PRO srcor,x1in,y1in,x2in,y2in,dcr,ind1,ind2,option=option,magnitude=magnitude,$ spherical=spherical,silent=silent,count = count ;+ ; NAME: ; SRCOR ; PURPOSE: ; Correlate the source positions found on two lists. ; ; EXPLANATION: ; Source matching is done by finding sources within a specified radius. ; If you have position errors available and wish to match by significance ; level, then try in the TARA library ; ( ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; srcor,x1in,ylin,x2in,y2in,dcr,ind1,ind2, ; [MAGNITUDE=,SPHERICAL=,COUNT=,/SILENT] ; INPUTS: ; x1in,y1in - First set of x and y coordinates. The program ; marches through this list element by element, ; looking in list 2 for the closest match. So, the program ; will run faster if this is the shorter of the two lists. ; Unless you use the option or magnitude keyword, there is ; nothing to guarantee unique matches. ; x2in,y2in - Second set of x and y coordinates. This list is ; searched in its entirety every time one element of list 1 ; is processed. ; dcr - Critical radius outside which correlations are rejected; ; but see 'option' below. ; OPTIONAL KEYWORD INPUT: ; option - Changes behavior of program and description of output ; lists slightly, as follows: ; OPTION=0 or left out ; Same as older versions of SRCOR. The closest match from list2 ; is found for each element of list 1, but if the distance is ; greater than DCR, the match is thrown out. Thus the index ; of that element within list 1 will not appear in the IND1 output ; array. ; OPTION=1 ; Forces the output mapping to be one-to-one. OPTION=0 results, ; in general, in a many-to-one mapping from list 1 to list 2. ; Under OPTION=1, a further processing step is performed to ; keep only the minimum-distance match, whenever an entry from ; list 1 appears more than once in the initial mapping. ; OPTION=2 ; Same as OPTION=1, except the critical distance parameter DCR ; is ignored. I.e., the closest object is retrieved from list 2 ; for each object in list 1 WITHOUT a critical-radius criterion, ; then the clean-up of duplicates is done as under OPTION=1. ; magnitude ; An array of stellar magnitudes corresponding to x1in and y1in. ; If this is supplied, then the brightest star from list 1 ; within the selected distance of the star in list 2 is taken. ; The option keyword is ignored in this case. ; spherical ; If SPHERICAL=1, it is assumed that the input arrays are in ; celestial coordinates (RA and Dec), with x1in and x2in in ; decimal hours and y1in and y2in in decimal degrees. If ; SPHERICAL=2 then it is assumed that the input arrays are in ; longitude and latitude with x1in,x2in,y1in,y2in in decimal ; degrees. In both cases, the critial radius dcr is in ; *arcseconds*. Calculations of spherical distances are made ; with the gcirc program. ; OUTPUTS: ; ind1 - index of matched stars in first list, set to -1 if no matches ; found ; ind2 - index of matched stars in second list ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT KEYWORD: ; Count - integer giving number of matches returned ; PROCEDURES USED: ; GCIRC, REMOVE ; REVISON HISTORY: ; Adapted from UIT procedure J.Wm.Parker, SwRI 29 July 1997 ; Improve speed for spherical searches, added /SILENT keyword ; W. Landsman Mar 2009 ; Avoid error when no matches found with /SPHERICAL O. Trottier June 2009 ; Added output Count keyword W.L June 2009 ; Adjust right ascension for cosine angle W.L. December 2009 ; Return as soon as no matches found W.L. December 2009 ; Use some V6.0 notation W.L. February 2011 ; Fix problem when /Spherical and Option =2 set, and sources separated ; by more han 180 degrees. W.L. March 2011 ; ;- ; ON_Error,2 ; Return if error (incl. non-info message) compile_opt idl2 ;;; ; If not enough parameters, then print out the syntax. ; IF N_params() lt 7 THEN BEGIN print,'SRCOR calling sequence: ' print,'srcor,x1in,y1in,x2in,y2in,dcr,ind1,ind2 [,option={0, 1, or 2}] $' print,' [,magnitude=mag_list_1, COUNT=count, spherical={1 or 2}, /SILENT]' RETURN ENDIF count = 0 ;;; ; Keywords. ; IF ~keyword_set(option) THEN option=0 IF (option lt 0) || (option gt 2) THEN MESSAGE,'Invalid option code.' SphereFlag = keyword_set(Spherical) ;;; ; Store the input variables into internal arrays that we can manipulate and ; modify. ; x1 = x1in y1 = y1in x2 = x2in y2 = y2in ;;; ; If the Spherical keyword is set, then convert the input values (degrees ; and maybe hours) into radians, so GCIRC doesn't have to make this calculation ; each time it is called in the FOR loop. Also convert the critical radius ; (which is in arcsec, so convert by 3600.) to radians ; if SphereFlag then begin dcr2 = dcr XScale = Spherical EQ 1 ? 15.0 : 1.0 d2r = !DPI/180.0d0 x1 = x1 * (XScale * d2r) y1 = y1 * d2r x2 = x2 * (XScale * d2r) y2 = y2 * d2r cosy2 = sin(y2) dcr2 = dcr2 * (d2r / 3600.) radcr2 = dcr2/cos(y2) ;Adjust RA for declination endif else dcr2=dcr^2 ;;; ; Set up some other variables. ; n1 = N_elements(x1) n2 = N_elements(x2) if ~keyword_set(silent) then begin message,/info,'Option code = '+strtrim(option,2) message,/info,strtrim(n1,2)+' sources in list 1' message,/info,strtrim(n2,2)+' sources in list 2' endif ;;; ; The main loop. Step through each index of list 1, look for matches in 2. ; nmch = 0L ind1 = lonarr(n1)-1 & ind2 = ind1 if SphereFlag then begin if option EQ 2 then begin ;Closest source, no critical distance ;For speed we find the maximum value of cos(d) where d is the arc distance ;This avoids having to calculate the arc cosine. Test modified Mar 2011 cosy2 = cos(y2) siny2 = sin(y2) FOR i=0L,n1-1 DO BEGIN d2 = siny2*sin(y1[i]) + cosy2*cos(y1[i])*cos(x1[i]-x2) dmch = max(d2,m) ;Uncommented 29-May-2009 ind1[nmch] = i ind2[nmch] = m nmch++ ENDFOR endif else begin ;Closest source within critical distance ;For speed we first find sources within a square of the size of the critical ;distance. Exact distances are then computed for sources within the square. FOR i=0L,n1-1 DO BEGIN xx = x1[i] & yy = y1[i] g = where(( x2 GE (xx-radcr2)) and (x2 LE (xx+radcr2)) and $ (y2 GE (yy-dcr2)) and (y2 LE (yy + dcr2)), Ng) if Ng GT 0 then begin gcirc,0,x2[g],y2[g],xx,yy,d2 dmch = min(d2,mg) if dmch LE dcr2 then begin ind1[nmch] = i ind2[nmch] = g[mg] nmch++ endif endif ENDFOR endelse endif else begin FOR i=0L,n1-1 DO BEGIN d2=(x1[i]-x2)^2+(y1[i]-y2)^2 dmch=min(d2,m) IF (option eq 2) || (dmch le dcr2) THEN BEGIN ind1[nmch] = i ind2[nmch] = m nmch++ ENDIF ENDFOR endelse if ~keyword_set(silent) then message,/info,strtrim(nmch,2)+' matches found.' count = nmch if nmch GT 0 then begin ind1 = ind1[0:nmch-1] ind2 = ind2[0:nmch-1] endif else begin ind1 = -1 & ind2 = -1 return endelse ;;; ; Modify the matches depending on input options. ; use_mag = (n_elements(magnitude) ge 1) IF (option eq 0) && (~use_mag) THEN RETURN if ~keyword_set(silent) then begin IF use_mag THEN BEGIN message,/info,'Cleaning up output list using magnitudes.' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF option eq 1 then message,/info,'Cleaning up output list (option = 1).' IF option eq 2 then message,/info,'Cleaning up output list (option = 2).' ENDELSE endif FOR i=0L,max(ind2) DO BEGIN csave = n_elements(ind2) ww = where(ind2 eq i,count) ; All but one of the list in WW must ; eventually be removed. IF count gt 1 THEN BEGIN IF use_mag THEN BEGIN dummy = min(magnitude[ind1[ww]],m) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN xx=x2[i] & yy=y2[i] if SphereFlag then gcirc,0,xx,yy,x1[ind1[ww]],y1[ind1[ww]],d2 else $ d2=(xx-x1[ind1[ww]])^2+(yy-y1[ind1[ww]])^2 IF n_elements(d2) ne count THEN MESSAGE,'Logic error 1' dummy = min(d2,m) ENDELSE remove,m,ww ; Delete the minimum element ; from the deletion list itself. remove,ww,ind1,ind2 ; Now delete the deletion list from ; the original index arrays. IF n_elements(ind2) ne (csave-count+1) THEN MESSAGE,'Logic error 2' IF n_elements(ind1) ne (csave-count+1) THEN MESSAGE,'Logic error 3' IF n_elements(ind2) ne n_elements(ind1) THEN MESSAGE,'Logic error 4' ENDIF ENDFOR count = N_elements(ind1) if ~keyword_set(silent) then $ message,/info,strtrim(n_elements(ind1),2)+' final matches found' ; RETURN end