function psf_gaussian, parameters, NPIXEL=npixel, NDIMENSION=ndim, FWHM=fwhm, $ DOUBLE = double, CENTROID=cntrd, ST_DEV=st_dev, $ XY_CORREL=xy_corr, NORMALIZE=normalize ;+ ; NAME: ; PSF_GAUSSIAN ; ; PURPOSE: ; Create a 1-d, 2-d, or 3-d Gaussian with specified FWHM, center ; EXPLANATION: ; Return a point spread function having Gaussian profiles, ; as either a 1D vector, a 2D image, or 3D volumetric-data. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; psf = psf_Gaussian( NPIXEL=, FWHM= , CENTROID = ; [ /DOUBLE, /NORMALIZE, ST_DEV=, NDIMEN= ] ) ; or: ; psf = psf_Gaussian( parameters, NPIXEL = ,NDIMEN = ) ; ; REQUIRED INPUT KEYWORD: ; NPIXEL = number pixels for each dimension, specify as an array, ; or just one number to make all sizes equal. ; ; OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: ; CENTROID = floating scalar or vector giving position of PSF center. ; default is exact center of requested vector/image/volume. ; The number of elements in CENTROID should equal the number of ; dimensions. **The definition of Centroid was changed in ; March 2002, and now an integer defines the center of a pixel.** ; ; /DOUBLE = If set, then the output array is computed in double precision ; the default is to return a floating point array. ; ; FWHM = the desired Full-Width Half-Max (pixels) in each dimension, ; specify as an array, or single number to make all the same. ; ; NDIMEN = integer dimension of result: either 1 (vector), 2 (image), or ; 3 (volume), default = 2 (an image result). ; ; /NORMALIZE causes resulting PSF to be normalized so Total( psf ) = 1. ; ; ST_DEV = optional way to specify width by standard deviation param. ; Ignored if FWHM is specified. ; ; XY_CORREL = scalar between 0 and 1 specifying correlation coefficient ; Use this keyword, for example, to specify an elliptical ; Gaussian oriented at an angle to the X,Y axis. Only valid ; for 2-dimensional case. ; ; ; INPUTS (optional): ; ; parameters = an NDIMEN by 3 array giving for each dimension: ; [ maxval, center, st_dev ], overrides other keywords. ; ; EXAMPLE: ; (1) Create a 31 x 31 array containing a normalized centered Gaussian ; with an X FWHM = 4.3 and a Y FWHM = 3.6 ; ; IDL> array = PSF_GAUSSIAN( Npixel=31, FWHM=[4.3,3.6], /NORMAL ) ; ; (2) Create a 50 pixel 1-d Gaussian vector with a maximum of 12, ; centered at pixel 23 with a sigma of 19.2 ; ; IDL> psf = psf_gaussian([12,23,19.2],npixel=50) ; EXTERNAL CALLS: ; function Gaussian() ; NOTES: ; To improve speed, floating underflow exceptions are suppressed (using ; the MASK=32 keyword of CHECK_MATH() rather than being flagged. ; ; HISTORY: ; Written, Frank Varosi NASA/GSFC 1991. ; Suppress underflow messages, add DOUBLE keyword. **Modified centroid ; definition so integer position is pixel center** W. Landsman March 2002 ; Allow use of the ST_DEV (not STDEV) keyword W. Landsman Nov. 2002 ; Do not modify NPIXEL input keyword W. Landsman ;- On_error,2 compile_opt idl2 if (N_params() LT 1 ) and $ ~(keyword_set( FWHM) || keyword_set(ST_DEV)) then begin print,'Syntax - psf = PSF_GAUSSIAN( parameters, NPIXEL = )' print, $ 'or psf = PSF_GAUSSIAN( FWHM = ,ST_DEV = ,NPIXEL = ,[CENTROID = ])' return, -1 endif sp = size( parameters ) if sp[0] EQ 1 then begin ;Vector supplied? ndim = 1 factor = parameters[0] cntrd = parameters[1] st_dev = parameters[2] endif else if (sp[0] GE 1) then begin ;Ndimen x 3 array supplied? ndim = sp[1] factor = total( parameters[*,0] )/float( ndim ) cntrd = parameters[*,1] st_dev = parameters[*,2] endif double = keyword_set(double) if double then idltype = 5 else idltype = 4 if N_elements( ndim ) NE 1 then ndim=2 ndim = ndim>1 if N_elements( npixel ) LE 0 then begin message,"must specify size of result with NPIX=",/INFO return,(-1) endif else begin npix = npixel if N_elements( npix ) LT ndim then npix = replicate( npix[0], ndim ) endelse if (N_elements( cntrd ) LT ndim) && (N_elements( cntrd ) GT 0) then $ cntrd = replicate( cntrd[0], ndim ) if N_elements( cntrd ) LE 0 then cntrd=(npix-1)/2. if N_elements( fwhm ) GT 0 then begin st_dev = fwhm/( 2.0d* sqrt( 2.0d* aLog(2.0d) ) ) if ~double then st_dev = float(st_dev) endif if N_elements( st_dev ) LE 0 then begin message,"must specify ST_DEV= or FWHM=",/INFO return,(-1) endif if N_elements( st_dev ) LT ndim then $ st_dev = replicate( st_dev[0], ndim ) CASE ndim OF 1: BEGIN x = findgen( npix[0] ) - cntrd[0] psf = gaussian( x, [1,0,st_dev] ) END 2: BEGIN psf = make_array( DIM=npix[0:ndim-1], TYPE = idltype ) x = make_array( npix[0], /INDEX, TYPE=idltype ) - cntrd[0] y = make_array( npix[1], /INDEX, TYPE=idltype ) - cntrd[1] if N_elements( xy_corr ) EQ 1 then begin sigfac = 1 / (2. * st_dev^2 ) y2 = sigfac[1] * y^2 x1 = sigfac[0] * x yc = y * ( xy_corr/(st_dev[0]*st_dev[1]) ) for j=0,npix[1]-1 do begin zz = x * (yc[j] + x1) + y2[j] w = where( zz LT 86, nw ) if (nw GT 0) then psf[w,j] = exp( -zz[w] ) endfor endif else begin psfx = gaussian( x, [ 1, 0, st_dev[0] ], DOUBLE=double ) psfy = gaussian( y, [ 1, 0, st_dev[1] ], DOUBLE=double ) error = check_math(/print, MASK=32) save_except = !EXCEPT & !EXCEPT = 0 for j=0,npix[1]-1 do psf[0,j] = psfx * psfy[j] error = check_math(MASK=32) ;Clear floating underflow !EXCEPT = save_except endelse END 3: BEGIN psf = make_array( DIM=npix[0:ndim-1], TYPE = idltype ) x = make_array( npix[0], /INDEX, TYPE=idltype ) - cntrd[0] y = make_array( npix[1], /INDEX, TYPE=idltype ) - cntrd[1] z = make_array( npix[2], /INDEX, TYPE=idltype ) - cntrd[2] psfx = gaussian( x, [ 1, 0, st_dev[0] ], DOUBLE = double ) psfy = gaussian( y, [ 1, 0, st_dev[1] ], DOUBLE = double) psfz = gaussian( z, [ 1, 0, st_dev[2] ], DOUBLE = double ) error = check_math(MASK=32,/PRINT) save_except = !EXCEPT & !EXCEPT = 0 for k=0,npix[2]-1 do begin for j=0,npix[1]-1 do psf[0,j,k] = psfx * psfy[j] * psfz[k] endfor error = check_math(MASK=32) !EXCEPT = save_except END ENDCASE if keyword_set( normalize ) then return, psf/total( psf ) if N_elements( factor ) EQ 1 then begin if (factor NE 1) then return,factor*psf else return,psf endif else return, psf end