FUNCTION FXPAR, HDR, NAME, ABORT, COUNT=MATCHES, COMMENT=COMMENTS, $ START=START, PRECHECK=PRECHECK, POSTCHECK=POSTCHECK, $ NOCONTINUE = NOCONTINUE, DATATYPE=DATATYPE, $ NULL=K_NULL, NAN=NAN, MISSING=MISSING, $ MULTIVALUE=MULTIVALUE ;+ ; NAME: ; FXPAR() ; PURPOSE: ; Obtain the value of a parameter in a FITS header. ; EXPLANATION: ; The first 8 chacters of each element of HDR are searched for a match to ; NAME. If the keyword is one of those allowed to take multiple values ; ("HISTORY", "COMMENT", or " " (blank)), then the value is taken ; as the next 72 characters. Otherwise, it is assumed that the next ; character is "=", and the value (and optional comment) is then parsed ; from the last 71 characters. An error occurs if there is no parameter ; with the given name. ; ; If the value is too long for one line, it may be continued on to the ; the next input card, using the CONTINUE Long String Keyword convention. ; For more info, ; ; ; Complex numbers are recognized as two numbers separated by one or more ; space characters. ; ; If a numeric value has no decimal point (or E or D) it is returned as ; type LONG. If it contains more than 8 numerals, or contains the ; character 'D', then it is returned as type DOUBLE. Otherwise it is ; returned as type FLOAT. If an integer is too large to be stored as ; type LONG, then it is returned as DOUBLE. ; ; If a keyword is in the header and has no value, then the default ; missing value is returned as explained below. This can be ; distinguished from the case where the keyword is not found by the fact ; that COUNT=0 in that case, while existing keywords without a value will ; be returned with COUNT=1 or more. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; Result = FXPAR( HDR, NAME [, ABORT, COUNT=, COMMENT=, /NOCONTINUE ] ) ; ; Result = FXPAR(HEADER,'DATE') ;Finds the value of DATE ; Result = FXPAR(HEADER,'NAXIS*') ;Returns array dimensions as ; ;vector ; REQUIRED INPUTS: ; HDR = FITS header string array (e.g. as returned by FXREAD). Each ; element should have a length of 80 characters ; NAME = String name of the parameter to return. If NAME is of the ; form 'keyword*' then an array is returned containing values ; of keywordN where N is an integer. The value of keywordN ; will be placed in RESULT(N-1). The data type of RESULT will ; be the type of the first valid match of keywordN ; found, unless DATATYPE is given. ; OPTIONAL INPUT: ; ABORT = String specifying that FXPAR should do a RETALL if a ; parameter is not found. ABORT should contain a string to be ; printed if the keyword parameter is not found. If not ; supplied, FXPAR will return with a negative !err if a keyword ; is not found. ; OUTPUT: ; The returned value of the function is the value(s) associated with the ; requested keyword in the header array. ; ; If the parameter is complex, double precision, floating point, long or ; string, then the result is of that type. Apostrophes are stripped from ; strings. If the parameter is logical, 1 is returned for T, and 0 is ; returned for F. ; ; If NAME was of form 'keyword*' then a vector of values are returned. ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: ; DATATYPE = A scalar value, indicating the type of vector ; data. All keywords will be cast to this type. ; Default: based on first keyword. ; Example: DATATYPE=0.0D (cast data to double precision) ; START = A best-guess starting position of the sought-after ; keyword in the header. If specified, then FXPAR ; first searches for scalar keywords in the header in ; the index range bounded by START-PRECHECK and ; START+POSTCHECK. This can speed up keyword searches ; in large headers. If the keyword is not found, then ; FXPAR searches the entire header. ; ; If not specified then the entire header is searched. ; Searches of the form 'keyword*' also search the ; entire header and ignore START. ; ; Upon return START is changed to be the position of ; the newly found keyword. Thus the best way to ; search for a series of keywords is to search for ; them in the order they appear in the header like ; this: ; ; START = 0L ; P1 = FXPAR('P1', START=START) ; P2 = FXPAR('P2', START=START) ; ; PRECHECK = If START is specified, then PRECHECK is the number ; of keywords preceding START to be searched. ; Default: 5 ; POSTCHECK = If START is specified, then POSTCHECK is the number ; of keywords after START to be searched. ; Default: 20 ; /NOCONTINUE = If set, then continuation lines will not be read, even ; if present in the header ; MISSING = By default, this routine returns 0 when keyword values are ; not found. This can be overridden by using the MISSING ; keyword, e.g. MISSING=-1. ; /NAN = If set, then return Not-a-Number (!values.f_nan) for missing ; values. Ignored if keyword MISSING is present. ; /NULL = If set, then return !NULL (undefined) for missing values. ; Ignored if MISSING or /NAN is present, or if earlier than IDL ; version 8.0. If multiple values would be returned, then ; MISSING= or /NAN should be used instead of /NULL, making sure ; that the datatype is consistent with the non-missing values, ; e.g. MISSING='' for strings, MISSING=-1 for integers, or ; MISSING=-1.0 or /NAN for floating point. /NAN should not be ; used if the datatype would otherwise be integer. ; /MULTIVALUE = Allow multiple values to be returned, if found in the ; header. ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT KEYWORD: ; COUNT = Optional keyword to return a value equal to the number of ; parameters found by FXPAR. ; COMMENTS= Array of comments associated with the returned values. ; ; PROCEDURE CALLS: ; GETTOK(), VALID_NUM ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; ; The system variable !err is set to -1 if parameter not found, 0 for a ; scalar value returned. If a vector is returned it is set to the number ; of keyword matches found. This use of !ERR is deprecated. ; ; If a keyword occurs more than once in a header, a warning is given, ; and the first occurence is used. However, if the keyword is "HISTORY", ; "COMMENT", or " " (blank), then multiple values are returned. ; ; NOTES: ; The functions SXPAR() and FXPAR() are nearly identical, although ; FXPAR() has slightly more sophisticated parsing. There is no ; particular reason for having two nearly identical procedures, but ; both are too widely used to drop either one. ; ; REVISION HISTORY: ; Version 1, William Thompson, GSFC, 12 April 1993. ; Adapted from SXPAR ; Version 2, William Thompson, GSFC, 14 October 1994 ; Modified to use VALID_NUM instead of STRNUMBER. Inserted ; additional call to VALID_NUM to trap cases where character ; strings did not contain quotation marks. ; Version 3, William Thompson, GSFC, 22 December 1994 ; Fixed bug with blank keywords, following suggestion by Wayne ; Landsman. ; Version 4, Mons Morrison, LMSAL, 9-Jan-98 ; Made non-trailing ' for string tag just be a warning (not ; a fatal error). It was needed because "sxaddpar" had an ; error which did not write tags properly for long strings ; (over 68 characters) ; Version 5, Wayne Landsman GSFC, 29 May 1998 ; Fixed potential problem with overflow of LONG values ; Version 6, Craig Markwardt, GSFC, 28 Jan 1998, ; Added CONTINUE parsing ; Version 7, Craig Markwardt, GSFC, 18 Nov 1999, ; Added START, PRE/POSTCHECK keywords for better ; performance ; Version 8, Craig Markwardt, GSFC, 08 Oct 2003, ; Added DATATYPE keyword to cast vector keywords type ; Version 9, Paul Hick, 22 Oct 2003, Corrected bug (NHEADER-1) ; Version 10, W. Landsman, GSFC 2 May 2012 ; Keywords of form "name_0" could confuse vector extractions ; Version 11 W. Landsman, GSFC 24 Apr 2014 ; Don't convert LONG64 numbers to to double precision ; Version 12, William Thompson, 13-Aug-2014 ; Add keywords MISSING, /NAN, and /NULL ; Version 13, W. Landsman 25-Jan-2018 ; Return ULONG64 integer if LONG64 would overflow ; Version 14, William Thompson, 03-Jun-2019 ; Add /MULTIVALUE keyword ; Version 15, Mats Löfdahl, 11-Sep-2019 ; Read CONTINUE mechanism multi-line comments. ;- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; Check the number of parameters. ; IF N_PARAMS() LT 2 THEN BEGIN PRINT,'Syntax: result = FXPAR( HDR, NAME [, ABORT ])' RETURN, -1 ENDIF ; ; Determine the default value for missing data. ; CASE 1 OF N_ELEMENTS(MISSING) EQ 1: MISSING_VALUE = MISSING KEYWORD_SET(NAN): MISSING_VALUE = !VALUES.F_NAN KEYWORD_SET(K_NULL) AND !VERSION.RELEASE GE '8.': $ DUMMY = EXECUTE('MISSING_VALUE = !NULL') ELSE: MISSING_VALUE = 0 ENDCASE VALUE = MISSING_VALUE ; ; Determine the abort condition. ; IF N_PARAMS() LE 2 THEN BEGIN ABORT_RETURN = 0 ABORT = 'FITS Header' END ELSE ABORT_RETURN = 1 IF ABORT_RETURN THEN ON_ERROR,1 ELSE ON_ERROR,2 ; ; Check for valid header. Check header for proper attributes. ; S = SIZE(HDR) IF ( S[0] NE 1 ) OR ( S[2] NE 7 ) THEN $ MESSAGE,'FITS Header (first parameter) must be a string array' ; ; Convert the selected keyword NAME to uppercase. ; NAM = STRTRIM( STRUPCASE(NAME) ) ; ; Determine if NAME is of form 'keyword*'. If so, then strip off the '*', and ; set the VECTOR flag. One must consider the possibility that NAM is an empty ; string. ; NAMELENGTH1 = (STRLEN(NAM) - 1) > 1 IF STRPOS( NAM, '*' ) EQ NAMELENGTH1 THEN BEGIN NAM = STRMID( NAM, 0, NAMELENGTH1) VECTOR = 1 ;Flag for vector output NAME_LENGTH = STRLEN(NAM) ;Length of name NUM_LENGTH = 8 - NAME_LENGTH ;Max length of number portion IF NUM_LENGTH LE 0 THEN MESSAGE, $ 'Keyword length must be 8 characters or less' ; ; Otherwise, extend NAME with blanks to eight characters. ; ENDIF ELSE BEGIN WHILE STRLEN(NAM) LT 8 DO NAM = NAM + ' ' VECTOR = 0 ENDELSE ; ; If of the form 'keyword*', then find all instances of 'keyword' followed by ; a number. Store the positions of the located keywords in NFOUND, and the ; value of the number field in NUMBER. ; IF N_ELEMENTS(START) EQ 0 THEN START = -1L START = LONG(START[0]) IF NOT VECTOR AND START GE 0 THEN BEGIN IF N_ELEMENTS(PRECHECK) EQ 0 THEN PRECHECK = 5 IF N_ELEMENTS(POSTCHECK) EQ 0 THEN POSTCHECK = 20 NHEADER = N_ELEMENTS(HDR) MN = (START - PRECHECK) > 0 MX = (START + POSTCHECK) < (NHEADER-1) ;Corrected bug KEYWORD = STRMID(HDR[MN:MX], 0, 8) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN RESTART: START = -1L KEYWORD = STRMID( HDR, 0, 8) ENDELSE IF VECTOR THEN BEGIN NFOUND = WHERE(STRPOS(KEYWORD,NAM) GE 0, MATCHES) IF ( MATCHES GT 0 ) THEN BEGIN NUMST= STRMID(HDR[NFOUND], NAME_LENGTH, NUM_LENGTH) NUMBER = INTARR(MATCHES)-1 FOR I = 0, MATCHES-1 DO $ IF VALID_NUM( NUMST[I], NUM) THEN NUMBER[I] = NUM IGOOD = WHERE(NUMBER GE 0, MATCHES) IF MATCHES GT 0 THEN BEGIN NFOUND = NFOUND[IGOOD] NUMBER = NUMBER[IGOOD] G = WHERE(NUMBER GT 0, MATCHES) IF MATCHES GT 0 THEN NUMBER = NUMBER[G] ENDIF ENDIF ; ; Otherwise, find all the instances of the requested keyword. If more than ; one is found, and NAME is not one of the special cases, then print an error ; message. ; ENDIF ELSE BEGIN NFOUND = WHERE(KEYWORD EQ NAM, MATCHES) IF MATCHES EQ 0 AND START GE 0 THEN GOTO, RESTART IF START GE 0 THEN NFOUND = NFOUND + MN IF (MATCHES GT 1) THEN BEGIN IF KEYWORD_SET(MULTIVALUE) THEN BEGIN VECTOR = 1 NUMBER = INDGEN(MATCHES) + 1 END ELSE IF (NAM NE 'HISTORY ') AND (NAM NE 'COMMENT ') $ AND (NAM NE '') THEN BEGIN MESSAGE, /INFORMATIONAL, 'WARNING- Keyword ' + $ NAM + 'located more than once in ' + ABORT ENDIF ENDIF IF (MATCHES GT 0) THEN START = NFOUND[MATCHES-1] ENDELSE ; ; Extract the parameter field from the specified header lines. If one of the ; special cases, then done. ; IF MATCHES GT 0 THEN BEGIN VALUE = MISSING_VALUE LINE = HDR[NFOUND] SVALUE = STRTRIM( STRMID(LINE,9,71),2) IF (NAM EQ 'HISTORY ') OR (NAM EQ 'COMMENT ') OR $ (NAM EQ ' ') THEN BEGIN VALUE = STRTRIM( STRMID(LINE,8,72),2) COMMENTS = STRARR(N_ELEMENTS(VALUE)) ; ; Otherwise, test to see if the parameter contains a string, signalled by ; beginning with a single quote character (') (apostrophe). ; END ELSE FOR I = 0,MATCHES-1 DO BEGIN IF ( STRMID(SVALUE[I],0,1) EQ "'" ) THEN BEGIN TEST = STRMID( SVALUE[I],1,STRLEN( SVALUE[I] )-1) NEXT_CHAR = 0 OFF = 0 VALUE = '' COMMENT = '' ; ; Find the next apostrophe. ; NEXT_APOST: ENDAP = STRPOS(TEST, "'", NEXT_CHAR) IF ENDAP LT 0 THEN MESSAGE, $ 'WARNING: Value of '+NAME+' invalid in '+ABORT+ " (no trailing ')", /info VALUE = VALUE + STRMID( TEST, NEXT_CHAR, ENDAP-NEXT_CHAR ) ; ; Test to see if the next character is also an apostrophe. If so, then the ; string isn't completed yet. Apostrophes in the text string are signalled as ; two apostrophes in a row. ; IF STRMID( TEST, ENDAP+1, 1) EQ "'" THEN BEGIN VALUE = VALUE + "'" NEXT_CHAR = ENDAP+2 GOTO, NEXT_APOST ENDIF ; ; Extract the comment, if any. ; SLASH = STRPOS(TEST, "/", ENDAP) IF SLASH GE 0 THEN COMMENT += STRMID(TEST, SLASH+1, STRLEN(TEST)-SLASH-1) ; ; CM 19 Sep 1997 ; This is a string that could be continued on the next line. Check this ; possibility with the following four criteria: *1) Ends with '&' ; (2) Next line is CONTINUE (3) LONGSTRN keyword is present (recursive call to ; FXPAR) 4. /NOCONTINUE is not set IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(NOCONTINUE) THEN BEGIN OFF = OFF + 1 VAL = STRTRIM(VALUE,2) IF (STRLEN(VAL) GT 0) AND $ (STRMID(VAL, STRLEN(VAL)-1, 1) EQ '&') AND $ (STRMID(HDR[NFOUND[I]+OFF],0,8) EQ 'CONTINUE') THEN BEGIN IF (SIZE(FXPAR(HDR, 'LONGSTRN',/NOCONTINUE)))[1] EQ 7 THEN BEGIN VALUE = STRMID(VAL, 0, STRLEN(VAL)-1) TEST = HDR[NFOUND[I]+OFF] TEST = STRMID(TEST, 8, STRLEN(TEST)-8) TEST = STRTRIM(TEST, 2) IF STRMID(TEST, 0, 1) NE "'" THEN MESSAGE, $ 'ERROR: Invalidly CONTINUEd string in '+ABORT NEXT_CHAR = 1 GOTO, NEXT_APOST ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ; ; If not a string, then separate the parameter field from the comment field. ; If there is no value field, then use the default "missing" value. ; ENDIF ELSE BEGIN VALUE = MISSING_VALUE TEST = SVALUE[I] IF TEST EQ '' THEN BEGIN COMMENT = '' GOTO, GOT_VALUE ENDIF SLASH = STRPOS(TEST, "/") IF SLASH GE 0 THEN BEGIN COMMENT = STRMID(TEST, SLASH+1, STRLEN(TEST)-SLASH-1) IF SLASH GT 0 THEN TEST = STRMID(TEST, 0, SLASH) ELSE $ GOTO, GOT_VALUE END ELSE COMMENT = '' ; ; Find the first word in TEST. Is it a logical value ('T' or 'F')? ; TEST2 = TEST VALUE = GETTOK(TEST2,' ') TEST2 = STRTRIM(TEST2,2) IF ( VALUE EQ 'T' ) THEN BEGIN VALUE = 1 END ELSE IF ( VALUE EQ 'F' ) THEN BEGIN VALUE = 0 END ELSE BEGIN ; ; Test to see if a complex number. It's a complex number if the value and the ; next word, if any, both are valid numbers. ; IF STRLEN(TEST2) EQ 0 THEN GOTO, NOT_COMPLEX VALUE2 = GETTOK(TEST2,' ') IF VALID_NUM(VALUE,VAL1) AND VALID_NUM(VALUE2,VAL2) $ THEN BEGIN VALUE = COMPLEX(VAL1,VAL2) GOTO, GOT_VALUE ENDIF ; ; Not a complex number. Decide if it is a floating point, double precision, ; or integer number. If an error occurs, then a string value is returned. ; If the integer is not within the range of a valid long value, then it will ; be converted to a double. ; NOT_COMPLEX: ON_IOERROR, GOT_VALUE VALUE = TEST IF NOT VALID_NUM(VALUE) THEN GOTO, GOT_VALUE IF (STRPOS(VALUE,'.') GE 0) OR (STRPOS(VALUE,'E') $ GE 0) OR (STRPOS(VALUE,'D') GE 0) THEN BEGIN IF ( STRPOS(VALUE,'D') GT 0 ) OR $ ( STRLEN(VALUE) GE 8 ) THEN BEGIN VALUE = DOUBLE(VALUE) END ELSE VALUE = FLOAT(VALUE) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN LMAX = 2.0D^31 - 1.0D LMIN = -2.0D^31 ;Typo fixed Feb 2010 IF STRMID(VALUE,0,1) NE '-' THEN BEGIN VALUE = ULONG64(VALUE) IF VALUE LT ULONG64(2)^63-1 THEN VALUE = LONG64(VALUE) ENDIF ELSE VALUE = LONG64(VALUE) if (VALUE GE LMIN) and (VALUE LE LMAX) THEN $ VALUE = LONG(VALUE) ENDELSE ; GOT_VALUE: ON_IOERROR, NULL ENDELSE ENDELSE ; if string ; ; Add to vector if required. ; IF VECTOR THEN BEGIN MAXNUM = MAX(NUMBER) IF ( I EQ 0 ) THEN BEGIN IF N_ELEMENTS(DATATYPE) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN ;; Data type determined from keyword SZ_VALUE = SIZE(VALUE) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ;; Data type requested by user SZ_VALUE = SIZE(DATATYPE[0]) ENDELSE RESULT = MAKE_ARRAY( MAXNUM, TYPE=SZ_VALUE[1]) COMMENTS = STRARR(MAXNUM) ENDIF RESULT[ NUMBER[I]-1 ] = VALUE COMMENTS[ NUMBER[I]-1 ] = COMMENT ENDIF ELSE BEGIN COMMENTS = COMMENT ENDELSE ENDFOR ; ; Set the value of !ERR for the number of matches for vectors, or simply 0 ; otherwise. ; IF VECTOR THEN BEGIN !ERR = MATCHES RETURN, RESULT ENDIF ELSE !ERR = 0 ; ; Error point for keyword not found. ; ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF ABORT_RETURN THEN MESSAGE,'Keyword '+NAM+' not found in '+ABORT !ERR = -1 ENDELSE ; RETURN, VALUE END