else begin ;either a text trailer or jitter table outname = strtrim(sxpar(htab,'extname'),2) if outname eq strtrim(0,2) then $ outname= strtrim(sxpar(h,'filename')) if table_available then begin outname = strtrim(sxpar(htab,'extname')) s=size(tab) & nl=s[2] name=strtrim(sxpar(htab,'extname')) ;file name ; ; What type of table? ; - trailer file - ascii table ; - jitter data - sdas table ; if strpos(strlowcase(name),'jit') eq -1 then begin; text trailer ; ; Special case NAME: PODPS/IRAF uses j7 as special ; character, so that a file with z0j7<...> will be ; created as z0.<...> ( . is substituted for j7 ). ; To avoid: Check file name for ., if found replace ; with j7. ; invalid_char = strpos(name,'.') if invalid_char lt 5 then begin message,' Warning: Invalid filename found: '+name ,/cont name = strmid(name,0,invalid_char) + 'j7' + $ strmid(name,invalid_char+1,strlen(name)) message,' Filename will be changed to: '+ name,/cont end openw,ounit,name,/get_lun for i = 0,nl-1 do printf,ounit,strtrim(string(tab[*,i])) free_lun,ounit if dump gt 0 then $ print,format='(t5,i4,t15,a)',file+1,strlowcase(name) end else begin ; jitter table ; ; Convert from FITS to SDAS table ; ftsize,htab,tab,ncols,nrows,tfields tab_create,tcb,otab,tfields,nrows,ncols/2 ftinfo,htab,ft_str fname = ft_str.ttype for j= 0, tfields-1 do begin val=ftget(ft_str,tab,j+1) ; extract column tab_put,strtrim(fname[i]),val,tcb,otab end tab_write,outname,tcb,otab,htab if dump gt 0 then $ print,format='(t5,i4,t15,a,a)',file+1, $ strlowcase(outname)," jitter table " end end else $ if dump gt 0 then $ print,format='(t5,i4,t15,a,a)',file+1, $ strlowcase(outname)," (No data found) end free_lun,unit endfor return end ; pro st_disk_data,unit,h,data,name,gcount,dimen,opsize,nbytes,itype ;************************************************************************** ;+ ; NAME: ; ST_DISK_DATA ; ; PURPOSE: ; Routine to read next header and data array from an HST FITS disk file. ; This is a subroutine of ST_DISKREAD and not intended for stand alone ; use. ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; st_disk_data,unit,h,data,name,gcount,dimen,opsize,nbytes,itype ; ;INPUTS: ; unit - logical unit number. ; ;OUTPUTS: ; h - FITS header ; data - data array ; name - file name ; gcount - number of groups ; dimen - data dimensions ; opsize - parameter blocks size ; nbytes - bytes per data group ; itype - idl data type ; ; Notes: ; This is not a standalone program. Use ST_DISKREAD. ; ; PROCEDURES CALLED: ; GETTOK(), SXPAR() ; HISTORY: ; 10/17/94 JKF/ACC - taken from ST_TAPE_DATA. ; ;*************************************************************************** ;- On_error,2 ; ; read fits header ; h = strarr(500) nhead = 0 while 1 do begin buf=bytarr(2880) readu,unit,buf for i=0,35 do begin st = string(buf[i*80:i*80+79]) h[nhead]=st if strtrim(strmid(st,0,8)) eq 'END' then goto,fini nhead=nhead+1 endfor endwhile fini: ; ; get keywords from header needed to read data ; bitpix = sxpar(h,'bitpix', Count = N_bitpix) if N_bitpix EQ 0 then begin message,/CON,'ERROR - BITPIX missing from FITS header' return endif naxis = sxpar(h,'naxis', Count = N_naxis) if N_naxis EQ 0 then begin message,/CON,'ERROR- NAXIS missing from FITS header' return endif if naxis eq 0 then return ;NO data to read ; ; get scale factors ; bscale = sxpar(h,'bscale', Count = N_bscale) if N_bscale EQ 0 then bscale=1. bzero = sxpar(h,'bzero', Count = N_bzero) if N_bzero EQ 0 then bzero=0. iraf_bp = sxpar(h,'IRAF-B/P') ;Geis file bitpix if iraf_bp ne 64 then begin bscale = float(bscale) bzero = float(bzero) end else begin bscale = double(bscale) bzero = double(bzero) end ; ; determine output bitpix ; obitpix = abs(bitpix) if (bscale ne 1.0) or (bzero ne 0.0) then obitpix = 32 if iraf_bp eq 64 then obitpix = 64 ; ; get dimensions ; dimen = lonarr(naxis) npoints = 1L for i=0,naxis-1 do begin dimen[i]=sxpar(h,'naxis'+strtrim(i+1,2)) if dimen[i] le 0 then begin message,/CON,'ERROR- Invalid data dimension' return endif npoints = npoints*dimen[i] endfor ; ; determine group count ; gcount = sxpar(h,'sdasmgnu')>1 if gcount gt 1 then begin naxis = naxis-1 dimen = dimen[0:naxis-1] if n_elements(dimen) eq 1 then dimen = lonarr(1)+dimen npoints = npoints/gcount endif ; ; determine orignal psize in bytes ; opsize = sxpar(h,'opsize', Count = N_opsize) if N_opsize EQ 0 then opsize = 0 opsize = opsize/8 ; ; set up data array ; case bitpix of 8: data = make_array(dimen=dimen,/byte) 16: data = make_array(dimen=dimen,/int) 32: data = make_array(dimen=dimen,/long) 64: data = make_array(dimen=dimen,/double) -32: data = make_array(dimen=dimen,/float) -64: data = make_array(dimen=dimen,/double) else: begin message,/CON,'ERROR - Invalid BITPIX value' return end endcase ; ; determine file name ; ; ; Keyword IRAFNAME has been changed to FILENAME in new style ; PODPS keywords (JHB 11-2-91) ; name = sxpar(h,'FILENAME', Count = N_filename) if N_filename EQ 0 then begin name = sxpar(h,'IRAFNAME', Count = N_irafname) if N_irafname EQ 0 then $ message,' Keyword(IRAFNAME) missing from data header'+ $ '...ABORTING ' endif ; ; Special case NAME: PODPS/IRAF uses j7 as special ; character, so that a file with z0j7<...> will be ; created as z0.<...> ( . is substituted for j7 ). ; To avoid: Check file name for ., if found replace ; with j7. ; Special case code added by JKF/ACC 12/30/91 ; invalid_char = strpos(name,'.') if invalid_char lt 5 then begin message,' Warning: Invalid filename found: '+name ,/cont name = strmid(name,0,invalid_char) + 'j7' + $ strmid(name,invalid_char+1,strlen(name)) message,' Filename will be changed to: '+ name,/cont end name = strtrim(gettok(name,'.') +'.'+ gettok(name,'.'),2) pos = strpos(name,'_cvt') ;take out _cvt if pos gt 4 then name = strmid(name,0,pos) + $ strmid(name,pos+4,strlen(name)-pos-4) dname = name strput,dname,'d',strlen(name)-1 ;change last character to a d ; ; determine number of blocks in the file ; bytes_per_point = obitpix/8 in_bytes_per_point = abs(bitpix)/8 nbytes = bytes_per_point * npoints nblocks = ((nbytes + opsize)*gcount + 511)/512 ; ; open output data file ; close,1 openw,1,dname ; ; create output assoc variable ; if (bzero eq 0) and (bscale eq 1) and (bitpix gt 0) then begin s = size(data) & itype = s[s[0]+1] ; idl data type tmp_data = make_array( dimen=dimen, type= itype ) end else begin if obitpix eq 32 then begin tmp_data = make_array(dimen=dimen,/float) itype = 4 end else begin tmp_data = make_array(dimen=dimen,/double) itype = 5 end end ; ; read data ; pointer = 2880 ;byte pointer in current 2880 byte disk record for group=0,gcount-1 do begin ;loop on groups pos = 0 ;current pointer in data array while pos lt npoints do begin if pointer ge 2880 then begin readu,unit,buf case bitpix of 16: byteorder,buf,/NtoHS 32: byteorder,buf,/NtoHL -32: byteorder,buf,/XDRTOF -64: byteorder,buf,/XDRTOD ELSE: endcase pointer = 0 endif words_needed = (npoints-pos) bytes_needed = words_needed*in_bytes_per_point bytes_to_take = (2880-pointer) < bytes_needed words_to_take = bytes_to_take/in_bytes_per_point case bitpix of 8: data[pos]=buf[pointer:bytes_to_take-1] 16: data[pos]=fix(buf,pointer,words_to_take) 32: data[pos]=long(buf,pointer,words_to_take) 64: data[pos]=double(buf,pointer,words_to_take) -32: data[pos]=float(buf,pointer,words_to_take) ;IEEE -64: data[pos]=double(buf,pointer,words_to_take) ;IEEE endcase pos = pos + words_to_take pointer = pointer + bytes_to_take endwhile ; ; write data ; if (bscale ne 1.0) or (bzero ne 0.0) then begin out_rec = assoc(1,tmp_data,(nbytes+opsize)*group) out_rec[0] = data * bscale + bzero end else begin out_rec = assoc(1,tmp_data,(nbytes+opsize)*group) out_rec[0] = data end endfor return end ; pro st_disk_table,unit,h,data,table_available ;+ ;NAME: ; ST_DISK_TABLE ; ; PURPOSE: ; Routine to read FITS table from an ST fits on disk. ; This is a subroutine of st_diskread and not intended for stand alone ; use. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; st_disk_table,unit,h,data ; ; INPUTS PARAMETER: ; unit - disk unit number ; ; ; OUTPUTS: ; h - FITS header ; data - table array ; ; NOTES: ; This is not a standalone program. Use ST_DISKREAD. ; ; HISTORY: ; 10/17/94 JKF/ACC - taken from ST_TAPE_TABLE. ; 12/7/95 JKF/ACC - handle tables for jitter data. ; ;**************************************************************************** ;- ; ; read fits header ; h = strarr(500) nhead = 0 while 1 do begin buf = bytarr(2880) on_ioerror, no_table_found readu,unit,buf for i=0,35 do begin st = string(buf[i*80:i*80+79]) h[nhead]=st if strtrim(strmid(st,0,8)) eq 'END' then goto,fini nhead=nhead+1 endfor endwhile fini: ; ; get keywords from header needed to read data ; bitpix = sxpar(h,'bitpix', Count = N_bitpix) if N_bitpix EQ 0 then begin message,/CON,'ERROR- BITPIX missing from FITS header' return endif if bitpix ne 8 then begin message,/CON,'Invalid BITPIX for FITS table' return endif naxis = sxpar(h,'naxis', Count = N_naxis) if N_naxis EQ 0 then begin message,/CON,'ERROR- NAXIS missing from FITS table header' return endif if naxis ne 2 then begin message,/CON,'Invalid NAXIS for FITS table ' return endif dimen = lonarr(2) npoints = 1L for i=0,1 do begin dimen[i]=sxpar(h,'naxis'+strtrim(i+1,2)) if dimen[i] le 0 then begin if dump gt 1 then message,/cont,"No data found in table" goto, no_table_found endif npoints = npoints*dimen[i] endfor data = make_array(dimen=dimen,/byte) ; ; read data array ; nrecs = (npoints + 2879)/2880 nleft = npoints for i=0L,nrecs-1 do begin readu,unit,buf case bitpix of 16: byteorder,buf,/NtoHS 32: byteorder,buf,/NtoHL -32: byteorder,buf,/XDRTOF -64: byteorder,buf,/XDRTOD ELSE: endcase if nleft lt 2880 then max_nleft = nleft-1 $ else max_nleft= 2880L-1 data[i*2880L] = buf[0 : max_nleft ] nleft = (npoints-1) - ((i+1)*2880L) endfor table_available=1 return no_table_found: table_available=0 return end pro st_disk_geis,h,data,htab,tab,table_available,name,gcount,dimen,opsize, $ nbytes_g,itype ;+ ; NAME: ; ST_DISK_GEIS ; ; PURPOSE: ; Routine to construct GEIS files from ST FITS disk files. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ST_DISK_GEIS, h, data, htab, tab, table_available, name, gcount, ; dimen,opsize, nbytes_g,itype ; ; INPUT PARAMETERS: ; h - header for data ; data - data array ; htab - header for the table ; tab - fits table ; table_available - logical variable (1 if table was found) ; name - data set name ; gcount - number of groups ; dimen - data dimensions ; opsize - original parameter block size ; nbytes_g - number of bytes per group ; itype - idl integer data type value for the output data groups ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; ; GEIS file updated with group parameters in unit 1 (already open) ; and header file created ; ; NOTES: ; This is not a standalone program. Use st_diskread. ; ; During the creation of the header, this routine performs the ; following steps: ; 1) create a basic fits header (7 keywords) ; 2) adjust basic fits header for the number of axis present (i.e. >1) ; 3) adjust basic fits header for parameter keywords (i.e. ptype,etc) ; 4) from this point, sequentially copies keywords until it hits one of ; the following keywords 'INSTRUME','INSTRUID', or 'CONFG'. ; 5) append 'END' statement ; ; PROCEDURES CALLED: ; FTSIZE, SXADDPAR, SXHWRITE ; HISTORY: ; 10/17/94 JKF/ACC - taken from ST_DISK_GEIS ; ;**************************************************************************** ;- ; ; convert table to parameter block ; hpar = strarr(200) ;parameter header hpar[0]='END' sxaddpar,hpar,'PCOUNT',0 sxaddpar,hpar,'PSIZE',opsize*8 npar = 0 if table_available then begin ftsize,htab,tab,ncols,ngroups,npar if ngroups ne gcount then begin print,'ST_DISK_GEIS - number of rows in table does '+ $ 'not match GCOUNT' retall endif sxaddpar,hpar,'PCOUNT',npar ; ; get parameter descriptions ; ptype = sxpar(htab,'ttype*') ;parameter name tform = sxpar(htab,'tform*') ;formats in table tbcol = sxpar(htab,'tbcol*')-1 ;starting byte in table twidth = intarr(npar) ;width of table columns pdtype = strarr(16,npar) ;data type nbytes = intarr(npar) ;size in bytes of the par. sbyte = intarr(npar) ;starting byte in par. block idltypes = intarr(npar) ;idl data type for i=0,npar-1 do begin type=strmid(tform[i],0,1) case strupcase(type) of 'A' : idltype = 1 'I' : idltype = 16 'E' : idltype = 8 'F' : idltype = 8 'D' : idltype = 32 endcase idltypes[i]=idltype ; ; get field width in characters ; twidth[i]=fix(strtrim(gettok( $ strmid(tform[i],1,strlen(tform[i])-1),'.'),2)) case idltype of 1: begin ;string if ((twidth[i] mod 4) gt 0) then $ twidth[i]= (fix(twidth[i]/4)*4 + 4) nbytes[i] = twidth[i] pdtype[i] = 'CHARACTER*'+strtrim(twidth[i],2) end 8: begin nbytes[i] = 4 pdtype[i] = 'REAL*4' end 16: begin nbytes[i] = 4 pdtype[i] = 'INTEGER*4' end 32: begin nbytes[i] = 8 pdtype[i] = 'REAL*8' end endcase if i gt 0 then sbyte[i] = nbytes[i-1]+sbyte[i-1] endfor ; ; complete parameter block portion of the header ; if total(nbytes) ne opsize then begin print,'ST_DISK_GEIS - mismatch of computed and ' + $ 'original group par. block sizes' retall endif blank = string(replicate(32b,80)) strput,blank,'=',8 nhpar = 2 for i=0,npar-1 do begin st=strtrim(i+1,2) line=blank ;PTYPEn strput,line,'PTYPE'+st strput,line,"'"+ptype[i]+"'",10 ; ; Add comments to group parameters (PTYPEn field)...JKF/ACC 1/22/92 ; strput,line,'/',31 strput,line, strtrim(sxpar(htab,ptype[i]),2), 33 hpar[nhpar]=line line=blank ;PDTYPEn strput,line,'PDTYPE'+st strput,line,"'"+pdtype[i]+"'",10 strput,line,'/',31 hpar[nhpar+1]=line line=blank ;PSIZEn strput,line,'PSIZE'+st strput,line,string(nbytes[i]*8,'(I5)'),25 strput,line,'/',31 hpar[nhpar+2]=line nhpar=nhpar+3 endfor hpar[nhpar]='END' ; ; read table columns and insert into 2-d parameter block ; pblock=bytarr(total(nbytes),ngroups) for i=0,npar-1 do begin width = twidth[i] width1 = width-1 column = tab[tbcol[i]:tbcol[i]+width1,*] if idltypes[i] ne 1 then begin case idltypes[i] of 8: val = fltarr(ngroups) 16: val = lonarr(ngroups) 32: val = dblarr(ngroups) endcase for j=0L,ngroups-1 do begin start = width*j ; ; If the field is blank, force atleast ; a character 0. (DJL 10/92) ; tmp = string(column[start:start+width1]) if strtrim(tmp) eq '' then tmp ='0' val[j]=tmp endfor column = byte(val,0,nbytes[i],ngroups) endif pblock[sbyte[i],0]=column endfor endif ; ; Create output header --------------------------------------------- ; ; determine type and size of data ; case itype of 1: begin & datatype='BYTE' & bitpix=8 & end 2: begin & datatype='INTEGER*2' & bitpix=16 & end 3: begin & datatype='INTEGER*4' & bitpix=32 & end 4: begin & datatype='REAL*4' & bitpix=32 & end 5: begin & datatype='REAL*8' & bitpix=64 & end endcase ; ; create output header for GEIS file ; hout = strarr(500) & hout[0]='END' ;standard keywords sxaddpar,hout,'SIMPLE','F' ;not standard fits sxaddpar,hout,'BITPIX',bitpix sxaddpar,hout,'DATATYPE',datatype sxaddpar,hout,'NAXIS',n_elements(dimen) ndim = n_elements(dimen) for i=1,ndim do sxaddpar,hout,'NAXIS'+strtrim(i,2),dimen[i-1] sxaddpar,hout,'GROUPS','T' ;group format data sxaddpar,hout,'GCOUNT',gcount ; ; combine information from hpar, hs and h headers to form output header ; nout = 7 while strtrim(strmid(hout[nout],0,8)) ne 'END' do nout=nout+1 ; ; add parameter block information ; pos = 0 while strtrim(strmid(hpar[pos],0,8)) ne 'END' do begin hout[nout]=hpar[pos] nout=nout+1 pos=pos+1 endwhile ; ; skip junk at first part of h header ; pos = 0 while (strmid(h[pos],0,8) ne 'INSTRUME') and $ (strmid(h[pos],0,8) ne 'INSTRUID') and $ (strtrim(strmid(h[pos],0,8),2) ne 'CONFIG') do begin pos = pos + 1 if strtrim(strmid(h[pos],0,8)) eq 'END' then begin print,'ST_DISK_GEIS- INSTRUME keyword missing from header' retall endif endwhile ; ; copy rest of header to hout ; while strtrim(strmid(h[pos],0,8)) ne 'END' do begin hout[nout] = h[pos] nout=nout+1 pos=pos+1 endwhile hout[nout]='END' ; ; Create output GEIS file -------------------------------------------------- ; sxhwrite,name,hout ;output header file if npar gt 0 then begin out_rec = assoc(1,bytarr(1)) ;put in group parameters for i=0,gcount-1 do $ out_rec[i*(nbytes_g+opsize)+nbytes_g] = pblock[*,i] end close,1 return end