PRO medarr, inarr, outarr, mask, output_mask ;+ ; NAME: ; MEDARR ; PURPOSE: ; Compute the median at each pixel across a set of 2-d images ; EXPLANATION: ; Each pixel in the output array contains the median of the ; corresponding pixels in the input arrays. Useful, for example to ; combine a stack of CCD images, while removing cosmic ray hits. ; ; This routine has been mostly obsolete since V5.6 with the introduction ; of the DIMENSION keyword to the intrinsic MEDIAN() function. However, ; it is still useful for integer images if bad pixels need to be flagged ; in a mask parameter. (For floating point images, it is much ; faster to set invalid pixels to NaN values.) ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; MEDARR, inarr, outarr, [ mask, output_mask ] ; INPUTS: ; inarr -- A three dimensional array [Nx,Ny, N] containing the input ; images. Each image is size Nx by Ny, and there are N ; images. ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT: ; mask -- Same structure as inarr, byte array with 1b where ; pixels are to be included, 0b where they are to be ; excluded. For floating point images, it is much faster to ; set masked pixels in inarr equal to !VALUES.F_NAN (see below), ; rather than use the mask parameter. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; outarr -- The output array. It will have dimensions equal to the ; first two dimensions of the input array. ; ; OPTIONAL OUPUT: ; output_mask -- Same structure as outarr, byte array with 1b where ; pixels are valid, 0b where all the input pixels ; have been masked out. ; RESTRICTIONS: ; This procedure is *SLOW* when using the Mask parameter because it has ; to loop over each pixel of the image. ; ; EXAMPLE: ; Suppose one wants to combine three floating point 1024 x 1024 bias ; frames which have been read into the IDL variables im1,im2,im3 ; ; IDL> bigim = fltarr(1024,1024,3) ;Create big array to hold images ; IDL> bigim[0,0,0] = im1 & bigim[0,0,1] = im2 & bigim[0,0,2] = im2 ; IDL> medarr, bigim, avgbias ; ; The variable avgbias will be the desired 1024x 1024 float image. ; PROCEDURE: ; If the MASK parameter is not set, then MEDARR is just a wrapper for ; MEDIAN(/EVEN, dimension = 3). If the MASK parameter is set, ; a scalar median function over the third dimension is looped over ; each pixel of the first two dimensions. The /EVEN keyword is used ; with MEDIAN (which averages the two middle values), since this avoids ; biasing the output for an even number of images. ; ; Any values set to NAN (not a number) are ignored when computing the ; median. If all values for a pixel location are NAN, then the median ; is also returned as NAN. ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by Michael R. Greason, STX, 12 June 1990. ; Don't use MEDIAN function for even number of images. ; W. Landsman Sep 1996 ; Mask added. RS Hill, HSTX, 13 Mar. 1997 ; Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997 ; Use /EVEN keyword to MEDIAN W. Landsman September 1997 ; Rearranged code for faster execution W. Landsman January 1998 ; Faster execution for odd number of images W. Landsman July 2000 ; V5.4 fix for change in SIZE() definition of undefined variable ; W. Landsman/E. Young May 2001 ; Use MEDIAN(/DIMEN) for V5.6 or later W. Landsman November 2002 ; Use keyword_set() instead of ARG_present() to test for presence of mask ; parameter D. Hanish/W. Landsman June 2003 ; Assume since V5.6 W. Landsman Feb 2004 ; ;- On_error,2 ; Check parameters. if N_params() LT 2 then begin ; # parameters. print, "Syntax - MEDARR, inputarr, outputarr [, maskarr, output_mask]" return endif s = size(inarr) if s[0] NE 3 then $ ; Input array size. message, "Input array must have 3 dimensions" if (N_elements(mask) EQ 0) then begin outarr = median(inarr,dimension=3,/even) return endif ; Create the output array. ncol = s[1] nrow = s[2] narr = s[3] type = s[s[0] + 1] outarr = make_array( dimen = [ncol,nrow], /NOZERO, TYPE = type ) if arg_present(output_mask) then $ output_mask = make_array (dimen = [ncol,nrow], VALUE = 1b) ; Combine the input arrays into the output array. sm = size(mask) if N_elements(mask) LT 4 then $ message,'Input mask not valid... must have 3 dimensions' if array_equal(sm[0:3], s[0:3] ) then $ mask_given = 1b $ else message,'Mask not valid... must be same shape as input cube.' for j = 0l, (nrow-1) do begin for i = 0l, (ncol-1) do begin good_pixels = 1b wmask = where(mask[i,j,*],cwm) if cwm gt 0 then begin marr = inarr[i,j,wmask] endif else begin good_pixels = 0b output_mask[i,j] = 0b endelse if good_pixels then outarr[i,j] = median(marr,/EVEN) endfor endfor return end