function getopt,input,type,numopt,count =count ;+ ; NAME: ; GETOPT ; PURPOSE: ; Convert a string supplied by the user into a valid scalar or vector ; EXPLANATION: ; Distinct elements in the string may be ; separated by either a comma or a space. The output scalar ; or vector can be specified to be either integer or floating ; point. A null string is converted to a zero. ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; option = GETOPT( input, [ type, numopt, COUNT = ]) ; ; INPUTS: ; input - string that was input by user in response to a prompt ; Arithmetic operations can be included in the string (see ; examples) ; ; OPTIONAL INPUTS: ; type - Either an "I" (integer) or an "F" (floating point) specifying ; the datatype of the output vector. Default is floating point ; ; numopt - number of values expected by calling procedure ; If less than NUMOPT values are supplied the output ; vector will be padded with zeros. ; OUTPUTS: ; option - scalar or vector containing the numeric conversion of ; the fields in the string INPUT. If NUMOPT is not ; supplied, the number of elements in OPTION will ; equal the number of distinct fields in INPUT. ; OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORD: ; Count - integer giving the number of values actually returned by ; GETOPT. If the input is invalid then COUNT is set to -1 ; NOTES: ; (1) If an input is invalid, Count is set to -1 and the result is set ; to 999. ; (2) GETOPT uses the execute function to interpret the user string. ; Therefore GETOPT itself cannot be called with the EXECUTE ; function. ; (3) GETOPT has a hard limit of 10 tokens in the input string. ; ; EXAMPLES: ; (1) a = getopt( '3.4,5*4 ', 'I' ) yields a = [ 3, 20] ; (2) a = getopt( '5/2.', 'F', 5) yields a = [2.5,0.,0.,0.,0.] ; (3) a = getopt( '2*3,5,6') yields a = [6.,5.,6.] ; ; REVISON HISTORY: ; written by B. Pfarr, STX, 5/6/87 ; change value of !ERR W. Landsman STX, 6/30/88 ; Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997 ;- On_error,2 Err = 0 inp = strtrim(input,2) ;Remove leading & trailing blanks comma = strpos(inp,',') ;look for comma if comma GT 0 then char = ',' else char = ' ' ;Delineator is comma or space if N_params() LT 2 then option = fltarr(10) else $ if strupcase(type) EQ 'I' then option = intarr(10) $ else option = fltarr(10) ;Default type is float if strlen(inp) EQ 0 then return,0.0 $ ;Null string is 0.0 else begin i =0 ;Counts number of tokens while inp NE '' do begin token = strtrim( gettok(inp,char), 2 ) if token NE '' then begin test = execute( 'option[i] = ' + token) if test NE 1 then begin count = -1 return, 999.9 endif i = i+1 endif endwhile endelse ; if N_params() LT 3 then begin if i EQ 1 then option = option[0] else $ option = option[0:i-1] ;Trim output vector endif else option = option[0:numopt-1] count = N_elements(option) return,option ;Successful completion end