pro sxaddhist,history,header,blank = blank,comment= comment, location=key, $ pdu=pdu ;+ ; NAME: ; SXADDHIST ; PURPOSE: ; Procedure to add HISTORY (or COMMENT) line(s) to a FITS header ; ; EXPLANATION: ; The advantage of using SXADDHIST instead of SXADDPAR is that with ; SXADDHIST many HISTORY or COMMENT records can be added in a single call. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE ; sxaddhist, history, header, [ /PDU, /COMMENT ] ; ; INPUTS: ; history - string or string array containing history or comment line(s) ; to add to the FITS header ; INPUT/OUTPUT ; header - FITS header (string array). Upon output, it will contain the ; specified HISTORY records added to the end ; ; OPTIONAL KEYWORD INPUTS: ; /BLANK - If specified then blank (' ') keywords will be written ; rather than 'HISTORY ' keywords. ; /COMMENT - If specified, then 'COMMENT ' keyword will be written rather ; than 'HISTORY ' keywords. ; Note that according to the FITS definition, any number of ; 'COMMENT' and 'HISTORY' or blank keywords may appear in a header, ; whereas all other keywords may appear only once. ; LOCATION=key - If present, the history will be added before this ; keyword. Otherwise put it at the end. ; /PDU - if specified, the history will be added to the primary ; data unit header, (before the line beginning BEGIN EXTENSION...) ; Otherwise, it will be added to the end of the header. ; This has meaning only for extension headers using the STScI ; inheritance convention. ; OUTPUTS: ; header - updated FITS header ; ; EXAMPLES: ; sxaddhist, 'I DID THIS', header ;Add one history record ; ; hist = strarr(3) ; hist[0] = 'history line number 1' ; hist[1[ = 'the next history line' ; hist[2] = 'the last history line' ; sxaddhist, hist, header ;Add three history records ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; Header array is truncated to the final END statement ; LOCATION overrides PDU. ; HISTORY: ; D. Lindler Feb. 87 ; April 90 Converted to new idl D. Lindler ; Put only a single space after HISTORY W. Landsman November 1992 ; Aug. 95 Added PDU keyword parameters ; LOCATION added. M. Greason, 28 September 2004. ; Missing minus sign (1 -> -1) in testing for WHERE output when ; looking for location to insert a comment M. Haffner Oct 2012 ;- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- On_error,2 if N_params() LT 2 then begin print, ' Syntax - SXADDHIST, hist, header, ' print, ' /PDU, /BLANK, /COMMENT, LOCATION= ] ' return endif ; Check input parameters if (n_elements(key) LE 0) then keynam = '' $ else keynam = strupcase(strtrim(key, 2)) s = size(history) & ndim = s[0] & type = s[ndim+1] if type NE 7 then message, $ 'Invalid history lines specified; must be a string or string array' if keyword_set(COMMENT) then keyword = 'COMMENT ' else $ if keyword_set(BLANK) then keyword = ' ' else $ keyword = 'HISTORY ' nadd = N_elements(history) ;Number of lines to add s = size(header) & ndim2 = s[0] & type = s[ndim2+1] if (ndim2 NE 1) || (type NE 7) then message, $ 'Invalid FITS header supplied; header must be a string array' nlines = N_elements(header) ;Number of lines in header ; Find END statement of FITS header endline = where( strtrim(strmid(header,0,8),2) EQ 'END' ) n = endline[0] if n LT 0 then message, $ 'Invalid FITS header array, END keyword not found' blank = string( replicate(32b,80) ) n1 = n ;position to insert ; ; if LOCATION was specified and found, make room before it. ; locfnd = 0 if (strlen(keynam) gt 0) then begin extline = where( strupcase(strtrim(strmid(header,0,8),2)) EQ keynam ) n_ext = extline[0] if (n_ext gt -1) then begin n1 = n_ext locfnd = 1 endif endif ; ; if /PDU find beginning of the extension header and make room for the ; history ; if (keyword_set(PDU) && (locfnd EQ 0)) then begin extline = where( strupcase(strtrim(strmid(header,0,8),2)) EQ 'BEGIN EX' ) n_ext = extline[0] if n_ext gt 1 then n1 = n_ext end ; ; make room in the header ; if n1 eq 0 then header = [replicate(blank,nadd),header[n1:n]] else $ header = [header[0:n1-1],replicate(blank,nadd),header[n1:n]] ; Add history records to header starting at position N1 for i = 0, nadd-1 do begin newline = blank strput, newline, keyword + history[i] header[n1+i] = newline endfor return end