pro rdfloat,name,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,v9,v10,v11,v12,v13,v14,v15,v16,v17, $ v18,v19, SKIPLINE = skipline, NUMLINE = numline, DOUBLE=double, $ SILENT = silent, COLUMNS = columns ;+ ; NAME: ; RDFLOAT ; PURPOSE: ; Quickly read a numeric ASCII data file into IDL floating/double vectors. ; EXPLANATION: ; Columns of data may be separated by tabs or spaces. This ; program is fast but is restricted to data files where all columns can ; be read as floating point (or all double precision). ; ; Use READCOL if greater flexibility is desired. Use READFMT to read a ; fixed-format ASCII file. Use FORPRINT to print columns of data. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; RDFLOAT, name, v1, [ v2, v3, v4, v5, ... v19] ; COLUMNS, /DOUBLE, SKIPLINE = , NUMLINE = ] ; ; INPUTS: ; NAME - Name of ASCII data file, scalar string. ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: ; COLUMNS - Numeric scalar or vector specifying which columns in the file ; to read. For example, if COLUMNS = [3,7,11] then the first ; output variable (v1) would contain column 3, the second would ; contain column 7 and the third would contain column 11. If ; the number of elements in the COLUMNS vector is less than the ; number of output parameters, then consecutive columns are ; implied. For example, if 3 output parameters are supplied ; (v1,v2,v3) and COLUMNS = 3, then columns 3,4, and 5 will be ; read. ; SKIPLINE - Integer scalar specifying number of lines to skip at the top ; of file before reading. Default is to start at the first line. ; NUMLINE - Integer scalar specifying number of lines in the file to read. ; Default is to read the entire file ; /DOUBLE - If this keyword is set, then all variables are read in as ; double precision. ; /SILENT - Set this keyword to suppress any informative messages ; ; OUTPUTS: ; V1,V2,V3,...V19 - IDL vectors to contain columns of data. ; Up to 19 columns may be read. All output vectors are of type ; float, unless the /DOUBLE keyword is set, ; ; EXAMPLES: ; Each row in a file 'position.dat' contains a star number and 6 columns ; of data giving an RA and Dec in sexagesimal format. Read into IDL ; variables. ; ; IDL> rdfloat,'position.dat',ID,hr,min,sec,deg,dmin,dsec ; ; All output vectors will be floating point. To only read the ; declination vectors (Deg,dmin,dsec) ; ; IDL> rdfloat,'position.dat',deg,dmin,dsec,col=4 ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; (1) All rows in the file must be formatted identically (except for ; those skipped by SKIPLINE). RDFLOAT reads the first line of ; the data (after SKIPLINE) to determine the number of columns of ; data. ; (2) Cannot be used to read strings ; PROCEDURES USED: ; None. ; REVISION HISTORY: ; Written W. Landsman September 1995 ; Call NUMLINES() function February 1996 ; Read up to 19 columns August 1997 ; Allow to skip more than 32767 lines W. Landsman June 2001 ; Added /SILENT keyword W. Landsman March 2002 ; Added COLUMNS keyword, use STRSPLIT W. Landsman May 2002 ; Use SKIP_LUN if V5.6 or later W. Landsman Nov 2002 ; V5.6 version, use FILE_LINES() W. Landsman Dec 2002 ; Use Catch rather than On_ERROR,2 W. Landsman Jan 2018 ;- compile_opt idl2 if N_params() lt 2 then begin print,'Syntax - RDFLOAT, name, v1, [ v2, v3,...v19 ' print,' COLUMNS = ,/DOUBLE, SKIPLINE =, NUMLINE = ]' return endif Catch, theError if theError NE 0 then begin Catch,/Cancel void = cgErrorMsg(/quiet) return endif ; Get number of lines in file nlines = FILE_LINES( name ) if nlines LE 0 then begin message,'ERROR - File ' + name+' contains no data',/CON return endif if ~keyword_set( SKIPLINE ) then skipline = 0 nlines = nlines - skipline if keyword_set( NUMLINE) then nlines = numline < nlines ;Read first line, and determine number of columns of data openr, lun, name, /GET_LUN temp = '' if skipline GT 0 then $ skip_lun, lun, skipline, /lines readf,lun,temp colval = strsplit(temp, count=ncol) ;Determine number of columns ;Create big output array and read entire file into the array bigarr = keyword_set(DOUBLE) ? dblarr(ncol, nlines, /NOZERO): $ fltarr(ncol, nlines, /NOZERO) close,lun openr, lun, name if skipline GT 0 then skip_lun, lun, skipline, /lines readf, lun, bigarr free_lun, lun if ~keyword_set(SILENT) then $ message, strtrim(nlines,2) + ' lines of data read',/INF Nvector = (N_params()-1) < ncol if N_elements(columns) EQ 0 then c = indgen(nvector) else c = columns - 1 Nc = N_elements(c) if Nc LT nvector then c = [c,indgen(nvector-nc) + c[nc-1] +1 ] v1 = reform( bigarr[c[0],*]) if Nvector GT 1 then v2 = reform( bigarr[c[1],*]) else return if Nvector GT 2 then v3 = reform( bigarr[c[2],*]) else return if Nvector GT 3 then v4 = reform( bigarr[c[3],*]) else return if Nvector GT 4 then v5 = reform( bigarr[c[4],*]) else return if Nvector GT 5 then v6 = reform( bigarr[c[5],*]) else return if Nvector GT 6 then v7 = reform( bigarr[c[6],*]) else return if Nvector GT 7 then v8 = reform( bigarr[c[7],*]) else return if Nvector GT 8 then v9 = reform( bigarr[c[8],*]) else return if Nvector GT 9 then v10 = reform( bigarr[c[9],*]) else return if Nvector GT 10 then v11 = reform( bigarr[c[10],*]) else return if Nvector GT 11 then v12 = reform( bigarr[c[11],*]) else return if Nvector GT 12 then v13 = reform( bigarr[c[12],*]) else return if Nvector GT 13 then v14 = reform( bigarr[c[13],*]) else return if Nvector GT 14 then v15 = reform( bigarr[c[14],*]) else return if Nvector GT 15 then v16 = reform( bigarr[c[15],*]) else return if Nvector GT 16 then v17 = reform( bigarr[c[16],*]) else return if Nvector GT 17 then v18 = reform( bigarr[c[17],*]) else return if Nvector GT 18 then v19 = reform( bigarr[c[18],*]) return end