pro tbprint,hdr_or_tbstr,tab,columns,rows,textout=textout,fmt=fmt, $ num_header_lines=num_header_lines,nval_per_line=nval_per_line ;+ ; NAME: ; TBPRINT ; PURPOSE: ; Procedure to print specified columns & rows of a FITS binary table ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; TBPRINT, h, tab, columns, [ rows, TEXTOUT =, FMT=, NUM_HEADER= ] ; or ; TBPRINT,tb_str, tab, columns, [ rows, TEXTOUT =, FMT=, NUM_HEADER = ] ; ; INPUTS: ; h - FITS header for table, string array ; or ; tb_str - IDL structure extracted from FITS header by TBINFO, useful ; when TBPRINT is called many times with the same header ; tab - table array ; columns - string giving column names, or vector giving ; column numbers (beginning with 1). If string ; supplied then column names should be separated by comma's. ; If set to '*' then all columns are printed in table format ; (1 row per line, binary tables only). ; rows - (optional) vector of row numbers to print. If ; not supplied or set to scalar, -1, then all rows ; are printed. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; None ; OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: ; FMT = Format string for print display. If not supplied, then any ; formats in the TDISP keyword fields of the table will be ; used, otherwise IDL default formats. ; NUM_HEADER_LINES - Number of lines to display the column headers ; default = 1). By setting NUM_HEADER_LINES to an integer larger ; than 1, one can avoid truncation of the column header labels. ; In addition, setting NUM_HEADER_LINES will display commented ; lines indicating a FORMAT for reading the data, and a ; suggested call to ; NVAL_PER_LINE - The maximum number of values displayed from a multivalued ; column when printing in table format. Default = 6 ; TEXTOUT - scalar number (0-7) or string (file name) determining ; output device (see TEXTOPEN). Default is TEXTOUT=1, output ; to the user's terminal ; SYSTEM VARIABLES: ; Uses nonstandard system variables !TEXTOUT and !TEXTOPEN ; Set !TEXTOUT = 3 to direct output to a disk file. The system ; variable is overriden by the value of the keyword TEXTOUT ; ; EXAMPLES: ; tab = readfits('test.fits',htab,/ext) ;Read first extension into vars ; tbprint,h,tab,'STAR ID,RA,DEC' ;print id,ra,dec for all stars ; tbprint,h,tab,[2,3,4],indgen(100) ;print columns 2-4 for ; first 100 stars ; tbprint,h,tab,text="stars.dat" ;Convert entire FITS table to ; ;an ASCII file named 'stars.dat' ; ; PROCEDURES USED: ; GETTOK(), STRNUMBER(), TEXTOPEN, TEXTCLOSE, TBINFO ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; (1) Program does not check whether output length exceeds output ; device capacity (e.g. 80 or 132). ; (2) Column heading may be truncated to fit in space defined by ; the FORMAT specified for the column. Use NUM_HEADER_LINES ; to avoid truncation. ; (3) Program does not check for null values ; (4) Does not work with variable length columns ; (5) Will only the display the first value of fields with multiple values ; (unless there is one row each with the same number of mulitple values) ; If printing in table format (column='*') then up to 6 values ; can be printed per line. ; ; HISTORY: ; version 1 D. Lindler Feb. 1987 ; Accept undefined values of rows,columns W. Landsman August 1997 ; Use new structure returned by TBINFO W. Landsman August 1997 ; Made formatting more robust W. Landsman March 2000 ; Use STRSPLIT to parse string column listing W. Landsman July 2002 ; Wasn't always printing last row W. Landsman Feb. 2003 ; Better formatting (space between columns) W. Landsman Oct. 2005 ; Use case-insensitive match with TTYPE, use STRJOIN W.L. June 2006 ; Fixed check for multiple values W.L. August 2006 ; Fixed bad index value in August 2006 fix W.L Aug 15 2006 ; Free-up pointers after calling TBINFO W.L. Mar 2007 ; Add table format capability W.L. Mar 2010 ; Add NUM_HEADER_LINE keyword P. Broos Apr 2010 ;- On_error,2 compile_opt idl2 if N_params() LT 2 then begin print,'Syntax - TBPRINT, h, tab, [ columns, rows, device, ' print,' TEXTOUT= ,FMT=, NUM_HEADER_LINES= ' return endif ; set default parameters if N_elements(columns) EQ 0 then columns = -1 if N_elements(rows) EQ 0 then rows= -1 if ~keyword_set(textout) then textout = 1 if N_elements(nval_per_line) EQ 0 then $ nval_per_line = 6 ;Number of values that can be displayed in 'table' format nbytes = [1,2,4,4,8,8,1,0,16] fmt_def = ['','I4','I8','I12','G13.6','G16.8','','A','','','',''] ; make sure rows is a vector sz = size(tab) nrows = sz[2] r = long(rows) if r[0] eq -1 then r = lindgen(nrows) ;default n = N_elements(r) dotable = n EQ 1 ;Print in table format? ; Did user supply a FITS header, or a structure (output of tbinfo)? case size(hdr_or_tbstr,/type) of 7: tbinfo,hdr_or_tbstr,tb_str 8: tb_str = hdr_or_tbstr else: message,'ERROR - Invalid FITS header or structure supplied' endcase tfields = N_elements(tb_str.ttype) ; if columns is a string, change it to string array if size(columns,/tname) eq 'STRING' then begin if columns[0] EQ '*' then begin colnum = indgen(tfields) + 1 numcol = tfields dotable = 1 endif else begin colnames = strsplit(columns,',',/extract) numcol = N_elements(colnames) colnum = intarr(numcol) field = strupcase(colnames) for i = 0,numcol-1 do begin colnum[i] = where(strupcase(tb_str.ttype) EQ field[i],nfound) + 1 if nfound EQ 0 then $ message,'Field '+ field[i] + ' not found in header' endfor endelse endif else begin ;user supplied vector colnum = fix(columns) ;make sure it is integer if colnum[0] eq -1 then colnum = indgen(tfields) + 1 numcol = N_elements(colnum) ;number of elements endelse if ~keyword_set(fmt) then form = tb_str.tdisp[colnum-1] else begin if N_elements(fmt) EQ 1 && (numcol GT 1) then begin temp = strupcase(strtrim(fmt,2)) if strmid(temp,0,1) EQ '(' then $ temp = strmid(temp,1,strlen(temp)-2) form = strarr(numcol) ifmt = 0 while strtrim(temp,2) NE '' do begin tstform = gettok(temp,',') ndup = 1 vtype = strmid(tstform,0,1) if strnumber(vtype,val) then begin ndup = val tstform = strmid(tstform,1,100) endif if strpos(tstform,'X') LT 0 then begin form[ifmt:ifmt+ndup-1]=tstform ifmt += ndup endif endwhile endif else form = fmt endelse default = where(form EQ '',Ndef) if Ndef GT 0 then form[default] = fmt_def[ tb_str.idltype[colnum[default]-1] ] form = strtrim(form,2) row_format = strjoin(form,',1x,') num = where(tb_str.idltype[colnum-1] NE 7, Nnumeric) if Nnumeric GT 0 then minnumval = min(tb_str.numval[colnum[num]-1]) $ else minnumval = 1 if (minnumval GT 1) then begin if rows[0] NE -1 then nrow1 = N_elements(rows)-1 else begin rows = lindgen(minnumval) nrow1 = minnumval-1 endelse endif textopen,'TBPRINT', TEXTOUT = textout field = tb_str.ttype[colnum-1] fieldlen = strlen(field) ;Print in table format? dotable = dotable || (n EQ 1) && (minnumval LE nval_per_line) if dotable then begin maxlen = max(fieldlen) for j = 0, n-1 do begin printf,!TEXTUNIT,'ROW: ',r[j] for i = 0, numcol-1 do begin val = tbget(tb_str,tab,colnum[i],r[j]) nval = N_elements(val) if nval GT 1 then begin ;Print up to 5 values val = strcompress(strjoin(val[0:(nval-1)< (nval_per_line-1)],' ')) if nval GT nval_per_line then val = val + '...' endif printf,!TEXTUNIT, colnum[i],') ', field[i],strtrim(string(val,/pr),2),$ f='(i3,A,A-' + strtrim(maxlen+2,2) + ',A)' endfor printf,!TEXTUNIT, ' ' endfor endif else begin varname = 'v' + strtrim(sindgen(numcol)+1,2) len = lonarr(numcol) varstr = varname + '[0]' xform = '(' + form + ')' for i = 0,numcol-1 do begin result = execute(varname[i] + '= tbget(tb_str,tab,colnum[i],r)' ) result = execute('len[i] = strlen(string(' + varstr[i] + ',f=xform[i]))') endfor if keyword_set(num_header_lines) then begin ;; Build a multi-line header showing the column names left-justified. header = strarr(num_header_lines+1) ; The printed data columns are separated by a space, so the column widths are actually (len+1). column_width = len + 1 for ii=0,numcol-1 do begin header_ind = ii MOD num_header_lines ; Pad the start of the header lines as needed. if ((ii GT 0) && (ii LT num_header_lines)) then header[header_ind] += string(replicate(32B, total(column_width[0:ii-1], /INT))) if ((ii+num_header_lines) LT numcol) then begin ; The space we have to print this label is the width of the next num_header_lines columns, minus one space for the '|' separator.. ; Put the label at the LEFT end of this space. label_length = total(column_width[ii : ii+num_header_lines-1], /INT) - 1 label_format_code = string(label_length, F='(%"|%%-%ds")') endif else begin ; We're at the end of the header line, so print this last label without truncation. label_format_code = '|%s' endelse header[header_ind] += string(field[ii], F='(%"'+label_format_code+'")') endfor ; ii printf,!TEXTUNIT, "# FORMAT='" + row_format + "'" printf,!TEXTUNIT, 3+num_header_lines+1, strjoin(field,','), F='(%"# readfmt, ''table.txt'', SKIPLINE=%d, FORMAT, %s")' printf,!TEXTUNIT, "#" header[num_header_lines] = string(replicate(byte('-'), max(strlen(header)))) strput, header, '#', 0 forprint, TEXTOUT=5, header, /NoComment endif else begin ;; Build a single-line header showing the column names centered on the columns. field = strtrim(tb_str.ttype[colnum-1],2) fieldlen = strlen(field) for i=0,numcol-1 do begin if fieldlen[i] LT len[i] then begin space = len[i] - fieldlen[i] if space EQ 1 then field[i] = field[i]+ ' ' else begin pad = string(replicate(32b,space/2)) field[i] = pad + field[i] + pad if space mod 2 EQ 1 then field[i] = field[i] + ' ' endelse endif else field[i] = strmid(field[i],0,len[i]) endfor printf,!TEXTUNIT,field endelse if size(hdr_or_tbstr,/TYPE) NE 8 then begin ptr_free, tb_str.tscal ptr_free, tb_str.tzero endif ; If there are multiple values then only print the first value.... if minnumval EQ 1 then begin index = replicate('[i]',numcol) g = where( tb_str.numval[colnum-1] GT 1,Ng) if Ng GT 0 then index[g] = '[0,i]' vstring = strjoin(varname + index,',') endif else vstring = strjoin(varname + '[i]',',') row_format = '(' + row_format + ')' if minnumval EQ 1 then $ result = execute('for i=0,n-1 do printf,!TEXTUNIT,' + $ vstring + ',f=row_format') else $ result = execute('for i=rows[0],rows[nrow1] do printf,!TEXTUNIT,' + $ vstring + ',f=fmt') endelse textclose, TEXTOUT = textout return end