FUNCTION FXBFINDLUN, UNIT ;+ ; NAME: ; FXBFINDLUN() ; Purpose : ; Find logical unit number UNIT in FXBINTABLE common block. ; Explanation : ; Finds the proper index to use for getting information about the logical ; unit number UNIT in the arrays stored in the FXBINTABLE common block. ; Called from FXBCREATE and FXBOPEN. ; Use : ; Result = FXBFINDLUN( UNIT ) ; Inputs : ; UNIT = Logical unit number. ; Opt. Inputs : ; None. ; Outputs : ; The result of the function is an index into the FXBINTABLE common ; block. ; Opt. Outputs: ; None. ; Keywords : ; None. ; Calls : ; None. ; Common : ; Uses common block FXBINTABLE--see "" for more ; information. ; Restrictions: ; None. ; Side effects: ; If UNIT is not found in the common block, then it is added to the ; common block. ; Category : ; Data Handling, I/O, FITS, Generic. ; Prev. Hist. : ; William Thompson, Feb. 1992. ; Written : ; William Thompson, GSFC, February 1992. ; Modified : ; Version 1, William Thompson, GSFC, 12 April 1993. ; Incorporated into CDS library. ; Version 2, William Thompson, GSFC, 21 July 1993. ; Added DHEAP variable to fix bug with variable length arrays. ; Version 3, Michael Schubnell, University of Michigan, 22 May 1996 ; Change N_DIMS from short to long integer. ; Version : ; Version 3, 22 May 1996 ; Make NAXIS1, NAXIS2, HEAP, DHEAP, BYTOFF 64-bit integers to deal with large files, ; E. Hivon Mar 2008 ; Also make NHEADER a 64 bit integer W. Landsman May 2016 ; ;- ; @fxbintable ON_ERROR, 2 ; ; Check the number of parameters. ; IF N_PARAMS() NE 1 THEN MESSAGE, $ 'Syntax: ILUN = FXBFINDLUN( UNIT )' ; ; If the common block hasn't been initialized yet, then initialize it. ; IF N_ELEMENTS(LUN) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN LUN = UNIT STATE = 0 HEAD = '' MHEADER = 0L NHEADER = 0LL NAXIS1 = 0LL NAXIS2 = 0LL TFIELDS = 0L HEAP = 0LL DHEAP = 0LL BYTOFF = 0LL TTYPE = '' FORMAT = '' IDLTYPE = 0 N_ELEM = 0L TSCAL = 1. TZERO = 0. MAXVAL = 0L N_DIMS = LONARR(9,2) ILUN = 0 ; ; Otherwise, find the logical unit number in the common block. If not found, ; then add it. ; END ELSE BEGIN ILUN = WHERE(LUN EQ UNIT,NLUN) ILUN = ILUN[0] IF NLUN EQ 0 THEN BEGIN LUN = [LUN,UNIT] STATE = [STATE, 0] BOOST_ARRAY,HEAD,'' MHEADER = [MHEADER,0] NHEADER = [NHEADER,0] NAXIS1 = [NAXIS1, 0] NAXIS2 = [NAXIS2, 0] TFIELDS = [TFIELDS,0] HEAP = [HEAP, 0] DHEAP = [DHEAP, 0] BOOST_ARRAY,BYTOFF,0 BOOST_ARRAY,TTYPE,'' BOOST_ARRAY,FORMAT,'' BOOST_ARRAY,IDLTYPE,0 BOOST_ARRAY,N_ELEM,0 BOOST_ARRAY,TSCAL,1. BOOST_ARRAY,TZERO,0. BOOST_ARRAY,MAXVAL,0 BOOST_ARRAY,N_DIMS,LONARR(9,2) ILUN = N_ELEMENTS(LUN)-1 ENDIF ENDELSE ; ; Return the index into the common block arrays. ; RETURN,ILUN END