function poidev, xm, SEED = seed ;+ ; NAME: ; POIDEV ; PURPOSE: ; Generate a Poisson random deviate ; EXPLANATION: ; Return an integer random deviate drawn from a Poisson distribution with ; a specified mean. Adapted from procedure of the same name in ; "Numerical Recipes" by Press et al. (1992), Section 7.3 ; ; NOTE: This routine became partially obsolete in V5.0 with the ; introduction of the POISSON keyword to the intrinsic functions ; RANDOMU and RANDOMN. However, POIDEV is still useful for adding ; Poisson noise to an existing image array, for which the coding is much ; simpler than it would be using RANDOMU (see example 1) ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; result = POIDEV( xm, [ SEED = ] ) ; ; INPUTS: ; xm - numeric scalar, vector or array, specifying the mean(s) of the ; Poisson distribution ; ; OUTPUT: ; result - Long integer scalar or vector, same size as xm ; ; OPTIONAL KEYWORD INPUT-OUTPUT: ; SEED - Scalar to be used as the seed for the random distribution. ; For best results, SEED should be a large (>100) integer. ; If SEED is undefined, then its value is taken from the system ; clock (see RANDOMU). The value of SEED is always updated ; upon output. This keyword can be used to have POIDEV give ; identical results on consecutive runs. ; ; EXAMPLE: ; (1) Add Poisson noise to an integral image array, im ; IDL> imnoise = POIDEV( im) ; ; (2) Verify the expected mean and sigma for an input value of 81 ; IDL> p = POIDEV( intarr(10000) + 81) ;Test for 10,000 points ; IDL> print,mean(p),sigma(p) ; Mean and sigma of the 10000 points should be close to 81 and 9 ; ; METHOD: ; For small values (< 20) independent exponential deviates are generated ; until their sum exceeds the specified mean, the number of events ; required is returned as the Poisson deviate. For large (> 20) values, ; uniform random variates are compared with a Lorentzian distribution ; function. ; ; NOTES: ; Negative values in the input array will be returned as zeros. ; ; ; REVISION HISTORY: ; Version 1 Wayne Landsman July 1992 ; Added SEED keyword September 1992 ; Call intrinsic LNGAMMA function November 1994 ; Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997 ; Use COMPLEMENT keyword to WHERE() W. Landsman August 2008 ;- On_error,2 compile_opt idl2 Npts = N_elements( xm) case NPTS of 0: message,'ERROR - Poisson mean vector (first parameter) is undefined' 1: output = lonarr(1) else: output = make_array( SIZE = size(xm), /NOZERO ) endcase index = where( xm LE 20, Nindex, complement=big, Ncomplement=Nbig) if Nindex GT 0 then begin g = exp( -xm[ index] ) ;To compare with exponential distribution em1 = replicate( -1, Nindex ) ;Counts number of events t = replicate( 1., Nindex ) ;Counts (log) of total time Ngood = Nindex good = lindgen( Nindex) ;GOOD indexes the original array good1 = good ;GOOD1 indexes the GOOD vector REJECT: em1[good] = em1[good] + 1 ;Increment event counter t = t[good1]*randomu( seed, Ngood ) ;Add exponential deviate, equivalent ;to multiplying random deviate good1 = where( t GT g[good], Ngood1) ;Has sum of exponential deviates ;exceeded specified mean? if ( Ngood1 GE 1 ) then begin good = good[ good1] Ngood = Ngood1 goto, REJECT endif output[index] = em1 endif if Nindex EQ Npts then return, output ; *************************************** xbig = xm[big] sq = sqrt( 2.*xbig ) ;Sq, Alxm, and g are precomputed alxm = alog( xbig ) g = xbig * alxm - lngamma( xbig + 1.) Ngood = Nbig & Ngood1 = Nbig good = lindgen( Ngood) good1 = good y = fltarr(Ngood, /NOZERO ) & em = y REJECT1: y[good] = tan( !PI * randomu( seed, Ngood ) ) em[good] = sq[good]*y[good] + xbig[good] good2 = where( em[good] LT 0. , Ngood ) if (Ngood GT 0) then begin good = good[good2] goto, REJECT1 endif fixem = long( em[good1] ) test = check_math( 0, 1) ;Don't want overflow messages t = 0.9*(1. + y[good1]^2)*exp( fixem*alxm[good1] - $ lngamma( fixem + 1.) - g[good1] ) good2 = where( randomu (seed, Ngood1) GT T , Ngood) if ( Ngood GT 0 ) then begin good1 = good1[good2] good = good1 goto, REJECT1 endif output[ big ] = long(em) return, output end