FUNCTION DAO_VALUE, XX, YY, GAUSS, PSF, DVDX, DVDY ;+ ; NAME: ; DAO_VALUE ; PURPOSE: ; Returns the value of a DAOPHOT point-spread function at a set of points. ; EXPLANATION: ; The value of the point-spread function is the sum of a ; two-dimensional integral under a bivariate Gaussian function, and ; a value obtained by interpolation in a look-up table. DAO_VALUE will ; optionally compute the derivatives wrt X and Y ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; Result = DAO_VALUE( xx, yy, gauss, psf, [ dvdx, dvdy ] ) ; ; INPUTS: ; XX,YY - the real coordinates of the desired point relative ; to the centroid of the point-spread function. ; GAUSS - 5 element vector describing the bivariate Gaussian ; GAUSS(0)- the peak height of the best-fitting Gaussian profile. ; GAUSS(1,2) - x and y offsets from the centroid of the point-spread ; function to the center of the best-fitting Gaussian. ; GAUSS(3,4) - the x and y sigmas of the best-fitting Gaussian. ; PSF - a NPSF by NPSF array containing the look-up table. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; RESULT - the computed value of the point-spread function at ; a position XX, YY relative to its centroid (which ; coincides with the center of the central pixel of the ; look-up table). ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: ; DVDX,DVDY - the first derivatives of the composite point-spread ; function with respect to x and y. ; ; NOTES ; although the arguments XX,YY of the function DAO_VALUE ; are relative to the centroid of the PSF, the function RINTER which ; DAO_VALUE calls requires coordinates relative to the corner of the ; array (see code). ; ; PROCEDURES CALLED: ; DAOERF, RINTER() ; REVISON HISTORY: ; Adapted to IDL by B. Pfarr, STX, 11/17/87 from 1986 STSDAS version ; of DAOPHOT ; Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997 ;- s = size(psf) npsf = s[1] half = float(npsf-1)/2 x = 2.*xx + half ;Initialize y = 2.*yy + half ; X and Y are the coordinates relative to the corner of the look-up table, ; which has a half-pixel grid size. if ( (min(x) LT 1.) or ( max(x) GT npsf-2.) or $ (min(y) LT 1.) or ( max(y) GT npsf-2.) ) then begin message,'X,Y positions too close to edge of frame',/INF return,xx*0 endif ; Evaluate the approximating Gaussian. ; Then add a value interpolated from the look-up table to the approximating ; Gaussian. Since the lookup table has a grid size of one-half pixel in each ; coordinate, the spatial derivatives must be multiplied by two to yield ; the derivatives in units of ADU/pixel in the big frame. if N_params() GT 4 then begin ;Compute derivatives? DAOERF, xx, yy, gauss, e, pder value = e + RINTER( psf, x, y, dfdx, dfdy) dvdx = 2.*dfdx - pder[*,1] dvdy = 2.*dfdy - pder[*,2] endif else begin DAOERF, xx, yy, gauss, e value = e + RINTER(psf,x,y) endelse return, value end