FUNCTION RINTER, P, X, Y, DFDX, DFDY, INITIALIZE = initialize ;+ ; NAME: ; RINTER ; PURPOSE: ; Cubic interpolation of an image at a set of reference points. ; EXPLANATION: ; This interpolation program is equivalent to using the intrinsic ; INTERPOLATE() function with CUBIC = -0.5. However, ; RINTER() has two advantages: (1) one can optionally obtain the ; X and Y derivatives at the reference points, and (2) if repeated ; interpolation is to be applied to an array, then some values can ; be pre-computed and stored in Common. RINTER() was originally ; for use with the DAOPHOT procedures, but can also be used for ; general cubic interpolation. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; Z = RINTER( P, X, Y, [ DFDX, DFDY ] ) ; or ; Z = RINTER(P, /INIT) ; ; INPUTS: ; P - Two dimensional data array, ; X - Either an N element vector or an N x M element array, ; containing X subscripts where cubic interpolation is desired. ; Y - Either an N element vector or an N x M element array, ; containing Y subscripts where cubic interpolation is desired. ; ; OUTPUT: ; Z - Result = interpolated vector or array. If X and Y are vectors, ; then so is Z, but if X and Y are arrays then Z will be also. ; If P is DOUBLE precision, then so is Z, otherwise Z is REAL. ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT: ; DFDX - Vector or Array, (same size and type as Z), containing the ; derivatives with respect to X ; DFDY - Array containing derivatives with respect to Y ; ; OPTIONAL KEYWORD INPUT: ; /INIT - Perform computations associated only with the input array (i.e. ; not with X and Y) and store in common. This can save time if ; repeated calls to RINTER are made using the same array. ; ; EXAMPLE: ; suppose P is a 256 x 256 element array and X = FINDGEN(50)/2. + 100. ; and Y = X. Then Z will be a 50 element array, containing the ; cubic interpolated points. ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; can be time consuming. ; ; RESTRICTION: ; Interpolation is not possible at positions outside the range of ; the array (including all negative subscripts), or within 2 pixel ; units of the edge. No error message is given but values of the ; output array are meaningless at these positions. ; ; PROCEDURE: ; invokes CUBIC interpolation algorithm to evaluate each element ; in Z at virtual coordinates contained in X and Y with the data ; in P. ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; If repeated interpolation of the same array is to occur, then ; one can save time by initializing the common block RINTER. ; ; REVISION HISTORY: ; March 1988 written W. Landsman STX Co. ; Checked for IDL Version 2, J. Isensee, September, 1990 ; Corrected call to HISTOGRAM, W. Landsman November 1990 ; Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997 ; Fix output derivatives for 2-d inputs, added /INIT W. Landsman May 2000 ; ;- On_error, 2 common rinter, c1, c2, c3, init if (N_params() LT 3) and (NOT keyword_set(INIT)) then begin print, 'Syntax: Z = RINTER( P, X, Y, [ DFDX, DFDY] ) ' print, ' or Z = RINTER( P, /INIT) to initialize common block print,'P - Array to be interpolated' print,'X - Vector or array of X positions' print,'Y - Vector or array of Y Positions' print,'DFDX, DFDY - Optional output derivatives ' return,0 endif c = size(p) if c[0] NE 2 then $ message,'Input array (first parameter) must be 2 dimensional' if keyword_set(initialize) then begin ; Don't use SHIFT function to avoid wraparound at the end points nx = c[1] p_1 = p & p1 = p & p2 = p p_1[1,0] = p[0:nx-2,*] p1[0,0] = p[1:*,*] p2[0,0] = p[2:*,*] c1 = 0.5*(p1 - p_1) c2 = 2.*p1 + p_1 - 0.5*(5.*p + p2) c3 = 0.5*(3.*(p-p1) + p2 - p_1) init = 1 if N_params() LT 3 then return,0 endif sx = size(x) npts = sx[sx[0]+2] c[3] = c[3] > 4 ;Make sure output array at least REAL i = long( x[*] ) j = long( y[*] ) xdist = x[*] - i ydist = y[*] - j x_1 = c[1]*(j-1) + i x0 = x_1 + c[1] x1 = x0 + c[1] x2 = x1 + c[1] if N_elements(init) EQ 0 then init = 0 ;Has COMMON block been initialized? if init EQ 0 then begin xgood = [ x_1,x0,x1,x2 ] num = histogram( xgood, MIN=0) xgood = where( num GE 1 ) p_1 = p[xgood-1] & p0 = p[xgood] & p1 = p[xgood+1] & p2 = p[xgood+2] c1 = p*0. & c2 = c1 & c3 = c1 c1[xgood] = 0.5*( p1 - p_1) c2[xgood] = 2.*p1 + p_1 - 0.5*(5.*p0 + p2) c3[xgood] = 0.5*(3.*(p0 - p1) + p2 - p_1) endif y_1 = xdist*( xdist*( xdist*c3[x_1] +c2[x_1]) + c1[x_1]) + p[x_1] y0 = xdist*( xdist*( xdist*c3[x0] +c2[x0]) + c1[x0]) + p[x0] y1 = xdist*( xdist*( xdist*c3[x1] +c2[x1]) + c1[x1]) + p[x1] y2 = xdist*( xdist*( xdist*c3[x2] +c2[x2]) + c1[x2]) + p[x2] if N_params() GT 3 then begin dy_1 = xdist*(xdist*c3[x_1]*3. + 2.*c2[x_1]) + c1[x_1] dy0 = xdist*(xdist*c3[x0 ]*3. + 2.*c2[x0]) + c1[x0] dy1 = xdist*(xdist*c3[x1 ]*3. + 2.*c2[x1]) + c1[x1] dy2 = xdist*(xdist*c3[x2 ]*3. + 2.*c2[x2]) + c1[x2] d1 = 0.5*(dy1 - dy_1) d2 = 2.*dy1 + dy_1 - 0.5*(5.*dy0 +dy2) d3 = 0.5*( 3.*( dy0-dy1 ) + dy2 - dy_1) dfdx = ydist*( ydist*( ydist*d3 + d2 ) + d1 ) + dy0 endif d1 = 0.5*(y1 - y_1) d2 = 2.*y1 + y_1 - 0.5*(5.*y0 +y2) d3 = 0.5*(3.*(y0-y1) + y2 - y_1) z = ydist*(ydist*(ydist*d3 + d2) + d1) + y0 if N_params() GT 3 then dfdy = ydist*(ydist*d3*3.+2*d2) + d1 if ( sx[0] EQ 2 ) then begin ;Convert results to 2-D if desired z = reform(z,sx[1],sx[2] ) if N_params() GT 3 then begin ;Create output derivative arrays? dfdx = reform(dfdx,sx[1],sx[2]) dfdy = reform(dfdy,sx[1],sx[2]) endif endif return,z end