pro host_to_ieee, data, IDLTYPE = idltype ;+ ; NAME: ; HOST_TO_IEEE ; PURPOSE: ; Translate an IDL variable from host to IEEE representation ; EXPLANATION: ; The variable is converted from the format used by the host architecture ; into IEEE-754 representation ("big endian" as used, e.g., in FITS data ). ; ; Duplicates most of the functionality of the SWAP_ENDIAN_INPLACE procedure ; with the addition of the IDLTYPE keyword. ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; HOST_TO_IEEE, data, [ IDLTYPE = ] ; ; INPUT-OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; data - any IDL variable, scalar or vector. It will be modified by ; HOST_TO_IEEE to convert from host to IEEE representation. Byte ; and string variables are returned by HOST_TO_IEEE unchanged ; ; OPTIONAL KEYWORD INPUTS: ; IDLTYPE - scalar integer (1-15) specifying the IDL datatype according ; to the code given by the SIZE function. This keyword ; will usually be used when supplying a byte array that needs ; to be interpreted as another data type (e.g. FLOAT). ; ; EXAMPLE: ; Suppose FITARR is a 2880 element byte array to be converted to a FITS ; record and interpreted a FLOAT data. ; ; IDL> host_to_ieee, FITARR, IDLTYPE = 4 ; ; METHOD: ; The BYTEORDER procedure is called with the appropriate keywords ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Adapted from CONV_UNIX_VAX, W. Landsman Hughes/STX January, 1992 ; Added new integer datatypes C. Markwardt/W. Landsman July 2000 ; Use /SWAP_IF_LITTLE_ENDIAN keyword for 64bit types W. Landsman Feb 2003 ; Do not use XDR keywords to BYTEORDER for much improved speed ; W. Landsman April 2006 ;- On_error,2 if N_params() EQ 0 then begin print,'Syntax - HOST_TO_IEEE, data, [IDLTYPE = ]' return endif npts = N_elements( data ) if npts EQ 0 then $ message,'ERROR - IDL data variable (first parameter) not defined' if N_elements( idltype) EQ 0 then idltype = size(data,/type) case idltype of 1: return ;byte 2: byteorder, data, /SSWAP,/SWAP_IF_LITTLE ;integer 3: byteorder, data, /LSWAP,/SWAP_IF_LITTLE ;long 4: byteorder, data, /LSWAP, /SWAP_IF_LITTLE ;float 5: byteorder,data,/L64SWAP, /SWAP_IF_LITTLE ;double 6: byteorder, data, /LSWAP, /SWAP_IF_LITTLE 7: return ;string 8: BEGIN ;structure Ntag = N_tags( data ) for t=0,Ntag-1 do begin temp = data.(t) host_to_ieee, temp data.(t) = temp endfor END 9: byteorder, data, /L64SWAP, /SWAP_IF_LITTLE 12: byteorder, data, /SSWAP, /SWAP_IF_LITTLE 13: byteorder, data, /LSWAP, /SWAP_IF_LITTLE 14: byteorder, data, /L64swap, /SWAP_IF_LITTLE 15: byteorder, data, /L64swap, /SWAP_IF_LITTLE else: message,'Unrecognized datatype ' + strtrim(idltype,2) ENDCASE return end