pro remove,index, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, $ v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25 ;+ ; NAME: ; REMOVE ; PURPOSE: ; Contract a vector or up to 25 vectors by removing specified elements ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; REMOVE, index, v1,[ v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, ... v25] ; INPUTS: ; INDEX - scalar or vector giving the index number of elements to ; be removed from vectors. Duplicate entries in index are ; ignored. An error will occur if one attempts to remove ; all the elements of a vector. REMOVE will return quietly ; (no error message) if index is !NULL or undefined. ; ; INPUT-OUTPUT: ; v1 - Vector or array. Elements specifed by INDEX will be ; removed from v1. Upon return v1 will contain ; N fewer elements, where N is the number of distinct values in ; INDEX. ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT-OUTPUTS: ; v2,v3,...v25 - additional vectors containing ; the same number of elements as v1. These will be ; contracted in the same manner as v1. ; ; EXAMPLES: ; (1) If INDEX = [2,4,6,4] and V = [1,3,4,3,2,5,7,3] then after the call ; ; IDL> remove,index,v ; ; V will contain the values [1,3,3,5,3] ; ; (2) Suppose one has a wavelength vector W, and three associated flux ; vectors F1, F2, and F3. Remove all points where a quality vector, ; EPS is negative ; ; IDL> bad = where( EPS LT 0, Nbad) ; IDL> if Nbad GT 0 then remove, bad, w, f1, f2, f3 ; ; METHOD: ; If more than one element is to be removed, then HISTOGRAM is used ; to generate a 'keep' subscripting vector. To minimize the length of ; the subscripting vector, it is only computed between the minimum and ; maximum values of the index. Therefore, the slowest case of REMOVE ; is when both the first and last element are removed. ; ; REVISION HISTORY: ; Written W. Landsman ST Systems Co. April 28, 1988 ; Cleaned up code W. Landsman September, 1992 ; Major rewrite for improved speed W. Landsman April 2000 ; Accept up to 25 variables, use SCOPE_VARFETCH internally ; W. Landsman Feb 2010 ; Fix occasional integer overflow problem V. Geers Feb 2011 ; Quietly return if index is !null or undefined W.L. Aug 2011 ; ;- On_error,2 compile_opt idl2,strictarrsubs npar = N_params() nvar = npar-1 if npar LT 2 then begin print,'Syntax - remove, index, v1, [v2, v3, v4,..., v25]' return endif if N_elements(index) EQ 0 then return vv = 'v' + strtrim( indgen(nvar)+1, 2) npts = N_elements(v1) max_index = max(index, MIN = min_index) if ( min_index LT 0 ) || (max_index GT npts-1) then message, $ 'ERROR - Index vector is out of range' if ( max_index Eq min_index ) then begin ;Remove only 1 element? Ngood = 0 if npts EQ 1 then message, $ 'ERROR - Cannot delete all elements from a vector' endif else begin ; Begin case where more than 1 element is to be removed. Use HISTOGRAM ; to determine then indices to keep nhist = max_index - min_index +1 hist = histogram( index) ;Find unique index values to remove keep = where( hist EQ 0, Ngood ) + min_index if ngood EQ 0 then begin if ( npts LE nhist ) then message, $ 'ERROR - Cannot delete all elements from a vector' endif endelse imin = min_index - 1 imax = max_index + 1 i0 = (min_index EQ 0) + 2*(max_index EQ npts-1) case i0 of 3: begin for i=0, nvar-1 do $ (SCOPE_VARFETCH(vv[i],LEVEL=0)) = $ (SCOPE_VARFETCH(vv[i],LEVEL=0))[keep] return end 1: ii = Ngood EQ 0 ? imax + lindgen(npts-imax) : $ [keep, imax + lindgen(npts-imax) ] 2: ii = Ngood EQ 0 ? lindgen(imin+1) : $ [lindgen(imin+1), keep ] 0: ii = Ngood EQ 0 ? [lindgen(imin+1), imax + lindgen(npts-imax) ] : $ [lindgen(imin+1), keep, imax + lindgen(npts-imax) ] endcase for i=0,nvar-1 do $ (SCOPE_VARFETCH(vv[i],LEVEL=0)) = $ (SCOPE_VARFETCH(vv[i],LEVEL=0))[ii] return end