pro zparcheck,progname,parameter,parnum,types,dimens,message ;+ ; NAME: ; ZPARCHECK ; PURPOSE: ; Routine to check user parameters to a procedure ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; zparcheck, progname, parameter, parnum, types, dimens, [ message ] ; ; INPUTS: ; progname - scalar string name of calling procedure ; parameter - parameter passed to the routine ; parnum - integer parameter number ; types - integer scalar or vector of valid types ; 1 - byte 2 - integer 3 - int*4 ; 4 - real*4 5 - real*8 6 - complex ; 7 - string 8 - structure 9 - double complex ; 10 - pointer 11 - object ref 12 - Unsigned integer ; 13 - unsigned int*4 ; 14 - int*8 ; 15 - Unsigned int*8 ; dimens - integer scalar or vector giving number ; of allowed dimensions. ; OPTIONAL INPUT: ; message - string message describing the parameter to be printed if an ; error is found ; ; OUTPUTS: ; none ; ; EXAMPLE: ; IDL> zparcheck, 'HREBIN', hdr, 2, 7, 1, 'FITS Image Header' ; ; This example checks whether the parameter 'hdr' is of type string (=7) ; and is a vector (1 dimension). If either of these tests fail, a ; message will be printed ; "Parameter 2 (FITS Image Header) is undefined" ; "Valid dimensions are 1" ; "Valid types are string" ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; If an error in the parameter is a message is printed ; a RETALL issued ; ; HISTORY ; version 1 D. Lindler Dec. 86 ; documentation updated. M. Greason, May 1990. ; Recognize double complex datatype W. Landsman September 1995 ; Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997 ; Check for new data types (e.g. unsigned) W. Landsman February 2000 ; Print a traceback if an error occurs W. Landsman Aug 2011 ;- ;---------------------------------------------------------- compile_opt idl2 if N_params() LT 4 then begin print, $ 'Syntax - ZPARCHECK, progname, parameter, parnum, types, dimens, [message ] return endif ; get type and size of parameter s = size(parameter) ndim = s[0] type = s[ndim+1] ; check if parameter defined. if type EQ 0 then begin err = ' is undefined.' goto, ABORT endif ; check for valid dimensions valid = where( ndim EQ dimens, Nvalid) if Nvalid LT 1 then begin err = 'has wrong number of dimensions' goto, ABORT endif ; check for valid type valid = where(type EQ types, Ngood) if ngood lt 1 then begin err = 'is an invalid data type' goto, ABORT endif return ; bad parameter ABORT: mess = ' ' if N_params() lt 6 then message = '' if message NE '' then mess = ' ('+message+') ' print,string(7b) + 'Parameter '+strtrim(parnum,2) + mess,$ ' of routine ', strupcase(progname) + ' ', err sdim = ' ' for i = 0,N_elements(dimens)-1 do begin if dimens[i] eq 0 then sdim = sdim + 'scalar' $ else sdim = sdim + string(dimens[i],'(i3)') end print,'Valid dimensions are:'+sdim stype = ' ' for i = 0, N_elements( types )-1 do begin case types[i] of 1: stype = stype + ' byte' 2: stype = stype + ' int*2' 3: stype = stype + ' int*4' 4: stype = stype + ' real*4' 5: stype = stype + ' real*8' 6: stype = stype + ' complex' 7: stype = stype + ' string' 8: stype = stype + ' structure' 9: stype = stype + ' dcomplex' 10: stype = stype + ' pointer' 11: stype = stype + ' Object' 12: stype = stype + ' Unsigned(i*2)' 13: stype = stype + ' Unsigned(i*4)' 14: stype = stype + ' int*8' 15: stype = stype + ' Unsigned(i*8)' endcase endfor print,'Valid types are:' + stype if scope_level() GT 3 then help,/trace ;if !debug then stop retall ; zparcheck end