;+ ; NAME: ; SKYADJ_CUBE ; ; PURPOSE: ; Sky adjust the planes of a datacube. ; ; EXPLANATION: ; When removing cosmic rays from a set of images, it is desirable that ; all images have the same sky level. This procedure (called by ; CR_REJECT) removes the sky from each image in a data cube. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; SKYADJ_CUBE,Datacube,Skyvals,Totsky ; ; MODIFIED ARGUMENT: ; Datacube: 3-D array with one image of same field in each plane. ; Returned with sky in each plane adjusted to zero. ; ; OUTPUT ARGUMENTS: ; Skyvals: Array of sky values used on each plane of datacube. ; For a scalar sky, this parameter is a vector ; containing the sky value for each image plane. For a ; vector sky, this parameter is a 2-D array where each ; line corresponds to one image plane. ; ; INPUT KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; ; REGION - [X0,X1,Y0,Y1] to restrict area used for computation ; of sky. Default is 0.1*Xdim, 0.9*Xdim, 0.1*Ydim, ; 0.9*Ydim. If INPUT_MASK is specified, the two ; specs are combined, i.e., the intersection of the ; areas is used. ; VERBOSE - Flag. If set, print information on skyvals. ; NOEDIT - Flag. If set, return sky values without changing ; datacube. ; XMEDSKY - Flag. If set, return vector sky as a function of X. ; SELECT - Array of subscripts of planes of the cube to process. ; (Default=all) ; EXTRAPR - Applies only in XMEDSKY mode. ; Subregion to use for polynomial extrapolation of sky ; vector into portions excluded by REGION parameter. ; (Default=first and last 10% of pixels; set to zero ; to defeat extrapolation) ; EDEGREE - Applies only in XMEDSKY mode. ; Degree of polynomial for extrapolation (Default=1) ; INPUT_MASK - Cube of flags corresponding to data cube. If used, ; the sky computation is restricted to the smallest ; contiguous rectangle containing all the pixels flagged ; valid (with 1 rather than 0). ; ; PROCEDURE: ; Uses astronomy library "sky" routine for scalar sky and ; column-by-column median for vector sky. ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; 10 Jul. 1997 - Written. R. S. Hill, Hughes STX ; 20 Oct. 1997 - 1-D sky option. RSH ; 7 Aug. 1998 - SELECT keyword. RSH ; 6 Oct. 1998 - Extrapolation. RSH ; 7 Oct. 1998 - INPUT_MASK added. RSH ; 21 Oct. 1998 - Fallback to 3-sigma clipped mean if mode fails. RSH ; 22 Mar. 2000 - Combine mask with region rather having mask ; override region. Improve comments. RSH ; 16 June 2000 - On_error and message used. Square brackets for array ; subscripts. EXTRAP included in this file. ; WBL & RSH, 16 June 2000 ;- pro EXTRAP, Deg, X, Y, Y2, LIMS=lims ;+ ; NAME: ; EXTRAP ; ; PURPOSE: ; This procedure fills in the ends of a one-dimensional array from ; interior portions using polynomial extrapolation. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Image processing ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; EXTRAP, Deg, X, Y, Y2 ; ; INPUT POSITIONAL PARAMETERS: ; Deg: Degree of polynomial ; X: Independent variable ; Y: Dependent variable ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; LIMS: 3-element array giving range of X to be used to fit ; polynomial and starting point where extrapolation is ; to be substituted; if not given, you click on a plot; ; order of elements is [xmin, xmax, xstart]; if LIMS is ; specified, then program is silent ; ; OUTPUT POSITIONAL PARAMETERS: ; Y2: Dependent variable with extrapolated portion filled in ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; May pop a window for selecting range. ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by RSH, RITSS, 14 Aug 98 ; Spiffed up for library. RSH, 6 Oct 98 ;- IF n_params(0) LT 1 THEN BEGIN print, 'CALLING SEQUENCE: extrap, deg, x, y, y2' print, 'KEYWORD PARAMETER: lims' RETALL ENDIF IF ~keyword_set(lims) THEN BEGIN verbose = 1b savedev = strtrim(strupcase(!D.name),2) set_plot, 'X' window, /free plot,x,y print, 'Click on fit limit 1' cursor, xx1, yy1, /down, /data print, 'Click on fit limit 2' cursor, xx2, yy2, /down, /data print, 'Click starting point of extrapolation' cursor, xx3, yy3, /down, /data wdelete, !D.window IF savedev NE 'X' THEN set_plot, savedev ENDIF ELSE BEGIN verbose = 0b xx1 = lims[0] xx2 = lims[1] xx3 = lims[2] ENDELSE IF verbose THEN print,'Extrapolating from region ',xx1, ' to ', xx2 wmin = min(where(x ge min([xx1,xx2]))) wmax = max(where(x le max([xx1,xx2]))) coeff = poly_fit(x[wmin:wmax],y[wmin:wmax], deg, yfit, /double) xhalf = 0.5*(min(x)+max(x)) up = 1b if xx3 lt xhalf then up = 0b ypoly = poly(x, coeff) y2 = y IF up THEN BEGIN if verbose then print, 'Extrapolating above x = ',xx3 y2[wstart] = ypoly[wstart:*] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN if verbose then print, 'Extrapolating below x = ',xx3 y2[0] = ypoly[0:wstart] ENDELSE RETURN END PRO SKYADJ_CUBE,Datacube,Skyvals,Totsky, XMEDSKY=xmedsky, $ REGION=region,VERBOSE=verbose,NOEDIT=noedit, $ SELECT=select,EXTRAPR=extrapr,EDEGREE=edegree, $ INPUT_MASK=input_mask xmed = keyword_set(xmedsky) verbose=keyword_set(verbose) ipm = keyword_set(input_mask) szc = size(datacube) xdim = szc[1] ydim = szc[2] zdim = szc[3] ; ; Default region is between 10% and 90% of range in each ; coordinate IF n_elements(region) LT 1 THEN BEGIN xmarg = xdim/10 ymarg = ydim/10 region = [xmarg,xdim-xmarg,ymarg,ydim-ymarg] ENDIF ; ; Arrays to hold min and max good pixels according to input ; mask xmin = intarr(zdim) xmax = xmin ymax = xmin ymin = xmin ; ; Process input mask if any IF ipm THEN BEGIN ; ; Check size szm = size(input_mask) w_dim_ne = where(szc[0:3] NE szm[0:3], cw_dim_ne) IF cw_dim_ne GT 0 THEN BEGIN print, 'SKYADJ_CUBE: INPUT_MASK has different dims from ' $ + 'DATACUBE' print, 'Executing RETALL.' retall ENDIF ; ; Go through planes of mask one by one FOR i=0,zdim-1 DO BEGIN ; ; Integrate over Y xtot = total(input_mask[*,*,i],2) ; ; Integrate over X ytot = total(input_mask[*,*,i],1) ; ; Non-zero in each dimension wxt = where(xtot GT 0,cwxt) wyt = where(ytot GT 0,cwyt) ; ; If whole image masked out something wrong IF cwxt LE 0 OR cwyt LE 0 THEN BEGIN print, 'SKYADJ_CUBE: INPUT_MASK invalid' print, 'Executing RETALL' retall ENDIF ; ; Find smallest rectangle containing all the good pixels xmin1 = min(wxt,max=xmax1) ymin1 = min(wyt,max=ymax1) xmin[i] = xmin1 ymin[i] = ymin1 xmax[i] = xmax1 ymax[i] = ymax1 ENDFOR ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; ; No input mask: set limits to whole image xmin[*] = 0 ymin[*] = 0 xmax[*] = xdim-1 ymax[*] = ydim-1 ENDELSE IF n_elements(edegree) LT 1 THEN edegree=1 IF n_elements(extrapr) LT 1 THEN extrapr=0.1 do_extrap=keyword_set(extrapr) IF n_elements(select) LT 1 THEN select=indgen(zdim) nsel = n_elements(select) ; ; Initialize sky arrays IF xmed THEN BEGIN skyvals = fltarr(xdim,zdim) - 32768. ENDIF ELSE BEGIN skyvals = fltarr(zdim) - 32768. ENDELSE skyplane = fltarr(xdim,ydim) ; ; Go through all the planes that are in the selected set ; (probably usually all of them) FOR i=0,nsel-1 DO BEGIN sel = select[i] plane = datacube[*,*,sel] ; ; Final clip region clip_par = [xmin[sel]>region[0],xmax[sel]region[2],ymax[sel]