PRO plothist, arr, xhist,yhist, BIN=bin, NOPLOT=NoPlot, $ OVERPLOT=Overplot, PSYM = psym, Peak=Peak, $ Fill=Fill, FCOLOR=Fcolor, FLINE=FLINE, $ FTHICK=FThick, FSPACING=Fspacing, FPATTERN=Fpattern, $ FORIENTATION=Forientation, NAN = NAN, $ _EXTRA = _extra, Halfbin = halfbin, AUTOBin = autobin, $ Boxplot = boxplot, xlog = xlog, ylog = ylog, $ xrange=xrange,yrange = yrange, Color = color,axiscolor=axiscolor, $ rotate = rotate, WINDOW=window,XSTYLE=xstyle, YSTYLE = ystyle,$ THICK= thick, LINESTYLE = linestyle, SQRT=SQRT ;+ ; NAME: ; PLOTHIST ; PURPOSE: ; Plot the histogram of an array with the corresponding abscissa. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; plothist, arr, xhist, yhist, [, BIN=, /FILL, /NOPLOT, /OVERPLOT, PEAK=, ; /AUTOBIN, ...plotting keywords] ; INPUTS: ; arr - The array to plot the histogram of. It can include negative ; values. See /HALFBIN for the different default treatments of integer ; and non-integer data. ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: ; xhist - X vector used in making the plot ; ( = lindgen( N_elements(h)) * bin + min(arr) ) ; yhist - Y vector used in making the plot (= histogram(arr/bin)) ; An integer vector unless the PEAK keyword is set ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT-OUTPUT KEYWORD: ; BIN - The size of each bin of the histogram, positive scalar (not necessarily ; integral). If not present (or zero), then the default is to ; automatically determine the binning size using Scott's normal ; reference rule (see ) ; Prior to July 2016, the default was to use the square root of the ; number of data points (see /sqrt keyword). ; If undefined on input, then upon return BIN will contain the ; automatically computed bin factor. ; OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: ; AXISCOLOR - Color (string or number) of the plotting axes. ; BOXPLOT - If set (default), then each histogram data value is plotted ; "box style" with vertical lines drawn from Y=0 at each end of ; the bin width. Set BOXPLOT=0 to suppress this. ; COLOR - Color (number or string) of the plotted data. See CGCOLOR ; for a list of available color names. ; /HALFBIN - Set this keyword to a nonzero value to shift the binning by ; half a bin size. This is useful for integer data, where e.g. ; the bin for values of 6 will go from 5.5 to 6.5. The default ; is to set the HALFBIN keyword for integer data, and not for ; non-integer data. ; /NAN - The default is to check for the occurrence of IEEE not-a-number ; values for non-integer input. Set NAN=0 for PLOTHIST to give ; a traceback error if NaN values are present. ; /NOPLOT - If set, will not plot the result. Useful if the intention is ; to only get the xhist and yhist outputs. ; /OVERPLOT - If set, will overplot the data on the current plot. User ; must take care that only keywords valid for OPLOT are used. ; PEAK - if non-zero, then the entire histogram is normalized to have ; a maximum value equal to the value in PEAK. If PEAK is ; negative, the histogram is inverted. ; /FILL - if set, will plot a filled (rather than line) histogram. ; /ROTATE - if set, the plot is rotated onto it's side, meaning the bars ; extend from left to right. Xaxis corresponds to the count within ; in each bin. Useful for placing a histogram plot ; at the side of a scatter plot. ; /SQRT - if set, and the BIN keyword is not supplied, then the bin size ; is computed as the square root of the number of data points. This ; was the default prior to July 2016. ; WINDOW - Set this keyword to plot to a resizeable graphics window ; ; ; The following keywords will automatically set the FILL keyword: ; FCOLOR - color (string or number) to use for filling the histogram ; /FLINE - if set, will use lines rather than solid color for fill (see ; the LINE_FILL keyword in the POLYFILL routine) ; FORIENTATION - angle of lines for fill (see the ORIENTATION keyword ; in the POLYFILL routine) ; FPATTERN - the pattern to use for the fill (see the PATTERN keyword ; in the POLYFILL routine) ; FSPACING - the spacing of the lines to use in the fill (see the SPACING ; keyword in the POLYFILL routine) ; FTHICK - the thickness of the lines to use in the fill (see the THICK ; keyword in the POLYFILL routine) ; ; Any input keyword that can be supplied to the cgPLOT procedure (e.g. XRANGE, ; AXISCOLOR, LINESTYLE, /XLOG, /YLOG) can also be supplied to PLOTHIST. ; ; EXAMPLE: ; (1) Create a vector of random 1000 values derived from a Gaussian of ; mean 0, and sigma of 1. Plot the histogram of these values with a ; binsize of 0.1, and use a blue colored box fill. ; ; IDL> a = randomn(seed,1000) ; IDL> plothist,a, bin = 0.1,fcolor='blue' ; ; (2) As before, but use autobinning and fill the plot with diagonal lines at ; a 45 degree angle ; ; IDL> plothist,a, /fline, forient=45 ; ; NOTES: ; David Fanning has written a similar program CGHISTOPLOT with more graphics ; options: See ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written W. Landsman January, 1991 ; Add inherited keywords W. Landsman March, 1994 ; Use ROUND instead of NINT W. Landsman August, 1995 ; Add NoPlot and Overplot keywords. J.Wm.Parker July, 1997 ; Add Peak keyword. J.Wm.Parker Jan, 1998 ; Add FILL,FCOLOR,FLINE,FPATTERN,FSPACING keywords. J.Wm.Parker Jan, 1998 ; Add /NAN keyword W. Landsman October 2001 ; Don't plot out of range with /FILL, added HALFBIN keyword, make ; half bin shift default for integer only W. Landsman/J. Kurk May 2002 ; Add BOXPLOT keyword, use exact XRANGE as default W.L. May 2006 ; Allow use of /XLOG and /YLOG keywords W.L. June 2006 ; Adjust Ymin when /YLOG is used W. L. Sep 2007 ; Added AXISCOLOR keyword, fix color problem with overplots WL Nov 2007 ; Check when /NAN is used and all elements are NAN S. Koposov Sep 2008 ; Added /ROTATE keyword to turn plot on its side. J. Mullaney, 2009. ; Added FTHICK keyword for thickness of fill lines. L. Anderson Oct. 2010 ; Use Coyote Graphics W. Landsman Feb 2011 ; Explicit XSTYLE, YSTYLE keywords to avoid _EXTRA confusion WL. Aug 2011 ; Fix PLOT keyword problem with /ROTATE WL Dec 2011 ; Fix problems when /XLOG is set A. Kimball/WL April 2013 ; Fix FILL to work when axis is inverted (xcrange[0] > ; xcrange[1]) T.Ellsworth-Bowers July 2014 ; Make /NaN,/AUTOBIN and BOXPLOT the default W. Landsman April 2016 ; Speed up COLOR processing W. Landsman July 2016 ; Use Scott's normal reference rule for bin size W. Landsman July 2016 ; Check for NaN values when computing min and max W. Landsman Jan 2017 ; Always set a minimum number of bins W. Landsman Feb 2017 ;- ; Check parameters. compile_opt idl2 if N_params() LT 1 then begin print,'Syntax - plothist, arr, [xhist,yhist, ' print, ' [/AUTOBIN, BIN=, /BOXPLOT, HALFBIN=, PEAK=, /NOPLOT,' print, ' /OVERPLOT, /FILL...plotting keywords]' print,'Fill keywords: FCOLOR=, /FLINE, FORIENTATION=, FPATTERN=,' + $ 'FSPACING= ' return endif Catch, theError if theError NE 0 then begin Catch,/Cancel void = cgErrorMsg(/quiet) return endif if N_elements( arr ) LT 2 then message, $ 'ERROR - Input array must contain at least 2 elements',/noname minarr = min( arr, MAX = maxarr,/NaN) if ( minarr EQ maxarr ) then message, /noname, $ 'ERROR - Input array must contain distinct values' if N_elements(boxplot) EQ 0 then boxplot=1 dtype = size(arr,/type) floatp = (dtype EQ 4) || (dtype EQ 5) ;Determining how to calculate bin size: if ~keyword_set(BIN) then begin ; Compute bin size using Scott's normal reference rule? if keyword_set(sqrt) then $ bin = (maxarr-minarr)/sqrt(N_elements(arr)) else $ ;Square root rule bin = (3.5D * StdDev(arr, /NAN))/N_Elements(arr)^(1./3.0D) if ~floatp then bin = bin > 1 ; If xrange is set, make sure we have at least 4 bins if keyword_set(xrange) then bin = bin < (xrange[1] - xrange[0])/4. endif else begin bin = float(abs(bin)) endelse ; Compute the histogram and abscissa. ; Determine if a half bin shift is ; desired (default for integer data) if N_elements(halfbin) EQ 0 then halfbin = ~floatp ;integer data? if N_elements(NaN) EQ 0 then NaN = 1 if floatp && NaN then begin good = where(finite(arr), ngoods ) if ngoods eq 0 then $ message, 'ERROR - Input array contains no finite values' if halfbin then y = round( ( arr[good] / bin)) $ else y = floor( ( arr[good] / bin)) endif else if halfbin then y = round( ( arr / bin)) $ else y = floor( ( arr/ bin)) ;Determine number in each bin: yhist = histogram( y ) N_hist = N_elements( yhist ) ;Positions of each bin: xhist = lindgen( N_hist ) * bin + min(y*bin) if ~halfbin then xhist = xhist + 0.5*bin ;;; ; If renormalizing the peak, do so. ; if keyword_set(Peak) then yhist = yhist * (Peak / float(max(yhist))) ;;; ; If not doing a plot, exit here. ; if keyword_set(NoPlot) then return ;JRM;;;;; xst_set = keyword_set(xstyle)?1:0 yst_set = keyword_set(ystyle)?1:0 ;JRM;;;;; if N_elements(fill) EQ 0 then $ fill = keyword_set(fcolor) || keyword_set(fline) if keyword_set(over) then begin ;if overplotting, was original plot a log? if N_elements(ylog) EQ 0 then ylog = !Y.type if N_elements(xlog) EQ 0 then xlog = !X.type endif if N_elements(PSYM) EQ 0 then psym = 10 ;Default histogram plotting if ~keyword_set(XRANGE) then xrange = [ xhist[0]-bin ,xhist[N_hist-1]+bin ] if ~keyword_set(xstyle) then xstyle=1 if keyword_set(ylog) then begin ymin = min(yhist) GT 1 ? 1 : 0.1 if N_elements(yrange) EQ 2 then ymin = ymin < yrange[0] ;ydata contains the y-positions where the lines should be linked. ydata = [ymin, yhist>ymin, ymin] endif else ydata = [0, yhist, 0] ;xdata contains the y-positions where the lines should be linked. xdata = [xhist[0] - bin, xhist, xhist[n_hist-1]+ bin] if keyword_set(xlog) then xrange[0] = xrange[0]>1 ;JRM;;;;;;;;;;; IF n_elements(rotate) EQ 1 THEN BEGIN old_xdata = xdata old_ydata = ydata xdata = old_ydata ydata = old_xdata old_xhist=xhist old_yhist=yhist xhist=old_yhist yhist=old_xhist ;If xrange is not set. ;Then the auto x- range by setting xrange to [0,0]. if ~xst_set then xstyle=0 if ~yst_set then ystyle=1 ENDIF if ~keyword_set(Overplot) then begin cgplot, xdata , ydata, $ PSYM = psym, _EXTRA = _extra,xrange=xrange,axiscolor=axiscolor, $ xstyle=xstyle, xlog = xlog, ylog = ylog, yrange=yrange, $ ystyle=ystyle, /nodata,window=window if keyword_Set(window) then cgcontrol,execute=0 endif ;JRM;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ; If doing a fill of the histogram, then go for it. ; if N_elements(color) EQ 0 then color = cgcolor('opposite') if keyword_set(Fill) then begin ;JRM;;;;;;;;;;; xcrange = keyword_set(xlog)? 10^!X.CRANGE : !X.CRANGE ycrange = keyword_set(ylog)? 10^!Y.CRANGE : !Y.CRANGE IF n_elements(rotate) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN Xfill = transpose([[Xhist-bin/2.0],[Xhist+bin/2.0]]) Xfill = reform(Xfill, n_elements(Xfill)) Xfill = [Xfill[0], Xfill, Xfill[n_elements(Xfill)-1]] Yfill = transpose([[Yhist],[Yhist]]) Yfill = reform(Yfill, n_elements(Yfill)) if keyword_set(ylog) then Yfill = [ycrange[0]/10, Yfill, ycrange[0]/10] $ else yfill = [0, yfill, 0 ] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN Xfill = transpose([[Xhist],[Xhist]]) Xfill = reform(Xfill, n_elements(Xfill)) Yfill = transpose([[Yhist-bin/2.0],[Yhist+bin/2.0]]) Yfill = reform(Yfill, n_elements(Yfill)) Yfill = [Yfill[0], Yfill, Yfill[n_elements(Yfill)-1]] if keyword_set(xlog) then Xfill = [xcrange[0]/10, xfill, xcrange[0]/10] $ else xfill = [0, xfill, 0 ] ENDELSE ;JRM;;;;;;;;;;; ;; TPEB;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Check if plot ranges are reversed (i.e. large to small) Xfill = (XCRANGE[0] GT XCRANGE[1]) ? Xfill > XCRANGE[1] < XCRANGE[0] : $ Xfill > XCRANGE[0] < XCRANGE[1] ;Make sure within plot range Yfill = (YCRANGE[0] GT YCRANGE[1]) ? Yfill > YCRANGE[1] < YCRANGE[0] : $ Yfill > YCRANGE[0] < YCRANGE[1] ;; TPEB;;;;;;;;;;; if keyword_set(Fcolor) then Fc = Fcolor else Fc = 'Opposite' if keyword_set(Fline) then begin Fs = keyword_set(Fspacing) ? Fspacing : 0 Fo = keyword_set(Forientation) ? Forientation: 0 cgcolorfill, Xfill,Yfill, color=Fc, /line_fill, spacing=Fs, orient=Fo, $ thick = fthick, WINDOW=window endif else begin if keyword_set(Fpattern) then begin cgcolorfill, Xfill,Yfill, color=Fc, pattern=Fpattern, window=window endif else begin cgcolorfill, Xfill,Yfill, color=Fc,window=window endelse endelse endif ;JRM;;;;;;;;;;; IF n_elements(rotate) GT 0 THEN BEGIN ;Need to determine the positions and use plotS. ycrange = keyword_set(ylog)? 10^!Y.CRANGE : !Y.CRANGE xcrange = keyword_set(xlog)? 10^!X.CRANGE : !X.CRANGE cgplots, xdata[0]ycrange[0], $ color=color,Thick = thick, LINESTYLE = linestyle, ADDCMD=window cgplots, xdata[0]ycrange[0], $ color=color,THICK = thick, LINESTYLE= linestyle, ADDCMD=window FOR i=1, n_elements(xdata)-2 DO BEGIN sColor = cgcolor(color) cgplots, xdata[i]ycrange[0], $ color=sColor, THICK=thick, LINESTYLE= linestyle, $ /CONTINUE,ADDCMD=window cgplots, xdata[i]ycrange[0], $ color=sColor, /CONTINUE,THICK=thick, LINESTYLE=linestyle, $ ADDCMD=window ENDFOR cgplots, xdata[i]ycrange[0], $ color=color, /CONTINUE, THICK=thick, LINESTYLE = linestyle, $ ADDCMD=window ENDIF ELSE BEGIN cgplot, /over, xdata, ydata, XSTYLE= xstyle, YSTYLE = ystyle, $ PSYM = psym, THICK=thick, LINESTYLE = linestyle, $ _EXTRA = _extra,color=color,ADDCMD=window ENDELSE ;JRM;;;;;;;;;;; ; Make histogram boxes by drawing lines in data color. if keyword_set(boxplot) then begin ;JRM;;;;;;;;;;; IF n_elements(rotate) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN ycrange = keyword_set(ylog)? 10^!Y.CRANGE : !Y.CRANGE scolor = cgcolor(color) tabinv,xhist,!x.crange[1],imax FOR j =0 ,ceil(imax) DO BEGIN cgplotS, [xhist[j], xhist[j]]-bin/2, [YCRange[0], yhist[j], Ycrange[1]], $ Color=sColor,noclip=0, THICK=thick, LINESTYLE = linestyle, $ _Extra=extra,ADDCMD=window ENDFOR ENDIF ELSE BEGIN xcrange = keyword_set(xlog)? 10^!X.CRANGE : !X.CRANGE scolor = cgcolor(color) FOR j =0 ,N_Elements(xhist)-1 DO BEGIN cgPlotS, [xcrange[0], xhist[j]