FUNCTION qget_string, dummy ;+ ; NAME: ; QGET_STRING ; PURPOSE: ; To get a string from the keyboard without echoing it to the screen. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; string = QGET_STRING() ; ; INPUTS: ; None. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; string The string read from the keyboard. ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; A string variable is created and filled. ; ; PROCEDURE: ; The IDL GET_KBRD functions is used to get each character in ; the string. Each character is added to the string until a ; carriage return is struck. The carriage return is not appended ; to the string. Striking the delete key or the backspace key ; removes the previous character from the string. ; ; NOTES: ; For a widget password procedure see ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by Michael R. Greason, STX, 8 January 1991. ; Work for Mac and Windows IDL W. Landsman September 1995 ;- compile_opt idl2 ; Variable definitions. ; st = bytarr(1) ; String variable. n = 0 IF !VERSION.OS_FAMILY EQ "unix" THEN dun = 10B $ ; Unix version of CR. ELSE dun = 13B ; All other version of CR. wt = 1 ; Wait for key to be struck? del = 127B & bs = 8B ; Delete, backspace keys. ; ; Loop, gathering characters into the string until ; a carriage return has been struck. ; REPEAT BEGIN ; ; Get next character. ; ch = byte(get_kbrd(wt)) ch = ch[0] ; ; If it isn't a carriage return, process it. ; IF (ch NE dun) THEN BEGIN ; ; If it isn't a delete or backspace, ; append it to the string. ; IF ((ch NE del) && (ch NE bs)) THEN BEGIN IF (n LE 0) THEN BEGIN st[0] = ch n = 1 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN st = [st, ch] n++ ENDELSE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; ; It's a delete/backspace. Remove the ; previous character. ; IF (n GT 0) THEN BEGIN n-- IF (n GT 0) THEN st = st[0:(n-1)] ENDIF ENDELSE ENDIF ; ENDREP UNTIL (ch EQ dun) ; ; Finished. ; IF (n LE 0) THEN st = '' ELSE st = string(st) RETURN, st END